925 resultados para 2004-02-BS


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Es werden die Grundlagen und wichtigsten Konzepte für zielorientierte Fehlerschätzer bei linearen und nichtlinearen Problemen vorgestellt. Mit ihrer Hilfe lassen sich Aussagen über die Güte einzelner lokaler Werte treffen und es ist möglich, das Netz innerhalb von adaptiven Verfahren derart zu optimieren, dass die betrachtete lokale Größe möglichst genau berechnet werden kann.


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In genannter Schrift soll versucht werden, einen aus der Kantschen und Fichteschen Erkenntnistheorie erfolgenden allgemeinen Zusammenhang herzustellen zwischen dem kategorialen Denken hinsichtlich Denken und Anschauen und dem Problem von Raum und Zeit, wie es sich mit der Entwicklung der modernen Physik durch die Relativitäts- und Quantentheorie deutlich aufdrängt. Es wird gezeigt, dass F.W.J. Schelling grundlegende Lösungsansätze hierzu bereitstellt, welche auf dem Gebiet der Logik, der Epistomologie und Naturphilosophie in der Nachfolge von Kant, Fichte und Spinoza stattfinden, jedoch weit über seine Zeit hinausreichen. Diese Ansätze werden von Schelling selbst unter den Begriff einer „Identität der Identität und Differenz“ gesetzt. In der genannten Dissertation sollen Denkbewegungen dargestellt werden, die eine Anbindung der Schellingschen Naturphilosophie an die sich mit den genannten unterschiedlichen Theorien bzw. deren problematischer Vereinheitlichung beschäftigende Physik zu erreichen versuchen. Der formelle Aufbau der Arbeit gehorcht der inhaltlichen Struktur dieser Anbindungsbemühung, insofern unterstellt wird, dass diese rein nur aus einem dialektischen Denken (sowohl in der Erkenntnistheorie, als auch Naturphilosophie) heraus überhaupt erreicht werden kann. So werden sowohl die Tätigkeiten des Verstandes als die des Anschauens in ihrem Zusammenspiel, wie aber auch die Verstandes- und Anschauungstätigkeiten an sich selbst betrachtet, dialektisch vermittelt dargestellt, was innerhalb der formellen Deduktion der Kantschen Kategorien und der korrespondierenden Anschauungsformen selbst durchgeführt wird. Schellings Intention seines späteren Denkens, die philosophischen Probleme auf die Geschichtlichkeit, die Freiheit und den Erfahrungsbezug des Menschen zu beziehen, wird nicht als Gegenposition zu den frühen Ansätze der Logik und Transzendentalphilosophie gedeutet, sondern selbst als Endpunkt einer dialektischen Entwicklung des Schellingschen Denkens gefasst. Dies ergibt folgenden formellen Aufbau der Arbeit: Zunächst wird in einem einleitenden Abschnitt über die Aufgabe der Philosophie selbst und ihrer Darstellbarkeit im Zusammenhang mit der Hegel-Schelling-Kontroverse gearbeitet, um Schelling als adäquaten Bezugspunkt für unsere moderne Diskussion auf der methodischen und sprachlichen Ebene einzuführen. Im Hauptteil werden die wesentlichen Momente der für Schelling wichtigen Transzendentalphilosophie der Jahrhundertwende dargestellt, um diese dann an den späteren phänomenologisch-epistemologischen Ansätzen zu spiegeln. Von der theoretischen Seite kommend werden die Hauptmomente der praktischen Philosophie Schellings aufgezeigt, um dann den Menschen in einem dritten Schritt Symbol der Ununterschiedenheit von logischen und freien Tätigkeiten bzw. von Leib und Seele zu deuten. Diese Resultate bleiben zunächst einmal liegen, um in dem zweiten Hauptabschnitt auf grundlegende naturphilosophische Voraussetzungen und Resultate derjenigen Physik einzugehen, welche die prinzipiellen Verständnisschwierigkeiten der Physik des frühen 20. Jahrhundert in die heutige kosmologische und atomistische Diskussion mitbringt. Der dritte Hauptabschnitt stellt den Versuch dar, Schellings Naturphilosophie an symptomatische Anschauungen der Physik heranzuführen, um ihn als zeitgenössischen Kritiker einzuführen, wie aber auch als einen, der bestimmte moderne naturwissenschaftliche bzw. physikalische Resultate im Besonderen vorwegzunehmen vermochte. Die Einführung seiner Philosophie in aktuelle naturphilosophische Diskussion wird als unabdingbare Voraussetzung zu einem zukünftigen Verständnis des Natur, des Kosmos´ und des Menschen gefordert.


