902 resultados para Android, Typing Game, Client-Server, App, Applicazione, mobile


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With the rapid development of Internet technologies, video and audio processing are among the most important parts due to the constant requirements of high quality media contents. Along with the improvement of network environment and the hardware equipment, this demand is becoming more and more imperious, people prefer high quality videos and audios as well as the net streaming media resources. FFmpeg is a set of open source program about the A/V decoding. Many commercial players use FFmpeg as their displaying cores. This paper designed a simple and easy-to-use video player based on FFmpeg. The first part is about the basic theories and related knowledge of video displaying, including some concepts like data formats, streaming media data, video coding and decoding. In a word, the realization of the video player depend on the a set of video decoding process. The general idea about the process is to get the video packets from the Internet, to read the related protocols and de-encapsulate the protocols, to de-encapsulate the packaging data and to get encoded formats data, to decode them to pixel data that can be displayed directly through graphics cards. During the coding and decoding process, there could be different degrees of data losing, which is called lossy compression, but it usually does not influence the quality of user experiences. The second part is about the principle of the FFmpeg decoding process, that is one of the key point of the paper. In this project, FFmpeg is used for the main decoding task, by call some main functions and structures from FFmpeg class libraries, packaging video formats could be transfer to pixel data, after getting the pixel data, SDL is used for the displaying process. The third part is about the SDL displaying flow. Similarly, it would invoke some important displaying functions from SDL class libraries to realize the function, though SDL is able to do not only displaying task, but also many other game playing process. After that, a independent video displayer is completed, it is provided with all the key function of a player. The fourth part make a simple users interface for the player based on the MFC program, it enable the player could be used by most people. At last, in consideration of the mobile Internet’s blossom, people nowadays can hardly ever drop their mobile phones, there is a brief introduction about how to transplant the video player to Android platform which is one of the most used mobile systems.


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Physical places are given contextual meaning by the objects and people that make up the space. Presence in physical places can be utilised to support mobile interaction by making access to media and notifications on a smartphone easier and more visible to other people. Smartphone interfaces can be extended into the physical world in a meaningful way by anchoring digital content to artefacts, and interactions situated around physical artefacts can provide contextual meaning to private manipulations with a mobile device. Additionally, places themselves are designed to support a set of tasks, and the logical structure of places can be used to organise content on the smartphone. Menus that adapt the functionality of a smartphone can support the user by presenting the tools most likely to be needed just-in-time, so that information needs can be satisfied quickly and with little cognitive effort. Furthermore, places are often shared with people whom the user knows, and the smartphone can facilitate social situations by providing access to content that stimulates conversation. However, the smartphone can disrupt a collaborative environment, by alerting the user with unimportant notifications, or sucking the user in to the digital world with attractive content that is only shown on a private screen. Sharing smartphone content on a situated display creates an inclusive and unobtrusive user experience, and can increase focus on a primary task by allowing content to be read at a glance. Mobile interaction situated around artefacts of personal places is investigated as a way to support users to access content from their smartphone while managing their physical presence. A menu that adapts to personal places is evaluated to reduce the time and effort of app navigation, and coordinating smartphone content on a situated display is found to support social engagement and the negotiation of notifications. Improving the sensing of smartphone users in places is a challenge that is out-with the scope of this thesis. Instead, interaction designers and developers should be provided with low-cost positioning tools that utilise presence in places, and enable quantitative and qualitative data to be collected in user evaluations. Two lightweight positioning tools are developed with the low-cost sensors that are currently available: The Microsoft Kinect depth sensor allows movements of a smartphone user to be tracked in a limited area of a place, and Bluetooth beacons enable the larger context of a place to be detected. Positioning experiments with each sensor are performed to highlight the capabilities and limitations of current sensing techniques for designing interactions with a smartphone. Both tools enable prototypes to be built with a rapid prototyping approach, and mobile interactions can be tested with more advanced sensing techniques as they become available. Sensing technologies are becoming pervasive, and it will soon be possible to perform reliable place detection in-the-wild. Novel interactions that utilise presence in places can support smartphone users by making access to useful functionality easy and more visible to the people who matter most in everyday life.


