754 resultados para well-being work


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This paper examines the relationship between embodied individuals and the home that they inhabit. Although there has been some work on both the embodied practices in the home and on the material nature of the home itself, this has not been integrated with the majority of research on home which has focused on meaning. It is argued that there is a lack of a unifying framework that can incorporate both use and meaning elements of home. A way of incorporating these elements through adoption of the concept of affordances is put forward. However, the affordance approach needs to be developed to achieve this. The paper does this first by incorporating the concept of intentionality of actions and then through the use of the concept of wellbeing. Debates about housing for people with a physical disability and the practical help provided to this group of people are used to illustrate how the approach could work.


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Existing buildings contribute greatly to global energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. In the UK, about 18% of carbon emissions are generated by non-domestic buildings; sustainable building refurbishment can play an important role in reducing carbon emissions. This paper looks at the performance of a recently refurbished 5-storey office building in London, in terms of energy consumption as well as occupants satisfaction. Pre- and post-occupancy evaluation studies were conducted using online questionnaire surveys and energy consumption evaluation. Results from pre-occupancy and post-occupancy evaluation studies showed that employees, in general, were more satisfied with their work environment at the refurbished building than with that of their previous office. Employees self-reported productivity improved after the move to Elms House. These surveys showed a positive relationship between employees satisfaction with their work environment and their self-reported productivity, well-being and enjoyment at work. The factor that contributed to increasing employee satisfaction the most was: better use of interior space. Although the refurbishment was a success in terms of reducing energy consumption per m2, the performance gap was almost 3 times greater than that estimated. Unregulated loads, problems with building control, ineffective use of space and occupants behaviour are argued to be reasons for this gap.


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It is generally accepted that the physical workplace environment affects employees satisfaction and, consequently, their perceived productivity and well-being. This study investigated whether employee satisfaction variables can predict perceived productivity, well-being and enjoyment at work, and if so, to what extent. The study also explored whether limiting employees control over their environment could save energy without compromising employees satisfaction and perceived productivity. Preoccupancy and post-occupancy evaluation studies were conducted, in terms of both energy consumption and employee perceptions, to make comparisons between a companys old and current headquarters buildings, both located in the same area of London. The results showed that employees were more satisfied with their work environment at their new HQ, in general, than with that of their previous office. Also, employees self-reported productivity, well-being and enjoyment at work improved after the move. It was revealed that the combination of employees level of satisfaction with interior use of space and physical conditions was the best predictor of their perceived productivity, while satisfaction with indoor facilities was not a good predictor. In terms of energy performance, although the new HQs energy consumption per m2 was significantly less than that of the previous building, there was still a gap between the refurbishment design target and the actual performance of the building. The findings suggest that this gap could be due to a number of factors, including an ineffective use of interior space, and occupants behaviour.


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Caregiving is usually associated with adults responsibilities. Official statistics and research have demonstrated, however, that many children and young people in the global North and South have substantial, regular caring responsibilities for family members with chronic illnesses, impairments or other care needs. This chapter conceptualises childrens roles as caregivers and the care work they do. It then analyses the available evidence on outcomes of childrens caregiving and the factors and processes influencing their involvement. While research reveals that caregiving may have positive as well as negative outcomes for childrens well-being, formal and informal safety nets are needed, especially in resource-limited settings, to alleviate childrens care work. Childrens and families experiences suggest that social protection measures and support for those being cared for as well as those providing care would help to ensure that caregiving does not have long-term negative impacts on childrens personal development, education, health, family relations, peer interactions, social participation, employment opportunities and socially expected transitions to adulthood.


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The majority of children in Burkina Faso undertake work and, compared to other West African countries, it has the highest rate of children involved in hazardous work (Diallo 2008; NISD 2008), which is one working child out of two. Based on a qualitative survey, this chapter presents the perspectives of Burkinabe children working in two of the hazardous sectors: a quarry and an artisanal mine. The findings show that children acknowledge very difficult working conditions in these sites. However a variety of reasons maintain them in work, which they perceive as a solution and thus challenging action against child labour in Burkina Faso.