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Traditionally, we've focussed on the question of how to make a system easy to code the first time, or perhaps on how to ease the system's continued evolution. But if we look at life cycle costs, then we must conclude that the important question is how to make a system easy to operate. To do this we need to make it easy for the operators to see what's going on and to then manipulate the system so that it does what it is supposed to. This is a radically different criterion for success. What makes a computer system visible and controllable? This is a difficult question, but it's clear that today's modern operating systems with nearly 50 million source lines of code are neither. Strikingly, the MIT Lisp Machine and its commercial successors provided almost the same functionality as today's mainstream sytsems, but with only 1 Million lines of code. This paper is a retrospective examination of the features of the Lisp Machine hardware and software system. Our key claim is that by building the Object Abstraction into the lowest tiers of the system, great synergy and clarity were obtained. It is our hope that this is a lesson that can impact tomorrow's designs. We also speculate on how the spirit of the Lisp Machine could be extended to include a comprehensive access control model and how new layers of abstraction could further enrich this model.


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This report is a formal documentation of the results of an assessment of the degree to which Lean Principles and Practices have been implemented in the US Aerospace and Defense Industry. An Industry Association team prepared it for the DCMA-DCAAIndustry Association “Crosstalk” Coalition in response to a “Crosstalk” meeting action request to the industry associations. The motivation of this request was provided by the many potential benefits to system product quality, affordability and industry responsiveness, which a high degree of industry Lean implementation can produce.


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Este trabajo de investigación explora el proceso de toma de decisiones fundamentado desde la perspectiva psicológica. El campo de interés está centrado en la toma de decisiones éticas a nivel organizacional y las consecuencias que las zonas grises o las conductas de riesgo repercuten en las dinámicas económicas y sociales. Con base en el análisis de los escándalos financieros más importantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Colombia, y la literatura ofrecida por las ciencias sociales, la ética y las ciencias económicas se reconstruye una recopilación teórica de los aportes que los modelos psicológicos aplicados pueden dar al campo de la consultoría y el funcionamiento organizacional como también al estudio y análisis de los comportamientos anti éticos en empresas.


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El conocimiento de la distribución de probabilidad de los retornos de la tasa de cambio y la medición de las área extremas son tópicos en la literatura de finanzas que han sido analizados por procedimientos de estimación paramétricos y no paramétricos. Sin embargo, un conflicto de robustez surge debido a que estas series de tiempo son leptocúrticas. Más aún, se ha observado que en varias economías en desarrollo la fase inicial del régimen flexible de tasa de cambio ha presentado volatilidad alta. En esta investigación se cubren dos objetivos: primero, parametrizar varias clases de distribuciones que permitan tener una nueva descripción del proceso generador de la tasa de cambio durante el régimen flexible. Segundo, cuantificar el área extrema a través del estimador de Hill. Está estrategia requiere que el número de observaciones extremas sea conocido. Así basado en la teoría de estadísticas de orden se implementa una regla de decisión encontrada por simulación de Monte Carlo bajo varias distribuciones. El modelo de decisión es formulado de tal manera que el error cuadrado medio es minimizado.


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Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.


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Se realizó un estudio cualitativo exploratorio con estudiantes de carreras de Ciencias de la Salud con el objetivo de comprender las representaciones sociales que tienen acerca de la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (MCA) para el cáncer. Se desarrollaron grupos focales y la información obtenida fue analizada a través del Análisis Temático e interpretada con base en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Se encontraron diversas representaciones sociales asociadas con la definición, los objetivos, los tratamientos, la eficacia, las fuentes de información y el origen de la MCA. En conclusión se evidenció una alta tendencia a la aceptación y a la manifestación de una actitud positiva, aunque ambivalente frente a la MCA, además de un desconocimiento por la diferenciación conceptual entre este tipo de Medicina y la Medicina Popular. La cultura y las creencias sociales predominan en las representaciones sociales que tienen los estudiantes de la MCA para el cáncer, pese a su formación académica.


