953 resultados para Al-Si-Cu(4) alloy
The influence of silver additions on the Cu-13 wt. pot. Al alloy hardness was studied for additions in the range 0 to 16 wt. pot Ag. The results indicated a pronounced hardness increase with the silver content and an influence of the quenching temperature. Data obtained from scanning electron microscopy indicated that the formation of silver-rich precipitates, wich change with the quenching temperature, seems to produce the changes on alloys hardness.
The electrochemical behavior of Cu-xAl alloys, with 11 wt%less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15wt%, in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential decay measurements, quasi-stationary and fast cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Some of the alloys (x less than or equal to 14%), when quenched formed martensitic structures. Alloys with greater than or equal to 13% showed a little square-shaped phase when quenched from temperatures around 800 degrees C. It was observed that in sulfuric medium, these formations were dealuminized differently than the martensitic phase. The values of the rest potentials are more influenced by the heat treatment rather than by the alloy composition. An anodic Tafel slope of ca. 60 mV/decade was observed for all the alloys, independently of the heat treatment. This is explained in terms of a competition between two processes: copper oxidation and copper(I) deproportionation. In the cyclic voltammetric experiments it was observed an anodic current peak, related with copper oxidation with a possible formation of some interfacial species, and a cathodic current peak during the reverse potential scan, associated with the reduction of soluble species and/or of the film. The AC Impedance data were interpreted in terms of electric equivalent circuits.
In this work the influence of Ag additions on the thermal behavior of the Cu-11 mass% Al alloy was studied using differential scanning calorimetry, in situ X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that changes in the heating rate shift the peak attributed to alpha phase formation to higher temperatures, evidencing the diffusive character of this reaction. The activation energy value for the alpha phase formation reaction, obtained from a non-isotherm kinetic model, is close to that corresponding to Cu atoms self diffusion, thus confirming that this reaction is dominated by Cu atoms diffusion through the martensite matrix.
In this work the (alpha + gamma(1)) complex phase formation reaction in the Cu-10mass% Al-6mass% Ag alloy was studied using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Differential Thermodilatometry (DTD), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Optical (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopies (SEM). The results indicated the presence of two different processes, related to a change in the Ag diffusion route from the alpha matrix to the (alpha + gamma(1)) complex phase.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Ag-rich phase precipitation in the Cu-9 mass% Al was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that Ag additions did not interfere on the metastable transitions sequence of the Cu-mass% Al alloy but Ag precipitation disturbs the beta phase formation reaction and the martensitic phase decomposition reaction.
The influence of silver additions on the structure and phase transformation of the Cu-13 wt % Al alloy was studied by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays. The results indicate that the presence of silver modifies the phase-stability field, the transition temperature and the structure of the alloy. These effects are more pronounced for silver concentrations up to 8 wt %.
The influence of additions of 1.3, 2.5, 3.8, 5.1, and 6.3 at.% Ag on the aging behavior of the Cu-10.4at.%Al alloy was studied using microhardness measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The results indicated that with silver additions it is possible to obtain a response to age hardening, and that for large aging times there is a decrease in the alloy hardness, with a process that leads to Ag and Al segregation. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
The effect of Ag addition on the phase transformations that occur in the Cu-10% Al alloy was studied using differential thermal analysis, scanning electron and optical microscopies and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The results indicated that Ag addition is responsible for the separation of the reverse martensitic transformation in two stages, and for the refinement of the α-phase grains. The relative amount of the β1 martensitic phase, retained on slow cooling (above 2 K min-1 of cooling rate), and the relative fraction of phase α2 are increased. The solubility limit of Ag in the matrix is close to 6 mass% and at this concentration the maximum stability of the β-phase is reached. © 2005 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
The phase transitions that occur in the Cu-22.26 at.%Al-9.93 at.%Mn and Cu-22.49 at.%Al-10.01 at.%Mn-1.53 at.%Ag alloys after slow cooling were studied using differential scanning calorimetry at different heating rates, microhardness changes with temperature, magnetization changes with temperature, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy. The results indicated that the presence of Ag does not modify the transition sequence of Cu-Al-Mn alloy, introduces a new transition due to the (Ag-Cu)-rich precipitates dissolution at about 800 K, and changes the mechanism of DO 3 phase dissolution. This mechanistic change was analyzed and a sequence of phase transitions was proposed for the reaction. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Neste trabalho, é feita uma tentativa para estabelecer a influência dos teores [0,5; 0,7 e 0,9]%Si, como agentes modificadores da liga Al-0,05%Cu-[0,24-0,28]%Fe, avaliada através de aspectos que levaram em conta parâmetros operacionais de vazamentos unidirecionais horizontais tais como velocidades (Vs) e taxas de solidificação (Tx). Após operações de corte e usinagem foram obtidos perfis cilíndricos, com diâmetros de 9,5mm e comprimento de 120mm, a partir dos quais, após operações de trabalho à frio, chegou-se a fios com diâmetros de 2,7; 3,0; 3,8 e 4,0mm. Estes perfis foram submetidos à caracterização elétrica, com base na condutividade elétrica, à caracterização mecânica, com base em ensaios tensão/deformação enfatizando o alongamento, e a caracterização estrutural em seções longitudinais, com ênfase na distribuição das partículas de segunda fase e no aspecto da fratura, na qual a metodologia de avaliação das dimensões das microcavidades se utiliza da razão do cumprimento (L) pela largura (W).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