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Undeniably, anticipation plays a crucial role in cognition. By what means, to what extent, and what it achieves remain open questions. In a recent BBS target article, Clark (in press) depicts an integrative model of the brain that builds on hierarchical Bayesian models of neural processing (Rao and Ballard, 1999; Friston, 2005; Brown et al., 2011), and their most recent formulation using the free-energy principle borrowed from thermodynamics (Feldman and Friston, 2010; Friston, 2010; Friston et al., 2010). Hierarchical generative models of cognition, such as those described by Clark, presuppose the manipulation of representations and internal models of the world, in as much detail as is perceptually available. Perhaps surprisingly, Clark acknowledges the existence of a “virtual version of the sensory data” (p. 4), but with no reference to some of the historical debates that shaped cognitive science, related to the storage, manipulation, and retrieval of representations in a cognitive system (Shanahan, 1997), or accounting for the emergence of intentionality within such a system (Searle, 1980; Preston and Bishop, 2002). Instead of demonstrating how this Bayesian framework responds to these foundational questions, Clark describes the structure and the functional properties of an action-oriented, multi-level system that is meant to combine perception, learning, and experience (Niedenthal, 2007).
Three new zinc(II)-hexamethylenetetramine (hmt) complexes [Zn-2(4-nbz)(4)(mu(2)-hmt)(OH2)(hmt)] (1). [Zn-2(2-nbz)(4)(mu(2)-hmt)(2)](n) (2) and [Zn-3(3-nbz)(4)(mu(2)-hmt)(mu(2)-OH)(mu(3)-OH)](n) (3) with three isomeric nitrobenzoate, [4-nbz = 4-nitrobenzoate, 2-nbz = 2-nitrobenzoate and 3-nbz = 3-nitrobenzoate] have been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Their identities have also been established by elemental analysis: IR, NMR, UV-Vis and mass spectral studies. 1 is a dinuclear complex formed by bridging hmt with mu(2) coordinating mode. The geometry around the Zn centers in 1 is distorted tetrahedral. Paddle-wheel centrosymmetric Zn-2(2-nbz)(4) units of complex 2 are interconnected by mu(2)-hmt forming a one-dimensional chain with square-pyramidal geometries around the Zn centers. Compound 3 contains a mu(2)/mu(3)-hydroxido and mu(2)-hmt bridged 1D chain. In this complex, varied geometries around the Zn centers are observed viz, tetrahedral, square pyramidal and trigonal bipyramidal. Various weak forces, i.e. lone pair-pi, pi-pi and CH-pi interactions, play a key role in stabilizing the observed structures for complexes 1,2 and 3. This series of complexes demonstrates that although the nitro group does not coordinate to the metal center, its presence at the 2-, 3- or 4-position of the phenyl ring has a striking effect on the dimensionality as well as the structure of the resulted coordination polymers, probably due to the participation of the nitro group in 1.p.center dot center dot center dot pi and/or C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions.
This paper explores the settings and practices of translation at three types of political institutions, i.e. national, supranational, and non-governmental organisations. The three institutions are the translation service of the German Foreign Office, the translation department of the European Central Bank, and translation provision by the non-governmental organisation Amnesty International. The three case studies describe the specific translation practices in place at these institutions and illustrate some characteristic translation strategies. In this way, we reflect on how different translation practices can impact on translation agency and how these practices in turn are influenced by the type of institution and its organisational structure. The article also aims to explore to which extent the characteristics of collectivity, anonymity and standardisation, and of institutional translation as self-translation are applicable to the institutions under discussion.
This paper examines the output effects of monetary disinflation in a model with endogenous time-dependent pricing rules and imperfect credibility of the disinflation policy. We find that these features interact to generate an additional effect on top f the ones obtained with either endogenous time-dependent rules (Bonomo and Carvalho, 2003) or imperfect credibility (Ball, 1995) in isolation. This results in higher output costs of monetary disinflation.
Trade history between Brazil and the United States is long and complicated but it is only in recent years that the trade balance has become more equal in terms of both imports and exports. As Brazil continues to establish its position in the world economy and expand its export market it is only natural that it seeks to increase exports to its single largest trading partner, the United States, and maintain the market share already established. In order to achieve success in these regards Brazil must have a deep understanding of the American political economy system. Part of this entails understanding barriers that must be overcome by Brazilian businesses to access United States markets, particularly the access of certain products at the industry level.
Essa dissertação tem por objetivo principal analisa a intervenção do Estado, nas suas diferentes esferas de governo, no setor dos Transportes Coletivos Urbanos, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo,no período 1968 a 1982, à luz da abordagem histórico-estrutural. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com hipóteses, servindo-se do método dialético-materialista-histórico, focalizando, principalmente, as atuações da Companhia Municipal de Transportes Coletivos (CMTC), da Companhia de Transporte Metropolitano de são Paulo (METRÔ), da Ferrovia Paulista S/A (FEPASA), da Rede Ferroviária Federal S/A (RFFSA), da Empresa Metropolitana de Transportes Urbanos S/A (EMTU) e da Empresa de Planejamento da Grande São Paulo S/A (EMPLASA). O esutdo procura explicitar as relações existentes entre os aspectos específicos da questão dos transportes urbanos e o cenário político brasileiro da época, mostrando que a compreensão do problema só pode ser atingida mediante das interações referidas.