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A presente investigação tem como objeto de estudo a Arte Nova nas cidades de Aveiro e Ílhavo, traduzindo-se posteriormente na criação de uma aplicação mobile de um roteiro diferenciador referente ao património Arte Nova localizado nas duas cidades. Existe em Aveiro, uma tomada de consciência notória relativa ao património que se enquadra no espírito e nas características do estilo Arte Nova. Isso em muito se deve à originalidade e diversidade de interpretações que a caracterizam localmente. No entanto, apesar dos melhoramentos efetuados na comunicação deste património, especialmente depois da reabilitação do edifício Mário Belmonte Pessoa e da sua transformação em Museu Arte Nova, o roteiro atual não contempla todos os artefactos do estilo existentes na cidade e exclui aqueles que se encontram fora do centro urbano da cidade de Aveiro. Em Ílhavo a realidade é completamente díspar da encontrada na cidade vizinha, Aveiro, não existindo grande decoro pelo tratamento da informação referente ao estilo Arte Nova, apenas algumas referencias breves em guias culturais e um roteiro limitado no site da Câmara Municipal de Ílhavo. Paralelamente a isto, a região de Aveiro tornou-se numa das regiões com o espólio mais significativo do país. Dada à sua importância cultural e local, o roteiro diferenciador que propomos nesta investigação irá intervir de forma a melhorar o que já existe, passando pelo aprofundamento de conhecimentos sobre o tema, catalogação, cruzamento e agrupamento de toda a informação dos artefactos que se encontrem dispersos pelas duas cidades, de forma a tornar mais fácil a procura e o acesso à informação. Numa primeira fase, a investigação irá focar-se nos conteúdos afetos a cada um dos artefactos, sendo estes metodologicamente trabalhados através do método triangular de Francisco Providência, a interpretação autoral (autoria) que se traduz na evolução dos edifícios (tecnologia) e a relevância da sua história (programa) para o património nacional. Posteriormente, os conteúdos anteriormente referidos serão adaptados a uma aplicação mobile que facilitará o acesso à informação previamente selecionada referente a cada artefacto, apresentando uma breve história sobre as manifestações da Arte Nova nas cidades de Aveiro e Ílhavo. Esta aplicação mobile permitirá perceber a evolução dos edifícios desde a sua construção até à atualidade, ao nível de recuperação estrutural ou da falta de reabilitação e recuperação dos mesmos. Contribuirá para conhecer se os edifícios mantiveram (ou não) as suas características originais relativas ao desenho e tecnologia, para tal fará valerse de tecnologias como Realidade Aumentada, assim como os princípios de elaboração e leitura de QR codes, para facilitar o acesso, localização e compreensão dessa mesma informação, permitindo ainda que o seu utilizador embarque numa viagem no tempo e experiencie o roteiro de uma forma diferente. Paralelamente, pretende-se que este roteiro funcione como um roteiro único do património Arte Nova nas duas cidades, com o intuito de se expandir a outras cidades e se tornar num roteiro único do património Arte Nova na região de Aveiro. A diversidade do património Arte Nova nesta região assenta no cunho pessoal e social que os proprietários atribuíram aos seus artefactos, assim como na formação e a capacidade artística fortemente influenciada pela técnica pessoal, temperamento e sensibilidade dos seus autores, fazendo destes artefactos autênticas obras de arte, que merecem o seu estudo. Constatou-se, ao nível dos resultados que o protótipo da aplicação mobile, se adequaram ao que foi anunciado, a nível investigativo, e por isso, interessou a este estudo confirmar a demonstração do que foi enunciado. No entanto, concluiu-se que o respetivo protótipo necessita de ser ‘afinado’ em estudos futuros. Independentemente, das fragilidades encontradas, considera-se que este protótipo de aplicação mobile poderá servir como meio de excelência para a integração de conteúdos que vão mais além do que a visualização dos artefactos. Assim, contribui-se para o adensamento e acesso ao conhecimento sobre a história da Arte Nova em Portugal.


