898 resultados para Cloud OS, cloud operating system, cloud computing


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An on-line survey of experts was conducted to solicit their views on policy priorities in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Caribbean. The experts considered the goal to “promote teacher training in the use of ICTs in the classroom” to be the highest priority, followed by goals to “reduce the cost of broadband services” and “promote the use of ICT in emergency and disaster prevention, preparedness and response.” Goals in the areas of cybercrime, e-commerce, egovernment, universal service funds, consumer protection, and on-line privacy rounded out the top 10. Some of the lowest ranked goals were those related to coordinating the management of infrastructure changes. These included the switchover for digital terrestrial television (DTT) and digital FM radio, cloud computing for government ICT, the introduction of satellite-based internet services, and the installation of content distribution networks (CDNs). Initiatives aimed at using ICT to promote specific industries, or specific means of promoting the digital economy, tended toward the centre of the rankings. Thus, a general pattern emerged which elevated the importance of focusing on how ICT is integrated into the broader society, with economic issues a lower priority, and concerns about coordination on infrastructure issues lower still.


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Technological advancements enable new sourcing models in software development such as cloud computing, software-as-a-service, and crowdsourcing. While the first two are perceived as a re-emergence of older models (e.g., ASP), crowdsourcing is a new model that creates an opportunity for a global workforce to compete with established service providers. Organizations engaging in crowdsourcing need to develop the capabilities to successfully utilize this sourcing model in delivering services to their clients. To explore these capabilities we collected qualitative data from focus groups with crowdsourcing leaders at a large technology organization. New capabilities we identified stem from the need of the traditional service provider to assume a "client" role in the crowdsourcing context, while still acting as a "vendor" in providing services to the end client. This paper expands the research on vendor capabilities and IS outsourcing as well as offers important insights to organizations that are experimenting with, or considering, crowdsourcing.


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The world is connected by a core network of long-haul optical communication systems that link countries and continents, enabling long-distance phone calls, data-center communications, and the Internet. The demands on information rates have been constantly driven up by applications such as online gaming, high-definition video, and cloud computing. All over the world, end-user connection speeds are being increased by replacing conventional digital subscriber line (DSL) and asymmetric DSL (ADSL) with fiber to the home. Clearly, the capacity of the core network must also increase proportionally. © 1991-2012 IEEE.


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Volunteered Service Composition (VSC) refers to the process of composing volunteered services and resources. These services are typically published to a pool of voluntary resources. The composition aims at satisfying some objectives (e.g. Utilizing storage and eliminating waste, sharing space and optimizing for energy, reducing computational cost etc.). In cases when a single volunteered service does not satisfy a request, VSC will be required. In this paper, we contribute to three approaches for composing volunteered services: these are exhaustive, naïve and utility-based search approach to VSC. The proposed new utility-based approach, for instance, is based on measuring the utility that each volunteered service can provide to each request and systematically selects the one with the highest utility. We found that the utility-based approach tend to be more effective and efficient when selecting services, while minimizing resource waste when compared to the other two approaches.


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Continuous progress in optical communication technology and corresponding increasing data rates in core fiber communication systems are stimulated by the evergrowing capacity demand due to constantly emerging new bandwidth-hungry services like cloud computing, ultra-high-definition video streams, etc. This demand is pushing the required capacity of optical communication lines close to the theoretical limit of a standard single-mode fiber, which is imposed by Kerr nonlinearity [1–4]. In recent years, there have been extensive efforts in mitigating the detrimental impact of fiber nonlinearity on signal transmission, through various compensation techniques. However, there are still many challenges in applying these methods, because a majority of technologies utilized in the inherently nonlinear fiber communication systems had been originally developed for linear communication channels. Thereby, the application of ”linear techniques” in a fiber communication systems is inevitably limited by the nonlinear properties of the fiber medium. The quest for the optimal design of a nonlinear transmission channels, development of nonlinear communication technqiues and the usage of nonlinearity in a“constructive” way have occupied researchers for quite a long time.


