964 resultados para Anti-TNF-alpha


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A psoríase é uma doença crónica,inflamatória, imuno-mediada. É uma doença associada a uma elevada carga psicológica e financeira, assim como uma diminuição significativa da qualidade de vida dos doentes. O conhecimento actual da fisiopatologia subjacente permitiu nos últimos anos novos e encorajadores desenvolvimentos terapêuticos. Estes fármacos têm como alvo elementos precisos da cascata imunológica e a sua introdução na última década constituiu um avanço significativo na abordagem da psoríase moderada a grave refractária. Neste artigo pretende-se fazer uma revisão dos mais recentes avanços no conhecimento da imunopatogénese da psoríase e com base nestes, os novos fármacos biológicos que têm sido desenvolvidos. Os fármacos biológicos para o tratamento da psoríase e/ou artrite psoriática são definidos pelo seu modo de acção e são classificados nas seguintes categorias: moduladores de acção das células T, inibidores do factor de necrose tumoral alfa (anti-TNFα) e inibidores das interleucinas (IL) 12 e IL-23. Neste artigo são abordados para além dos inibidores do TNFα, golimumab e certolizumab, os fármacos ustecinumab, briacinumab, tasocitinib, sipilizumab e abatacept.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the pattern of expression of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in skin biopsies of patients with American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) caused by Leishmania braziliensis. METHODS: This prospective study evaluated 12 patients with ATL caused by Leishmania braziliensis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the expression of TLR2 and TLR4. The number of NK cells, dendritic cells and macrophages in the tissue were calculated. The cytokine expression was determined using the anti-TNF-α, anti-IFN-Γ, anti-IL-1 and anti-IL-6. Double immunostaining reactions were used to determine the cell expressing TLR2 and TLR4. RESULTS: The numbers of cells expressing TLR2 and TLR4 were 145.48 ± 82.46 cell/mm² and 3.26 ± 4.11 cell/mm² respectively (p < 0.05). There was no correlation of TLR2 and TLR4 with the amount of cytokines and the number of NK cells, dendritic cells or macrophages. The double immunostaining revealed that TLR2 was expressed by macrophages. CONCLUSION: In human cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis, TLR2 is the most common TLR expressed during active disease, mainly by macrophages although without correlation with the amount of cytokines and number of cells.


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A psoríase é uma dermatose inflamatória, que afecta cerca de 2% da população mundial, com envolvimento preferencial cutâneo e articular, mas frequentemente associada a co-morbilidades importantes. Cerca de 20-30% dos doentes têm formas moderadas a graves, não controláveis por tratamentos tópicos. As terapêuticas sistémicas clássicas – PUVAterapia oral, retinóides, ciclosporina e metotrexato – podem induzir toxicidade específica de órgão e uma percentagem considerável de doentes é resistente, intolerante ou tem contra-indicações para as iniciar. É neste contexto que surgem os agentes biológicos, especificamente direccionados aos mecanismos/vias envolvidos na patogénese da psoríase. Nos últimos anos a importância destes agentes como alternativas terapêuticas tem crescido, tendo-se desenvolvido vários estudos desenhados para avaliar a sua eficácia e segurança. Actualmente 4 agentes biológicos estão aprovados pela EMEA (agência europeia do medicamento) para o tratamento da psoríase em placas, três anti-TNFα (adalimumab, etanercept e infliximab) e um anti-IL12/23p40 (ustecinumab). Neste artigo pretende-se actualizar as recomendações anteriormente publicadas (Trabalhos da SPDV 2010, 68(1): 47-68), dada a rápida evolução de conhecimentos científicos e de orientações terapêuticas nesta área. Estas Normas devem ser utilizadas criteriosamente, tendo em conta a especificidade de cada doente e de cada situação clínica.


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This study assessed the number of CD4 T lymphocytes, the parasitemia and serum levels of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-4 and IL-10 of patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human immunodeficiency virus/Chagas' disease coinfection. CD4 T lymphocytes were low in the two groups of patients, although significantly lower in patients without Chagas' disease. Serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and TNF-alpha were significantly higher in patients with HIV/Chagas' disease. IL-4/IFN-gamma ratios were higher in patients with HIV/Chagas' disease, which showed a clear balance in favor of Th2-like cytokines in this group of patients. This Th2 balance was higher in patients with detectable parasitemia. We conclude that, although immunosuppression was observed, with CD4 T lymphocytes bellow 200/µm³, these patients did not display reactivation of T. cruzi infection and that a balance favorable to Th2 was associated with the presence of parasitemia.


