967 resultados para Ciência e tecnologia agropecuária


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This paper presents methodology based on Lev Vigotsky`s social interactionist theory through investigative activities, which integrates the teaching of physics to robotics, directed to students of the Physics degree course, seeking to provide further training for future teachers. The method is organized through educational robotics workshops that addresses concepts of physics through the use of low-cost educational robots along with several activities. The methodology has been presented and discussed and put into practice afterwards in workshops so that these future teachers may be able to take robotics to their classroom. Students from the last and penultimate semester of the Physics degree course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó campus participated in this project


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo o emprego da radiação gama associada ou não à refrigeração na conservação pós-colheita dos pêssegos 'Biuti'. O comportamento destes frutos foi estudado através de análises físicas (perda de massa fresca, coloração da casca, índice de doença, conservação pós-colheita e firmeza) e químicas (pH, acidez total titulável (ATT), sólidos solúveis totais (SST) e o índice de maturidade, expresso pela relação SST/ ATT). Os frutos colhidos no estádio de maturação fisiológica receberam os seguintes tratamentos: 0,0kGy; 0,1kGy; 0,2kGy; 0,3kGy; 0,4kGy e 0,5kGy através do irradiador GAMMABEAN 650 que tem como fonte o Cobalto 60. Os pêssegos foram armazenados em condições ambientais (24±2ºC; 72-76% UR) por 1 semana e em condições de refrigeração em estufa B.O.D. (0±1ºC; 70-80% UR) por 2 semanas. Analisando os resultados pode-se concluir que as diferentes doses de radiação aplicadas não promoveram o aumento da vida-útil pós-colheita de pêssegos. Os frutos armazenados sob refrigeração tiveram maior vida-útil pós-colheita em relação aos armazenados em temperatura ambiente.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a composição nutricional dos cogumelos produzidos em substratos alternativos à base de resíduos agrícolas e agroindustriais da Amazônia. Determinou-se C, N, pH, umidade, sólidos solúveis, proteína, lipídios, fibra total, cinzas, carboidratos e energia. Os substratos foram formulados a partir de serragem de Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupá), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau de balsa) e do estipe de Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira) e de Saccharum officinarum (cana-de-açúcar). Os resultados demonstraram que: a composição nutricional do P. ostreatus variou com o substrato de cultivo e; O P. ostreatus pode ser considerado um importante alimento devido suas características nutricionais: altos teores de proteínas, carboidratos metabolizáveis e fibras; baixos teores de lipídios e de calorias.


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Brazil, one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, has managed in recent years to significantly improve its production. However, in response to this advance in the agro-industrial sector, the generation of agro-industrial residues has also increased. New technological alternatives have to be implemented in order to bring economic and rational use of this material and drying is one of the possible choices. Considering the great importance that bioactive compounds present for food science and technology, this research aims to evaluate the air-drying process of acerola residue in a tray convective drier under controlled temperature (60, 70 e 80ºC), air velocity (4.0, 5.0 e 6.0 m/s) and material width (0.5, 0.62 e 0.75 cm) by applying an experimental planning 23 + 3. Based on that, the impact on physical-chemical characteristics, color, bioactive compounds concentration and antioxidant activity of dried acerola waste was evaluated, having the in natura and freeze dried waste as control groups. Dried acerola residue presented natural pigments, mainly carotenoids (143.68 - 68.29 mg/g) and anthocyanins (290.92 - 90.11 mg/100 g), which explain the red and yellow instrumental color parameters observed. The acerola residue powder is also rich in phenolic compounds (3261.11 -2692.60 mgGAEeq/100g), proanthocyanidins (61.33-58.46 eq/100g), ascorbic acid (389.44 739.29 mg/100 g) and DPPH antioxidant activity (20.91 24.72 μg Trolox eq/g). Results show decreased concentration of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, carotenoids, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid caused by the air-drying process. However, even after the observed drying losses, the acerola residue powder can be considered a high value food ingredient, considering the high bioactive compounds concentration found in the final product, as well as the colorimetric characterization and microbiological stability of the dried powder