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Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva svenska egenfretagande tandhygienisters (EfTH) arbetsfrhllanden fr att studera om dr fanns samband mellan fysisk och psykosocial arbetsmilj och arbetstillfredsstllelse i gruppen. Samliga tandhygienister i Sveriges tandhygienistfrenings sektion fr egna fretagare (n = 179) inbjds att deltaga i studien vilken gjordes med hjlp av ett frgeformulr grundat p en frkortad version av the General Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work, QPSNordic 34+. Sextiofem procent (n=108) svarade p enkten. Resultaten visade att ldre tandhygienister och de som hade fler n 19 yrkesr upplevde hgre grad av arbetsskicklighet, var skrare i sin yrkesroll och knde sig mindre stressade n yngre. Stress var relaterat till fler n trettio arbetstimmar per vecka. Alla frgor i skalorna om arbetstillfredsstllelse, arbetsgldje och arbetsstolthet skattades hgt och allra hgst frgan om arbetsstolthet. Frgor i skalorna om kontroll i arbetet visade p hg kontroll av arbetstakt, pauser och pverkan av beslut i det egna arbetet. Ett statistiskt signifikant samband kunde pvisas mellan kontroll av arbetstakt, pverkansmjligheter, positiv feedback frn patienter och arbetstillfredsstllelse. Det fanns ocks statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan kontroll av arbetstakt, positiv feedback frn tandlkare fr arbetsresultat, positiv feedback frn patienter samt att f tillhra en (arbets)grupp och arbetsgldje. En slutsats frn denna studie r att det frefaller finnas ett samband mellan EfTH:s arbetsfrhllanden och hg arbetstillfredsstllelse.


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The world is urbanizing rapidly with more than half of the global population now living in cities. Improving urban environments for the well-being of the increasing number of urban citizens is becoming one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. Even though it is common that city planners have visions of a good urban milieu, those visions are concerning visual aesthetics or practical matters. The qualitative perspective of sound, such as sonic diversity and acoustic ecology are neglected aspects in architectural design. Urban planners and politicians are therefore largely unaware of the importance of sounds for the intrinsic quality of a place. Whenever environmental acoustics is on the agenda, the topic is noise abatement or noise legislation a quantitative attenuation of sounds. Some architects may involve acoustical aspects in their work but sound design or acoustic design has yet to develop to a distinct discipline and be incorporated in urban planning.My aim was to investigate to what extent the urban soundscape is likely to improve if modern architectural techniques merge with principles of acoustics. This is an important, yet unexplored, research area. My study explores and analyses the acoustical aspects in urban development and includes interviews with practitioners in the field of urban acoustics, situated in New York City. My conclusion is that to achieve a better understanding of the human living conditions in mega-cities, there is a need to include sonic components into the holistic sense of urban development.


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Under senare r har frgan om ett hllbart arbetsliv blivit allt viktigare. Det innebr att goda arbetsfrhllanden kommer att bidra till att mnniskor orkar arbeta fram till pensionen. Friskvrd har gtt frn att enbart vara en frmn till att bli en investering fr att frmja hlsa. Anstlldas hlsa och arbetsmilj r en del av personalfunktionens vergripande arbete fr att behlla personal. Fysiskt krvande yrken som omsorgsarbete r ett stort arbetsmiljproblem som krver att organisationer frsker frhindra att arbetsrelaterad sjukdom intrffar. Syftet med detta examensarbete r att underska vilka frutsttningarna, ur ett medarbetarperspektiv, organisationer br ta i beaktande fr att skapa ett framgngsrikt arbete med hlsofrmjande friskvrdsaktiviteter inom kommunal vrd- och omsorgsfrvaltning. Arbetet r begrnsat till personal inom Ludvika kommun. Friskvrd kan frebygga sjukdom, men det kan ocks ka individens vlbefinnande och kan drmed utgra en framgngsrik strategi fr att skapa hlsosammare arbetsplatser. En kombination av metoder anvndes fr datainsamling, i form av en kvantitativ enktunderskning och en kvalitativ fokusgruppintervju. Resultaten visade bland annat att majoriteten av de anstllda r positiva till friskvrd p arbetstid och att det r ett frdelaktigt stt att ka deltagandet, ven fr dem som r mindre fysiskt aktiva. Tidsbrist och socialt std r skl till varfr fysisk aktivitet r lgre eller uteblir. Frutom att de anstllda som har ett individuellt ansvar r det chefer, i samrd med organisationen, som har det vergripande ansvaret fr att skapa goda frutsttningar fr att frmja hlsan.


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Background: British government policy for older people focuses on a vision of active ageing and independent living. In the face of diminishing personal capacities, the use of appropriate home-based technology (HBT) devices could potentially meet a wide range of needs and consequently improve many aspects of older people's quality of life such as physical health, psychosocial well-being, social relationships, and their physical or living environment. This study aimed to examine the use of HBT devices and the correlation between use of such devices and quality of life among older people living in extra-care housing (ECH). Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered for this study. Using purposive sampling 160 older people living in extra-care housing schemes were selected from 23 schemes in England. A face-to-face interview was conducted in each participant's living unit. In order to measure quality of life, the SEIQoL-Adapted and CASP-19 were used. Results: Although most basic appliances and emergency call systems were used in the living units, communally provided facilities such as personal computers, washing machines, and assisted bathing equipment in the schemes were not well utilised. Multiple regression analysis adjusted for confounders including age, sex, marital status, living arrangement and mobility use indicated a coefficient of 1.17 with 95% CI (0.05, 2.29) and p = 0.04 [SEIQoL-Adapted] and 2.83 with 95% CI (1.17, 4.50) and p = 0.001 [CASP-19]. Conclusions: The findings of the present study will be value to those who are developing new form of specialised housing for older people with functional limitations and, in particular, guiding investments in technological aids. The results of the present study also indicate that the home is an essential site for developing residential technologies.


