987 resultados para Cu ions removal


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Methylene blue (MB) and light are used for virus inactivation of plasma for transfusion. However, the presence of MB has been the subject of concern, and efforts have been made to efficiently remove the dye after photo-treatment. For this study, plasma was collected by apheresis from 10 donors (group A), then treated using the MacoPharma THERAFLEX procedure (MB; 1 microM, and light exposure; 180 J/cm(2)) (group B), and finally filtered in order to remove the dye (group C). Proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis, and peptides showing modifications were characterized by mass spectrometry. Clottable and antigenic fibrinogen levels, as well as fibrin polymerization time were measured. Analyses of the gels focused on a region corresponding to pI between 4.5 and 6.5, and M(r) from 7000 to 58 000. In this area, 387 +/- 47 spots matched, and four of these spots presented significant modifications. They corresponded to changes of the gamma-chain of fibrinogen, of transthyretin, and of apolipoprotein A-I, respectively. A decrease of clottable fibrinogen and a prolongation of fibrin polymerization time were observed in groups B and C. Removal of MB by filtration was not responsible for additional protein alterations. The effect of over-treatment of plasma by very high concentrations of MB (50 microM) in association with prolonged light exposure (3 h) was also analyzed, and showed complex alterations of most of the plasma proteins, including fibrinogen gamma-chain, transthyretin, and apolipoprotein A-I. Our data indicates that MB treatment at high concentration and prolonged illumination severely injure plasma proteins. By contrast, at the MB concentration used to inactivate viruses, damages are apparently very restricted.


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Metallic foreign bodies are rarely found in the maxillary sinus, and usually they have a dental origin.Potential complications related to foreign bodies include recurrent sinusitis, rhinolith formation, cutaneous fistula,chemical poisoning, facial neuralgic pain and even malignancies.Two main surgical approaches are currently used for the removal of foreign bodies in the maxillary sinus: the bone flap and the endoscopic sinus techniques. We are reporting two unusual cases of large high-velocity foreign bodies removed by a modified maxillary lateral antrotomy,with free bone flap repositioning and fixation with a titanium miniplate.


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Nanotiltration is a membrane separation method known for its special characteristic of rejecting multivalent ions and passing monovalent ions. Thus, it is commonly applied with dilute aqueous solutions in partial salt removal, like in drinking water production. The possibilities of nanofiltration have been studied and the technique applied in a wide branch of industries, e.g. the pulp and paper, the textile and the chemical processing industry. However, most present applications and most of the potential applications studied involve dilute solutions, the permeating stream being generally water containing monovalent salts. In this study nanotiltration is investigated more as a fractionation method. A well-known application in the dairy industry is concentration and partial salt removal from whey. Concentration and partial demineralization is beneficial for futher processing of whey as whey concentrates are used e.g. in baby foods. In the experiments of this study nanotiltration effectively reduced the monovalent salts in the whey concentrate. The main concern in this application is lactose leakage into the permeate. With the nanofiltration membranes used the lactose retentions were practically ? 99%. Another dairy application studied was the purification and reuse of cleaning solutions. This is an environmentally driven application. An 80% COD reduction by nanofiltration was observed for alkaline cleaning-in-place solution. Nanofiltration is not as commonly applied in the sugar and sweeteners industry as in the dairy industry. In this study one potential application was investigated, namely xylose purification from hemicellulose hydrolyzate. Xylose is raw material for xylitol production. Xylose separation from glucose was initially studied with xylose-glucose model solutions. The ability of nanofiltration to partially separate xylose into the permeate from rather concentrated xylose-glucose solutions (10 w-% and 30 w-%) became evident. The difference in size between xylose and glucose molecules according to any size measure is small, e.g. the Stokes diameter of glucose is 0.73 nm compared to 0.65 nm for xylose. In further experiments, xylose was purified into nanoliltration permeate from a hemicellulose hydrolyzate solution. The xylose content in the total solids was increased by 1.4—1.7 fold depending on temperature, pressure and feed composition.


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In this work the adsorption mechanisms of atomic and molecular oxygen on Cu(100) surface are studied using ab initio simulation methods. Through the atomistic scale under-standing of the elementary oxidation processes we can further understand the large-scale oxidation. Copper is a material widely used in industry which makes it an interesting subject, and also understanding the oxidation of copper helps us understand the oxidation mechanism of other metals. First we have a look on some theory on surface alloys in general and behaviour of Ag on Cu(100) surface. After that the physical background there is behind the methods of density functional calculations are discussed, and some methods, namely potential energy surfaces and molecular dynamics, are introduced. Then there is a brief look on the numerical details used in the calculations, and after that, the results of the simulations are exhibited.


