933 resultados para Cone-beam CT, dose to organs, IGRT, cancer patients


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Nur wenige Vorsorgeuntersuchungen sind so umfassend in randomisiert-kon- trollierten Studien (RCTs) untersucht worden wie das Screening auf Brustkrebs mit Hilfe der Mammografie. Es liegen derzeit acht große randomisiert-kontrol- lierte Studien und mehrere Meta-Analysen vor. Letztere kommen mehrheitlich zum Schluss, dass sich die Brustkrebssterblichkeit durch Mammografie-Screening um etwa 20 % senken lässt. Dies bedeutet im Schweizer Kontext, dass etwa 1 von 1'000 Frauen weniger an Brustkrebs stirbt, wenn Frauen ab dem 50. Lebensjahr zehn Jahre lang gescreent werden. Andererseits führt das Screening auch zu Überdiagnosen und Übertherapien. So nimmt die Zahl der Brustkrebsdiagnosen um etwa 20 % zu, was zu einer entsprechenden Zunahme an chirurgischen Ein- griffen, Strahlen- und Chemotherapien führt. Über zehn Jahre gerechnet, erhal- ten etwa 4 von 1'000 Frauen eine Brustkrebsdiagnose, die sie ohne Screening nicht erhalten hätten. Etwa 200 von 1'000 Frauen sind im Verlaufe von zehn Jahren (fünf Screening-Runden) mit abklärungsbedürftigen Befunden konfron- tiert, wobei es sich dabei mehrheitlich um falsch positive Befunde handelt. Gleichzeitig werden auch mit einem Screening-Programm 20 bis 30 % der Brust- krebse nicht im Screening erfasst. Die Information der Bevölkerung bezüglich des Mammografie-Screenings ist derzeit noch mangelhaft. Dies führt dazu, dass der mögliche Nutzen von den betroffenen Frauen überschätzt und der Schaden unterschätzt wird. Die Aufklärung der Bevölkerung im Hinblick auf Nutzen und Risiken des Mammografie-Screenings muss daher verbessert werden, denn Frau- en haben einen Anspruch auf evidenzbasierte Informationen und eine „infor- mierte Entscheidung“.


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BACKGROUND Pathology studies have shown delayed arterial healing in culprit lesions of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) compared with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) after placement of drug-eluting stents (DES). It is unknown whether similar differences exist in-vivo during long-term follow-up. Using optical coherence tomography (OCT), we assessed differences in arterial healing between patients with ACS and stable CAD five years after DES implantation. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 88 patients comprised of 53 ACS lesions with 7864 struts and 35 stable lesions with 5298 struts were suitable for final OCT analysis five years after DES implantation. The analytical approach was based on a hierarchical Bayesian random-effects model. OCT endpoints were strut coverage, malapposition, protrusion, evaginations and cluster formation. Uncovered (1.7% vs. 0.7%, adjusted p=0.041) or protruding struts (0.50% vs. 0.13%, adjusted p=0.038) were more frequent among ACS compared with stable CAD lesions. A similar trend was observed for malapposed struts (1.33% vs. 0.45%, adj. p=0.072). Clusters of uncovered or malapposed/protruding struts were present in 34.0% of ACS and 14.1% of stable patients (adj. p=0.041). Coronary evaginations were more frequent in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction compared with stable CAD patients (0.16 vs. 0.13 per cross section, p=0.027). CONCLUSION Uncovered, malapposed, and protruding stent struts as well as clusters of delayed healing may be more frequent in culprit lesions of ACS compared with stable CAD patients late after DES implantation. Our observational findings suggest a differential healing response attributable to lesion characteristics of patients with ACS compared with stable CAD in-vivo.


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AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate whether coronary artery disease (CAD) severity exerts a gradient of risk in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 445 patients with severe AS undergoing TAVI were included into a prospective registry between 2007 and 2012. The preoperative SYNTAX score (SS) was determined from baseline coronary angiograms. In case of revascularization prior to TAVI, residual SS (rSS) was also determined. Clinical outcomes were compared between patients without CAD (n = 158), patients with low SS (0-22, n = 207), and patients with high SS (SS >22, n = 80). The pre-specified primary endpoint was the composite of cardiovascular death, stroke, or myocardial infarction (MI). At 1 year, CAD severity was associated with higher rates of the primary endpoint (no CAD: 12.5%, low SS: 16.1%, high SS: 29.6%; P = 0.016). This was driven by differences in cardiovascular mortality (no CAD: 8.6%, low SS: 13.6%, high SS: 20.4%; P = 0.029), whereas the risk of stroke (no CAD: 5.1%, low SS: 3.3%, high SS: 6.7%; P = 0.79) and MI (no CAD: 1.5%, low SS: 1.1%, high SS: 4.0%; P = 0.54) was similar across the three groups. Patients with high SS received less complete revascularization as indicated by a higher rSS (21.2 ± 12.0 vs. 4.0 ± 4.4, P < 0.001) compared with patients with low SS. High rSS tertile (>14) was associated with higher rates of the primary endpoint at 1 year (no CAD: 12.5%, low rSS: 16.5%, high rSS: 26.3%, P = 0.043). CONCLUSIONS Severity of CAD appears to be associated with impaired clinical outcomes at 1 year after TAVI. Patients with SS >22 receive less complete revascularization and have a higher risk of cardiovascular death, stroke, or MI than patients without CAD or low SS.