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Detta r en kvalitativ studie med syftet att inom en enhet p Stockholms Stad identifiera friskfaktorer och underska vad som krvs fr att fortsatt bevara dessa. Vidare r syftet att underska vilket std som r ndvndigt fr bevarandet samt HR-funktionens roll i detta avseende. Enheten r, sett till sjukfrnvaro, en vlmende grupp som str infr frndringar inom marknaden och mlsttning d de pverkas av det nyligen genomfrda regeringsskiftet. Ett frgeverktyg anvndes fr att framstlla de tta viktigaste dimensionerna av det attraktiva arbetet och en frdjupad diskussion kring dessa frdes sedan under en fokusgruppsintervju tillsammans med enhetens medarbetare. Resultatet visade att de viktigaste dimensionerna var bland annat arbetstid och relationer. Vidare pvisades att en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv r av stor vikt fr medarbetarnas hlsa och vlmende. Fr att fortsatt bevara det attraktiva i arbetet visade empirin att gruppens relationer och ledaren var nyckelfaktorer och att HR-funktionen, den personalstrategiska avdelningen, enbart bidrar med en administrativ och vgledande roll i frgan om std. Arbetets slutsatser innefattar att bevarandet av friskfaktorer krver att tillvaron mste vara begriplig, hanterlig och meningsfull men ven att medarbetarna behver rimliga krav i relation till deras handlingsutrymme. En vidare slutsats r behovet av en frndring i ledarskapsbeteendet i kommande stadier d gruppen eventuellt kommer att hamna i en ny mognadsfas p grund frndrade omstndigheter. Frfattarna drar ven slutsatsen att friskfaktorer r till viss del individuellt beroende p livssituation men att balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv r betydande fr de flesta. HR-funktionen, den personalstrategiska avdelningen, har en informativ och administrativ roll i frgan om std och frfattarna anser att det ligger en logik i denna roll. Sett till organisationens storlek r det lttare att vnda psykosociala frgor till fretagshlsovrd eller en psykologgrupp och f det arbetsrttsliga stdet eller information frn HR-funktionen.


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The authors common interest for healthy employees, brought reasonto study how line managers can manage and develop this withsupport from HR. Previous research highlights that knowledge ofhow health is promoted is missing. Line managers have a key role inworking with contributors health. The aim of the study is toinvestigate how managers are working for the well-being ofemployees and which aid dedicated to line managers from the HRfunction, and how support and the work with employees health canbe developed. This study also investigates the approach on healthfrom each party. The method consisted of a case study, includingdata collection through depth interview with HR and focus groupinterview with heads of unit. The result of the HR interview showedoverwhelming support in individual conversations, but lack ofresources for the support function. HR requested additional resourcesand more health promotion work instead of rehabilitation. Heads ofunit are working with a wellness initiative for healthy contributors.Development points were found in increased support, developedwellness options, increased participation and performance appraisalswith a focus on the individuals health status. The findings showthat heads of units are working with participation, attendance andhealth care but want more focus on the individuals health status. HRneeds resources in order to support the heads of units in their healthcare. A common approach is missing between HR and heads of unitin their work for health promotion. Education, approach and supportshould be developed on the basis of the organizations overallcontext.


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Syftet med denna studie var att underska vad som ger medarbetare vlbefinnande och positiva knslor p arbetsplatsen. Studien genomfrdes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex medarbetare p fyra bank- och frskringskontor i mellersta Sverige. Resultatet analyserades med hjlp av tidigare forskning samt teorier. Resultatet visar att det som skapar positiva knslor och vlbefinnande i stor grad r relationer, dels med kollegor men ocks med kunder. Positiva knslor kan ha en vldigt hg spridningsfrmga bland kollegor, kunder och i organisationen. Det visade ocks att det r viktigt att det finns en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv samt mellan krav och kontroll. Att se p vlbefinnande p arbetet ur ett samspelsperspektiv, dr man integrerar bde individ och organisation, visade sig ocks vara viktigt fr att framgngsrikt kunna arbeta med dessa frgor.