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In this work annealing and growth of CuInS2 thin films is investigated with quasireal-time in situ Raman spectroscopy. During the annealing a shift of the Raman A1 mode towards lower wave numbers with increasing temperature is observed. A linear temperature dependence of the phonon branch of ¿2 cm¿1/100 K is evaluated. The investigation of the growth process (sulfurization of metallic precursors) with high surface sensitivity reveals the occurrence of phases which are not detected with bulk sensitive methods. This allows a detailed insight in the formation of the CuInS2 phases. Independent from stoichiometry and doping of the starting precursors the CuAu ordering of CuInS2 initially forms as the dominating ordering. The transformation of the CuAu ordering into the chalcopyrite one is, in contrast, strongly dependent on the precursor composition and requires high temperatures.


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Tässä työssä on tutkittu kuparin (510)-askelpinnan reaktiivisuutta käyttäen apuna kvanttimekaanisia ab initio laskentamenetelmiä. Tutkimus on toteutettu laskemalla happiatomin adsorptioenergia ja tilatiheys erilaisissa potentiaalisissa adsorptiopaikoissa pinnalla. Myös happimolekyylin adsorptiota ja hajoamista ontarkasteltu laskemalla pintaa lähestyvälle molekyylille potentiaalienergiapintoja. Energiapintojen tuloksia on myös täydennetty kvanttimekaanisilla molekyylidynamiikkalaskuilla. Metallisia askelpintoja pidetään yleisesti sileitä pintoja reaktiivisempina happea kohtaan, johtuen askeleen reunan pienentävästä vaikutuksesta molekyylin hajoamisen tiellä olevaan energiavaliin. On kuitenkin olemassa myös tuloksia, jotka osoittavat hapen tarttumisprosessin olevan hallitseva juuri terassialueella, askeleen reunan sijasta. Tässä työssä on todettu hapen adsorboituvan Cu(510)-pinnalla tehokkaimmin juuri terassilla olevaan hollow-paikkaan. Myös adsorptioenergiat ovat tällä pinnalla pienempiä kuin sileällä (100)-pinnalla. Potentiaalienergiapintojen perusteella Cu(510)-pinnan todetaan myös olevan vähemmän reaktiivinen kuin askelpintojen yleisesti odotetaan olevan, vaikka askeleen reunan todetaankin pienentävän happiatominhajoamisen esteenä olevaa energiavallia.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on the growth and yield of arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza), as well as on the plant's nutrient uptake, distribution, and removal. The experiment was carried out in a typical Oxisol, with sandy texture. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of five N rates: 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1. The plots were composed of three 8-m-length rows, spaced at 0.60 m between rows and 0.40 m between plants. The plants were harvested after an 8-month cycle. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased the proportion of N and S accumulated in stems, and of Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn in leaves. N supply increased Zn distribution to stems and leaves, whereas high N rates increased Cu allocation to stems more than to the rootstock. High N rates increase plant dry matter (DM) production and nutrient uptake and removal, but do not result in the greatest yield due to the greater development of leaves and stems, and to the lower allocation of DM in storage roots.


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Kuparipinnan hapettuminen on viimevuosina ollut suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteissä kuparin laajan teollisuuskäytön vuoksi. Teollisuussovellusten, kuten suojaavien pintaoksidien kehittäminen vaatii kuitenkin syvällistä tuntemusta hapettumisprosessista ja toisaalta myös normaaliolosuhteissa materiaalissa esiintyvien hilavirheiden vaikutuksesta siihen. Tässä työssä keskitytäänkin tutkimaan juuri niitä mekanismeja, joilla erilaiset pintavirheet ja porrastettu pintarakenne vaikuttavathapen adsorptioprosessiin kuparipinnalla. Tutkimus on tehty käyttämällä laskennallisia menetelmiä sekä VASP- ja SIESTA-ohjelmistoja. Työssätutkittiin kemiallisia ja rakenteellisia virheitä Cu(100)-pinnalla, joka on reaktiivisin matalanMillerin indeksin pinta ja porrastetun pinnan tutkimuksessa käytettiin Cu(211)-pintaa, joka puolestaan on yksinkertainen, stabiili ja aiemmissa tutkimuksissa usein käytetty pintarakenne. Työssä tutkitut hilavirheet, adatomit, vähentävät molekyylin dissosiaatiota kuparipinnalla, kun taas vakanssit toimivat dissosiaation keskuksina. Kemiallisena epäpuhtautena käytetty hopeakerros ei estä kuparin hapettumista, sillä happi aiheuttaa mielenkiintoisen segregaatioilmiön, jossa hopeatyöntyy syvemmälle pinnassa jättäen kuparipinnan suojaamattomaksi. Porrastetulla pinnalla (100)-hollow on todennäköisin paikka molekyylin dissosiaatiolle, kun taas portaan bridge-paikka on suotuisin molekulaariselle adsorptiolle. Lisäksi kuparin steppipinnan todettiin olevan reaktiivisempi kuin tasaiset kuparipinnat.


