1000 resultados para Complex Interdependence


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25 patients with acute myocardial infarction pain lasting more than 20 minutes which was not relieved by nitrates, whose ECGs showed ST segment elevations of 1 mm or more in 2 or more ECG leads, and who presented less than 3 hours after onset of their symptoms were randomly assigned to one of 2 thrombolytic treatment groups: a single intravenous bolus of anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex (APSAC) 30U in 5 minutes or an intravenous infusion of streptokinase 1,500,000U over 60 minutes. 3 to 4 hours after the administration of the thrombolytic agent, all patients received intravenous heparin at full dosage for 24 hours. The patency of the infarct-related coronary vessels was assessed by angiography 1 to 4 hours after administration of the thrombolytic agent. Clinical signs, ECGs, pulse, blood pressure and temperature were monitored regularly for 24 hours after treatment or as clinically appropriate. APSAC seemed to be at least as effective as streptokinase in terms of patency of the infarct-related vessel (92% vs 63%, respectively). The adverse events were similar and none was life-threatening. APSAC and streptokinase caused similar falls in blood fibrinogen levels. APSAC, given as a bolus injection over 5 minutes, was easier to administer than streptokinase, which was given as an infusion during 60 minutes.


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It has been suggested that determination of the neutrophil elastase alpha1-proteinase inhibitor complex (E-alpha1PI) improves the diagnosis of bacterial infection in newborns. We evaluated the use of E-alpha1PI measurements in 143 newborns, consecutively admitted to a tertiary intensive care unit, employing a new random access assay and a sampling procedure that minimises post-collection artefacts. The 95% range for noninfected newborns was 20-110 microg/l up to the 5th day of life and 20-85 microg/l thereafter. The sensitivity as to the diagnosis of culture-proven bloodstream infection was 80% for E-alpha1PI, 86% for the immature to total neutrophil ratio, 64% for C-reactive protein and 37% for the total white blood cell count. The corresponding specificity amounted to 97%, 85%, 85% and 86%, respectively. E-alpha1PI increases preceded elevations of C-reactive protein by 18 h. Like C-reactive protein, E-alpha1PI levels did not distinguish between bloodstream infection and non-bacterial inflammatory responses. Results of E-alpha1PI became available within 1 h of collection and usually 2-3 h before manual leucocyte counts. CONCLUSION: Determination of neutrophil elastase alpha1-proteinase inhibitor levels yields diagnostic advantages comparable to those of manual differential counts but provide faster turnaround times.


