993 resultados para single-state oxygen


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We examined the effects of cofactors and DNA on the stability, oligomeric state and conformation of the human mitochondrial DNA helicase. We demonstrate that low salt conditions result in protein aggregation that may cause dissociation of oligomeric structure. The low salt sensitivity of the mitochondrial DNA helicase is mitigated by the presence of magnesium, nucleotide, and increased temperature. Electron microscopic and glutaraldehyde cross-linking analyses provide the first evidence of a heptameric oligomer and its interconversion from a hexameric form. Limited proteolysis by trypsin shows that binding of nucleoside triphosphate produces a conformational change that is distinct from the conformation observed in the presence of nucleoside diphosphate. We find that single-stranded DNA binding occurs in the absence of cofactors and renders the mitochondrial DNA helicase more susceptible to proteolytic digestion. Our studies indicate that the human mitochondrial DNA helicase shares basic properties with the SF4 replicative helicases, but also identify common features with helicases outside the superfamily, including dynamic conformations similar to other AAA+ ATPases.


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This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the anodic behaviour of ruthenium and iridium in aqueous solution and particularly of oxygen evolution on these metals. The latter process is of major interest in the large-scale production of hydrogen gas by the electrolysis of water. The presence of low levels of ruthenium trichloride ca. 10-4 mol dm-3 in acid solution give a considerable increase in the rate of oxygen evolution from platinum and gold, but not graphite, anodes. The mechanism of this catalytic effect was investigated using potential step and a.c. impedance technique. Earlier suggestions that the effect is due to catalysis by metal ions in solution were proved to be incorrect and it was shown that ruthenium species were incorporated into the surface oxide film. Changes in the oxidation state of these ruthenium species is probably responsible for the lowering of the oxygen overvoltage. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of the reaction were complicated by the fact that at constant potential the rates of both the catalysed and the uncatalysed oxygen evolution processes exhibit an appreciable, continuous decrease with either time or degree of oxidation of the substrate. The anodic behaviour of iridium in the oxide layer region has been investigated using conventional electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry. Applying a triangular voltage sweep at 10 Hz, 0.01 to 1.50V increases the amount of electric charge which the surface can store in the oxide region. This activation effect and the mechanism of charge storage is discussed in terms of both an expanded lattice theory for oxide growth on noble metals and a more recent theory of irreversible oxide formation with subsequent stoichiometry changes. The lack of hysteresis between the anodic and cathodic peaks at ca. 0.9 V suggests that the process involved here is proton migration in a relatively thick surface layer, i.e. that the reaction involved is some type of oxide-hydroxide transition. Lack of chloride ion inhibition in the anodic region also supports the irreversible oxide formation theory; however, to account for the hydrogen region of the potential sweep a compromise theory involving partial reduction of the outer regions of iridium oxide film is proposed. The loss of charge storage capacity when the activated iridium surface is anodized for a short time above ca. 1.60 V is attributed to loss by corrosion of the outer active layer from the metal surface. The behaviour of iridium at higher anodic potentials in acid solution was investigated. Current-time curves at constant potential and Tafel plots suggested that a change in the mechanism of the oxygen evolution reaction occurs at ca. 1.8 V. Above this potential, corrosion of the metal occurred, giving rise to an absorbance in the visible spectrum of the electrolyte (λ max = 455 nm). It is suggested that the species involved was Ir(O2)2+. A similar investigation in the case of alkaline electrolyte gave no evidence for a change in mechanism at 1.8 V and corrosion of the iridium was not observed. Oxygen evolution overpotentials were much lower for iridium than for platinum in both acidic and alkaline solutions.