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Monissasovelluksissa on hyvin tärkeää vähentää valolähteen vaikutusta kohteen oikean värin havainnoimiseksi. Tämä on tarpeen mm. virtuaalisissa museoissa, telelääketieteessä, verkkokaupassa ja verkkorahassa. Tässä tutkielmassa on kehitetty tekniikkaa kirkkaiden heijastusten poistoon spektrikuvista. Työ sisältää katsauksen yleisen värillisen kuvan ymmärtämiseen, mihin perustuen analysoitiin erilaisia kirkkaiden heijastusten poistO'tekniikoita. Työssä kehitettiin uusi kirkkaiden heijastusten poistO'menetelmä, joka perustuu dikromaattiseen heijastus-malliin, joka kuvaa spektrisen datan objektin omaan väriin ja valaisevan valon väriin perustuen. Ehdotettu kirkkaiden heijastusten poistO'menetelmä hyödyntää erilaisia olemassaolevia menetelmiä, kuten pääkomponenttimenetelmää ja tiedon luokittelu-menetelmää. Yritys kehittää nopeasti toimiva algoritmi, joka myös suoriutuu tehtävästä hyvin, on onnistunut. Kokeet toteutettiin ehdotetun menetelmän mukaisesti ja toimivalla algoritmilla saatiin halutut lopputulokset. Edelleentyö sisältää ehdotuksia esitetyn algoritmin parantamiseksi.


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli parantaa Stora Enso Sachsenin siistausprosessissa tuotetun uusiomassan vaaleuden kehitystä ja tutkia siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn kirjallisessa osassa käsiteltiin uusiomassan kuidutusta ja vaahdotussiistausprosessia, sekä keräyspaperin ominaisuuksia ja käyttöä paperiteollisuuden raaka-aineena. Kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin modifioidun natriumsilikaatin annostuksenoptimointiin ja vaikutuksiin laboratorio- ja prosessioloissa, sekä kesäefektin vaikutuksen tutkimiseen kuidutuksessa ja flotaation eri vaiheissa. Natriumsilikaatin laboratoriotutkimuksessa havaittiin, että korkein vaaleus suhteellisesti pienimmällä laboratorioflotaation häviöllä saavutettiin korkeimmalla tutkitulla natriumsilikaatin annostuksella, joka oli 1,1 %. Korkea natriumsilikaattiannostus yhdistettyinä korkeisiin vetyperoksidiannostukseen, 0,5 %, sekä korkeaan kokonaisalkaliteettiin, 0.33 %, johti korkeimpaan massan vaaleuteen ja pienimpiin häviöihin. Laboratoriotutkimuksen pohjalta modifioidulla natriumsilikaatilla suoritettiin koeajoja prosessissa. Noin 1 % natriumsilikaatin annostuksella havaittiin parempi pH:n bufferointikyky, pienempi kalsiumkarbonaatin määrä flotaation primäärivaiheissa, sekä lievästi parempi massan vaaleus verrattuna prosessissa aiemmin käytettyyn standardinatriumsilikaattiin. Kesäefektitutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kesäefektillä on suurin vaikutus esiflotaation primäärivaiheeseen, sillä primäärivaiheessa kuitujen osuus on huomattavasti suurempi kuin sekundäärivaiheissa. Esiflotaation primäärivaiheen uusiomassojen laboratorioflotaatioiden avulla saavutettujen maksimivaaleuksien ero kesän ja talven välillä oli noin 1,5 %ISO. Kesäefektin ei havaittu suuresti vaikuttavan flotaation sekundäärivaiheisiin.