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ABSTRACT: Background: Sleep is integral to biological function and sleep disruption can result in both physiological and psychological dysfunction. The acute cognitive consequences of sleep loss has been an active field of recent investigation, evidence suggests that sleep disruption in critically ill older adults can result in acute decrements in cognitive functioning. Surgery activates the innate immune system, inducing neuroinflammatory changes that interfere with cognition. The fact that patients with sleep disorders have an increased likelihood of exhibiting postoperative delirium encourages us to investigate the contribution of perioperative SF to the neuroinflammatory and cognitive responses of surgery. Methods: The effects of 24h sleep fragmentation (SF) and surgery were explored on adult C57BL/6J male mice. SF procedure started at 7 am with the home-cages being placed on a large platform orbital shaker cycled every 120 seconds (30 sec on/90 sec off). This procedure lasted for 24h. Stabilized tibia fracture was performed either before or after the 24h SF procedure. Separate cohorts of mice were tested for systemic and hippocampal inflammation and cognition. Results: Twenty-four hours of SF induced non-hippocampal memory dysfunction and increase in systemic IL-6. SF and surgery caused hippocampal-dependent memory impairment, although memory impairment was not exacerbated by combining SF with surgery. One day after either SF or surgery there was a significant increase in IL6 mRNA and TNF-alpha mRNA. These increments were more pronounced when either pre or post operative SF was combined with surgery. Conclusions: We show that while SF and surgery can independently produce significant memory impairment, perioperative SF significantly increased hippocampal inflammation without further cognitive impairment. The dissociation between neuroinflammation and cognitive decline may relate to our use of a sole memory paradigm that does not capture other aspects of cognition, especially learning.


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The association between depression and cardiovascular disease is well documented. Nevertheless, the process through which they are linked remains unknown, as does the direction of this relationship. Studies have suggested both that depression is a risk factor for heart disease and that heart disease is a risk factor for depression. A number of studies have established that a relationship exists between depression and inflammation, with alterations in the levels of inflammatory markers (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha and others). Depressive symptoms have also been identified in many diseases characterized by inflammatory processes e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases. In this brief viewpoint, we explain and propose how to use Chagas disease, a disorder characterized by inflammatory processes and leading to cardiovascular and autonomic problems, as a model for studying the directionality of the relationship between heart disease and depression.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify the association of serum markers of myocardial injury, such as troponin I, creatinine kinase, and creatinine kinase isoenzyme MB, and inflammatory markers, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), C-reactive protein, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery, with the occurrence of possible postpericardiotomy syndrome. METHODS: This was a cohort study with 96 patients undergoing cardiac surgery assessed at the following 4 different time periods: the day before surgery (D0); the 3rd postoperative day (D3); between the 7th and 10th postoperative days (D7-10); and the 30th postoperative day (D30). During each period, we evaluated demographic variables (sex and age), surgical variables (type and duration , extracorporeal circulation), and serum dosages of the markers of myocardial injury and inflammatory response. RESULTS: Of all patients, 12 (12.5%) met the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of postpericardiotomy syndrome, and their mean age was 10.3 years lower than the age of the others (P=0.02). The results of the serum markers for tissue injury and inflammatory response were not significantly different between the 2 assessed groups. No significant difference existed regarding either surgery duration or extracorporeal circulation. CONCLUSION: The patients who met the clinical criteria for postpericardiotomy syndrome were significantly younger than the others were. Serum markers for tissue injury and inflammatory response were not different in the clinically affected group, and did not correlate with the different types and duration of surgery or with extracorporeal circulation.


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Multiple sclerosis, EAE, BV-2 microglia, 7-ketocholesterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol, PARP-1, TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1, NO, ERK1/2, MEK1/2, p38, JNK/SAPK, Elk-1, CREB, NF-kappaB


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The new paradigm of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis is to aim toward early and complete remission, using a larger use of conventional DMARDs and biologic agents. The present recommendations were established through a consensus to help practitioners in their daily use of those agents, to reflect the current "best practice" in Switzerland.


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CD4(+) alpha beta T cells from either normal C57BL/6 (B6) or MHC-II-deficient (A alpha(-/-) or A beta(-/-)) B6 donor mice engrafted into congenic immunodeficient RAG1(-/-) B6 hosts induced an aggressive inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells from CD1d(-/-) knockout (KO) B6 donor mice but not those from MHC-I(-/-) (homozygous transgenic mice deficient for beta(2)-microglobulin) KO B6 mice induced a colitis in RAG(-/-) hosts. Abundant numbers of in vivo activated (CD69(high)CD44(high)CD28(high)) NK1(+) and NK1(-) CD4(+) T cells were isolated from the inflamed colonic lamina propria (cLP) of transplanted mice with IBD that produced large amounts of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma but low amounts of IL-4 and IL-10. IBD-associated cLP Th1 CD4(+) T cell populations were polyclonal and MHC-II-restricted when derived from normal B6 donor mice, but oligoclonal and apparently MHC-I-restricted when derived from MHC-II-deficient (A alpha(-/-) or A beta(-/-)) B6 donor mice. cLP CD4(+) T cell populations from homozygous transgenic mice deficient for beta(2)-microglobulin KO B6 donor mice engrafted into RAG(-/-) hosts were Th2 and MHC-II restricted. These data indicate that MHC-II-dependent as well as MHC-II-independent CD4(+) T cells can induce a severe and lethal IBD in congenic, immunodeficient hosts, but that the former need the latter to express its IBD-inducing potential.