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This research presents several components encompassing the scope of the objective of Data Partitioning and Replication Management in Distributed GIS Database. Modern Geographic Information Systems (GIS) databases are often large and complicated. Therefore data partitioning and replication management problems need to be addresses in development of an efficient and scalable solution. ^ Part of the research is to study the patterns of geographical raster data processing and to propose the algorithms to improve availability of such data. These algorithms and approaches are targeting granularity of geographic data objects as well as data partitioning in geographic databases to achieve high data availability and Quality of Service(QoS) considering distributed data delivery and processing. To achieve this goal a dynamic, real-time approach for mosaicking digital images of different temporal and spatial characteristics into tiles is proposed. This dynamic approach reuses digital images upon demand and generates mosaicked tiles only for the required region according to user's requirements such as resolution, temporal range, and target bands to reduce redundancy in storage and to utilize available computing and storage resources more efficiently. ^ Another part of the research pursued methods for efficient acquiring of GIS data from external heterogeneous databases and Web services as well as end-user GIS data delivery enhancements, automation and 3D virtual reality presentation. ^ There are vast numbers of computing, network, and storage resources idling or not fully utilized available on the Internet. Proposed "Crawling Distributed Operating System "(CDOS) approach employs such resources and creates benefits for the hosts that lend their CPU, network, and storage resources to be used in GIS database context. ^ The results of this dissertation demonstrate effective ways to develop a highly scalable GIS database. The approach developed in this dissertation has resulted in creation of TerraFly GIS database that is used by US government, researchers, and general public to facilitate Web access to remotely-sensed imagery and GIS vector information. ^


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The increasing needs for computational power in areas such as weather simulation, genomics or Internet applications have led to sharing of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources from commercial data centers and scientific institutions. Research in the areas of utility, grid and cloud computing, together with improvements in network and hardware virtualization has resulted in methods to locate and use resources to rapidly provision virtual environments in a flexible manner, while lowering costs for consumers and providers. ^ However, there is still a lack of methodologies to enable efficient and seamless sharing of resources among institutions. In this work, we concentrate in the problem of executing parallel scientific applications across distributed resources belonging to separate organizations. Our approach can be divided in three main points. First, we define and implement an interoperable grid protocol to distribute job workloads among partners with different middleware and execution resources. Second, we research and implement different policies for virtual resource provisioning and job-to-resource allocation, taking advantage of their cooperation to improve execution cost and performance. Third, we explore the consequences of on-demand provisioning and allocation in the problem of site-selection for the execution of parallel workloads, and propose new strategies to reduce job slowdown and overall cost.^


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This work aims to understand how cloud computing contextualizes the IT government and decision agenda, in the light of the multiple streams model, considering the current status of public IT policies, the dynamics of the agenda setting for the area, the interface between the various institutions, and existing initiatives on the use of cloud computing in government. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted through interviews with a group of policy makers and the other group consists of IT managers. As analysis technique, this work made use of content analysis and analysis of documents, with some results by word cloud. As regards the main results to overregulation to the area, usually scattered in various agencies of the federal government, which hinders the performance of the managers. Identified a lack of knowledge of standards, government programs, regulations and guidelines. Among these he highlighted a lack of understanding of the TI Maior Program, the lack of effectiveness of the National Broadband Plan in view of the respondents, as well as the influence of Internet Landmark as an element that can jam the advances in the use of computing cloud in the Brazilian government. Also noteworthy is the bureaucratization of the acquisition of goods to IT services, limited, in many cases, technological advances. Regarding the influence of the actors, it was not possible to identify the presence of a political entrepreneur, and it was noticed a lack of political force. Political flow was affected only by changes within the government. Fragmentation was a major factor for the theme of weakening the agenda formation. Information security was questioned by the respondents pointed out that the main limitation coupled with the lack of training of public servants. In terms of benefits, resource economy is highlighted, followed by improving efficiency. Finally, the discussion about cloud computing needs to advance within the public sphere, whereas the international experience is already far advanced, framing cloud computing as a responsible element for the improvement of processes, services and economy of public resources


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This work presents an application of a hybrid Fuzzy-ELECTRE-TOPSIS multicriteria approach for a Cloud Computing Service selection problem. The research was exploratory, using a case of study based on the actual requirements of professionals in the field of Cloud Computing. The results were obtained by conducting an experiment aligned with a Case of Study using the distinct profile of three decision makers, for that, we used the Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-ELECTRE-TOPSIS methods to obtain the results and compare them. The solution includes the Fuzzy sets theory, in a way it could support inaccurate or subjective information, thus facilitating the interpretation of the decision maker judgment in the decision-making process. The results show that both methods were able to rank the alternatives from the problem as expected, but the Fuzzy-ELECTRE-TOPSIS method was able to attenuate the compensatory character existing in the Fuzzy-TOPSIS method, resulting in a different alternative ranking. The attenuation of the compensatory character stood out in a positive way at ranking the alternatives, because it prioritized more balanced alternatives than the Fuzzy-TOPSIS method, a factor that has been proven as important at the validation of the Case of Study, since for the composition of a mix of services, balanced alternatives form a more consistent mix when working with restrictions.