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O Caminho de Santiago, sendo uma rota de peregrinação importante para o território Português e Galego, que envolve o ambiente paisagístico e o Património Cultural e Religioso, tem demonstrado uma grande afluência de peregrinos nos últimos anos. Aliado a este contexto, e numa era tecnológica em que se vive, pretende-se estudar o impacto das novas tecnologias neste ambiente de peregrinação da era medieval. Mais concretamente, pretende-se perceber a utilização da tecnologia móvel por parte dos peregrinos durante a realização do Caminho de Santiago, assim como quais as características que consideram importantes para uma aplicação móvel de apoio à peregrinação e se estas têm influência na intenção de uso da mesma. Para o desenvolvimento desta investigação procedeu-se a uma exaustiva revisão da literatura sobre a utilização da tecnologia móvel no setor do Turismo, visto esta se revelar escassa no que concerne à peregrinação. Aliado à revisão da literatura, considerou-se relevante fazer um levantamento dos hábitos dos peregrinos e a utilização da tecnologia durante a peregrinação, realizando-se entrevistas exploratórias a 11 peregrinos que contribuíram para a construção do questionário. Após a realização das entrevistas, foi elaborado um questionário que foi distribuído online. Foram obtidas respostas de 1.140 peregrinos que já tinham realizado o Caminho de Santiago pelo menos uma vez. Em relação ao uso das novas tecnologias no geral, a análise fatorial aplicada revelou que os motivos de utilização de dispositivos móveis durante a peregrinação se podem dividir em quatro categorias: Lazer/informações, comunicar, conveniência e entretenimento. Em relação ao uso de uma aplicação específica sobre o caminho, os resultados mostram que apesar da grande maioria de inquiridos (81%) não ter conhecimento de uma aplicação móvel sobre o Caminho Português, mais de 55% afirmou que a probabilidade de usarem uma aplicação móvel de apoio à peregrinação seria elevada. Para analisar quais as características que os peregrinos mais valorizariam numa aplicação móvel de apoio à peregrinação a Santiago, foram identificadas três categorias de conteúdos através de uma análise fatorial: Características Gerais do Caminho, Características Turísticas e Culturais e Características Religiosas. Por último, aplicou-se uma regressão linear múltipla que revelou que os conteúdos relacionados com o Caminho e com os elementos turísticos e culturais são os que mais influenciam a intenção de uso da app por parte dos peregrinos. Considerando-se este estudo pioneiro no que concerne à utilização da tecnologia móvel por parte dos peregrinos, poderá revelar-se um suporte importante para os programadores de aplicações móveis, bem como para o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros.


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Following a drop in estrogen in the period of menopause some women begin to lose bone mass more than 1% per year reaching the end of five years with loss greater than 25%. In this regard, factors such as older age, low calcium intake and premature menopause favor the onset of osteoporosis. Preventive methods such as nutritional counseling to a proper diet and the support of technology through applications that assess dietary intake are essential. Thus, this study aimed to develop an application for Android® platform focused on the evaluation of nutritional and organic conditions involved in bone health and risks for developing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. To achieve this goal we proceeded to a study of 72 women aged 46-79 years, from the physical exercise for bone health of the Laboratory for Research in Biochemistry and Densitometry the Federal Technological University of Paraná program. Data were collected in the second half of 2014 through tests Bone Densitometry and Body Composition, Blood Tests, Anthropometric data and Nutrition Assessment. The study included women with a current diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis primary, aged more than 45 years postmenopausal. For the assessment of bone mineral density and body composition used the device Absorptiometry Dual Energy X-ray (DXA) brand Hologic Discovery TM Model A. For anthropometric assessment was included to body mass, height, abdominal circumference, Waist circumference and hip circumference. The instrument for assessing food consumption was used Recall 24 hours a day (24HR). The estimated intake of energy and nutrients was carried from the tabulation of the food eaten in the Software Diet Pro 4®. In a sub sample of 30 women with osteopenia / osteoporosis serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase tests were performed. The results demonstrated a group of women (n = 30) average calcium intake of 570mg / day (± 340). The analysis showed a mean serum calcium within the normal range (10,20mg / dl ± 0.32) and average values and slightly increased alkaline phosphatase (105.40 U / L ± 23.70). Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between the consumption of protein and the optimal daily intake of calcium (0.375 p-value 0.05). Based on these findings, we developed an application early stage in Android® platform operating system Google®, being called OsteoNutri. We chose to use Java Eclipse® where it was executed Android® version of the project; choice of application icons and setting the visual editor for building the application layouts. The DroidDraw® was used for development of the three application GUIs. For practical tests we used a cell compatible with the version that was created (4.4 or higher). The prototype was developed in conjunction with the Group and Instrumentation Applications Development (GDAI) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná. So this application can be considered an important tool in dietary control, allowing closer control consumption of calcium and dietary proteins.


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Resumen: En el siguiente trabajo se aborda un problema para solventar la comunicación con los robots del departamento MAPIR de la Universidad de Málaga, anteriormente sólo podían ser teleoperados mediante comandos escritos en Skype, así que se procede a diseñar un cliente móvil para Android que nos permite conectarse en tiempo real a un robot, obtener la imagen de lo que su cámara capta y además permitir su teleoperación. Por su parte, el robot corre un servidor que administra esos datos al cliente para trabajar conjuntamente. Dicho trabajo se desarrolla haciendo uso de nuevas tecnologias y protocolos como es WebRTC (de Google) para el intercambio de imágenes y del lado del servidor, se ha usado NodeJS.