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Low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) has been reported to inhibit the classical, alternative pathway as well as the mannan-binding lectin pathway of the complement system. Furthermore, it acts as an endothelial cell protectant inhibiting complement-mediated endothelial cell damage. Endothelial cells are covered with a layer of heparan sulfate (HS), which is rapidly released under conditions of inflammation and tissue injury. Soluble HS induces maturation of dendritic cells (DC) via TLR4. In this study, we show the inhibitory effect of DXS on human DC maturation. DXS significantly prevents phenotypic maturation of monocyte-derived DC and peripheral myeloid DC by inhibiting the up-regulation of CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, ICAM-1, and HLA-DR and down-regulates DC-SIGN in response to HS or exogenous TLR ligands. DXS also inhibits the functional maturation of DC as demonstrated by reduced T cell proliferation, and strongly impairs secretion of the proinflammatory mediators IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12p70, and TNF-alpha. Exposure to DXS leads to a reduced production of the complement component C1q and a decreased phagocytic activity, whereas C3 secretion is increased. Moreover, DXS was found to inhibit phosphorylation of IkappaB-alpha and activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that DXS prevents TLR-induced maturation of human DC and may therefore be a useful reagent to impede the link between innate and adaptive immunity.


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Human Fas ligand (L) (CD95L) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha undergo metalloproteinase-mediated proteolytic processing in their extracellular domains resulting in the release of soluble trimeric ligands (soluble [s]FasL, sTNF-alpha) which, in the case of sFasL, is thought to be implicated in diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS. Here we show that the processing of sFasL occurs between Ser126 and Leu127. The apoptotic-inducing capacity of naturally processed sFasL was reduced by &gt;1,000-fold compared with membrane-bound FasL, and injection of high doses of recombinant sFasL in mice did not induce liver failure. However, soluble FasL retained its capacity to interact with Fas, and restoration of its cytotoxic activity was achieved both in vitro and in vivo with the addition of cross-linking antibodies. Similarly, the marginal apoptotic activity of recombinant soluble TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (sTRAIL), another member of the TNF ligand family, was greatly increased upon cross-linking. These results indicate that the mere trimerization of the Fas and TRAIL receptors may not be sufficient to trigger death signals. Thus, the observation that sFasL is less cytotoxic than membrane-bound FasL may explain why in certain types of cancer, systemic tissue damage is not detected, even though the levels of circulating sFasL are high.


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In this review we discuss our recently results showing interleukin 5 (IL-5) involvement in eosinophil migration and in the maintenance of eosinophilia in blood, bone marrow, lung and peritoneal cavity, in a visceral larva migrans syndrome model using guinea-pigs infected with Toxocara canis. We also describe the sequential release of TNF-alpha and IL-8 during the course of infection, and the interaction between these cytokines and IL-5 during infection. Finally we propose a new biological role for IL-5, at least in our model, as a modulator of IL-8 release and secretion.


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Proteins belonging to the NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) family of transcription factors are expressed in most immune cell types, and play a central role in the transcription of cytokine genes, such as IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and GM-CSF. The activity of NFAT proteins is regulated by the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin, a target for inhibition by CsA and FK506. Recently, two different groups have described that mice lacking the NFAT1 transcription factor show an enhanced immune response, with tendency towards the development of a late Th2-like response. This review evaluates the possible role of NFAT proteins in the Th2 immune response and in the eosinophil-mediated allergic response.


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a systemic disease associated with a large number of extraintestinal manifestations (EIM). EIM are present in 15-20% of patients with ulcerative colitis and in 20-40% of patients with Crohn's disease. The management of EIM is best provided by a multidisciplinary team, which includes specialists in the affected organ systems with training in the treatment of IBD. Therapeutic strategy is often empirical. This is explained by the paucity of randomized-controlled studies for the specific treatment of EIM in IBD and by the fact that treatment models are based on extrapolation from patients with similar conditions but without IBD. For most EIM, the mainstay of therapy is the treatment of the underlying active IBD. However, some EIM such as axial arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, uveitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis run a clinical course independent of IBD activity and need specific therapy (e.g. TNF antagonists in ankylosing spondylitis and skin manifestations). This review summarizes the conventional and novel (e.g. anti-TNF) treatment modalities, and the therapeutic implications for the management of extraintestinal symptoms in IBD, in order to assist clinicians in optimizing treatment strategies for IBD patients with EIM.