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In this thesis, cleaning of ceramic filter media was studied. Mechanisms of fouling and dissolution of iron compounds, as well as methods for cleaning ceramic membranes fouled by iron deposits were studied in the literature part. Cleaning agents and different methods were closer examined in the experimental part of the thesis. Pyrite is found in the geologic strata. It is oxidized to form ferrous ions Fe(II) and ferric ions Fe(III). Fe(III) is further oxidized in the hydrolysis to form ferric hydroxide. Hematite and goethite, for instance, are naturally occurring iron oxidesand hydroxides. In contact with filter media, they can cause severe fouling, which common cleaning techniques competent enough to remove. Mechanisms for the dissolution of iron oxides include the ligand-promoted pathway and the proton-promoted pathway. The dissolution can also be reductive or non-reductive. The most efficient mechanism is the ligand-promoted reductive mechanism that comprises two stages: the induction period and the autocatalytic dissolution.Reducing agents(such as hydroquinone and hydroxylamine hydrochloride), chelating agents (such as EDTA) and organic acids are used for the removal of iron compounds. Oxalic acid is the most effective known cleaning agent for iron deposits. Since formulations are often more effective than organic acids, reducing agents or chelating agents alone, the citrate¿bicarbonate¿dithionite system among others is well studied in the literature. The cleaning is also enhanced with ultrasound and backpulsing.In the experimental part, oxalic acid and nitric acid were studied alone andin combinations. Also citric acid and ascorbic acid among other chemicals were tested. Soaking experiments, experiments with ultrasound and experiments for alternative methods to apply the cleaning solution on the filter samples were carried out. Permeability and ISO Brightness measurements were performed to examine the influence of the cleaning methods on the samples. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) analysis of the solutions was carried out to determine the dissolved metals.


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Diplomityössä tutkittiin silikarunkoisen, pyridyyliryhmän sisältävän erotusmateriaalin kykyä erottaa selektiivisesti kuparia, nikkeliä, kobolttia ja kadmiumia sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista. Erotuskykyä verrattiin kolonnikokein toiseen kaupalliseen polystyreenidivinyylibentseenirunkoiseen (PS-DVB) erotusmate-riaaliin, jonka funktionaalinen ryhmä on samantyyppinen. Silikarunkoisen erotusmateriaalin happo-emäsominaisuuksia selvitettiin titrauksin. Metallien sitoutumisen kinetiikkaa ja eluointia verrattiin PS-DVB-runkoisen erotus-materiaalin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin tuloksiin. Lisäksi määritettiin kummankin erotusmateriaalin partikkelikokojakaumat. Silikarunkoisen materiaalin havaittiin turpoavan noin 4 % muutettaessa se vapaastaemäsmuodosta happomuotoon. Turpoaminen oli huomattavasti vähäisempää kuin PS-DVB-runkoisella materiaalilla. Silikarunkoisen erotus-materiaalin titrauksen tuloksena voitiin todeta, että se oli heikosti emäksinen. Titrauskäyrä muistutti PS-DVB-runkoisen erotusmateriaalin titrauskäyrää, vaikka erotusmateriaalien protonoitumisalueet olivat hieman erilaiset. Tämä johtuu siitä, että silikarunkoisen materiaalin funktionaaliset ryhmät poikkeavat rakenteeltaan hieman PS-DVB-runkoisesta materiaalista. Tasapainokokeet osoittivat, että silikarunkoinen erotusmateriaali adsorboi tutkituista metalleista eniten kuparia ja nikkeliä ja vähiten sinkkiä. Kaikkien tutkittujen metallien eluointi silikarunkoisesta erotusmateriaalista onnistui rikkihapolla toisin kuin PS-DVB-runkoisesta erotusmateriaalista, jonka regenerointiin tarvitaan rikkihappoa tai ammoniumhydroksidia riippuen siitä, mitä metalleja siihen on ladattu.


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The nuclear matrix, a proteinaceous network believed to be a scaffolding structure determining higher-order organization of chromatin, is usually prepared from intact nuclei by a series of extraction steps. In most cell types investigated the nuclear matrix does not spontaneously resist these treatments but must be stabilized before the application of extracting agents. Incubation of isolated nuclei at 37C or 42C in buffers containing Mg++ has been widely employed as stabilizing agent. We have previously demonstrated that heat treatment induces changes in the distribution of three nuclear scaffold proteins in nuclei prepared in the absence of Mg++ ions. We studied whether different concentrations of Mg++ (2.0-5 mM) affect the spatial distribution of nuclear matrix proteins in nuclei isolated from K562 erythroleukemia cells and stabilized by heat at either 37C or 42C. Five proteins were studied, two of which were RNA metabolism-related proteins (a 105-kD component of splicing complexes and an RNP component), one a 126-kD constituent of a class of nuclear bodies, and two were components of the inner matrix network. The localization of proteins was determined by immunofluorescent staining and confocal scanning laser microscope. Mg++ induced significant changes of antigen distribution even at the lowest concentration employed, and these modifications were enhanced in parallel with increase in the concentration of the divalent cation. The different sensitivity to heat stabilization and Mg++ of these nuclear proteins might reflect a different degree of association with the nuclear scaffold and can be closely related to their functional or structural role.