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Les basíliques paleocristianes del suburbi occidental de Tarraco. El temple septentrional i el complex martirial de Sant Fructuós és el resultat de 10 anys d’investigació desenvolupada al voltant del sector septentrional del Conjunt Paleocristià del Francolí, originada arran de les excavacions efectuades entre els anys 1994 i 1997 a la zona on actualment s’ubica el Parc Central. L’extraordinària importància del jaciment va despertar de seguida l’interès de l’autor, Jordi López, i de la comunitat científica, tant pel valor mateix de les restes com per la seva relació amb l’extensa necròpolis paleocristiana que al llarg de diverses campanyes havia excavat el Dr. Mn. Joan Serra i Vilaró. Es tracta d’una presentació de les últimes investigacions desenvolupades a l’ampli conjunt funerari i cristià del Francolí, al suburbium occidental de Tarraco. Consta de dos volums. El primer està estructurat en tres grans parts. Primerament, la presentació dels resultats dels treballs d’excavació duts a terme entre els anys 1994 i 1997 al sector septentrional del centre de culte cristià del Francolí, que inclou un estudi arquitectònic exhaustiu de la nova basílica excavada. En segon lloc, una revisió de les diferents intervencions desenvolupades en el sector meridional a principi de segle XX per Mn. Serra Vilaró i dels treballs dels anys 70 de M. D. del Amo, amb la proposta d’una nova interpretació arquitectònica de l’antiga basílica i de l’edifici situat al sud d’aquesta. I, finalment, una exposició general de l’evolució d’aquest sector occidental del suburbium de la ciutat, que reflecteix un especial dinamisme entre els segles IV i V dC, moment de màxima expansió de les grans àrees funeràries del segle III dC i de la monumentalització d’un gran centre de culte martirial al Francolí. El text està il·lustrat amb una àmplia documentació gràfica (plantes, seccions, fotografia, reconstruccions tridimensionals). A més, inclou 22 pàgines de conclusions amb la corresponent traducció a l’anglès. El segon volum conté set annexos específics: la relació d’unitats estratigràfiques, un inventari de materials, la descripció dels sepulcres, l’estudi osteoarqueològic i paleopatològic de les restes humanes, una anàlisi epigràfica, una de numismàtica i una última d’escultòrica.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to develop models based on kernel regression and probability estimation in order to predict and map IRC in Switzerland by taking into account all of the following: architectural factors, spatial relationships between the measurements, as well as geological information. METHODS: We looked at about 240,000 IRC measurements carried out in about 150,000 houses. As predictor variables we included: building type, foundation type, year of construction, detector type, geographical coordinates, altitude, temperature and lithology into the kernel estimation models. We developed predictive maps as well as a map of the local probability to exceed 300 Bq/m(3). Additionally, we developed a map of a confidence index in order to estimate the reliability of the probability map. RESULTS: Our models were able to explain 28% of the variations of IRC data. All variables added information to the model. The model estimation revealed a bandwidth for each variable, making it possible to characterize the influence of each variable on the IRC estimation. Furthermore, we assessed the mapping characteristics of kernel estimation overall as well as by municipality. Overall, our model reproduces spatial IRC patterns which were already obtained earlier. On the municipal level, we could show that our model accounts well for IRC trends within municipal boundaries. Finally, we found that different building characteristics result in different IRC maps. Maps corresponding to detached houses with concrete foundations indicate systematically smaller IRC than maps corresponding to farms with earth foundation. CONCLUSIONS: IRC mapping based on kernel estimation is a powerful tool to predict and analyze IRC on a large-scale as well as on a local level. This approach enables to develop tailor-made maps for different architectural elements and measurement conditions and to account at the same time for geological information and spatial relations between IRC measurements.


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Partial nucleotide sequences of five tomato infecting Begomovirus isolates were determined from DNA-A fragments, corresponding to the 5' region of the replication associated protein gene, the intergenic region and the 5' region of the coat protein gene. Isolate DFM shared 95% identity with Tomato mottle leaf curl virus (TMoLCV), isolates 34, PA-05, and Ta4 were 88% identical to Tomato yellow vein streak virus and isolate DF-BR3 shared 77% identity with TMoLCV. Recombination analysis indicated that isolate DF-BR3 was a chimaera, and it provided evidence that there is a complex and actively recombining population of tomato infecting begomoviruses in Brazil.


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Courtyard houses are attested at several sites in southern Gaul between the 5th and the 1st centuries BC. They represent a new concept when compared to the traditional protohistoric houses of the region and have often been interpreted in terms of Mediterranean, Greek or Italic influences. Regardless of their origin, exogenous influences or evolution, these houses suggest the emergence of social differentiation and elites in several of the main settlements. This article analyses the significance of the various courtyard house categories in the context of local, indigenous societies, while trying to understand the social implications of this new type of residence. In a wider context, the development of domestic architecture during the Iron Age is analysed alongside the relationships between changing uses of space and social changes.