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This work studies two methods for drying sunflower grains grown in the western region of Rio Grande do Norte, in the premises of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN - Campus Apodi. This initiative was made because of the harvested grain during the harvest, being stored in sheds without any control of temperature, humidity etc. Therewith, many physical, chemical and physiological characteristics are compromised and grains lose much quality for oil production as their germination power. Taking into account that most of the stored grain is used for replanting, the studied methods include drying of grains in a thin layer using an oven with air circulation (fixed bed) and drying in a spouted bed. It was studied the drying of grains in natura, i.e., newly harvested. The fixed bed drying was carried out at temperatures of 40, 50, 60 and 70°C. Experiments in spouted bed were performed based on an experimental design, 2² + 3, with three replications at the central point, where the independent variables were grains load (1500, 2000 and 2500 g) and the temperature of the inlet air (70, 80, and 90 °C), obtaining the drying and desorption equilibrium isotherms. Previously, the characteristic curves of the bed were obtained. Both in the fixed bed as in the spouted bed, drying and desorption curves were obtained by weighing the grains throughout the experiments and measurements of water activity, respectively. The grains drying in the spouted bed showed good results with significant reduction of processing time. The models of FICK and PAGE were fitted to the experimental data, models which will represent the drying of grains both in the fixed bed as in the spouted bed. The desorption curves showed no influence of the processing temperature in the hygroscopic characteristics of the grains. The models of GAB, OSWIN and LUIKOV could well represent the desorption isotherms


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One of the main impacts to the environment is the water pollution, where the industrial sector is one of the main sources of this problem. In order to search for a solution, the industrial sector is looking forward to new technologies to treat its wastewaters with the goal to reuse the water in the own process. In this mode, the treatment presents a reduction in its costs with the water suply. One of these technologies that are getting more and more applications is the advanced oxidative processes (AOP´s). In this work two industrial wastewaters have been studied, i.e., containing polymers and pharmacus. In the case of the wastewaters with polymers the UV/H2O2 process has been applied with a systematic series of experiments, using irradiation from a mercury lamp and also solar. The following variables of the UV/H2O2 process for the polymers wastewaters have been studied systematically with the lamp reactor: mode of addition of hydrogen peroxide, temperature, time of reaction, hydrogen peroxide concentration and power of the lamp (80, 125, 250 and 400W). The results demonstrated to be satisfactory, obtaining rates of organic charge removal of 100% in 120 minutes of reaction. The studied variables for the experiments with solar irradiation using polymers wastewaters were only the time of reaction, the mode of addition and concentration of the hydrogen peroxide. The results with the solar irradiation demonstrated to be not satisfactory, reaching maximum of 22% of TOC removal in 240 minutes of reaction. This is in accordance with the fact that the solar source has only 5% of low UV irradiation. With respect to the photodegradation of the pharmacus wastewaters, the process UV/H2O2 and photo-Fenton have been applied. As a source of photons, in this case, a mercury UV lamp of 80 W has been used. The studied variables for the experiments with artificial irradiation with the pharmacus wastewaters were: initial concentration of the pollutant, concentration of Fe2+ and time of reaction. The results demonstrated a degree of degradation fairly satisfactory, showing a maximum conversion value of 46% in 120 minutes


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito combinado da desidratação osmótica e a influência do cloreto de cálcio em rodelas de kiwi submetidas ao processamento mínimo. Amostras com e sem desidratação osmótica foram armazenadas a 5 °C em embalagem PET. A adição do cloreto de cálcio foi realizada durante a desidratação osmótica. Foram avaliados a perda de peso, acidez, sólidos solúveis, pH, umidade, coliformes, fungos e leveduras nas amostras até 15 dias de armazenamento. A avaliação microbiológica e sensorial definiu a vida de prateleira do produto. Os resultados mostraram que o pré-tratamento osmótico com adição de cloreto de cálcio aumentou a vida útil em até 15 dias, enquanto as rodelas tratadas por osmodesidratação, sem a adição do sal apresentaram vida útil de 12 dias. Sensorialmente, os consumidores preferiram as rodelas de kiwi processadas com pré-tratamento osmótico e adição de cloreto de cálcio.


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O tomate é um fruto muito perecível por causa do seu conteúdo de umidade. A secagem é uma das práticas industriais mais utilizadas em alimentos para manter a qualidade do produto final. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida para estudo dos parâmetros de secagem de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), cv Carmen, com relação ao tipo de corte (meio e um quarto) e à temperatura de processo (60 e 70 ºC), bem como à escolha do tempo de secagem para a obtenção de um produto com umidade de 45% (base úmida). As cinéticas de secagem foram determinadas experimentalmente por convecção forçada e ajustadas ao modelo de Page. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a geometria de corte influenciou na taxa de secagem e no tempo de desidratação. Os tomates cortados em quatro partes e desidratados a 70 ºC alcançaram umidade de 45% em menor tempo (10 horas), quando comparados aos tomates com o corte em metades. O modelo de Page forneceu bom ajuste nas cinéticas de secagem


