851 resultados para urachus patent
Publication rate of patents can be a useful measure of innovation and productivity in fields of science and technology. To assess the growth in industrially-important research, I conducted an appraisal of patents published between 1985 and 2005 on online databases using keywords chosen to select technologies arising as a result of biological inspiration. Whilst the total number of patents increased over the period examined, those with biomimetic content had increased faster as a proportion of total patent publications. Logistic regression analysis reveals that we may be a little over half way through an initial innovation cycle inspired by biological systems.
The present invention relates to haploid oil palm plants and homozygous doubled haploid oil palm plants. The invention also relates to methods for producing and selecting haploid and doubled haploid plants. More particularly, but not exclusively, the method may be used for selecting haploid and doubled haploid oil palm plants. Haploid and doubled haploid plants are selected by a large-scale screening based on a combination of the phenotype with the use of molecular methods combined with flow cytometry techniques to identify haploid and doubled haploid plants. More particularly, a method for selecting haploid and doubled haploid plants is described comprising: (a) germinating seeds; (b) selecting seedlings with atypical phenotype; (c) assessing heterozygosity using markers; (d) isolating cells from the seedlings and determining the DNA content of the cells; and (e) isolating and purifying the DNA and using defined molecular markers to characterise the genotype of the plant. The haploid oil palm plants may be used for producing homozygous doubled haploid oil palms: doubled haploids may be intercrossed to produce uniform F.sub.1 hybrids of superior properties.
Plants may be regenerated from stomatal cells or protoplasts of such cells. Prior to regeneration the cells or protoplasts may be genetically transformed by the introduction of hereditary material most preferably by a DNA construct which is free of genes which specify resistance to antibiotics. The regeneration step may include callus formation on a hormone-free medium. The method is particularly suitable for sugar beet.
Plant cells are transformed by bringing them into contact with a a multiplicity of needle-like bodies on which the cells may be impaled. This causes a rupture in the cell wall allowing entry of transforming DNA either from a surrounding liquid medium or of DNA previously bound to or otherwise entrapped in the needle-like projections.
Plant cells are transformed by bringing them into contact with a a multiplicity of needle-like bodies on which the cells may be impaled. This causes a rupture in the cell wall allowing entry of transforming DNA either from a surrounding liquid medium or of DNA previously bound to or otherwise entrapped in the needle-like projections.
A processing system comprises: input means arranged to receive at least one input group of bits representing at least one respective input number; output means arranged to output at least one output group of bits representing at least one respective output number; and processing means arranged to perform an operation on the at least one input group of bits to produce the at least one output group of bits such that the at least one output number is related to the at least one input number by a mathematical operation; and wherein each of the numbers can be any of a set of numbers which includes a series of numbers, positive infinity, negative infinity and nullity.
A patent describing a computer architecture which implements a Perspex instruction.
A processing system comprises a plurality of processors (12) and communication means (20) arranged to carry messages between the processors, wherein each of the processors (12) has an operating instruction memory field (32, 34, 36) arranged to hold stored operating instructions including a re-routing target address. Each processor is arranged to receive a message (38) including operating instructions including a target address. On receipt of the message, each processor is arranged to: check the target address in the message to determine whether it corresponds to an address associated with the processor; if the target address in the message does correspond to an address associated with the processor, to check the operating instructions in the message to determine whether the message is to be re-routed; and, if the message is to be re-routed, to replace operating instructions within the message with the stored operating instructions, and place the message on the communication means for delivery to the re-routing target address.
coating composition comprising an oxidatively drying coating binder and a chelate comprising at least one group according to the following formula (I): forming a complex with a metal ion, A1 and A2 both being an aromatic residue, R1 and R3 being covalently bonded groups, and R2 being a divalent organic radical, wherein at least one solubilizing group is coivalently bonded to the chelating compound. The solubilizing group is a non-polar group, preferable an aliphatic group having at least four carbon atoms, covalently bonded to A1 and/or A2. The metal ion is a divalent ion of a metal selected from the group of manganese, cobalt, copper, lead, zirconium, iron, lanthanium, cerium, vanadium, and clacium or a trivalent ion of a metal selected from the group of manganese, cobalt, lead, zirconium, iron, lanthanium, cerium, and vanadium, combined with a monovalent counterion.
