982 resultados para Devotional literature, Polish Meditations - Catholic authors Jesus Christ Paschal Triduum
Treffers-Daller and Korybski propose to operationalize language dominance on the basis of measures of lexical diversity, as computed, in this particular study, on transcripts of stories told by Polish-English bilinguals in each of their languages They compute four different Indices of Language Dominance (ILD) on the basis of two different measures of lexical diversity, the Index of Guiraud (Guiraud, 1954) and HD-D (McCarthy & Jarvis, 2007). They compare simple indices, which are based on subtracting scores from one language from scores for another language, to more complex indices based on the formula Birdsong borrowed from the field of handedness, namely the ratio of (Difference in Scores) / (Sum of Scores). Positive scores on each of these Indices of Language Dominance mean that informants are more English-dominant and negative scores that they are more Polish-dominant. The authors address the difficulty of comparing scores across languages by carefully lemmatizing the data. Following Flege, Mackay and Piske (2002) they also look into the validity of these indices by investigating to what extent they can predict scores on other, independently measured variables. They use correlations and regression analysis for this, which has the advantage that the dominance indices are used as continuous variables and arbitrary cut-off points between balanced and dominant bilinguals need not be chosen. However, they also show how the computation of z-scores can help facilitate a discussion about the appropriateness of different cut-off points across different data sets and measurement scales in those cases where researchers consider it necessary to make categorial distinctions between balanced and dominant bilinguals. Treffers-Daller and Korybski correlate the ILD scores with four other variables, namely Length of Residence in the UK, attitudes towards English and life in the UK, frequency of usage of English at home and frequency of code-switching. They found that the indices correlated significantly with most of these variables, but there were clear differences between the Guiraud-based indices and the HDD-based indices. In a regression analysis three of the measures were also found to be a significant predictor of English language usage at home. They conclude that the correlations and the regression analyses lend strong support to the validity of their approach to language dominance.
Background Successful implementation of new methods and models of healthcare to achieve better patient outcomes and safe, person-centered care is dependent on the physical environment of the healthcare architecture in which the healthcare is provided. Thus, decisions concerning healthcare architecture are critical because it affects people and work processes for many years and requires a long-term financial commitment from society. In this paper, we describe and suggest several strategies (critical factors) to promote shared-decision making when planning and designing new healthcare environments. Discussion This paper discusses challenges and hindrances observed in the literature and from the authors extensive experiences in the field of planning and designing healthcare environments. An overview is presented of the challenges and new approaches for a process that involves the mutual exchange of knowledge among various stakeholders. Additionally, design approaches that balance the influence of specific and local requirements with general knowledge and evidence that should be encouraged are discussed. Summary We suggest a shared-decision making and collaborative planning and design process between representatives from healthcare, construction sector and architecture based on evidence and end-users’ perspectives. If carefully and systematically applied, this approach will support and develop a framework for creating high quality healthcare environments.
My research aims to understand how and why fundamentalists justify violence against people who do not fit their profile of "righteous" or "saved" persons, such as abortion doctors and clinic workers, gays and lesbians, and Jews. The first section of this paper travels through the history of fundamentalism since its origins in the British and American apocalipticism, or belief in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. However, my history of Protestant Fundamentalism in the United States will focus on the ways in which Fundamentalism developed in response to many changes in American social structure. I interpret Fundamentalism as an anti-modern movement seeking to reassert "traditional" Christian values.
Empresas de negócios, que são constantemente pressionados por inovação, têm na criação de conhecimento organizacional a base para a estratégia de sobrevivência. Muito desse conhecimento acumulado é tácito, encarnado em indivíduos e incorporado pela organização, e que é de difícil articulação. A necessária justificativa de um novo conhecimento torna a sua criação um processo muito frágil. Indivíduos podem sentir-se ameaçados em compartilhar insights, intuição, novas ideias, know-how, habilidades específicas, diante de devastadores mecanismos de controle social como ridículo, difamação e opróbrio, ou pela possibilidade de mau uso de um conhecimento útil e valioso. Por outro lado, com a criança logo ao nascer, e derivado do narcisismo primário, emerge a confiança básica que acompanha o indivíduo ao longo de sua existência, e que, portanto, pode levá-lo a compartilhar seus achados. Esta pesquisa, um ensaio teórico, explorou a relação entre a confiança e compartilhamento de conhecimento tácito nas organizações. Com abordagem multidisciplinar, aderente ao pensamento complexo, incorporou referenciais teóricos advindos de trabalhos de neo-schumpeterianos (Teoria Evolucionária), da sociologia e da psicologia. O percurso metodológico contemplou a busca de artigos em base de dados, leitura de resumos de artigos, busca de autores consagrados na literatura, consulta de autores referenciados nos artigos, leitura e análise de trabalhos selecionados. Mediante análise de conteúdo, que busca identificar o que está sendo dito a respeito do tema, foram criadas as seguintes categorias de análise: inovação, poder, teoria de criação de conhecimento organizacional e confiança humana. Cada uma dessas categorias compôs um capítulo desta dissertação. Embora a escassez de pesquisas empíricas relacionadas ao tema, a análise de conteúdo dos artigos examinados permitiram concluir que a confiança interpessoal mantém relação de poder simétrico entre indivíduos e assim é capaz de acessar o conhecimento tácito enraizado na mente de indivíduos. Dessa forma, com a pesquisa aqui apresentada, espera-se ter contribuído para a literatura e práticas organizacionais relacionadas à gestão de conhecimento. Por fim, foram relatadas limitações no trabalho e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.
