749 resultados para 2004-07-BS


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For the purposes of identifying microlensing events, the POINT-AGAPE collaboration has been monitoring the Andromeda galaxy (M31) for three seasons (1999-2001) with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. In each season, data are taken for one hour per night for roughly 60 nights during the six months that M31 is visible. The two 33 x 33 arcmin(2) fields of view straddle the central bulge, northwards and southwards. We have calculated the locations, periods and brightness of 35 414 variable stars in M31 as a by-product of the microlensing search. The variables are classified according to their period and brightness. Rough correspondences with classical types of variable star (such as Population I and II Cepheids, Miras and semiregular long-period variables) are established. The spatial distribution of Population I Cepheids is clearly associated with the spiral arms, while the central concentration of the Miras and long-period variables varies noticeably, the brighter and the shorter period Miras being much more centrally concentrated.


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Investigations of Li-7(p,n)Be-7 reactions using Cu and CH primary and LiF secondary targets were performed using the VULCAN laser [C.N. Danson , J. Mod. Opt. 45, 1653 (1997)] with intensities up to 3x10(19) W cm(-2). The neutron yield was measured using CR-39 plastic track detector and the yield was up to 3x10(8) sr(-1) for CH primary targets and up to 2x10(8) sr(-1) for Cu primary targets. The angular distribution of neutrons was measured at various angles and revealed a relatively anisotropic neutron distribution over 180degrees that was greater than the error of measurement. It may be possible to exploit such reactions on high repetition, table-top lasers for neutron radiography. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia (formerly Burkholderia cepacia complex genomovar III) causes chronic lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. In this work, we used a modified signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) strategy for the isolation of B. cenocepacia mutants that cannot survive in vivo. Thirty-seven specialized plasposons, each carrying a unique oligonucleotide tag signature, were constructed and used to examine the survival of 2,627 B. cenocepacia transposon mutants, arranged in pools of 37 unique mutants, after a 10-day lung infection in rats by using the agar bead model. The recovered mutants were screened by real-time PCR, resulting in the identification of 260 mutants which presumably did not survive within the lungs. These mutants were repooled into smaller pools, and the infections were repeated. After a second screen, we isolated 102 mutants unable to survive in the rat model. The location of the transposon in each of these mutants was mapped within the B. cenocepacia chromosomes. We identified mutations in genes involved in cellular metabolism, global regulation, DNA replication and repair, and those encoding bacterial surface structures, including transmembrane proteins and cell surface polysaccharides. Also, we found 18 genes of unknown function, which are conserved in other bacteria. A subset of 12 representative mutants that were individually examined using the rat model in competition with the wild-type strain displayed reduced survival, confirming the predictive value of our STM screen. This study provides a blueprint to investigate at the molecular level the basis for survival and persistence of B. cenocepacia within the airways.


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A report is presented of the XIIth International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Physics (Sandbjerg, Denmark, 19-21 July 2003). This workshop covered positron and positronium interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter systems. One key development reported was the first creation in the laboratory of low-energy antihydrogen atoms. Facets of positron-electron many-body systems were also considered, including the positronium molecule and BEC gases of positronium atoms. Aspects of the future of the field were discussed, including the development of new theoretical and experimental capabilities.


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1. Freshwater unionoids are one of the most threatened animal groups worldwide and the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is currently listed as critically endangered in Europe. The ‘EC Habitats & Species Directive’ requires that EU member states monitor the distribution and abundance of this species and report regularly on its conservation status.
2. The pearl mussel meta-population in Northern Ireland was surveyed to assess temporal population trends in Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and mussel reproduction throughout its range.
3. Mussels occurred in six rivers and numbers within three SAC designated sites remained stable between 2004-07 and 2011. The discovery of >8,000 previously unknown individuals in the Owenreagh River contributed to an overall increase (+56.8%) in the total known population. All populations actively reproduced during 2010 with approximately half of all individuals gravid. Moreover, suitable salmonid hosts occurred at all sites with 10.7% of salmon and 22.8% of trout carrying encysted glochidia. Populations were composed entirely of aged individuals with little evidence of recent recruitment.
4. We infer that the break in the life cycle must occur during the juvenile stage when glochidia metamorphose and settle into the interstitial spaces within the substrate. Water quality parameters, most notably levels of suspended solids, exceeded the recommended maximum thresholds in all rivers.
5. We posit that the deposition of silt may be the main cause of juvenile mortality contributing to a lack of recruitment. Consequently, all populations were judged to be in ‘unfavourable’ conservation status. Catchment-level management plans are urgently needed to reduce siltation with the aim of improving recruitment. Our results have implications for the success of ex-situ conservation programmes; specifically, the size at which captive bred juveniles are released into the wild. Further research is required to assess the vulnerabilities of early life stages of M. margaritifera to siltation.