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The black scabbardfish is a deep water species that supports commercial fisheries across a large area of the NE Atlantic shelf. The life history of black scabbardfish is poorly understood and a major unresolved issue is population structure. In this study it was used a combination of methodologies to get further knowledge in the life history and population structure of A. carbo over its wide distribution range in the Northeast Atlantic. The new knowledge acquired during this study, will increase our ability to better manage this species in the NE Atlantic. It has been postulated that fish caught to the west of the British Isles are pre-adults that migrate further south (to Madeira) for spawning, implying a single panmictic population. In this study, specimens of Aphanopus carbo were sampled between September 2008 and May 2010 from two different areas: NW Scotland (French trawlers and deep water surveys) and Madeira Islands (longliners commercial landings). Geographical differences in reproductive state of scabbardfish were evident, supportive of a north-south migration theory. In the northern area, all specimens found were immature, while in Madeira all maturity stages were observed. In Madeira, spawning occurred during the fourth quarter, with peak maturity in October (males) and in November (females). The age of this species has proven difficult and has led to different and contradictory age and growth estimates. For this study, we used two reading interpretations to determine age and estimate the growth parameters. To the west of the British Isles, specimens reached a lower maximum age and had a higher growth rate than those caught off Madeira. These differences are consistent with the theory of a single population of black scabbardfish in the NE Atlantic, highly segregate, with smaller, immature and younger fish caught to the west of the British Isles and bigger and mature caught in Madeira Islands. The feeding ecology showed strong evidence that the diet of black scabbardfish is associated with the spawning migration of blue whiting, which may support a northerly feeding migration theory for black scabbardfish. The stable isotope analyses in the muscle of black scabbardfish identified that black scabbardfish feeds on species with epipelagic and benthopelagic affinities. Comparison with stable isotope analysis in Madeira samples indicated that black scabbardfish feed at a similar trophic level and has the same trophic niche width in both areas, assuming similar baseline isotope compositions. Otolith stable isotopes (oxygen - δ18O and nitrogen - δ15N) analyses were used as a tool to clarify migratory behaviour. Otolith isotope ratios can provide insight into whether adults caught around Madeira fed in an isotopically depleted northerly ecosystem (NW Scotland) during their pre-adult period and then migrate towards south to spawn. Overall, the results support a south-north migration of pre adult fish from spawning areas around Madeira and a north-south migration from the west of Scotland to the spawning areas. Given its life cycle there is an urgent need that the management process recognizes the existence of a continuous widely distributed stock of black scabbardfish between the west of the British Isles and Madeira. The results highlight large scale dispersal in this species which needs to be treated as a highly migratory species and be managed as a single population.


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Practical realisation of quantum information science is a challenge being addressed by researchers employing various technologies. One of them is based on quantum dots (QD), usually referred to as artificial atoms. Being capable to emit single and polarization entangled photons, they are attractive as sources of quantum bits (qubits) which can be relatively easily integrated into photonic circuits using conventional semiconductor technologies. However, the dominant self-assembled QD systems suffer from asymmetry related problems which modify the energetic structure. The main issue is the degeneracy lifting (the fine-structure splitting, FSS) of an optically allowed neutral exciton state which participates in a polarization-entanglement realisation scheme. The FSS complicates polarization-entanglement detection unless a particular FSS manipulation technique is utilized to reduce it to vanishing values, or a careful selection of intrinsically good candidates from the vast number of QDs is carried out, preventing the possibility of constructing vast arrays of emitters on the same sample. In this work, site-controlled InGaAs QDs grown on (111)B oriented GaAs substrates prepatterned with 7.5 μm pitch tetrahedrons were studied in order to overcome QD asymmetry related problems. By exploiting an intrinsically high rotational symmetry, pyramidal QDs were shown as polarization-entangled photon sources emitting photons with the fidelity of the expected maximally entangled state as high as 0.721. It is the first site-controlled QD system of entangled photon emitters. Moreover, the density of such emitters was found to be as high as 15% in some areas: the density much higher than in any other QD system. The associated physical phenomena (e.g., carrier dynamic, QD energetic structure) were studied, as well, by different techniques: photon correlation spectroscopy, polarization-resolved microphotoluminescence and magneto-photoluminescence.


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In order to determine the size-resolved chemical composition of single particles in real-time an ATOFMS was deployed at urban background sites in Paris and Barcelona during the MEGAPOLI and SAPUSS monitoring campaigns respectively. The particle types detected during MEGAPOLI included several carbonaceous species, metal-containing types and sea-salt. Elemental carbon particle types were highly abundant, with 86% due to fossil fuel combustion and 14% attributed to biomass burning. Furthermore, 79% of the EC was apportioned to local emissions and 21% to continental transport. The carbonaceous particle types were compared with quantitative measurements from other instruments, and while direct correlations using particle counts were poor, scaling of the ATOFMS counts greatly improved the relationship. During SAPUSS carbonaceous species, sea-salt, dust, vegetative debris and various metal-containing particle types were identified. Throughout the campaign the site was influenced by air masses altering the composition of particles detected. During North African air masses the city was heavily influenced by Saharan dust. A regional stagnation was also observed leading to a large increase in carbonaceous particle counts. While the ATOFMS provides a list of particle types present during the measurement campaigns, the data presented is not directly quantitative. The quantitative response of the ATOFMS to metals was examined by comparing the ion signals within particle mass spectra and to hourly mass concentrations of; Na, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb. The ATOFMS was found to have varying correlations with these metals depending on sampling issues such as matrix effects. The strongest correlations were observed for Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb. Overall the results of this work highlight the excellent ability of the ATOFMS in providing composition and mixing state information on atmospheric particles at high time resolution. However they also show its limitations in delivering quantitative information directly.