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Lassa virus (LASV) causing hemorrhagic Lassa fever in West Africa, Mopeia virus (MOPV) from East Africa, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) are the main representatives of the Old World arenaviruses. Little is known about how the components of the arenavirus replication machinery, i.e., the genome, nucleoprotein (NP), and L protein, interact. In addition, it is unknown whether these components can function across species boundaries. We established minireplicon systems for MOPV and LCMV in analogy to the existing LASV system and exchanged the components among the three systems. The functional and physical integrity of the resulting complexes was tested by reporter gene assay, Northern blotting, and coimmunoprecipitation studies. The minigenomes, NPs, and L proteins of LASV and MOPV could be exchanged without loss of function. LASV and MOPV L protein was also active in conjunction with LCMV NP, while the LCMV L protein required homologous NP for activity. Analysis of LASV/LCMV NP chimeras identified a single LCMV-specific NP residue (Ile-53) and the C terminus of NP (residues 340 to 558) as being essential for LCMV L protein function. The defect of LASV and MOPV NP in supporting transcriptional activity of LCMV L protein was not caused by a defect in physical NP-L protein interaction. In conclusion, components of the replication complex of Old World arenaviruses have the potential to functionally and physically interact across species boundaries. Residue 53 and the C-terminal domain of NP are important for function of L protein during genome replication and transcription.


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The Puklen complex of the Mid-Proterozoic Gardar Province, South Greenland, consists of various silica-saturated to quartz-bearing syenites, which are intruded by a peralkaline granite. The primary mafic minerals in the syenites are augite +/- olivine + Fe-Ti oxide + amphibole. Ternary feldspar thermometry and phase equilibria among mafic silicates yield T = 950-750degreesC, a(SiO2) = 0.7-1 and an f(O2) of 1-3 log units below the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer at 1 kbar. In the granites, the primary mafic minerals are ilmenite and Li-bearing arfvedsonite, which crystallized at temperatures below 750degreesC and at f(O2) values around the FMQ buffer. In both rock types, a secondary post-magmatic assemblage overprints the primary magmatic phases. In syenites, primary Ca-bearing minerals are replaced by Na-rich minerals such as aegirine-augite and albite, resulting in the release of Ca. Accordingly, secondary minerals include ferro-actinolite, (calcite-siderite)(ss), titanite and andradite in equilibrium with the Na-rich minerals. Phase equilibria indicate that formation of these minerals took place over a long temperature interval from near-magmatic temperatures down to similar to300degreesC. In the course of this cooling, oxygen fugacity rose in most samples. For example, late-stage aegirine in granites formed at the expense of arfvedsonite at temperatures below 300degreesC and at an oxygen fugacity above the haematite-magnetite (HM) buffer. The calculated delta(18)O(melt) value for the syenites (+5.9 to +6.3parts per thousand) implies a mantle origin, whereas the inferred delta(18)O(melt) value of <+5.1parts per thousand for the granitic melts is significantly lower. Thus, the granites require an additional low-delta(18)O contaminant, which was not involved in the genesis of the syenites. Rb/Sr data for minerals of both rock types indicate open-system behaviour for Rb and Sr during post-magmatic metasomatism. Neodymium isotope compositions (epsilonNd(1170 Ma) = -3.8 to -6.4) of primary minerals in syenites are highly variable, and suggest that assimilation of crustal rocks occurred to variable extents. Homogeneous epsilon(Nd) values of -5.9 and -6.0 for magmatic amphibole in the granites lie within the range of the syenites. Because of the very similar neodymium isotopic compositions of magmatic and late- to post-magmatic minerals from the same syenite samples a principally closed-system behaviour during cooling is implied. In contrast, for the granites an externally derived fluid phase is required to explain the extremely low epsilon(Nd) values of about -10 and low delta(18)O between +2.0 and +0.5parts per thousand for late-stage aegirine, indicating an open system in the late-stage history. In this study we show that the combination of phase equilibria constraints with stable and radiogenic isotope data on mineral separates can provide much better constraints on magma evolution during emplacement and crystallization than conventional whole-rock studies.