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La visió és probablement el nostre sentit més dominant a partir del qual derivem la majoria d'informació del món que ens envolta. A través de la visió podem percebre com són les coses, on són i com es mouen. En les imatges que percebem amb el nostre sistema de visió podem extreure'n característiques com el color, la textura i la forma, i gràcies a aquesta informació som capaços de reconèixer objectes fins i tot quan s'observen sota unes condicions totalment diferents. Per exemple, som capaços de distingir un mateix objecte si l'observem des de diferents punts de vista, distància, condicions d'il·luminació, etc. La Visió per Computador intenta emular el sistema de visió humà mitjançant un sistema de captura d'imatges, un ordinador, i un conjunt de programes. L'objectiu desitjat no és altre que desenvolupar un sistema que pugui entendre una imatge d'una manera similar com ho realitzaria una persona. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'anàlisi de la textura per tal de realitzar el reconeixement de superfícies. La motivació principal és resoldre el problema de la classificació de superfícies texturades quan han estat capturades sota diferents condicions, com ara distància de la càmera o direcció de la il·luminació. D'aquesta forma s'aconsegueix reduir els errors de classificació provocats per aquests canvis en les condicions de captura. En aquest treball es presenta detalladament un sistema de reconeixement de textures que ens permet classificar imatges de diferents superfícies capturades en diferents condicions. El sistema proposat es basa en un model 3D de la superfície (que inclou informació de color i forma) obtingut mitjançant la tècnica coneguda com a 4-Source Colour Photometric Stereo (CPS). Aquesta informació és utilitzada posteriorment per un mètode de predicció de textures amb l'objectiu de generar noves imatges 2D de les textures sota unes noves condicions. Aquestes imatges virtuals que es generen seran la base del nostre sistema de reconeixement, ja que seran utilitzades com a models de referència per al nostre classificador de textures. El sistema de reconeixement proposat combina les Matrius de Co-ocurrència per a l'extracció de característiques de textura, amb la utilització del Classificador del veí més proper. Aquest classificador ens permet al mateix temps aproximar la direcció d'il·luminació present en les imatges que s'utilitzen per testejar el sistema de reconeixement. És a dir, serem capaços de predir l'angle d'il·luminació sota el qual han estat capturades les imatges de test. Els resultats obtinguts en els diferents experiments que s'han realitzat demostren la viabilitat del sistema de predicció de textures, així com del sistema de reconeixement.


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This paper investigates phosphorus (P) transport and transformation dynamics in two contrasting sub-catchments of the River Kennel, England. Samples were collected daily under baseflow and hourly under stormflow conditions using autosamplers for 2 years and analysed for a range of determinands (full P fractionation, suspended sediment (SS), cations, pH, alkalinity, temperature and oxygen). Concentrations of SRP, SUP, PP and SS were higher in the flashy River Enborne (means of 0.186, 0.071, 0.101 and 34 mg l(-1), respectively) than the groundwater-fed River Lambourn (0.079, 0.057, 0.028 and 9 mg l(-1), respectively). A seasonal trend in the daily P dataset was evident, with lower concentrations during intermediate flows and the spring (caused by a dilution effect and macrophyte uptake) than during baseflow conditions. However, in the hourly P dataset, highest concentrations were observed during storm events in the autumn and winter (reflecting higher scour with increased capacity to entrain particles). Storm events were more significant in contributing to the total P load in the River Enborne than the River Lambourn, especially during August to October, when dry antecedent conditions were observed in the catchment. Re-suspension of P-rich sediment that accumulated within the channel during summer low flows might account for these observations. It is suggested that a P-calcite co-precipitation mechanism was operating during summer in the River Lambourn, while adsorption by metal oxyhydroxide groups was an important mechanism controlling P fractionation in the River Enborne. The influence of flow conditions and channel storage/release mechanisms on P dynamics in these two lowland rivers is assessed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article investigates the temporal and spatial controls on sediment-phosphorus (P) dynamics in two contrasting sub-catchments of the River Kennet, England. Suspended sediment (collected under representative flow conditions) and size-fractionated bedload (collected weekly for one year) from the Rivers Lambourn and Enborne was analysed for a range of physico-chemical determinands. Total P concentrations were highest in the most mobile fractions of sediment: suspended sediment, fine silt and clay and organic matter (mean concentrations of 1758, 1548 and 1440 mug P g(-1) dry sediment, respectively). Correlation analysis showed significant relationships between total P and total iron (n = 110), total manganese (n = 110), organic matter (n = 110) and specific surface area (n = 28) in the Lambourn (r(2) 0.71, 0.68, 0.62 and 0.52, respectively) and between total P and total iron (n = 110), total manganese (n = 110) and organic matter (n = 110) in the Enborne (r(2) 0.74, 0.85 and 0.68, respectively). These data highlight the importance of metal oxyhydroxide adsorption of P on fine particulates and organic matter. However, high total P concentrations in the granule gravel and coarse sand size fraction during the summer period (mean concentration 228 mug P g(-1) dry sediment) also highlight the role of calcite co-precipitation on P dynamics in the Lambourn. P to cation ratios in Lambourn sediment indicated that fine silt and clay and granule gravel and coarse sand size fractions were potential sources of P release to the water column during specific periods of the summer and autumn. In the Enborne, however, only the granule gravel and coarse sand size fraction had high ratios and a slow, constant release of P was observed. In addition, scanning electron microscopy work confirmed the association of P with calcite in the Lambourn and P with iron on clay particles in the Enborne. The study highlighted the importance of the chemical and physical properties of the sediment in influencing the mechanisms controlling P storage and release within river channels. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The elemental composition of residues of maize (Zea mays), sorghum (S. bicolor), groundnuts (Arachis hypogea), soya beans (Glycine max), leucaena (L. leucocephala), gliricidia (G. sepium), and sesbania (S. sesban) was determined as a basis for examining their alkalinity when incorporated into an acidic Zambian Ferralsol. Potential (ash) alkalinity, available alkalinity by titration to pH 4 and soluble alkalinity (16 It water extract titrated to pH 4) were measured. Potential alkalinity ranged from 3 73 (maize) to 1336 (groundnuts) mmol kg(-1) and was equivalent to the excess of their cation charge over inorganic anion charge. Available alkalinity was about half the potential alkalinity. Cations associated with organic anions are the source of alkalinity. About two thirds of the available alkalinity is soluble. Residue buffer curves were determined by titration with H2SO4 to pH 4. Soil buffer capacity measured by addition of NaOH was 12.9 mmol kg(-1) pH(-1). Soil and residue (10 g:0.25 g) were shaken in solution for 24 h and suspension pH values measured. Soil pH increased from 4.3 to between 4.6 (maize) and 5.2 (soyabean) and the amounts of acidity neutralized (calculated from the rise in pH and the soil buffer capacity) were between 3.9 and 11.5 mmol kg(-1), respectively. The apparent base contributions by the residues (calculated from the buffer curves and the fall in pH) ranged between 105 and 350 mmol kg(-1) of residue, equivalent to 2.6 and 8.8 mmol kg(-1) of soil, respectively. Therefore, in contact with soil acidity, more alkalinity becomes available than when in contact with H2SO4 solution. Available alkalinity (to pH 4) would be more than adequate to supply that which reacts with soil but soluble alkalinity would not. It was concluded that soil Al is able to displace cations associated with organic anions in the residues which are not displaced by H+, or that residue decomposition may have begun in the soil suspension releasing some of the non-available alkalinity. Soil and four of the residues were incubated for 100 days and changes in pH, NH4+ and NO3- concentrations measured. An acidity budget equated neutralized soil acidity with residue alkalinity and base or acid produced by N transformations. Most of the potential alkalinity of soyabean and leucaena had reacted after 14 days, but this only occurred after 100 days for gliricidia, and for maize only the available alkalinity reacted. For gliricidia and leucaena, residue alkalinity was primarily used to react with acidity produced by nitrification. Thus, the ability of residues to ameliorate acidity depends not only on their available and potential alkalinity but also on their potential to release mineral N. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three existing models of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) transit between the Sun and the Earth are compared to coronagraph and in situ observations: all three models are found to perform with a similar level of accuracy (i.e. an average error between observed and predicted 1AU transit times of approximately 11 h). To improve long-term space weather prediction, factors influencing CME transit are investigated. Both the removal of the plane of sky projection (as suffered by coronagraph derived speeds of Earth directed CMEs) and the use of observed values of solar wind speed, fail to significantly improve transit time prediction. However, a correlation is found to exist between the late/early arrival of an ICME and the width of the preceding sheath region, suggesting that the error is a geometrical effect that can only be removed by a more accurate determination of a CME trajectory and expansion. The correlation between magnetic field intensity and speed of ejecta at 1AU is also investigated. It is found to be weak in the body of the ICME, but strong in the sheath, if the upstream solar wind conditions are taken into account.