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Mammary epithelial cells cultured on a concentrated laminin-rich extracellular matrix formed 3D acinar structures that matured to polarized monolayers surrounding a lumen. In the absence of glucocorticoids mature acinus formation failed and the expression of an acinus-associated, activator protein 1 (AP1) and nuclear factor kappaB transcription factor DNA-binding profile was lost. Treatment with the JNK inhibitor, SP600125, caused similar effects, whereas normal organization of the mammary epithelial cells as acini caused JNK activation in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner. The forming acini expressed BRCA1, GADD45beta, MEKK4, and the JNK activating complex GADD 45beta-MEKK4 in a glucocorticoid-dependent fashion. JNK catalyzed phosphorylation of c-Jun was also detected in the acini. In addition, expression of beta4 integrin and in situ occupation of its promoter by AP1 components, c-Jun and Fos, was glucocorticoid dependent. These results suggest that glucocortocoid signaling regulates acinar integrity through a pathway involving JNK regulation of AP1 transcription factors and beta4 integrin expression.


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BRCA1 is a major player in the DNA damage response. This is evident from its loss, which causes cells to become sensitive to a wide variety of DNA damaging agents. The major BRCA1 binding partner, BARD1, is also implicated in the DNA damage response, and recent reports indicate that BRCA1 and BARD1 co-operate in this pathway. In this report, we utilized small interfering RNA to deplete BRCA1 and BARD1 to demonstrate that the BRCA1-BARD1 complex is required for ATM/ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated/ATM and Rad3-related)-mediated phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) following IR- and UV radiation-induced DNA damage. In contrast, phosphorylation of a number of other ATM/ATR targets including H2AX, Chk2, Chk1, and c-jun does not depend on the presence of BRCA1-BARD1 complexes. Moreover, prior ATM/ATR-dependent phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1423 or Ser-1524 regulates the ability of ATM/ATR to phosphorylate p53(Ser-15) efficiently. Phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) is necessary for an IR-induced G(1)/S arrest via transcriptional induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. Consistent with these data, repressing p53(Ser-15) phosphorylation by BRCA1-BARD1 depletion compromises p21 induction and the G(1)/S checkpoint arrest in response to IR but not UV radia-tion. These findings suggest that BRCA1-BARD1 complexes act as an adaptor to mediate ATM/ATR-directed phosphorylation of p53, influencing G(1)/S cell cycle progression after DNA damage.


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The finite element method in conjunction with the Soutis-Fleck model is used to predict the residual strength after impact of a carbon-fibre reinforced plastic wingbox subjected to a cantilever type loading. The maximum stress failure criterion further validates the Soutis-Fleck model predictions. The Soutis-Fleck model predicts that the wingbox fails at a tip load of 99.2 kN, approximately 5.5% less than the experimental observation


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Purpose To quantify autofluorescence (AF) levels in patients with Stargardt macular dystrophy-fundus flavimaculatus (STGD-FFM), and to identify patterns of AF. Design Observational, comparative study. Methods Prospective study. Settings Patients were recruited at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Study population Forty-three STGD-FFM patients aged 20 to 40 years and 35 age-matched normal volunteers. The right eye was chosen arbitrarily for measures of AF. Intervention The AF images were obtained using a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Levels of AF across the macula were measured. The distribution of AF was also evaluated. In 36 patients (84%) pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and full-field ERG were obtained and results were evaluated with respect to levels of AF. Main outcome measures Values of AF, AF distribution, PERG, and ERG. Results Normal or high AF at the center of the macula with high AF temporally or nasally or both was detected in 17 patients (39%). In nine (21%), low AF at the center of the macula with normal or low AF temporally or nasally or both was found. Levels of AF were normal throughout the macula in six patients (14%). In 11 (26%), high, normal, and low levels of AF were found. All patients tested with low AF at the center of the macula and normal or low AF temporally or nasally or both had peripheral cone/rod dysfunction. None of the patients tested that had normal or high AF at the fovea and high AF temporally or nasally, or normal AF throughout the macula, had peripheral cone/rod dysfunction. Conclusion AF is not universally high in STGD-FFM. Some patients have normal or low AF. Autofluorescence patterns appear to relate to functional abnormalities. © 2004 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.