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Increasingly, the Information Technology (IT) has been used to sustain the business strategies, causing increased its relevance. Therefore IT governance is seen as one of the priorities of organizations at the time. The search for strategic alignment between business and IT is debated as a factor for business success, but even with that importance, usually the main business managers are reluctant to take responsibility for decisions involving IT, mainly due to the complexity of your infrastructure. Since cloud computing is being seen as an element capable of assisting in the implementation of organizational strategies, because their characteristics enable greater efficiency and agility in IT, and is considered as a new computing paradigm. The main objective of the analyze the relationship between IT governance arrangements and strategic alignment with the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) of public cloud computing. Therefore, an exploratory, descriptive and inferential was developed, with approach to the problem of quantitatively research, with descriptive survey method and cross section. An electronic questionnaire that was applied to the ISACA chapters Associates of São Paulo and the Distrito Federal, totaling 164 respondents was used. The instrument used based on the theories of Weill and Ross (2006) for array of IT governance arrangement; Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) and Luftman (2000), for maturity of the strategic alignment model; and NIST (2011 b), ITGI (2007) and CSA (2010) for infrastructure maturity as a service (IaaS) public in its essential characteristics. As regards the main results, this research proved that with public IaaS decision-making structures have changed, with a greater participation of senior executives in all five key IT decisions (IT governance arrangement array) including more technical decisions as architecture and IT infrastructure. With increased participation of senior executives the decrease was also observed in the share of IT specialists, characterizing the decision process with the duopoly archetype (shared decision). With regard to strategic alignment, it was observed that it changes with cloud computing, and organizations with public IaaS, a maturity of strategic alignment with statistically significant and greater difference when compared to organizations without IaaS. The maturity of public IaaS is at the intermediate level (level 3 - "defined process"), with the elasticity and measurement achieved level 4 - "managed and measurable" It was also possible to infer in organizations with public IaaS, there are positive correlations between the key decisions and the maturity of IaaS, especially at the beginning, architecture and infrastructure, and the archetypes involving senior executives and IT specialists. In the correlation between the maturity and mature strategic alignment of public IaaS therefore the higher the strategic alignment, the greater the maturity of the public IaaS and vice versa.


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In questo scritto si analizzeranno alcune alternative nella configurazione di rete della piattaforma di cloud computing open source OpenStack. Verrà mostrata un’ installazione in ambiente di laboratorio di un cluster completo basato sulla release Liberty di Openstack, per poi modificarne la componente dedicata al Networking in modo da sfruttare diversi plugin e diversi protocolli. Si osserverà il traffico generato all’interno e verso l’esterno del sistema Openstack in modo da avere un quadro generale del comportamento dell’infrastruttura.


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L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è realizzare il prototipo di un’applicazione client-server che permetta di utilizzare in remoto applicazioni in Virtual Reality, fornendo allo stesso tempo supporto alla multiutenza. L’applicazione in realtà virtuale dovrà girare sul server, dispositivo con capacità di calcolo notevolmente superiori rispetto a quelle del client. Più utenti dovranno avere la possibilità di connettersi contemporaneamente e condividere lo stesso spazio virtuale. Il client sarà, in questo caso, un’applicazione Android che si connetterà al server e avrà il compito di mostrare all'utente l’output dell’applicazione in Virtual Reality e allo stesso tempo ricevere l’input da inviare al server. Un altro obbiettivo durante lo sviluppo del prototipo è quello di realizzare una libreria che offra le funzionalità sopraelencate, facilmente integrabile in nuovi progetti o in progetti già esistenti. Utilizzando questa struttura client-server sarà possibile sviluppare applicazioni che permettano a più persone di condividere lo stesso spazio virtuale, ognuno dal proprio punto di vista, utilizzando visori e sistemi operativi diversi.


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Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.