986 resultados para software-defined radio


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Este proyecto consiste en la elaboración de las fases de análisis y diseño técnico de un software que permite la gestión integral del área quirúrgica de un centro hospitalario.


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Recently, morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated multidector computerized tomography (MDCT) to help the development of future novel transcatheter therapies (TCT); nevertheless, the variability of such measurements remains unknown. Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography were evaluated. Continuous reformations of the ascending aorta, perpendicular to the centerline, were obtained automatically with a commercially available computer aided diagnosis (CAD). Then measurements of the maximal diameter were done with the CAD and manually by two observers (separately). Measurements were repeated one month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman coefficients, and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the variability, the correlation, and the differences between observers. The interobserver variability for maximal diameter between the two observers was up to 1.2 mm with limits of agreement [-1.5, +0.9] mm; whereas the intraobserver limits were [-1.2, +1.0] mm for the first observer and [-0.8, +0.8] mm for the second observer. The intraobserver CAD variability was 0.8 mm. The correlation was good between observers and the CAD (0.980-0.986); however, significant differences do exist (P<0.001). The maximum variability observed was 1.2 mm and should be considered in reports of measurements of the ascending aorta. The CAD is as reproducible as an experienced reader.


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Aquest treball pretén elaborar un sistema de detecció d'incendis implementat sota una xarxa de sensors sense fils. Aquesta xarxa està formada per petits dispositius autònoms equipats amb un transmissor de ràdio, un microcontrolador, diferents sensors (temperatura, lluminositat i efecte Hall) i alimentació per bateries (AA).


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Estudio de optimización de recursos de red basado en la utilización de un servidor dedicado gestionado mediante software libre.


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El trabajo se centra en proporcionar una solución informática para la Administración de Propiedades haciendo uso de nuevas tecnologías y a su vez dotar de las herramientas necesarias para la construcción de una comunidad. El desarrollo de la solución pasa por la descripción de las herramientas empleadas y las etapas para su construcción, que incluyen el análisis, diseño, implementación y posterior implantación. Se hace énfasis en el Framework elegido para demostrar las ventajas de su aplicación. En la construcción de la comunidad se describen las herramientas utilizadas para la difusión del proyecto que incluyen la publicación de una página del proyecto, el uso de redes sociales y páginas publicitarias y la puesta en marcha de un software de colaboración para la administración del desarrollo del proyecto.


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The emergence of open source software in the last years has become a common topic of study in different fields, from the most technical characteristics to the economical aspects. This paper examines the current status about the literature dealing with economics of open source and explores the uses, infrastructure and expectations of retail businesses and institutions of the town of Igualda about it. This qualitative case study finds out that the current equipment and level of uses of ICTs are low and that the current situation of the town stores is receptive to a potential introduction of open source software.


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In this project a research both in finding predictors via clustering techniques and in reviewing the Data Mining free software is achieved. The research is based in a case of study, from where additionally to the KDD free software used by the scientific community; a new free tool for pre-processing the data is presented. The predictors are intended for the e-learning domain as the data from where these predictors have to be inferred are student qualifications from different e-learning environments. Through our case of study not only clustering algorithms are tested but also additional goals are proposed.


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Los sistemas de radio cognitivos son una solución a la deficiente distribución del espectro inalámbrico de frecuencias. Usando acceso dinámico al medio, los usuarios secundarios pueden comunicarse en canales de frecuencia disponibles, mientras los usuarios asignados no están usando dichos canales. Un buen sistema de mensajería de control es necesario para que los usuarios secundarios no interfieran con los usuarios primarios en las redes de radio cognitivas. Para redes en donde los usuarios son heterogéneos en frecuencia, es decir, no poseen los mismos canales de frecuencia para comunicarse, el grupo de canales utilizado para transmitir información de control debe elegirse cuidadosamente. Por esta razón, en esta tesis se estudian las ideas básicas de los esquemas de mensajería de control usados en las redes de radio cognitivas y se presenta un esquema adecuado para un control adecuado para usuarios heterogéneos en canales de frecuencia. Para ello, primero se presenta una nueva taxonomía para clasificar las estrategias de mensajería de control, identificando las principales características que debe cumplir un esquema de control para sistemas heterogéneos en frecuencia. Luego, se revisan diversas técnicas matemáticas para escoger el mínimo número de canales por los cuales se transmite la información de control. Después, se introduce un modelo de un esquema de mensajería de control que use el mínimo número de canales y que utilice las características de los sistemas heterogéneos en frecuencia. Por último, se comparan diversos esquemas de mensajería de control en términos de la eficiencia de transmisión.


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo implementar un sistema libre bajo GNU/Linux para la recepción y evaluación de trabajos presentados a un congreso argentino sobre sistemas embebidos. Además, se piensa en un futuro en organizar un evento de software libre con revisión de pares, para lo cual sería coherente utilizar un sistema con licencia de software libre.