This invention relates to the manufacture of multi-layer interference filters for use with infra-red radiation, especially at wavelengths beyond 3.8 microns. A method of manufacturing a multi-layer interference filter comprising the steps of forming on a substrate successive layers of lead telluride and another material in alternation, under conditions in which sufficient oxygen is included in the lead telluride layers to reduce the apparent free charge carrier concentration therein, so that the resulting filter exhibits enhanced transparency to radiation of wavelengths greater than 3.8 microns and enhanced natural absorption to radiation of wavelength less than 3.8 microns.
This invention relates to the manufacture of coated substrates, and particularly, but not exclusively, to the deposition of multi-layer coatings in the manufacture of interference filters consisting of multiple thin films. An object of the invention is to allow accurate control of the deposition of a succession of layers having good uniformity, for example during the manufacture by vacuum evaporation of multilayer interference filters for use with infrared radiation of particularly long wavelength, using a method which is self calibrating and which avoids the repetitive use of individual control layers.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a dinâmica trabalho e saúde na atividade dosbombeiros militares de uma Corporação na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Como foco deinvestigação privilegiamos as narrativas relativas ao cotidiano dos trabalhadores, levandoem consideração o cenário encontrado na ocasião da pesquisa. Para marco teóricoconceitualforam selecionados os aportes da psicodinâmica do trabalho, da ergologia, daclínica da atividade e da psicossociologia. A perspectiva metodológica foi situada noâmbito da pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória. Utilizamos a abordagem dashistórias de vida, guiada por um roteiro, juntamente com a aplicação de um pequenoquestionário, o qual registrou alguns dados mais objetivos. Os sujeitos da pesquisacompuseram um grupo de 20 (vinte) bombeiros de diversas patentes militares. A análisedos resultados foi organizada em três grandes seções com os seus respectivosdesdobramentos 1) Contextualização do cenário de atividade; 2) Narrativasprofissionais de três bombeiros militares e por último 3) A realidade de ser bombeiro.A aproximação do cenário, vivido pelos bombeiros militares, permitiu o exame dassituações que foram vivenciadas em um momento de tensão no campo das negociaçõespor direito à saúde e ao trabalho. Em função desta pauta, analisamos os depoimentos dostrabalhadores à luz do marco teórico conceitual proposto e neste mesmo percurso foipossível fazer emergir os aspectos que, em decorrência da natureza da atividade, exercemimpactos na saúde dos profissionais. Por tratar de uma atividade cujo principal objetivo ésalvar vidas e bens, os profissionais trabalham sob um clima de tensão e risco à própriavida. Contudo, concluímos diante dos resultados do estudo que, embora os bombeirosmilitares estabeleçam correlações entre o trabalho e a saúde, a categoria ainda não possuidispositivos coletivos para minimizar os efeitos deletérios da prática de trabalhoconstituídos desta relação.
One of the important themes in any discussion concerning the application of genetic transformation technology in horticulture or elsewhere is the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This term covers both the content of patents and the confidential expertise, usually related to methodology and referred to as “Trade Secrets”. This review will explain the concepts behind patent protection, and will discuss the wide-ranging scope of existing patents that cover novel genotypes of plants as well as all aspects of transgenic technology, from selectable markers and novel promoters to methods of gene introduction. Although few of these patents have any significant commercial value there are a small number of key patents that may restrict the “freedom to operate” of any company seeking to exploit the methods in the production of transgenic varieties. Over the last twenty years, these restrictions have forced extensive cross-licensing between ag-biotech companies and have been one of the driving forces behind the consolidation of these companies. Although such issues may have limited relevance in the horticultural sector, and are often considered to be of little interest to the academic scientist working in the public sector, they are of great importance in any debate about the role of “public-good breeding” and of the relationship between the public and private sectors.