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In Central Brazil, the long-term sustainability of beef cattle systems is under threat over vast tracts of farming areas, as more than half of the 50 million hectares of sown pastures are suffering from degradation. Overgrazing practised to maintain high stocking rates is regarded as one of the main causes. High stocking rates are deliberate and crucial decisions taken by the farmers, which appear paradoxical, even irrational given the state of knowledge regarding the consequences of overgrazing. The phenomenon however appears inextricably linked with the objectives that farmers hold. In this research those objectives were elicited first and from their ranking two, ‘asset value of cattle (representing cattle ownership)' and ‘present value of economic returns', were chosen to develop an original bi-criteria Compromise Programming model to test various hypotheses postulated to explain the overgrazing behaviour. As part of the model a pasture productivity index is derived to estimate the pasture recovery cost. Different scenarios based on farmers' attitudes towards overgrazing, pasture costs and capital availability were analysed. The results of the model runs show that benefits from holding more cattle can outweigh the increased pasture recovery and maintenance costs. This result undermines the hypothesis that farmers practise overgrazing because they are unaware or uncaring about overgrazing costs. An appropriate approach to the problem of pasture degradation requires information on the economics, and its interplay with farmers' objectives, for a wide range of pasture recovery and maintenance methods. Seen within the context of farmers' objectives, some level of overgrazing appears rational. Advocacy of the simple ‘no overgrazing' rule is an insufficient strategy to maintain the long-term sustainability of the beef production systems in Central Brazil.