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The oncologic outcome and the total dose are highly correlated with the treatment by ionizing radiation. The dose increase (total or per fraction) may provoke late-side effects that are potentially irreversible. The radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptotic value and the molecular modifications within the lymphocyte are capable of predicting the level of risk of developing late-side effects after curative intent radiotherapy. In this review, we present the different blood assays in this setting and discuss the current possibilities of researches, namely those involving the proteomic process.


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Desarrollo de software para el control de calidad y la generación automatizada de informes técnicos sobre ficheros de estado generados por AUV (vehículos autónomos submarinos).


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L'objectiu principal de l'estudi és fer una avaluació d'una possible introducció a l'ERP d'un entorn complex de producció com pot ser el món de l'electrònica. Partirem de la hipòtesi que l'empresa vol substituir el software de gestió que fa servir actualment, i que ha estat desenvolupat internament, per plantejar la possibilitat d'introduir aquest entorn sota l'ERP actual o utilitzar un software de gestió de tercers.


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OBJECTIVE: assess the functional, subjective and radiological results obtained in patients treated with variable-angle locking plate for unstable distal radius fracture and compare these results with current studies. PATIENTS AND METHOD: From October of 2008 to July of 2011, 20 patients were included who had undergone intervention using the volar approach to the Flexor Carpi Radialis. The average follow up was 18 months. Both clinical and radiological results were analyzed. The Mayo Wrist Score and DASH questioner were used. RESULTS: The average age was 50 years; 50% men and 50% women. The consolidation of the fracture was verified in all cases. An average volar angle was obtained of 5º, radial inclination of 19º, radial height of 10.5 mm, and ulnar variance of -1 mm. The clinical assessment revealed an average dorsal flexion of 75º, palm flexion of 70º, supination of 75º and pronation of 73 º. The results for the DASH questionnaire showed an average of 17.8 and 82.7 for the Mayo Wrist Score. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience has provided some good results, both in functional and subjective as well as radio logical terms, similar to those found in studies with implants from the same generation.


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar las herramientas necesarias para poder crear un mapa conceptual de las aplicaciones de una organización, representar gráficamente este mapa y controlar el estado de cada aplicación. En concreto, se trata de desarrollar un formato XML que permita identificar y describir una aplicación, detallar con qué tecnología está desarrollada, qué componentes utiliza, especificar las interacciones o dependencias con otros sistemas, etc.


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Quantitative or algorithmic trading is the automatization of investments decisions obeying a fixed or dynamic sets of rules to determine trading orders. It has increasingly made its way up to 70% of the trading volume of one of the biggest financial markets such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). However, there is not a signi cant amount of academic literature devoted to it due to the private nature of investment banks and hedge funds. This projects aims to review the literature and discuss the models available in a subject that publications are scarce and infrequently. We review the basic and fundamental mathematical concepts needed for modeling financial markets such as: stochastic processes, stochastic integration and basic models for prices and spreads dynamics necessary for building quantitative strategies. We also contrast these models with real market data with minutely sampling frequency from the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Quantitative strategies try to exploit two types of behavior: trend following or mean reversion. The former is grouped in the so-called technical models and the later in the so-called pairs trading. Technical models have been discarded by financial theoreticians but we show that they can be properly cast into a well defined scientific predictor if the signal generated by them pass the test of being a Markov time. That is, we can tell if the signal has occurred or not by examining the information up to the current time; or more technically, if the event is F_t-measurable. On the other hand the concept of pairs trading or market neutral strategy is fairly simple. However it can be cast in a variety of mathematical models ranging from a method based on a simple euclidean distance, in a co-integration framework or involving stochastic differential equations such as the well-known Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mean reversal ODE and its variations. A model for forecasting any economic or financial magnitude could be properly defined with scientific rigor but it could also lack of any economical value and be considered useless from a practical point of view. This is why this project could not be complete without a backtesting of the mentioned strategies. Conducting a useful and realistic backtesting is by no means a trivial exercise since the \laws" that govern financial markets are constantly evolving in time. This is the reason because we make emphasis in the calibration process of the strategies' parameters to adapt the given market conditions. We find out that the parameters from technical models are more volatile than their counterpart form market neutral strategies and calibration must be done in a high-frequency sampling manner to constantly track the currently market situation. As a whole, the goal of this project is to provide an overview of a quantitative approach to investment reviewing basic strategies and illustrating them by means of a back-testing with real financial market data. The sources of the data used in this project are Bloomberg for intraday time series and Yahoo! for daily prices. All numeric computations and graphics used and shown in this project were implemented in MATLAB^R scratch from scratch as a part of this thesis. No other mathematical or statistical software was used.