984 resultados para Culpeper County (Va.)--Charters


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Para los países del Caribe, el comercio internacional de bienes y su transporte son más relevantes que para muchos otros en la región (véase Boletín FAL No. 136http://www.eclac.cl/transporte/noticias/bolfall/3/4993/fal136~1.htm) y la subregión está fuertemente afectada por los cambios estructurales en el transporte marítimo (véase Boletín FAL No. 142http://www.eclac.cl/transporte/noticias/bolfall/0/5000/fal142.htm).Para analizar estos temas, la Unidad de Transporte y la subsede de la CEPAL (Trinidad y Tobago), organizaron conjuntamente una Reunión de Expertos, que tuvo lugar en Puerto España, Trinidad y Tobago, entre el 14 y el 15 de septiembre de 2000. Participaron 26 representantes de diferentes instituciones y organizaciones académicas, intergubernamentales, financieras, y empresariales.La presente edición del Boletín FAL informa sobre algunos de los resultados de esa reunión. El informe completo de la reunión se publicó bajo la sigla ECLAC LC/CAR/G.621; para solicitarlo en formato electrónico o impreso, sírvase contactar a Lance Busby,LBusby@ECLACPOS.org. Para mayor información sobre el transporte marítimo en el Caribe, sírvase contactar a Jan Hoffmann, JHoffmann@ECLAC.cl.


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A microbacia hidrográfica de Val-de-Cães, com 10,10Km2, situada na porção norte do Município de Belém, apresenta como característica a densa ocupação urbana, representada por ocupações clandestinas, conjuntos residenciais e por áreas institucionais. O presente estudo analisa os impactos provenientes pelas principais formas de ocupação e uso da microbacia de Val-de-Cães, utilizando como indicador a qualidade das águas superficiais do corpo hídrico. As análises das águas foram realizadas em dois períodos, um chuvoso (fevereiro) e outro seco (agosto), sendo determinados os seguintes parâmetros: turbidez, condutividade, cor, pH, Oxigênio Dissolvido, temperatura, componentes nitrogenados, Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio, metais, óleos e graxas e coliformes totais e fecais. A água do igarapé revelou valores elevados na jusante do igarapé, possivelmente pela influência direta da baia do Guajará, para o pH, óleos e graxas, coliformes e Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio. Na nascente os parâmetros de coliformes totais e Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio apresentam valores que são considerados elevados em relação aos demais pontos de coleta, mas é o local que apresenta considerável número de palafitas nas proximidades e pouca vegetação. A presença de efluentes domésticos e esgotos são retratados principalmente pela quantidade de coliformes, óleos e graxas, turbidez e teor de fósforo nas amostras coletadas em ambos os períodos e pelo grande número de pontos de descargas que aumentam a cada dia.


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Myosins are molecular motors associated with the actin cytoskeleton that participate in the mechanisms of cellular motility. During the development of the nervous system, migration of nerve cells to specific sites, extension of growth cones, and axonal transport are dramatic manifestations of cellular motility. We demonstrate, via immunoblots, the expression of myosin Va during early stages of embryonic development in chicks, extending from the blastocyst period to the beginning of the fetal period. The expression of myosin Va in specific regions and cellular structures of the nervous system during these early stages was determined by immunocytochemistry using a polyclonal antibody. Whole mounts of chick embryos at 24-30-h stages showed intense immunoreactivity of the neural tube in formation along its full extent. Cross-sections at these stages of development showed strong labeling in neuroepithelial cells at the basal and apical regions of the neural tube wall. Embryos at more advanced periods of development (48h and 72 h) showed distinctive immunolabeling of neuroepithelial cells, neuroblasts and their cytoplasmic extensions in the mantle layer of the stratified neural tube wall, and neuroblasts and their cytoplasmic extensions in the internal wall of the optic cup, as well as a striking labeling of cells in the apparent nuclei of cranial nerves and budding fibers. These immunolocalization studies indicate temporal and site-specific expression of myosin Va during chick embryo development, suggesting that myosin Va expression is related to recruitment for specific cellular tasks.


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This study aims to analyze the thermal comfort in urban areas for different land uses. The ENVImet microclimatic model has been used for urban boundary layer simulation, providing the following thermal comfort indexes: PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) and PPD (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfaction). The chosen area covers the central area in the city of Ourinhos, located in southeastern Brazilian city, with subtropical climate. Four simulations were accomplished: an area with real buildings and vegetation on site, a “grassy” area where buildings have been replaced by grass in the central area, another grassy area, known as “grass/tree”, with additional trees in, and a final area called “Park” also grassy, where trees were added all over the area. The structures which showed thermal comfort within the ISO 7730 standards were the grassy area with no trees at 9 a.m., and a paved area, as well as the park area at 3 p.m. Other situations have presented values of PMV and PPD off the limits required by the rules; they were very close to those values. The only point that presented a far cry from the comfort required was the spot in the asphalt at 9 a.m. The other situations showed PMV and PPD values not far from the limits of comfort. Only the point on the asphalt showed values far from the limit of comfort at 9 a.m.


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The Six Mile Presbyterian Church, Lancaster County, SC Records consist of photocopies of a Six Mile Creek Presbyterian Church ledger, containing minutes of church meetings, registers of pastors, elders and deacons, minutes of the church session, registers of communicants, baptisms and deaths. Six Mile Presbyterian Church was started organized sometime around 1804. Included is a note stating the original ledger was rebound in 1971.


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The York County Municipal Association Records consist of by-laws, correspondence, minutes, agenda notes and financial records of the organization whose principle objective is to develop the Association as an agency for the cooperation of the municipalities of York County.


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One photograph depicts, the “Klan Oak” located 2 miles south of Fort Mill, Route #36. Tradition says the Ku Klux Klan in the Eastern part of York County in late 1800s gathered here. The other photograph is the school established on Saluda Street by Willie Chisholm for purpose of training black females as maids.


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The Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church of Chester County Records include an historical statement (1839) on its origin and development by one of its pastors Rev. John B. Davies, and copies of entries for various sessions containing information on how the church handled misconduct of its members.