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Use of phase transfer catalysts such as 18-crown-6 enables ionic, linear conjugated poly[2,6-{1,5-bis(3-propoxysulfonicacidsodiumsalt)}naphthylene]ethynylene (PNES) to efficiently disperse single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in multiple organic solvents under standard ultrasonication methods. Steady-state electronic absorption spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveal that these SWNT suspensions are composed almost exclusively of individualized tubes. High-resolution TEM and AFM data show that the interaction of PNES with SWNTs in both protic and aprotic organic solvents provides a self-assembled superstructure in which a PNES monolayer helically wraps the nanotube surface with periodic and constant morphology (observed helical pitch length = 10 ± 2 nm); time-dependent examination of these suspensions indicates that these structures persist in solution over periods that span at least several months. Pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy reveals that the excited state lifetimes and exciton binding energies of these well-defined nanotube-semiconducting polymer hybrid structures remain unchanged relative to analogous benchmark data acquired previously for standard sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-SWNT suspensions, regardless of solvent. These results demonstrate that the use of phase transfer catalysts with ionic semiconducting polymers that helically wrap SWNTs provide well-defined structures that solubulize SWNTs in a wide range of organic solvents while preserving critical nanotube semiconducting and conducting properties.


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Strong coupling between a two-level system (TLS) and bosonic modes produces dramatic quantum optics effects. We consider a one-dimensional continuum of bosons coupled to a single localized TLS, a system which may be realized in a variety of plasmonic, photonic, or electronic contexts. We present the exact many-body scattering eigenstate obtained by imposing open boundary conditions. Multiphoton bound states appear in the scattering of two or more photons due to the coupling between the photons and the TLS. Such bound states are shown to have a large effect on scattering of both Fock- and coherent-state wave packets, especially in the intermediate coupling-strength regime. We compare the statistics of the transmitted light with a coherent state having the same mean photon number: as the interaction strength increases, the one-photon probability is suppressed rapidly, and the two- and three-photon probabilities are greatly enhanced due to the many-body bound states. This results in non-Poissonian light. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Periodic visual stimulation and analysis of the resulting steady-state visual evoked potentials were first introduced over 80 years ago as a means to study visual sensation and perception. From the first single-channel recording of responses to modulated light to the present use of sophisticated digital displays composed of complex visual stimuli and high-density recording arrays, steady-state methods have been applied in a broad range of scientific and applied settings.The purpose of this article is to describe the fundamental stimulation paradigms for steady-state visual evoked potentials and to illustrate these principles through research findings across a range of applications in vision science.


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This study investigated the effect of a fed or fasted state on the salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) response to prolonged cycling. Using a randomized, crossover design, 16 active adults (8 men and 8 women) performed 2 hr of cycling on a stationary ergometer at 65% of maximal oxygen uptake on 1 occasion after an overnight fast (FAST) and on another occasion 2 hr after consuming a 2.2-MJ high-carbohydrate meal (FED). Timed, unstimulated whole saliva samples were collected immediately before ingestion of the meal, immediately preexercise, 5 min before cessation of exercise, immediately postexercise, and 1 hr postexercise. The samples were analyzed for s-IgA concentration, osmolality, and cortisol, and saliva flow rates were determined to calculate s-IgA secretion rate. Saliva flow rate decreased by 50% during exercise (p < .05), and s-IgA concentration increased by 42% (p < .05), but s-IgA secretion rate remained unchanged. There was a 37% reduction in s-IgA:osmolality postexercise (p < .05), and salivary cortisol increased by 68% (p < .05). There was no effect of FED vs. FAST on these salivary responses. The s-IgA concentration, secretion rate, and osmolality were found to be significantly lower in women than in men throughout the exercise protocol (p < .05); however, there was no difference between genders in saliva flow rate, s-IgA:osmolality ratio, or cortisol. These data demonstrate that a fed or fasted state 2 hr before exercise does not influence resting s-IgA or the response to prolonged cycling. Furthermore, these results show lower levels of s-IgA and osmolality in women than in men at rest.