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OBJECTIVE: The aetiology of Crohn's disease (CD) has been related to nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain containing 2 (NOD2) and ATG16L1 gene variants. The observation of bacterial DNA translocation in patients with CD led us to hypothesise that this process may be facilitated in patients with NOD2/ATG16L1-variant genotypes, affecting the efficacy of anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) therapies. DESIGN: 179 patients with Crohn's disease were included. CD-related NOD2 and ATG16L1 variants were genotyped. Phagocytic and bactericidal activities were evaluated in blood neutrophils. Bacterial DNA, TNFα, IFNγ, IL-12p40, free serum infliximab/adalimumab levels and antidrug antibodies were measured. RESULTS: Bacterial DNA was found in 44% of patients with active disease versus 23% of patients with remitting disease (p=0.01). A NOD2-variant or ATG16L1-variant genotype was associated with bacterial DNA presence (OR 4.8; 95% CI 1.1 to 13.2; p=0.001; and OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.4 to 4.7; p=0.01, respectively). This OR was 12.6 (95% CI 4.2 to 37.8; p=0.001) for patients with a double-variant genotype. Bacterial DNA was associated with disease activity (OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.3 to 5.4; p=0.005). Single and double-gene variants were not associated with disease activity (p=0.19). Patients with a NOD2-variant genotype showed decreased phagocytic and bactericidal activities in blood neutrophils, increased TNFα levels in response to bacterial DNA and decreased trough levels of free anti-TNFα. The proportion of patients on an intensified biological therapy was significantly higher in the NOD2-variant groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our results characterise a subgroup of patients with CD who may require a more aggressive therapy to reduce the extent of inflammation and the risk of relapse


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BACKGROUND Ultrathin strut biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents (BP-SES) proved noninferior to durable polymer everolimus-eluting stents (DP-EES) for a composite clinical end point in a population with minimal exclusion criteria. We performed a prespecified subgroup analysis of the Ultrathin Strut Biodegradable Polymer Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Versus Durable Polymer Everolimus-Eluting Stent for Percutaneous Coronary Revascularisation (BIOSCIENCE) trial to compare the performance of BP-SES and DP-EES in patients with diabetes mellitus. METHODS AND RESULTS BIOSCIENCE trial was an investigator-initiated, single-blind, multicentre, randomized, noninferiority trial comparing BP-SES versus DP-EES. The primary end point, target lesion failure, was a composite of cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction, and clinically indicated target lesion revascularization within 12 months. Among a total of 2119 patients enrolled between February 2012 and May 2013, 486 (22.9%) had diabetes mellitus. Overall diabetic patients experienced a significantly higher risk of target lesion failure compared with patients without diabetes mellitus (10.1% versus 5.7%; hazard ratio [HR], 1.80; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.27-2.56; P=0.001). At 1 year, there were no differences between BP-SES versus DP-EES in terms of the primary end point in both diabetic (10.9% versus 9.3%; HR, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.67-2.10; P=0.56) and nondiabetic patients (5.3% versus 6.0%; HR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.58-1.33; P=0.55). Similarly, no significant differences in the risk of definite or probable stent thrombosis were recorded according to treatment arm in both study groups (4.0% versus 3.1%; HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.49-3.41; P=0.60 for diabetic patients and 2.4% versus 3.4%; HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.39-1.25; P=0.23, in nondiabetics). CONCLUSIONS In the prespecified subgroup analysis of the BIOSCIENCE trial, clinical outcomes among diabetic patients treated with BP-SES or DP-EES were comparable at 1 year. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01443104.


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AIM To relate the mean percentage of bleeding on probing (BOP) to smoking status in patients enrolled in supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective data on BOP from 8'741 SPT visits were related to smoking status among categories of both periodontal disease severity and progression (instability) in patients undergoing dental hygiene treatment at the Medi School of Dental Hygiene (MSDH), Bern, Switzerland 1985-2011. RESULTS A total of 445 patients were identified with 27.2% (n = 121) being smokers, 27.6% (n = 123) former smokers and 45.2% (n = 201) non-smokers. Mean BOP statistically significantly increased with disease severity (p = 0.0001) and periodontal instability (p = 0.0115) irrespective of the smoking status. Periodontally stable smokers (n = 30) categorized with advanced periodontal disease demonstrated a mean BOP of 16.2% compared to unstable smokers (n = 15) with a mean BOP of 22.4% (p = 0.0291). Assessments of BOP in relation to the percentage of sites with periodontal probing depths (PPD) ≥ 4 mm at patient-level yielded a statistically significantly decreased proportion of BOP in smokers compared to non-smokers and former smokers (p = 0.0137). CONCLUSIONS Irrespective of the smoking status, increased mean BOP in SPT patients relates to disease severity and periodontal instability while smokers demonstrate lower mean BOP concomitantly with an increased prevalence of residual PPDs.


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PURPOSE Digital developments have led to the opportunity to compose simulated patient models based on three-dimensional (3D) skeletal, facial, and dental imaging. The aim of this systematic review is to provide an update on the current knowledge, to report on the technical progress in the field of 3D virtual patient science, and to identify further research needs to accomplish clinical translation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Searches were performed electronically (MEDLINE and OVID) and manually up to March 2014 for studies of 3D fusion imaging to create a virtual dental patient. Inclusion criteria were limited to human studies reporting on the technical protocol for superimposition of at least two different 3D data sets and medical field of interest. RESULTS Of the 403 titles originally retrieved, 51 abstracts and, subsequently, 21 full texts were selected for review. Of the 21 full texts, 18 studies were included in the systematic review. Most of the investigations were designed as feasibility studies. Three different types of 3D data were identified for simulation: facial skeleton, extraoral soft tissue, and dentition. A total of 112 patients were investigated in the development of 3D virtual models. CONCLUSION Superimposition of data on the facial skeleton, soft tissue, and/or dentition is a feasible technique to create a virtual patient under static conditions. Three-dimensional image fusion is of interest and importance in all fields of dental medicine. Future research should focus on the real-time replication of a human head, including dynamic movements, capturing data in a single step.