974 resultados para reed marsh
A Lagoa de Araruama é reconhecida como a maior laguna hipersalina do mundo, cercada por dunas e vegetação de restinga que, emoldurando a sua decantada beleza natural, configura uma condição de cartão postal internacional. Isso associado à sua grande importância ecológica, faz com que ela se caracterize como um ambiente ímpar, dentro do contexto ambiental. Todavia a degradação de suas margens, ensejada pela sua ocupação desordenada, inclusive através da implantação de salinas, que vem ocorrendo há mais de um século, teve como consequência o desmatamento dessas áreas de preservação permanente, que se constituem na Faixa Marginal de Proteção (FMP). A fundamentação dessa proposta se pauta no fato de que a FMP vigente da lagoa, demarcada e aprovada através de Decreto n 42.694, de 11de novembro de 2010, não levou em conta esse aspecto de extrema relevância ambiental. Nessas condições, faz-se necessária a implementação de política voltada para ações com o objetivo de revitalizar o entorno da lagoa, de sorte a assegurar a preservação desse ecossistema localizado nas áreas limítrofes à orla da Lagoa de Araruama e garantir a sustentabilidade ambiental. O presente estudo se ateve ao levantamento das áreas em que se verificou a ocorrência de vegetação, com o intuito de ordenar a sua classificação, precipuamente com interesse em delimitar as áreas de restinga, que são consideradas Áreas de Preservação Permanente pela Resolução CONAMA 303/2002 e como parte integrante da FMP pelo Código Florestal, quando fixadoras de dunas e estabilizadoras de mangue. Em função dos resultados desse levantamento, propôs-se a inclusão, na Faixa Marginal de Proteção (FMP), das áreas em que ocorre a presença de vegetação de restinga, com respaldo no Código Florestal (Lei Federal n 4771/65) que, atualmente, disciplina o assunto, de sorte a preservar o corpo hídrico como um todo e garantir a sustentabilidade ambiental.
O presente trabalho aborda o movimento social conhecido como Marcha da Maconha, buscando uma análise compreensiva de suas características a partir de revisão teórica e pesquisa etnográfica. Apresenta inicialmente uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o fenômeno das drogas, com o objetivo específico de contextualizar o debate em que o movimento se insere. Busca-se enfatizar a polissemia do termo droga, os aspectos culturais, sociais, econômicos e políticos da história da proibição de algumas drogas e o atual cenário de modelo proibicionista. A partir deste enquadramento, o trabalho apresenta um histórico da manifestação Marcha da Maconha no Brasil, enfatizando seus princípios norteadores, modo de organização, demandas e identidade. Busca-se compreender, lançando mão da abordagem teórica de autores como Touraine e Melucci, os fatores de mobilização e pertencimento construídos na manifestação que marcam experiências na vida social. Apresenta então resultados da pesquisa de campo junto à rede de ativistas da manifestação na cidade do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2013. Partindo da diversidade e das tensões internas e históricas da organização, o trabalho propõe mapear e caracterizar os grupos engajados, evidenciando as diferentes interpretações sobre o próprio movimento, perfis de ativismo e militância, interesses, enfoques e estratégias.
Extensive losses of coastal wetlands in the United States caused by sea-level rise, land subsidence, erosion, and coastal development have increased hterest in the creation of salt marshes within estuaries. Smooth cordgrass Spartina altemiflora is the species utilized most for salt marsh creation and restoration throughout the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the U.S., while S. foliosa and Salicomia virginica are often used in California. Salt marshes have many valuable functions such as protecting shorelines from erosion, stabilizing deposits of dredged material, dampening flood effects, trapping water-born sediments, serving as nutrient reservoirs, acting as tertiary water treatment systems to rid coastal waters of contaminants, serving as nurseries for many juvenile fish and shellfish species, and serving as habitat for various wildlife species (Kusler and Kentula 1989). The establishment of vegetation in itself is generally sufficient to provide the functions of erosion control, substrate stabilization, and sediment trapping. The development of other salt marsh functions, however, is more difficult to assess. For example, natural estuarine salt marshes support a wide variety of fish and shellfish, and the abundance of coastal marshes has been correlated with fisheries landings (Turner 1977, Boesch and Turner 1984). Marshes function for aquatic species by providing breeding areas, refuges from predation, and rich feeding grounds (Zimmerman and Minello 1984, Boesch and Turner 1984, Kneib 1984, 1987, Minello and Zimmerman 1991). However, the relative value of created marshes versus that of natural marshes for estuarine animals has been questioned (Carnmen 1976, Race and Christie 1982, Broome 1989, Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory 1990, LaSalle et al. 1991, Minello and Zimmerman 1992, Zedler 1993). Restoration of all salt marsh functions is necessary to prevent habitat creation and restoration activities from having a negative impact on coastal ecosystems.
Grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, are a common inhabitant of US East and Gulf coast salt marshes and are a food source for recreationally and economically important fish and crustacean species. Due to the relationship of grass shrimp with their ecosystem, any significant changes in grass shrimp population may have the potential to affect the estuarine system. Land use is a crucial concern in coastal areas where increasing development impacts the surrounding estuaries and salt marshes and has made grass shrimp population studies a logical choice to investigate urbanization effects. Any impact on tidal creeks will be an impact on grass shrimp populations and their associated micro-environment whether predator, prey or parasitic symbiont. Anthropogenic stressors introduced into the grass shrimp ecosystem may even change the intensity of infections from parasitic symbionts. An ectoparasite found on P. pugio is the bopyrid isopod Probopyrus pandalicola. Little is known about factors that may affect the occurrence of this isopod in grass shrimp populations. The goal was to analyze the prevalence of P. pandalicola in grass shrimp in relation to land use classifications, water quality parameters, and grass shrimp population metrics. Eight tidal creeks in coastal South Carolina were sampled monthly over a three year period. The occurrence of P. pandalicola ranged from 1.2% to 5.7%. Analysis indicated that greater percent water and marsh coverage resulted in a higher incidence of bopyrid occurrence. Analysis also indicated that higher bopyrid incidence occurred in creeks with higher salinity, temperature, and pH but lower dissolved oxygen. The land use characteristics found to limit bopyrid incidence were limiting to grass shrimp (definitive host) populations and probably copepod (intermediate host) populations as well.
In March 2006, a dead, male bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was found in the salt marsh in Charleston, South Carolina, United States. During necropsy, an enterolith was found completely obstructing the intestinal lumen. Further examination of the enterolith revealed a stingray spine nidus. Most terrestrial enteroliths are composed primarily of struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate); however, the majority of the enterolith discovered in the stranded dolphin was composed of calcium phosphate carbonate. This case provides an interesting comparison of the variation in the mineral composition between terrestrial and marine enteroliths.
A density prediction model for juvenile brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) was developed by using three bottom types, five salinity zones, and four seasons to quantify patterns of habitat use in Galveston Bay, Texas. Sixteen years of quantitative density data were used. Bottom types were vegetated marsh edge, submerged aquatic vegetation, and shallow nonvegetated bottom. Multiple regression was used to develop density estimates, and the resultant formula was then coupled with a geographical information system (GIS) to provide a spatial mosaic (map) of predicted habitat use. Results indicated that juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) selected vegetated habitats in salinities of 15−25 ppt and that seagrasses were selected over marsh edge where they co-occurred. Our results provide a spatially resolved estimate of high-density areas that will help designate essential fish habitat (EFH) in Galveston Bay. In addition, using this modeling technique, we were able to provide an estimate of the overall population of juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) in shallow water habitats within the bay of approximately 1.3 billion. Furthermore, the geographic range of the model was assessed by plotting observed (actual) versus expected (model) brown shrimp densities in three other Texas bays. Similar habitat-use patterns were observed in all three bays—each having a coefficient of determination >0.50. These results indicate that this model may have a broader geographic application and is a plausible approach in refining current EFH designations for all Gulf of Mexico estuaries with similar geomorphological and hydrological characteristics.
第一部分: 通过生理测定和化学染色分析了冬小麦品种小堰54和京411的叶片和非叶片组织的碳酸酐 酶活性。叶片碳酸酐酶活性(CA)在挑旗时期达到最大值,之后减少到最小,而在饱粒期又呈 增加趋势。从灌浆期到饱粒期,颖片和内稃的CA活性均减少,而外稃和种皮的CA活性均增加。在饱粒期,小堰54的叶片、颖片、外稃和种皮CA活性均高于京411。组织化学染色表明,CA主要分布在旗叶的叶肉细胞叶绿体中,也分布在非叶片组织颖片、外稃和内稃的叶肉和维管束鞘细胞的胞质中。这些结果表明,小麦非叶组织叶肉和维管束鞘细胞的胞质中的CA可能对饱粒期冬小麦的C4光合途径起作用。饱粒期小堰54的C02传递到Rubisco酶速率和抗旱性较京411高。 第二部分: 以继代培养的芦苇胚性细胞为材料,利用台盼兰拒染法检测了悬浮细胞死亡过程,并利用石蜡切片法及苏木精染色法观察了不同浓度镉对芦苇细胞的毒害作用。1000μM的CdCl2迅速导致芦苇悬浮细胞死亡,200μM的CdClz在接种后第5天引起悬浮细胞死亡,100μM的CdCl2在接种后第7天引起悬浮细胞死亡,≤50μM的CdClz在接种后7天不引起悬浮细胞死亡。同时对不同浓度镉处理的芦苇胚性细胞的内源植物激素和可溶性蛋白质进行分析,≤50μM的镉浓度显著地降低胚性细胞内IAA、ZR、GA3和GA4的含量,却提高ABA的含量,抑制可溶性蛋白质的合成:≥100μM的镉浓度显著地提高IAA、ZR、GA3和GA4的含量,却降低ABA的含量,促进可溶性蛋白质的合成。这些结果表明,镉的毒害至少包括镉浓度决定的两种细胞死亡机制,高浓度的镉(1000μM)引起的细胞死亡应当为坏死,而100μM的镉引起植物悬浮细胞发生程序性死亡。在较高浓度(≥100μM)的镉处理下,芦苇细胞内内源IAA、ZR、GA3和GA4的浓度较高,可能调控可溶性蛋白质的合成而促进细胞发生程序化死亡。