O objetivo deste trabalho é o de, inicialmente, caracterizar o processo industrial brasileiro, procurando detectar as forças propulsoras e as forças restritivas que agiram sobre o processo e suas distorções, ocorridas pela dependência econômica a outros países mais desenvolvidos e, também, pelo próprio modelo adotado. Um rápido retrospecto histórico da economia brasileira, desde e principalmente, o ciclo do café, faz-se necessário para compreender-se o sistema oligárquico-fundiário que dominou por quase quatro séculos a gradativa transição de uma economia primário-exportadora para uma economia que buscava substituir suas importações.
A presente pesquisa visa identificar o papel do Laudo de Perícia Criminal junto aos operadores do direito, bem como qual o grau de participação nas sentenças proferidas em âmbito judicial. Sabe-se que o Laudo de Perícia Criminal é um documento de cunho técnico-científico – produzido por perito criminal – com o objetivo de auxiliar à Justiça com seu conteúdo baseado no estudo de especialistas, sendo o Laudo de Perícia Criminal um dos meios de prova mais robustos utilizados pelo magistrado para proferir uma sentença judicial ou para uso dos jurados nos casos de crimes dolosos contra a vida. Parte do método de pesquisa foi qualitativo e, para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se de entrevista – mediante questionário – com operadores do direito (delegados de polícia, juízes de direito e promotores de justiça) que atuavam em processos de homicídio e/ou latrocínio e lotados nas cinco Regiões Administrativas que, em conjunto, abarcavam mais de 50% dos crimes dessas naturezas. Posteriormente passou-se à análise documental, onde foram verificados 172 (cento e setenta e dois) levantamentos de local e suas repercussões no âmbito judicial. Algumas conclusões em relação aos laudos foram apontadas: tais como sua intempestividade em alguns casos. Porém, foi possível abrir um novo olhar para o documento técnico que tanto auxilia a justiça criminal. Abordou-se, ainda, a falta de uma realimentação (feedback) de informações para os peritos criminais do Instituto de Criminalística, que acarreta problemas de ordem motivacional.
O Orçamento Público configura-se como o principal instrumento de planejamento e gestão da administração pública. Cabe destacar no mesmo, a existência de uma característica dual, sendo de um lado delimitado por uma perspectiva normativa e legal e, de outro, pressionado por mudanças e anseios sociais. Considerando esta característica, buscou-se destacar quais foram as principais iniciativas por parte do Legislativo Federal para modificar a estrutura do orçamento público, atuando diretamente nas leis que o regem. O período escolhido compreendeu os anos entre 1990 e 2010, caracterizado pelo processo de consolidação democrática e de modificação institucional do país. Os resultados mostram que parte dos esforços prospectivos de reforma orçamental no caso brasileiro busca reverter a histórica tendência do centralismo decisório do Executivo Federal e também limitar sua discricionariedade no trato do Orçamento Público.
O objetivo dessa pesquisa é fazer uma avaliação dos resultados obtidos por novas políticas de saúde implementadas em escala municipal. Essa avaliação foi feita pela caracterização do processo de cessão parcial da rede de Atenção Básica de um município de médio porte - Suzano, SP - para gestão pelo setor privado por meio de convênio. A parceria com o setor privado na prestação de serviços de saúde é uma das mais importantes políticas introduzidas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) desde sua criação; contudo, existem poucos estudos que avaliem o seu impacto na saúde da população ou no acesso aos serviços de saúde, e isso se deve à falta de compreensão sobre os variados tipos de interação entre o sistema de saúde e os atores sociais e instituições que estão envolvidos em sua implementação e gestão. O estudo foi realizado com pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a contratualização, convênios e parcerias na saúde brasileira, seguida de trabalho de campo no município de Suzano. Lá foram ouvidos gestores públicos na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS) e, depois, foram realizadas 19 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com gerentes, médicos e enfermeiros de 12 equipamentos de saúde da rede de Atenção Básica municipal. Depois foram realizadas outras 4 entrevistas com gestores da SMS. O conjunto de unidades investigado reflete a diversidade de bairros, populações e necessidades de saúde de um município de porte médio, com uma rede de saúde bastante sofisticada e avaliada positivamente dentro dos parâmetros nacionais. Verificou-se que, apesar das dificuldades e dos objetivos que ainda não foram alcançados, existe um padrão recorrente na gestão do SUS que é bastante positivo: as reformas federais que foram implementadas paulatinamente desde 1990 têm baseado-se em avaliações corretas sobre os problemas do SUS e, ainda que lentamente, têm conseguido produzir transformações positivas no mesmo.