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Open surgery is still the main treatment of complex abdominal aortic aneurysm. Nevertheless, this approach is associated with major complications and high mortality rate. Therefore the fenestrated endograft has been used to treat the juxtarenal aneurysms. Unfortunately, no randomised controlled study is available to assess the efficacy of such devices. Moreover, the costs are still prohibitive to generalise this approach. Alternative treatments such as chimney or sandwich technique are being evaluated in order to avoid theses disadvantages. The aim of this paper is to present the endovascular approach to treat juxtarenal aneurysm and to emphasize that this option should be used only by highly specialized vascular centres.


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Although hydrocarbon-bearing fluids have been known from the alkaline igneous rocks of the Khibiny intrusion for many years, their origin remains enigmatic. A recently proposed model of post-magmatic hydrocarbon (HC) generation through Fischer-Tropsch (FT) type reactions suggests the hydration of Fe-bearing phases and release of H-2 which reacts with magmatically derived CO2 to form CH4 and higher HCs. However, new petrographic, microthermometric, laser Raman, bulk gas and isotope data are presented and discussed in the context of previously published work in order to reassess models of HC generation. The gas phase is dominated by CH4 with only minor proportions of higher hydrocarbons. No remnants of the proposed primary CO2-rich fluid are found in the complex. The majority of the fluid inclusions are of secondary nature and trapped in healed microfractures. This indicates a high fluid flux after magma crystallisation. Entrapment conditions for fluid inclusions are 450-550 degrees C at 2.8-4.5 kbar. These temperatures are too high for hydrocarbon gas generation through the FT reaction. Chemical analyses of rims of Fe-rich phases suggest that they are not the result of alteration but instead represent changes in magma composition during crystallisation. Furthermore, there is no clear relationship between the presence of Fe-rich minerals and the abundance of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) as reported elsewhere. delta C-13 values for methane range from -22.4% to -5.4%, confirming a largely abiogenic origin for the gas. The presence of primary CH4-dominated fluid inclusions and melt inclusions, which contain a methane-rich gas phase, indicates a magmatic origin of the HCs. An increase in methane content, together with a decrease in delta C-13 isotope values towards the intrusion margin suggests that magmatically derived abiogenic hydrocarbons may have mixed with biogenic hydrocarbons derived from the surrounding country rocks. (C) 2006 Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a new class of promising anti-tumour agent inhibiting cell proliferation and survival in tumour cells with very low toxicity toward normal cells. Neuroblastoma (NB) is the second most common solid tumour in children still associated with poor outcome in higher stages and, thus NB strongly requires novel treatment modalities. RESULTS: We show here that the HDACi Sodium Butyrate (NaB), suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and Trichostatin A (TSA) strongly reduce NB cells viability. The anti-tumour activity of these HDACi involved the induction of cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase, followed by the activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, via the activation of the caspases cascade. Moreover, HDACi mediated the activation of the pro-apoptotic proteins Bid and BimEL and the inactivation of the anti-apoptotic proteins XIAP, Bcl-xL, RIP and survivin, that further enhanced the apoptotic signal. Interestingly, the activity of these apoptosis regulators was modulated by several different mechanisms, either by caspases dependent proteolytic cleavage or by degradation via the proteasome pathway. In addition, HDACi strongly impaired the hypoxia-induced secretion of VEGF by NB cells. CONCLUSION: HDACi are therefore interesting new anti-tumour agents for targeting highly malignant tumours such as NB, as these agents display a strong toxicity toward aggressive NB cells and they may possibly reduce angiogenesis by decreasing VEGF production by NB cells.