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É crescente a utilização dos dispositivos móveis com ecrãs maiores e melhores, mais memória, maiores capacidades multimédia e métodos mais refinados para introduzir dados. Dispositivos que integram comunicações, acesso à internet e diversos tipos de sensores possibilitarão, seguramente, abordagens inovadoras e criativas em atividades pedagógicas, em contraste com as utilizações atuais nos computadores pessoais. A análise das aplicações que atualmente integram os módulos do Moodle nos dispositivos móveis mostra que existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer. As aplicações existentes têm, quase na sua totalidade, como objetivo adaptar o interface aos dispositivos móveis, o que é apenas o primeiro passo no sentido de aproveitar todas as potencialidades destes dispositivos. É, pois, possível imaginar um futuro próximo, onde as potencialidades dos dispositivos móveis darão origem a aplicações com um enorme potencial de aprendizagem, que advém do facto de os estudantes encontrarem conexões entre as suas vidas e a sua educação, através da realização de atividades em contexto no dispositivo móvel, sempre omnipresente. Com este trabalho de investigação e desenvolvimento pretende-se: a) avaliar o estado da arte do mobile learning, na área dos Learning Management System (LMS); b) refletir sobre as funcionalidades que deve oferecer uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis, com enfoque no sistema operativo Android, que permita a gestão e atualização dos fóruns e ficheiros do Moodle; c) conceber e produzir a referida aplicação, de acordo com as especificações consideradas relevantes; d) avaliar o seu impacto educativo e funcional. É demonstrado neste estudo que o recurso a dispositivos móveis potencia a aprendizagem baseada em LMS (Learning Management System), identificando-se as vantagens da sua utilização. São também apresentadas as funcionalidades da aplicação Mais(f), desenvolvida no âmbito da investigação, a avaliação da mesma pelos participantes no estudo, bem como as perspectivas futuras de utilização da aplicação Mais(f).


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The increasing dependency of everyday life on mobile devices also increases the number and complexity of computing tasks to be supported by these devices. However, the inherent requirement of mobility restricts them from being resources rich both in terms of energy (battery capacity) and other computing resources such as processing capacity, memory and other resources. This thesis looks into cyber foraging technique of offloading computing tasks. Various experiments on android mobile devices are carried out to evaluate offloading benefits in terms of sustainability advantage, prolonging battery life and augmenting the performance of mobile devices. This thesis considers two scenarios of cyber foraging namely opportunistic offloading and competitive offloading. These results show that the offloading scenarios are important for both green computing and resource augmentation of mobile devices. A significant advantage in battery life gain and performance enhancement is obtained. Moreover, cyber foraging is proved to be efficient in minimizing energy consumption per computing tasks. The work is based on scavenger cyber foraging system. In addition, the work can be used as a basis for studying cyber foraging and other similar approaches such as mobile cloud/edge computing for internet of things devices and improving the user experiences of applications by minimizing latencies through the use of potential nearby surrogates.


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Today, biodiversity is endangered by the currently applied intensive farming methods imposed on food producers by intermediate actors (e.g.: retailers). The lack of a direct communication technology between the food producer and the consumer creates dependency on the intermediate actors for both producers and the consumers. A tool allowing producers to directly and efficiently market produce that meets customer demands could greatly reduce the dependency enforced by intermediate actors. To this end, in this thesis, we propose, develop, implement and validate a Real Time Context Sharing (RCOS) system. RCOS takes advantage of the widely used publish/subscribe paradigm to exchange messages between producers and consumers, directly, according to their interest and context. Current systems follow a topic-based model or a content-based model. With RCOS, we propose a context-awareness approach into the matching process of publish/subscribe paradigm. Finally, as a proof of concept, we extend the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis software and create a client prototype. We evaluate our proof of concept for larger scale deployment.