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Environmentally harmful consequences of fossil fuel utilisation andthe landfilling of wastes have increased the interest among the energy producers to consider the use of alternative fuels like wood fuels and Refuse-Derived Fuels, RDFs. The fluidised bed technology that allows the flexible use of a variety of different fuels is commonly used at small- and medium-sized power plants ofmunicipalities and industry in Finland. Since there is only one mass-burn plantcurrently in operation in the country and no intention to build new ones, the co-firing of pre-processed wastes in fluidised bed boilers has become the most generally applied waste-to-energy concept in Finland. The recently validated EU Directive on Incineration of Wastes aims to mitigate environmentally harmful pollutants of waste incineration and co-incineration of wastes with conventional fuels. Apart from gaseous flue gas pollutants and dust, the emissions of toxic tracemetals are limited. The implementation of the Directive's restrictions in the Finnish legislation is assumed to limit the co-firing of waste fuels, due to the insufficient reduction of the regulated air pollutants in the existing flue gas cleaning devices. Trace metals emission formation and reduction in the ESP, the condensing wet scrubber, the fabric filter, and the humidification reactor were studied, experimentally, in full- and pilot-scale combustors utilising the bubbling fluidised bed technology, and, theoretically, by means of reactor model calculations. The core of the model is a thermodynamic equilibrium analysis. The experiments were carried out with wood chips, sawdust, and peat, and their refuse-derived fuel, RDF, blends. In all, ten different fuels or fuel blends were tested. Relatively high concentrations of trace metals in RDFs compared to the concentrations of these metals in wood fuels increased the trace metal concentrations in the flue gas after the boiler ten- to hundred-folds, when RDF was co-fired with sawdust in a full-scale BFB boiler. In the case of peat, lesser increase in trace metal concentrations was observed, due to the higher initial trace metal concentrations of peat compared to sawdust. Despite the high removal rate of most of the trace metals in the ESP, the Directive emission limits for trace metals were exceeded in each of the RDF co-firing tests. The dominat trace metals in fluegas after the ESP were Cu, Pb and Mn. In the condensing wet scrubber, the flue gas trace metal emissions were reduced below the Directive emission limits, whenRDF pellet was used as a co-firing fuel together with sawdust and peat. High chlorine content of the RDFs enhanced the mercuric chloride formation and hence the mercury removal in the ESP and scrubber. Mercury emissions were lower than theDirective emission limit for total Hg, 0.05 mg/Nm3, in all full-scale co-firingtests already in the flue gas after the ESP. The pilot-scale experiments with aBFB combustor equipped with a fabric filter revealed that the fabric filter alone is able to reduce the trace metal concentrations, including mercury, in the flue gas during the RDF co-firing approximately to the same level as they are during the wood chip firing. Lower trace metal emissions than the Directive limits were easily reached even with a 40% thermal share of RDF co-firing with sawdust.Enrichment of trace metals in the submicron fly ash particle fraction because of RDF co-firing was not observed in the test runs where sawdust was used as the main fuel. The combustion of RDF pellets with peat caused an enrichment of As, Cd, Co, Pb, Sb, and V in the submicron particle mode. Accumulation and release oftrace metals in the bed material was examined by means of a bed material analysis, mass balance calculations and a reactor model. Lead, zinc and copper were found to have a tendency to be accumulated in the bed material but also to have a tendency to be released from the bed material into the combustion gases, if the combustion conditions were changed. The concentration of the trace metal in the combustion gases of the bubbling fluidised bed boiler was found to be a summary of trace metal fluxes from three main sources. They were (1) the trace metal flux from the burning fuel particle (2) the trace metal flux from the ash in the bed, and (3) the trace metal flux from the active alkali metal layer on the sand (and ash) particles in the bed. The amount of chlorine in the system, the combustion temperature, the fuel ash composition and the saturation state of the bed material in regard to trace metals were discovered to be key factors affecting therelease process. During the co-firing of waste fuels with variable amounts of e.g. ash and chlorine, it is extremely important to consider the possible ongoingaccumulation and/or release of the trace metals in the bed, when determining the flue gas trace metal emissions. If the state of the combustion process in regard to trace metals accumulation and/or release in the bed material is not known,it may happen that emissions from the bed material rather than the combustion of the fuel in question are measured and reported.