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A pimenta vermelha é rica em vitamina C e outros fitoquímicos e pode ser consumida como produto desidratado. A avaliação das melhores condições de secagem pode garantir melhor qualidade do produto. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da temperatura do ar de secagem (55, 65, 75 ºC) sobre a cinética de secagem, conteúdos de vitamina C e fenólicos totais e cor do produto desidratado, comparando-os à pimenta in natura. A desidratação foi feita por convecção forçada em estufa. A cinética de secagem foi determinada por pesagens periódicas até peso constante. A umidade da pimenta in natura foi de aproximadamente 86%. As curvas de secagem foram ajustadas por três modelos diferentes, avaliados na literatura. O modelo de Page apresentou o melhor ajuste para este processo. A análise de variância mostrou que a temperatura de secagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os parâmetros de qualidade (conteúdo de vitamina C, conteúdo de fenólicos totais, cor) da pimenta desidratada quando comparados aos da pimenta in natura. Após a secagem, a retenção de vitamina C aumentou com a redução da temperatura de secagem. de maneira geral, a qualidade do produto foi favorecida na secagem com menor temperatura, devido à redução nas perdas de compostos bioativos.


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Este trabajo tubo como objetivo estudiar el efecto combinado de la deshidratación osmótica y la influencia del cloruro de calcio en rodajas de kivi sometidos al proceso mínimo. Muestras con y sin deshidratación osmótica fueron almacenadas a 5 °C en embalajes PET. La adición de cloruro de calcio fue realizada durante la deshidratación osmótica. Se evaluaron la pérdida de peso, acidez, sólidos solubles, pH, humedad, coliformes, hongos y levaduras en las muestras hasta 15 días de almacenamiento. La deshidratación osmótica consistió en la inmersión de las rodajas de kivi en solución de sacarosa a 60% y en solución de sacarosa (60%) con adición de cloruro de calcio (0,1 M), ambos tratamientos se realizaron a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) por 24 horas y relación fruta:solución de 1:5. Los resultados mostraron que el pré-tratamiento osmótico con adición de cloruro de calcio aumentó la vida útil hasta 15 días, en cuanto las rodajas tratadas por osmodeshidratación sin adición de sal presentaron vida útil de 12 días. Sensorialmente, los consumidores prefirieron las rodajas de kivi procesadas con pré-tratamiento osmótico y adición de cloruro de calcio.


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O assentamento de células de leveduras no fundo das dornas e perdas de células nas centrífugas podem ser causadas por bactérias floculantes, contaminantes naturais da fermentação alcoólica industrial. Estes problemas levam a queda no rendimento e produtividade do etanol. O presente trabalho visa a caracterização da floculação de Saccharomyces cerevisiae por Lactobacillus fermentum CCT 1396. As células de leveduras e bactérias foram misturadas e a floculação das células quantificadas por espectrofotometria. Concentrações de bactérias numa faixa de 0,4 a 3,8g/L (biomassa seca) foram testadas a fim de determinar a ótima concentração de bactérias necessária para provocar a floculação das leveduras. O efeito de pH na floculação das células de leveduras e bactérias foi determinado. 1,38g/L de bactéria foi necessário para a floculação, de 65,4g/L de células de levedura com tempo de contato entre as células (sob agitação) de 15 minutos e repouso de 20 minutos. No pH 3,0 pouco efeito na floculação celular foi detectado e as células continuaram floculadas, mas na faixa de pH 2,0 -- 2,5 a floculação foi próxima de zero. Esta técnica pode ser utilizada para o controle da floculação de leveduras de indústrias de produção de álcool, para determinar a origem desta floculação, já que trata-se de uma técnica fácil, econômica e rápida.


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Discussions over the topic of inclusion of handicapped people at school are considered recent, but they have become more and more frequent within the national and international scenario. Such discussion has also being inserted in the speeches and actions of the school institution and with the formation of educators. This investigation is made necessary as a way to collect elements to reconsider the actions for the inclusion of the special education need youth. In special the visually handicapped ones, at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). The creation of a support unit functions as main vehicle for the actions of the institution. It is intended to know what young people with limitations have to say regarding their experiences as a way to signal paths to be and not to be followed by the support unit. Therefore, the experience which these young boys and girls have is of crucial importance. In order to accomplish the task, it was decided to use methodological elements based upon elements supported by the life reports of two deficient students here called Borges and Stéfano. Their reports are from childhood to their arrival at IFRN. From their reports, categories appeared: childhood and the role of family; school life and, finally, related to the actions of the support unit of IFRN, being divided in inclusive actions and obstacles. The first one takes a second look at the actions of the family within the learning-teaching process of these students. The second category presents the moment in which students started to receive formal education per se. The last category constitutes the cornerstone of the investigation, for it analyses the process of inclusion in the institution, according to the perception of the students with visual limitations. The results signaled the need for shared intervention between students with Special Education Needs and school professionals in the elaboration of the Educational Planning, which guarantees the defense of the rights to an efficient teaching practice and effective in the process of inclusion of these students