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Problem: Arbetsmiljn r viktig fr mnniskors vlbefinnande. Hlsofrmjande faktorer antas inte bara styrka individens fysiska och psykiska hlsa, utan ven fretagets konkurrenskraft och lnsamhet. I uppsatsen undersker vi hur fretaget SSAB i Borlnge arbetar med hlsa genom att tillmpa ett hlsofrmjande perspektiv och utg frn teorin om Knslan av sammanhang (KASAM). Ledarskapsvrderingar har betydelse fr medarbetares hlsa (Hanson, 2004) och vi undersker vilken uppfattning ett antal chefer har om sina roller i det hlsofrmjande arbetet och deras syn p medarbetarunderskningen HlsoSAM som fretagshlsovrden p SSAB bedriver. Arbetsbelastningen p medarbetare och chefer kar till fljd av sparkrav, samtidigt som resurserna minskar (Gatu, 2003). Fljden blir en strre risk fr ohlsa och ett stt att minska sjukfrnvaron r att genomfra hlsofrmjande insatser (Prevent, 2001). Syfte: Syftet med studien r att utifrn ett hlsofrmjande perspektiv frklara vad chefer har fr mjligheter att skapa frutsttningar fr att frmja medarbetarnas hlsa p SSAB i Borlnge. Metod: Den metod som ligger till grund fr uppsatsen baseras p ett kvalitativt angreppsstt dr semistrukturerade intervjuer samt litteraturstudier genomfrts fr att samla information. Analys: Ledarens beteende pverkar medarbetarna. Hg arbetsbelastning p SSABs chefer leder till lgre nrvaro bland medarbetarna, vilket i sin tur ger smre frutsttningar fr att frmja hlsan. HlsoSAM kartlgger medarbetarnas hlsolge, bde vlbefinnande och arbetskapacitet. Resultaten r vgledande i det hlsofrmjande arbetet men verbelastning, tidsbrist och kunskapsbrist hos cheferna bidrar till att uppfljningen inte blir systematisk. Fr ett vl fungerande hlsoarbete krvs systematik. Slutsats: Hlsofrmjande processer i arbetslivet skapas genom balans mellan krav och resurser. P SSAB i Borlnge hindras hlsoarbetet av tidsbrist och kunskapsbrist hos cheferna. Kostnadsbesparingar pverkar hlsoarbetet negativt och systematiken i uppfljningsarbetet blir lidande. Ansvaret fr hlsoarbetet lggs p fretagshlsovrden, men utan std frn chefer blir inte hlsoarbetet en naturlig del i verksamheten. Det r viktigt att i rdande situation se vad frmjande av hlsa kan ge tillbaka till fretaget i bde ekonomiska och kvalitativa termer. Insikt om detta kar chefernas incitament att prioritera hlsofrmjande processer och organisera arbetet s att mnniskor har frutsttningar att hantera, kontrollera och klara av sina uppgifter.


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Life quality in families: close relations and the good life The aim of this paper is to explore how aspects and qualities of modern family life influence subjective well-being. Although the patterns of family, work and sexuality have changed dramatically the last four decades, it is here claimed that the family is still an important base of socialization and upbringing. Thus the study of processes within the family can contribute to the understanding of the environment in which many children grow up. In most families, work, partner and family roles are intertwined, and one central hypothesis of this work is that family members influence each other in the individual formation of well-being. The main research question of this study asks: How is life quality affected by the quality of parent-child and the partner relationships and aspects of their shared everyday life? Empirical implications are tested against 2002-data from a representative, Norwegian sample. Analyses conclude that the quality of parent-child and the spousal relationship, and also aspects of families everyday life such as work-life balance and time pressure influence the subjective life quality, but mothers and fathers life quality is affected by differing and partly incompatible conditions.


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BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making (SDM) is an emergent research topic in the field of mental health care and is considered to be a central component of a recovery-oriented system. Despite the evidence suggesting the benefits of this change in the power relationship between users and practitioners, the method has not been widely implemented in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate decisional and information needs among users with mental illness as a prerequisite for the development of a decision support tool aimed at supporting SDM in community-based mental health services in Sweden. METHODS: Three semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted with 22 adult users with mental illness. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using a directed content analysis. This method was used to develop an in-depth understanding of the decisional process as well as to validate and conceptually extend Elwyn et al.'s model of SDM. RESULTS: The model Elwyn et al. have created for SDM in somatic care fits well for mental health services, both in terms of process and content. However, the results also suggest an extension of the model because decisions related to mental illness are often complex and involve a number of life domains. Issues related to social context and individual recovery point to the need for a preparation phase focused on establishing cooperation and mutual understanding as well as a clear follow-up phase that allows for feedback and adjustments to the decision-making process. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The current study contributes to a deeper understanding of decisional and information needs among users of community-based mental health services that may reduce barriers to participation in decision-making. The results also shed light on attitudinal, relationship-based, and cognitive factors that are important to consider in adapting SDM in the mental health system.