995 resultados para CD-R electrodes


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Tutkielmassa sovelletaan aineiston edustavuutta mittaavaa laatuindikaattoria Suomen uhritutkimuspilottiin tilanteessa, jossa ilmenee vastauskatoa. Vastauskato on kasvava ongelma tilastotutkimuksissa: jos tutkimukseen osallistuneet eivät edusta otosjoukkoa tutkittavan asian suhteen, voi vastauskadosta aiheutuva harha olla estimoiduissa tunnusluvuissa hyvinkin suuri. Tutkimuksissa näkee usein julkaistavan vastausasteen ikään kuin se kertoisi aukottomasti tutkimuksen laadusta. Pelkkä korkea vastausaste ei kuitenkaan välttämättä takaa estimaattien harhattomuutta, sillä se ei kerro mitään vastanneiden ja vastaamattomien eroista tutkittavan asian suhteen. Tarvitaan siis muita mittareita, joilla vastanneiden laatua voitaisiin paremmin arvioida, ja R-indikaattori tarjoaa yhden vaihtoehdon. R-indikaattori mittaa otosalkioiden vastausalttiuksien välistä vaihtelua. R-indikaattorin estimoiminen edellyttää siis vastausalttiuksien estimointia, mikä puolestaan edellyttää apumuuttujien olemassaoloa kaikille otosalkioille. Vastausalttiuksien estimoimiseen käytettiin linkkifunktiona sekä logistista mallia että ja Särndalin ja Lundströmin (2008) vastausvaikutusten mallia. Vastauskäyttäytymiseen vaikuttavan apumuuttujajoukon valinta tehtiin alan kirjallisuuteen perustuen (Groves & Couper 1998). Koska R-indikaattorin estimaattori on satunnaismuuttuja, täytyi sille estimoida varianssi ja mahdollinen harha (Shlomo ym. 2009). Estimoinnissa käytettiin Bootstrap-pseudotoistomenetelmää, jossa alkuperäisestä aineistosta poimitaan niin kutsuttuja pseudo-otoksia, joiden avulla R-indikaattorin estimaattorille voidaan laskea keskivirhe. Suomen uhritutkimuspilotti koostui kolmesta eri tiedonkeruumenetelmällä poimitusta otoksesta: CAPI-, CATI- CAVVIotoksesta. Vastausasteet vaihtelivat aineistoissa paljon, mutta R-indikaattorin estimaatit olivat kaikille aineistoille liki samat. Suurempi vastausaste ei siis merkinnyt parempaa edustavuutta. Lisäksi CAVVI-aineistossa muistutusviestein ja -kirjein suoritettu vastausasteen kasvattaminen huononsi edustavuutta R-indikaattorin näkökulmasta. Mielivaltainen vastausasteen kasvattaminen ei siis ole välttämättä perusteltua. R-indikaattorin estimaattorin ominaisuuksien osalta empiiriset tulokset vahvistivat RISQ-projektin aiempia tutkimustuloksia. Estimaattorin arvo oli sitä pienempi mitä enemmän vastausalttiuden mallissa oli selittäjiä, koska tällöin vastausalttiuksien varianssi kasvoi (Schouten ym. 2009). Otoskoko vaikutti merkittävästi varianssin suuruuteen: mitä pienempi otoskoko oli, sitä leveämmät olivat luottamusvälit ja sitä vaikeampi oli tehdä johtopäätöksiä edustavuudesta.


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Test results of 24 reinforced concrete wall panels in two-way action (i.e., supported on all the four sides) and subjected to in-plane vertical load are presented. The load is applied at an eccentricity to represent possible accidental eccentricity that occurs in practice due to constructional imperfections. Influences of aspect ratio, thinness ratio, slendemess ratio, vertical steel, and horizontal steel on the ultimate load are studied. Two equations are proposed to predict the ultimate load carried by the panels. The first equation is empirical and is arrived at from trial and error fitting with test data. The second equation is semi-empirical and is developed from a modification of the buckling strength of thin rectangular plates. Both the equations are formulated so as to give a safe prediction of a large portion of ultimate strength test results. Also, ultimate load cracking load and lateral deflections of identical panels in two-way action (all four sides supported) and oneway action (top and bottom sides only supported) are compared.


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The a.c. conductivity of CaF2 samples containing a fine dispersion of CaO particles has been measured in the temperature range 630 to 1100 K. The conductivity of the dispersed solid electrolyte is two orders of magnitude higher than that for pure polycrystalline CaF2 in the middle of the temperature range. Transport measurements on pure single crystals of CaF2 and polycrystalline samples, with and without CaO dispersion, using Fe+FeO and pure Fe as electrodes, clearly indicate that fluorine ions are the only migrating ionic species with a transport number of almost unity, contrary to the suggestion of Chou and Rapp [1, 2]. The enhanced conductivity of the dispersed solid electrolyte probably arises from two effects. A small solubility of oxygen in CaF2 results in an increase in the fluorine vacancy concentration and conductivity. Adsorption of fluorine ions on the surface of the dispersed particles of CaO results in a space charge region around each particle with enhanced conductivity. Measurements on a galvanic cell incorporating CaF2 as the solid electrolyte and oxide electrodes show that the e.m.f. is a function of the activity of CaO at the electrode/electrolyte interface. The response to an oxygen potential gradient is, therefore, through an exchange reaction, which establishes an equivalent fluorine potential at the electrode/electrolyte interface.