A escola tem sido crescentemente focalizada, não só no Brasil, mas em outros países, constituindo importante fonte para a compreensão das realidades vividas e sofridas pela grande maioria das populações mais privilegiadas econômica, social e culturalmente. A bibliografia produzida pelos autores de tais estudos denuncia, de maneira contundente, a baixa qualidade educacional em vários países, expressa por problemas como indisciplina na sala de aula, precárias condições para o trabalho educativo, despreparo dos professores para realizar adequadamente seu trabalho, baixo status profissional e baixa remuneração, agravados no Brasil pelos alarmantes índices de evasão e repetência. Com o olhar nos professores, como comprometimento político e preocupação de pesquisa, desde o ano de 1984, nossos estudos permitem dizer que esse quadro de problemas não constitui um insucesso generalizado, mas representa, sobretudo, desafios a enfrentar.
The study presents an approach on planning, sociospatial transformations and public touristic policies implemented between 2000 and 2010 in Caicó, encompassing people from the government, private sector and the population of the municipality and informal traders who use the leisure facilities and services arranged in place. As the main goal, the research intends to analyze the performance of public and private sectors correlated to the touristic activity in Caicó city and their reflections in the process changes sociospatial. The dissertation is structured in order to carry out an investigation into the role of public policies to the development of a location with touristic potential, in this case, the municipality of Caicó; to investigate public policies implemented in the touristic industry of Rio Grande do Norte, particularly the actions of PRODETUR-Nordeste focused on the development of the tourism in the countryside, affecting particularly the region of Seridó region and the municipality of Caicó, and, finally, to check the main changes sociospatial verified in Caicó between 2000 and 2010. Cultural issues and certain natural beauties can be seen as attractions that can attract tourist demand, taking into consideration the awakening increasingly more evident quest by the tourist for knowledge of the peculiarities of the region. Several authors have worked in this view, pointing to the cultural aspects of the region as elements that are able to boost the touristic activity. The questions raised in this study was based on a literature, based mainly on authors like Beni, Dias, Cruz, Azevedo and Morais. To obtain the necessary data in the analysis, the methodological procedures used in intensive direct observation, using interviews, applied together with the public representatives who are acting as leaders of the political actions related to tourism in the municipality and members of the private sector related to tourism services such as lodging establishments, food and travel agency and, finally, the local people and informal traders benefited directly or indirectly, with the touristic resources and structure. These research agents were investigated by means of structured forms such as support for analysis. Was detected in the survey that the leisure facilities and services installed in the last decade in the city of Caico has a priority the population of the municipality, is necessary to emphasize that the residents interviewed perceive the importance of these tools for tourist activity. It was also found that the public sector is the main responsible for the observed changes. Therefore, proved to be relevant to study the role public private sector partnerships and population influences, considering that this analysis may contribute to the work of researchers, public administrators and businessmen, may serve as a norteador for planning and development of tourism in the city of Caico
A unusually large tumor of the left breast diagnosed as a cystosarcoma phyllodes with multiple malignant sarcomatous changes of the stroma, consisting of liposarcoma, myxoid fibrosarcoma, anaplastic, and giant cell sarcoma is described. The weight of 6200 g (13.5 lb) seems to be the largest so far presented in the literature reviewed by the authors. © 1986.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram analisadas nessa pesquisa as propostas de compreensão textual em manuais utilizados em cursos básicos de Português como Língua Estrangeira (PLE) em Belém-Pa. Foi investigado também como as propostas são desenvolvidas pelas professoras em sala de aula. Os objetos de estudo foram materiais instrucionais da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) e da School for International Training (SIT). Para os alunos de ambas as instituições, a habilidade de compreensão escrita na Língua Estrangeira (LE) é imprescindível. Todos necessitam ler em português para participar ativamente da sociedade em que agora vivem. Entretanto, cada público também se vale da leitura para atividades específicas. Assim, esses alunos precisam ler diferentes textos em LE por diversas razões e em várias situações. Daí a importância de usar em sala de aula manuais que favoreçam o desenvolvimento da compreensão escrita dos alunos propondo textos, atividades e estratégias adequados ao público-alvo. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de investigar as propostas de compreensão escrita nos manuais de PLE assim como sua operacionalização nos cursos em questão e contribuir assim para o aperfeiçoamento das práticas de sala de aula, levando em conta ainda opiniões de professores e alunos sobre o trabalho com essa habilidade. O estudo em questão foi realizado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo. A pesquisa bibliográfica baseou-se em autores como Alliende e Condemarín (2005), Koch e Elias (2007), Farrell (2003), Henk et al (2000), Marcuschi (2008), e Nuttall (2005), entre outros. A pesquisa de campo se deu no curso de PLE das instituições mencionadas e teve como população-amostra alunos e professoras que ministraram aula para o nível básico de cada uma das instituições no primeiro semestre de 2011. Foram utilizados dados de três fontes nesta investigação: análise dos manuais e do questionário aplicado aos alunos e professoras, além da observação de aulas usando o material. Ao final da pesquisa, constatamos que as propostas de ambos os manuais ainda estão longe de proporcionar oportunidades adequadas de desenvolvimento da habilidade de ler em uma LE e também que trabalhar com um manual produzido artesanalmente pode não ser a melhor opção, embora ainda seja muito forte a ideia de que não há LD que atenda as necessidades de determinado grupo de alunos.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The author, based on the work Change of Revolution, analyzes what Jacques Ellul understand as structural and existential in a Marxist revolution. Analyzing the main experiences of this type, the French thinker finds its by technification of the society. However, it also notes the validity of Marx’s objectives of overcoming the proletariat and the alienation. Thus, a revolutionary and libertarian socialism would be possible under certain conditions. On an existential level, Ellul questions in each one of us the permanence of efficiency values, of power and the pursuit of money as the main purpose of life, offering an authentic and radical transformation before the seizure of power. Thus, the author develops the Ellulian concept of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ as a lever and fulcrum of Revolution.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Epidermal or epidermoid cysts usually are benign, solitary-growing masses located in the mid- or lower dermis. They are believed to derive from pilosebaceous units and are lined with an epidermis-like epithelium including a granular cell layer.(1) The occurrence of multiple epidermal cysts on the scalp of nonsyndromic patients is extremely rare. Although the presence of squamous cell carcinoma in the wall of an isolated epidermoid cysts is well documented in the dermatological literature,(2,3) the authors are not aware of any article in the English literature describing orbital invasion by a carcinoma developed in isolated or multiple epidermoid cysts.
During the 1870s and 1880s, several British women writers traveled by transcontinental railroad across the American West via Salt Lake City, Utah, the capital of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons. These women subsequently wrote books about their travels for a home audience with a taste for adventures in the American West, and particularly for accounts of Mormon plural marriage, which was sanctioned by the Church before 1890. "The plight of the Mormon woman," a prominent social reform and literary theme of the period, situated Mormon women at the center of popular representations of Utah during the second half of the nineteenth century. "The Mormon question" thus lends itself to an analysis of how a stereotyped subaltern group was represented by elite British travelers. These residents of western American territories, however, differed in important respects from the typical subaltern subjects discussed by Victorian travelers. These white, upwardly mobile, and articulate Mormon plural wives attempted to influence observers' representations of them through a variety of narrative strategies. Both British women travel writers and Mormon women wrote from the margins of power and credibility, and as interpreters of the Mormon scene were concerned to established their representational authority.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can be a severe and potentially life-threatening disease that often represents a therapeutic challenge because of its heterogeneous organ manifestations. Only glucocorticoids, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and very recently belimumab have been approved for SLE therapy in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Dependence on glucocorticoids and resistance to the approved therapeutic agents, as well as substantial toxicity, are frequent. Therefore, treatment considerations will include 'off-label' use of medication approved for other indications. In this consensus approach, an effort has been undertaken to delineate the limits of the current evidence on therapeutic options for SLE organ disease, and to agree on common practice. This has been based on the best available evidence obtained by a rigorous literature review and the authors' own experience with available drugs derived under very similar health care conditions. Preparation of this consensus document included an initial meeting to agree upon the core agenda, a systematic literature review with subsequent formulation of a consensus and determination of the evidence level followed by collecting the level of agreement from the panel members. In addition to overarching principles, the panel have focused on the treatment of major SLE organ manifestations (lupus nephritis, arthritis, lung disease, neuropsychiatric and haematological manifestations, antiphospholipid syndrome and serositis). This consensus report is intended to support clinicians involved in the care of patients with difficult courses of SLE not responding to standard therapies by providing up-to-date information on the best available evidence.