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OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to characterize myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) based on cardiac marker elevation as recommended by the new universal definition and on the detection of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) by cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). It is also assessed whether baseline inflammatory biomarkers are higher in patients developing myocardial injury. BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance accurately assesses infarct size. Baseline C-reactive protein (CRP) and neopterin predict prognosis after stent implantation. METHODS: Consecutive patients with baseline troponin (Tn) I within normal limits and no LGE in the target vessel underwent baseline and post-PCI CMR. The Tn-I was measured until 24 h after PCI. Serum high-sensitivity CRP and neopterin were assessed before coronary angiography. RESULTS: Of 45 patients, 64 (53 to 72) years of age, 33% developed LGE with infarct size of 0.83 g (interquartile range: 0.32 to 1.30 g). A Tn-I elevation >99% upper reference limit (i.e., myocardial necrosis) (median Tn-I: 0.51 μg/l, interquartile range: 0.16 to 1.23) and Tn-I > 3× upper reference limit (i.e., type 4a myocardial infarction [MI]) occurred in 58% and 47% patients, respectively. LGE was undetectable in 42% and 43% of patients with periprocedural myocardial necrosis and type 4a MI, respectively. Agreement between LGE and type 4a MI was moderate (kappa = 0.45). The levels of CRP or neopterin did not significantly differ between patients with or without myocardial injury, detected by CMR or according to the new definition (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the lack of substantial agreement between the new universal definition and CMR for the diagnosis of small-size periprocedural myocardial damage after complex PCI. Baseline levels of CRP or neopterin were not predictive for the development of periprocedural myocardial damage.


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The concept of energy gap(s) is useful for understanding the consequence of a small daily, weekly, or monthly positive energy balance and the inconspicuous shift in weight gain ultimately leading to overweight and obesity. Energy gap is a dynamic concept: an initial positive energy gap incurred via an increase in energy intake (or a decrease in physical activity) is not constant, may fade out with time if the initial conditions are maintained, and depends on the 'efficiency' with which the readjustment of the energy imbalance gap occurs with time. The metabolic response to an energy imbalance gap and the magnitude of the energy gap(s) can be estimated by at least two methods, i.e. i) assessment by longitudinal overfeeding studies, imposing (by design) an initial positive energy imbalance gap; ii) retrospective assessment based on epidemiological surveys, whereby the accumulated endogenous energy storage per unit of time is calculated from the change in body weight and body composition. In order to illustrate the difficulty of accurately assessing an energy gap we have used, as an illustrative example, a recent epidemiological study which tracked changes in total energy intake (estimated by gross food availability) and body weight over 3 decades in the US, combined with total energy expenditure prediction from body weight using doubly labelled water data. At the population level, the study attempted to assess the cause of the energy gap purported to be entirely due to increased food intake. Based on an estimate of change in energy intake judged to be more reliable (i.e. in the same study population) and together with calculations of simple energetic indices, our analysis suggests that conclusions about the fundamental causes of obesity development in a population (excess intake vs. low physical activity or both) is clouded by a high level of uncertainty.


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Let $ E_{\lambda}(z)=\lambda {\rm exp}(z), \lambda\in \mathbb{C}$, be the complex exponential family. For all functions in the family there is a unique asymptotic value at 0 (and no critical values). For a fixed $ \lambda$, the set of points in $ \mathbb{C}$ with orbit tending to infinity is called the escaping set. We prove that the escaping set of $ E_{\lambda}$ with $ \lambda$ Misiurewicz (that is, a parameter for which the orbit of the singular value is strictly preperiodic) is a connected set.


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The Prairie Trail Development Area is located in the southern portion of Ankeny, Iowa. This development area is located in an area that was formally occupied by the Des Moines Ordnance Plant. The Des Moines Ordnance Plant was constructed for the production and testing of small arms munitions for use during World War II. The Landfill and Lagoon Complex was utilized for disposal of wastes from the ordnance plant and also from various entities that utilized the site property until 1991. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is verseeing the cleanup of the Landfill and Lagoon Complex. A portion of the remainder of the site property had been used for burning of scrap explosives, the storage and disposal of chemicals, a disposal pond, testing of products, and various munitions manufacturing activities. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is overseeing the cleanup of this remaining portion of the site property. The Iowa Department of Public Health has been contacted by residents within the Prairie Trail Development Area and by individuals that have an interest in relocating to the Prairie Trail Development Area. These residents are concerned with any environmental contamination that will be left after site remedial activities are completed. These residents want to know if any remaining environmental contamination will adversely impact their health or the health of their families.