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Potential transients are obtained by using “Padé approximants” (an accurate approximation procedure valid globally — not just perturbatively) for all amplitudes of concentration polarization and current densities. This is done for several mechanistic schemes under constant current conditions. We invert the non-linear current-potential relationship in the form (using the Lagrange or the Ramanujan method) of power series appropriate to the two extremes, namely near reversible and near irreversible. Transforming both into the Pad́e expressions, we construct the potential-time profile by retaining whichever is the more accurate of the two. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated through illustrations which include couplings of homogeneous chemical reactions to the electron-transfer step.


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This study is focused on the development and evaluation of ion mobility instrumentation with various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques and includes the following work. First, a high-resolution drift tube ion mobility spectrometer (IMS), coupled with a commercial triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (MS), was developed. This drift tube IMS is compatible with the front-end of commercial Sciex mass spectrometers (e.g., Sciex API-300, 365, and 3000) and also allows easy (only minor modifications are needed) installation between the original atmospheric pressure ion source and the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Performance haracteristics (e.g.,resolving power, detection limit, transmission efficiency of ions) of this IMS-MS instrument were evaluated. Development of the IMS-MS instrument also led to a study where a proposal was made that tetraalkylammonium ions can be used as chemical standards for ESI-IMS. Second, the same drift tube design was also used to build a standalone ion mobility spectrometer equipped with a Faraday plate detector. For this highresolution (resolving power about 100 shown) IMS device, a multi-ion source platform was built, which allows the use of a range of atmospheric pressure ionization methods, such as: corona discharge chemical ionization (CD-APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), and radioactive atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (R-APCI). The multi-ion source platform provides easy switching between ionization methods and both positive and negative ionization modes can be used. Third, a simple desorpion/ionization on silicon (DIOS) ion source set-up for use with the developed IMS and IMS-MS instruments was built and its operation demonstrated. Fourth, a prototype of a commercial aspiration-type ion mobility spectrometer was mounted in front of a commercial triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The set-up, which is simple, easy to install, and requires no major modifications to the MS, provides the possibility of gathering fundamental information about aspiration mobility spectrometry.


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We report in this paper the aggregation properties of amphotericin-B (amp-B) in solution using CD and 1H-NMR techniques. Our results indicate that the preferred structure of amp-B in dimethylsulfoxide is a monomer at low concentrations (10−4M and below) and a stable dimer at higher concentrations (range 5 · 103 M to 10−2M). In a DMSO/ethanol mixture (1:1 (v/v)), the antibiotic is monomeric, irrespective of the concentration within the range studied. We propose a head-to-tail model based on NMR data. An understanding of the head-to-tail dimer, is, we believe important, particularly in view of the recent report wherein it is proposed that the drug inserts into bilayers as head-to-tail oligomers.


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The EMF of a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid-electrolyte with gradual variation in composition, and dissimilar gas electrodes, has been studied as a function of temperature and partial pressures at the electrodes. The cell with the configuration: Pt, CO2' + O2' parallel-to Na2CO3\Na(SO4)x(CO3)1-x\Na2SO4 parallel-to SO3'' + SO2'' + O2'', Pt x=0 x=1 was investigated in the temperature range 973 to 1079 K. The solid-electrolyte surface exposed to SO3 + SO2 + O2 gas mixture was doped-Na2SO4, whereas the CO2 + O2 gas mixture was in contact with pure Na2CO3. The composition of the solid solution between the carbonate and sulfate, with hexagonal structure, was varied gradually between the boundary values. It has been found that the EMF of the cell is close to that calculated from thermodynamic data, assuming unit transport number for Na+ ions. The gradient in the concentration of sulfate and carbonate ions in the electrolyte does not give rise to a significant diffusion potential.


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It is proved that the Riesz means S(R)(delta)f, delta > 0, for the Hermite expansions on R(n), n greater-than-or-equal-to 2, satisfy the uniform estimates \\S(R)(delta)f\\p less-than-or-equal-to C \\f\\p for all radial functions if and only if p lies in the interval 2n/(n + 1 + 2delta) < p < 2n/(n - 1 - 2delta).


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Catalytic activities of some transition metal-phthalocyanine complexes towards electroreduction of molecular oxygen are examined on Nafion®-bound and bare porous carbon electrodes in 2.5 M H2SO4 electrolyte. It is found that these metal complexes exhibit better catalytic activities towards oxygen reduction with the Nafion®-bound electrodes.


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The reactions of [MCl2(cod)](M = Pd or Pt, cod = cycloocta-1,5-diene) with RN[P(OPh)2]2[R = Me (L1) or Ph (L2)] afford the chelate complexes [MCl2L1] and [MCl2L2]. The dinuclear palladium(O) complex, [Pd2L13] has been synthesized by starting from [Pd2(dba)3](dba = dibenzylideneacetone). Redox condensation of [Pd2(dba)3] and [PdCl2(PhCN)2] in the presence of the diphosphazane ligands gives the dinuclear palladium(I) complexes [Pd2Cl2L12] and [Pd2Cl2L22]. The structures of the complexes have been deduced from 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopic data. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies confirm the structures of [Pd2L13] and [Pd2Cl2L22].