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Descreve-se, no presente trabalho, os esforços envidados no sentido de criar uma solução informática generalista, para os problemas mais recorrentes do processo de produção de videojogos 20, baseados em sprites, a correr em plataformas móveis. O sistema desenvolvido é uma aplicação web que está inserida no paradigma cloud­computing, usufruindo, portanto, de todas as vantagens em termos de acessibilidade, segurança da informação e manutenção que este paradigma oferece actualmente. Além das questões funcionais, a aplicação é ainda explorada do ponto de vista da arquitetura da implementação, com vista a garantir um sistema com implementação escalável, adaptável e de fácil manutenção. Propõe-se ainda um algoritmo que foi desenvolvido para resolver o problema de obter uma distribuição espacial otimizada de várias áreas retangulares, sem sobreposições nem restrições a nível das dimensões, quer do arranjo final, quer das áreas arranjadas. ABSTRACT: This document describes the efforts taken to create a generic computing solution for the most recurrent problems found in the production of two dimensional, sprite­based videogames, running on mobile platforms. The developed system is a web application that fits within the scope of the recent cloud-computing paradigm and, therefore, enjoys all of its advantages in terms of data safety, accessibility and application maintainability. In addition, to the functional issues, the system is also studied in terms of its internal software architecture, since it was planned and implemented in the perspective of attaining an easy to maintain application, that is both scalable and adaptable. Furthermore, it is also proposed an algorithm that aims to find an optimized solution to the space distribution problem of several rectangular areas, with no overlapping and no dimensinal restrictions, neither on the final arrangement nor on the arranged areas.


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O avanço das tecnologias de informação continua a mudar os paradigmas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os meios disponíveis são cada vez mais diversificados e, com a necessidade de procurar novos estudantes e diversificar o público-alvo, as instituições de ensino superior estão a repensar os seus modelos de negócio e estratégias pedagógicas. A proliferação de dispositivos móveis catalisa uma aposta crescente no ensino a distância (EaD) no sentido de proporcionar aprendizagens em mobilidade (m-learning). No entanto, as soluções existentes para m-learning são ainda pouco adaptadas às recentes metodologias de EaD, na maioria das vezes funcionando como extensão de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ou com muito foco nos conteúdos. Sendo a Universidade Aberta (UAb) a única instituição de ensino superior público em Portugal de ensino a distância, com um modelo pedagógico próprio, constitui um natural caso de aplicação de tecnologia móvel em novos contextos de aprendizagem, importando por isso estudar e desenhar os mecanismos de interação mais adequados com professores e estudantes em mobilidade. Adotou-se neste trabalho a metodologia Design Science Research, tendo sido identificadas as características e comportamentos de potenciais utilizadores, e definidas as funcionalidades que devem ser disponibilizadas na primeira versão de uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis (app) no contexto do ensino a distância. É proposto o design da interface dessa app, usando o modelo da UAb como caso de aplicação, e disponibilizada uma lista de orientações para o desenvolvimento do protótipo funcional. Da investigação realizada, concluiu-se que a interface proposta constitui um modelo válido para o desenho de uma app para aprendizagens em mobilidade, no regime de ensino de uma universidade virtual. A partir deste modelo, as instituições de ensino superior podem desenvolver apps adaptando-se ao avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e ficarem alinhadas com as necessidades dos seus alunos e docentes, particularmente se dispuserem de oferta formativa a distância.


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In this paper, a musical learning application for mobile devices is presented. The main objective is to design and develop an application capable of offering exercises to practice and improve a selection of music skills, to users interested in music learning and training. The selected music skills are rhythm, melodic dictation and singing. The application includes an audio signal analysis system implemented making use of the Goertzel algorithm which is employed in singing exercises to check if the user sings the right musical note. This application also includes a graphical interface to represent musical symbols. A set of tests were conducted to check the usefulness of the application as musical learning tool. A group of users with different music knowledge have tested the system and reported to have found it effective, easy and accessible.


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This paper is concerned with the potential of mobile touch-screen devices and emerging socio-technological practices to support pedagogies of place that provide a means for young people to reflect critically on the social construction of place and to take actions that speak of and to their own locatedness. Drawing on de Certeau's (1984) concept of space as a practiced place and Massey's (2005) perspective of spatiality and interrelatedness, we examine two school-based examples of learning activities that bring together the virtual and physical as in experiences and representations of place. The first example is an Australian local history unit, where lower secondary school students participated in a series of field trips, planned and conducted under the guidance of an indigenous elder. They used Smartphones and iPads to capture and create personalised audio-visual records of their knowledge of place that were then used to create geo-location games. In the second example, upper primary school students worked with local authorities and environmental educators to select sites for two environmental monitoring posts, which were then installed and provided a locus for the students' school-based environmental science learning as well as a vehicle for community engagement. Drawing on interview, video and photographic data, this paper examines the way mobile technologies were deployed for student knowledge production, engagement with place, reconstruction of place and engagement with community.