In this paper we investigate how several national educational policies and practices influence both students' average reading achievement and the social distributioll of achievement within schools and countries. Data come fJ:om the 2000/2001 administration of PISA (programme for International Student Assessment) by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developrnent (OECD). They include observations from 212,880 lS-year-old students attending 8,038 secondary schools, which are located in 39 countries. We analyze these data with three-level Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM), with students nested in schools, which are nested within countries. Results focus on the role played by three country-level educational policies: (1) retention/repetition; (2) the mix of students in schools based on socioeconomic status (school social mix); and vocational education. We explore how these policies influence the social distribution of achievemer.t between schools within countries. Implications of these findings are discussed.
Drawing upon Brazilian experience, this research explores some of the key issues to be addressed in using e-government technical cooperation designed to enhance service provision of Patent Offices in developing countries. While the development of software applications is often seen merely as a technical engineering exercise, localization and adaptation are context bounded matters that are characterized by many entanglements of human and non-humans. In this work, technical, legal and policy implications of technical cooperation are also discussed in a complex and dynamic implementation environment characterized by the influence of powerful hidden agendas associated with the arena of intellectual property (IP), which are shaped by recent technological, economic and social developments in our current knowledge-based economy. This research employs two different theoretical lenses to examine the same case, which consists of transfer of a Patent Management System (PMS) from the European Patent Office (EPO) to the Brazilian Patent Office that is locally named ‘Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial’ (INPI). Fundamentally, we have opted for a multi-paper thesis comprising an introduction, three scientific articles and a concluding chapter that discusses and compares the insights obtained from each article. The first article is dedicated to present an extensive literature review on e-government and technology transfer. This review allowed the proposition on an integrative meta-model of e-government technology transfer, which is named E-government Transfer Model (ETM). Subsequently, in the second article, we present Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a framework for understanding the processes of transferring e-government technologies from Patent Offices in developed countries to Patent Offices in developing countries. Overall, ANT is seen as having a potentially wide area of application and being a promising theoretical vehicle in IS research to carry out a social analysis of messy and heterogeneous processes that drive technical change. Drawing particularly on the works of Bruno Latour, Michel Callon and John Law, this work applies this theory to a longitudinal study of the management information systems supporting the Brazilian Patent Office restructuration plan that involved the implementation of a European Patent Management System in Brazil. Based upon the ANT elements, we follow the actors to identify and understand patterns of group formation associated with the technical cooperation between the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) and the European Patent Office (EPO). Therefore, this research explores the intricate relationships and interactions between human and non-human actors in their attempts to construct various network alliances, thereby demonstrating that technologies embodies compromise. Finally, the third article applies ETM model as a heuristic frame to examine the same case previously studied from an ANT perspective. We have found evidence that ETM has strong heuristic qualities that can guide practitioners who are engaged in the transfer of e-government systems from developed to developing countries. The successful implementation of e-government projects in developing countries is important to stimulate economic growth and, as a result, we need to understand the processes through which such projects are being implemented and succeed. Here, we attempt to improve understanding on the development and stabilization of a complex social-technical system in the arena of intellectual property. Our preliminary findings suggest that e-government technology transfer is an inherently political process and that successful outcomes require continuous incremental actions and improvisations to address the ongoing issues as they emerge.
We define a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty for two players, by means of a recursive backward induction procedure. We prove an extension of the Zermelo-von Neumann-Kuhn Theorem for games of perfect information, i. e., that the recursive procedure generates a Nash equilibrium under uncertainty (Dow and Werlang(1994)) of the whole game. We apply the notion for two well known games: the chain store and the centipede. On the one hand, we show that subgame perfection under Knightian uncertainty explains the chain store paradox in a one shot version. On the other hand, we show that subgame perfection under uncertainty does not account for the leaving behavior observed in the centipede game. This is in contrast to Dow, Orioli and Werlang(1996) where we explain by means of Nash equilibria under uncertainty (but not subgame perfect) the experiments of McKelvey and Palfrey(1992). Finally, we show that there may be nontrivial subgame perfect equilibria under uncertainty in more complex extensive form games, as in the case of the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma, which accounts for cooperation in early stages of the game .
Cognition is a core subject to understand how humans think and behave. In that sense, it is clear that Cognition is a great ally to Management, as the later deals with people and is very interested in how they behave, think, and make decisions. However, even though Cognition shows great promise as a field, there are still many topics to be explored and learned in this fairly new area. Kemp & Tenembaum (2008) tried to a model graph-structure problem in which, given a dataset, the best underlying structure and form would emerge from said dataset by using bayesian probabilistic inferences. This work is very interesting because it addresses a key cognition problem: learning. According to the authors, analogous insights and discoveries, understanding the relationships of elements and how they are organized, play a very important part in cognitive development. That is, this are very basic phenomena that allow learning. Human beings minds do not function as computer that uses bayesian probabilistic inferences. People seem to think differently. Thus, we present a cognitively inspired method, KittyCat, based on FARG computer models (like Copycat and Numbo), to solve the proposed problem of discovery the underlying structural-form of a dataset.
We show that for a large class of competitive nonlinear pricing games with adverse selection, the property of better-reply security is naturally satisfied - thus, resolving via a result due to Reny (1999) the issue of existence of Nash equilibrium for a large class of competitive nonlinear pricing games.