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Anthropogenic eutrophication affects the Mediterranean, Black, North and Baltic Seas to various extents. Responses to nutrient loading and methods of monitoring relevant indicators vary regionally, hindering interpretation of ecosystem state changes and preventing a straightforward pan-European assessment of eutrophication symptoms. Here we summarize responses to nutrient enrichment in Europe's seas, comparing existing time-series of selected pelagic (phytoplankton biomass and community composition, turbidity, N:P ratio) and benthic (macro flora and faunal communities, bottom oxygen condition) indicators based on their effectiveness in assessing eutrophication effects. Our results suggest that the Black Sea and Northern Adriatic appear to be recovering from eutrophication due to economic reorganization in the Black Sea catchment and nutrient abatement measures in the case of the Northern Adriatic. The Baltic is most strongly impacted by eutrophication due to its limited exchange and the prevalence of nutrient recycling. Eutrophication in the North Sea is primarily a coastal problem, but may be exacerbated by climatic changes. Indicator interpretation is strongly dependent on sea-specific knowledge of ecosystem characteristics, and no single indicator can be employed to adequately compare eutrophication state between European seas. Communicating eutrophication-related information to policy-makers could be facilitated through the use of consistent indicator selection and monitoring methodologies across European seas. This work is discussed in the context of the European Commission's recently published Marine Strategy Directive.


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Rimming flow on the inner surface of a horizontal rotating cylinder is investigated. Using a scale analysis, a theoretical description is obtained for steady-state non-Newtonian flow. Simple lubrication theory is applied since the Reynolds number is small and the liquid film is thin. Since the Deborah number is very small the flow is viscometric. The shear-thinning number, which characterizes the shear-thinning effect, may be small or large. A general constitutive law for this kind of flow requires only a single function relating shear stress and shear rate that corresponds to a generalized Newtonian liquid. For this case the run-off condition for rimming flow is derived. Provided the run-off condition is satisfied, the existence of a continuous steady-state solution is proved. The rheological models, which show Newtonian behavior at low shear rates with transition to power-law shear thinning at moderate shear rates, are considered. Numerical results are carried out for the Carreau and Ellis models, which exhibit Newtonian behavior near the free surface and power-law behavior near the wall of the rotating cylinder.


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In the Ceramiaceae, one of the largest families of the red algae, there are from 1 to 4000 nuclei in each vegetative cell, but each tribe is homogeneous with respect to the uninucleate/multinucleate character state, except for the Callithamnieae. The goals of this study were to analyze rbcL gene sequences to clarify the evolution of taxa within the tribe Callithamnieae and to evaluate the potential evolutionary significance of the development of multinucleate cells in certain taxa. The genus Aglaothamnion, segregated from Callithamnion because it is uninucleate, was paraphyletic in all analyses. Callithamnion (including Aristothamnion) was monophyletic although not robustly so, apparently due to variations between taxa in rate of sequence evolution. Morphological synapomorphies were identified at different depths in the tree, supporting the molecular phylogenetic analysis. The uninucleate character state is ancestral in this tribe. The evolution of multinucleate cells has occurred once in the Callithamnieae. Multiple nuclei in each cell may combine the benefits of small C values (rapid cell cycle) with large cells (permitting morphological elaboration) while maintaining a constant ratio of nuclear volume: cytoplasmic volume.


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The electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) at the oxygen K-edge has been investigated in a range of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) materials. The electronic structure of the three polymorphs of pure ZrO2 and of the doped YSZ structure close to the 33 mol %Y2O3 composition have been calculated using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method (NFP-LMTO) as well as a pseudopotential based technique. Calculations of the ELNES dipole transition matrix elements in the framework of the NFP-LMTO scheme and inclusion of core hole screening within Slater's transition state theory enable the ELNES to be computed. Good agreement between the experimental and calculated ELNES is obtained for pure monoclinic ZrO2. The agreement is less good with the ideal tetragonal and cubic structures. This is because the inclusion of defects is essential in the calculation of the YSZ ELNES. If the model used contains ordered defects such as vacancies and metal Y planes, agreement between the calculated and experimental O K-edges is significantly improved. The calculations show how the five different O environments of Zr,Y,O, are connected with the features observed in the experimental spectra and demonstrate clearly the power of using ELNES to probe the stabilization mechanism in doped metal oxides.


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A thermal field, which frequently appears in problems of decoherence, provides us with minimal information about the field. We study the interaction of the thermal field and a quantum system composed of two qubits and find that such a chaotic field with minimal information can nevertheless entangle qubits that are prepared initially in a separable state. This simple model of a quantum register interacting with a noisy environment allows us to understand how memory of the environment affects the state of a quantum register.