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BACKGROUND: Given the global prevalence of insufficient physical activity (PA), effective interventions that attenuate age-related decline in PA levels are needed. Mobile phone interventions that positively affect health (mHealth) show promise; however, their impact on PA levels and fitness in young people is unclear and little is known about what makes a good mHealth app. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to determine the effects of two commercially available smartphone apps (Zombies, Run and Get Running) on cardiorespiratory fitness and PA levels in insufficiently active healthy young people. A second aim was to identify the features of the app design that may contribute to improved fitness and PA levels. METHODS: Apps for IMproving FITness (AIMFIT) was a 3-arm, parallel, randomized controlled trial conducted in Auckland, New Zealand. Participants were recruited through advertisements in electronic mailing lists, local newspapers, flyers posted in community locations, and presentations at schools. Eligible young people aged 14-17 years were allocated at random to 1 of 3 conditions: (1) use of an immersive app (Zombies, Run), (2) use of a nonimmersive app (Get Running), or (3) usual behavior (control). Both smartphone apps consisted of a fully automated 8-week training program designed to improve fitness and ability to run 5 km; however, the immersive app featured a game-themed design and narrative. Intention-to-treat analysis was performed using data collected face-to-face at baseline and 8 weeks, and all regression models were adjusted for baseline outcome value and gender. The primary outcome was cardiorespiratory fitness, objectively assessed as time to complete the 1-mile run/walk test at 8 weeks. Secondary outcomes were PA levels (accelerometry and self-reported), enjoyment, psychological need satisfaction, self-efficacy, and acceptability and usability of the apps. RESULTS: A total of 51 participants were randomized to the immersive app intervention (n=17), nonimmersive app intervention (n=16), or the control group (n=18). The mean age of participants was 15.7 (SD 1.2) years; participants were mostly NZ Europeans (61%, 31/51) and 57% (29/51) were female. Overall retention rate was 96% (49/51). There was no significant intervention effect on the primary outcome using either of the apps. Compared to the control, time to complete the fitness test was -28.4 seconds shorter (95% CI -66.5 to 9.82, P=.20) for the immersive app group and -24.7 seconds (95% CI -63.5 to 14.2, P=.32) for the nonimmersive app group. No significant intervention effects were found for secondary outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Although apps have the ability to increase reach at a low cost, our pragmatic approach using readily available commercial apps as a stand-alone instrument did not have a significant effect on fitness. However, interest in future use of PA apps is promising and highlights a potentially important role of these tools in a multifaceted approach to increase fitness, promote PA, and consequently reduce the adverse health outcomes associated with insufficient activity.


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Background: Remote telemonitoring holds great potential to augment management of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) by enabling regular physiological monitoring during physical activity. Remote physiological monitoring may improve home and community exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (exCR) programs and could improve assessment of the impact and management of pharmacological interventions for heart rate control in individuals with AF.

Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the measurement validity and data transmission reliability of a remote telemonitoring system comprising a wireless multi-parameter physiological sensor, custom mobile app, and middleware platform, among individuals in sinus rhythm and AF.

Methods: Participants in sinus rhythm and with AF undertook simulated daily activities, low, moderate, and/or high intensity exercise. Remote monitoring system heart rate and respiratory rate were compared to reference measures (12-lead ECG and indirect calorimeter). Wireless data transmission loss was calculated between the sensor, mobile app, and remote Internet server.

Results: Median heart rate (-0.30 to 1.10 b∙min-1) and respiratory rate (-1.25 to 0.39 br∙min-1) measurement biases were small, yet statistically significant (all P≤.003) due to the large number of observations. Measurement reliability was generally excellent (rho=.87-.97, all P<.001; intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]=.94-.98, all P<.001; coefficient of variation [CV]=2.24-7.94%), although respiratory rate measurement reliability was poor among AF participants (rho=.43, P<.001; ICC=.55, P<.001; CV=16.61%). Data loss was minimal (<5%) when all system components were active; however, instability of the network hosting the remote data capture server resulted in data loss at the remote Internet server during some trials.

Conclusions: System validity was sufficient for remote monitoring of heart and respiratory rates across a range of exercise intensities. Remote exercise monitoring has potential to augment current exCR and heart rate control management approaches by enabling the provision of individually tailored care to individuals outside traditional clinical environments.