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Recent research has revealed that the majority of Biology teachers believe the practice of experimental activities as a didactical means would be the solution for the improvement of the Biology teaching-learning process. There are, however, studies which signal the lack of efficiency in such practice lessons as far as building scientific knowledge is concerned. It is also said that despite the enthusiasm on the teachers‟ part, such classes are rarely taught in high school. Several studies point pedagogical difficulties as well as nonexistence of a minimal infrastructure needed in laboratories as cause of low frequency in experimental activities. The poor teacher performance in terms of planning and development of classes; the large number of students per class; lack of financial stimulus for teachers are other reasons to be taken into account among others, in which can also be included difficulties of epistemological nature. That means an unfavorable eye of the teacher towards experimental activities. Our study aimed to clarify if such scenario is generalized in high schools throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. During our investigation a sample of twenty teaching institutions were used. They were divided in two groups: in the first group, five IFRN- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte schools. Two of those in Natal, and the other three from the country side. The second group is represented by fifteen state schools belonging to the Natal metropolitan area. The objectives of the research were to label schools concerning laboratory facilities; to identify difficulties pointed by teachers when performing experiment classes, and to become familiar with the conceptions of the teachers in regarding biology experiment classes. To perform such task, a questionnaire was used as instrument of data collecting. It contained multiple choice, essay questions and a semi-structured interview with the assistance of a voice recorder. The data analysis and the in loco observation allowed the conclusion that the federal schools do present better facilities for the practice of experimental activities when compared to state schools. Another aspect pointed is the fact that teachers of federal schools have more time available for planning the experiments; they are also better paid and are given access a career development, which leads to better salaries. All those advantages however, do not show a significantly higher frequency regarding the development of experiments when compared to state school teachers. Both teachers of federal and state schools pointed infra-structure problems such as the availability of reactants, equipments and consumption supplies as main obstacle to the practice of experiments in biology classes. Such fact leads us to conclude that maybe there are other problems not covered by the questionnaire such as poor ability to plan and execute experimental activities. As far as conceptions about experimental activities, it was verified in the majority of the interviewees a inductive-empiric point of view of science possibly inherited during their academic formation and such point of view reflected on the way they plan and execute experiments with students


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The National Program of Professional Education Integration with Basic Education for Youngsters and Adults (PROEJA) Technical Professional Education Ensino Médio has opened a new chapter in the history of education in Brazil, making possible the integration of basic education and professional education. This new form of education, which is still in its early implementation, presents a series of challenges to be overcome. Specifically about the teaching of Chemistry, didactic material to match PROEJA s specific needs is practically inexistent. Thus, this work has the purpose of developing didactic material for the teaching of Chemistry for Professional and Technological Education of Youngsters and Adults in the courses of Electronics, Technical Electronics and Maintenance and Support for Computing at Instituto Federal de Educação,Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte. This material aims at working chemical concepts of oxi-reduction reactions through a theme approach following Freire s conceptions for the teaching of Youngsters and Adults


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This dissertation presents the investigation and possible interference in the current teaching of physics, specially of optics, in the eighth grade/ ninth year / fourth cycle of junior high school. The context of the current science teaching is also presented. Besides, the following aspects are discussed: the preparation of the eighth grade teachers, their professional needs, the pedagogical practices and the theoreticmethodological difficulties faced by them. Another important issue in Science Teaching, which is also discussed in this dissertation, is the need for an efficient scientific literacy so that the citizen may express value judgment about Science and Technology issues. The data about the context were gathered from questionaires answered by the teachers. In value of this information, lesson plans were elaborated and implemented. The goal was to point out alternatives for the development of a teaching-learning evaluation which would be both pleasant for the teachers in relation to the implemented methodology, end meaningful for the students by adding elements such as: interdisciplinary approach, contextualization and preparation by competences. Furthermore it was carried out a deeper analysis of the Brazilian curriculum references (LDB, DCN, PCN, RCB) and content aspects (concepts, procedures e attitudes) to be executed by that branch of human knowledge, aiming at a really Contextualized Science Teaching, qualified and pleasant for the eighth grade level. It is also presented in this paper the profile or the Professional which teach this level at state public schools in Russas, state of Ceará, Vale do Jaguaribe Region. The efficacy of the lesson plans were also analysed by using evaluation procedures with the eighth grade students of the following schools: CAIC Senador Carlos Jereissati and EEF Manuel Matoso Filho, from which the concepts acquired during the implementation of the classes became evident in the students