943 resultados para objective measurement


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Eturauhassyöpä on yksi yleisimmistä syövistä länsimaissa. Eturauhassyöpä on yleensä hitaasti kehittyvä tauti. Edetessään se voi kuitenkin muuntua aggressiivisemmaksi ja aiheuttaa metastaaseja, jotka ovat pääasiallisena syynä taudin kuolleisuuteen. Androgeenit ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä eturauhassyövän patogeneesissä ja eturauhassyöpäkudos on useimmiten riippuvainen androgeeneista. Tämän vuoksi hoidon tavoitteena on estää niiden eritys kirurgisella tai kemiallisella kastraatiolla ja/tai estää androgeenien vaikutus antiandrogeeneilla. Eturauhassyöpää sekä sen hoitoon tarkoitettuja uusia lääkehoitomahdollisuuksia tutkitaan kiivaasti. Eturauhassyövän tutkimiseen on kehitetty lukematon määrä erilaisia in vivo -malleja. Koska eturauhassyöpä on yleensä androgeeneille herkkä, kuvaavat androgeeniresponsiiviset eläinmallit ihmisen tautia parhaiten. Eturauhassyövän mallintamiseen in vivo voidaan käyttää eri eläinlajeja, mutta hiiri on ylivoimaisesti käytetyin mallieläin. Immuunipuutteisiin hiiriin voidaan aiheuttaa kasvaimia inokuloimalla ihmisen kasvainsoluja tai osia ihmisen kasvaimista. Ortotooppisesti eturauhaseen inokuloitavat kasvainmallit mallintavat eturauhassyövässä esiintyvää syöpäsolujen ja stroomasolujen välistä epänormaalia vuorovaikutusta. Muuntogeeniset hiirimallit ovat yhä yleisempiä eturauhassyövän tutkimuksessa. Muuntogeenisilla malleilla voidaan mallintaa taudin kehittymistä ja sen etenemistä kokonaisuudessaan parhaiten. Eturauhasessa olevaa kasvainta ja sen kasvua on vaikea seurata ilman prostataspesifisen antigeenin (PSA) pitoisuuden mittausta tai erityisiä kuvantamistekniikoita. Tällaisia menetelmiä, kuten optista kuvantamista, käytetään yhä enemmän hyödyksi erilaisissa eturauhassyövän in vivo -malleissa. Tutkielman kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli optimoida bioluminesenssiin perustuva optinen kuvantamismenetelmä androgeeniresponsiivisessa LNCaP-luc2-solulinjassa ortotooppisessa eturauhassyöpämallissa. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen perustuu kasvainsolujen ilmentämän lusiferaasin katalysoimaan reaktioon, jossa entsyymin substraatti, lusiferiini, hapettuu ja tuottaa näkyvää valoa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia lääkehoitojen ja kastraation vasteita mallissa. Bioluminesenssiin perustuvalla kuvantamisella oli mahdollista seurata eturauhaskasvainten kasvua noninvasiivisesti, reaaliaikaisesti ja toistuvasti. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen avulla kasvainten kvantitointi oli nopeampaa kuin ultraäänikuvantamisen avulla, ja kasvainten kasvua oli myös mahdollista seurata useammin kuin seerumin PSA-mittausten avulla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen todettiin korreloivan paremmin PSA-pitoisuuden kanssa kuin kasvaimen todelliseen kokoon lopetushetkellä. Seerumin PSA-pitoisuus korreloi kuitenkin bioluminesenssimittausta paremmin eturauhaskasvaimen kokoon tässä kokeessa. Kasvainten oletettua suurempaa kokoa voidaan pitää todennäköisimpänä syynä sille, ettei lääkehoitojen tai kastraation todettu vaikuttavan kasvainten kasvuun bioluminesenssikuvantamisella mitattuna. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen ei sovellu suurille eikä nekroottisille kasvaimille, sillä kuvantamismenetelmä toimii vain elävillä soluilla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen hyödyntämisen kannalta oleellista tässä mallissa on myös lusiferiini-injektion onnistuminen. Jatkotutkimuksia tarvitaan edelleen mallin validoimiseksi mm. lääkehoitojen vasteiden osoittamiseksi.


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By using the bender and extender elements tests, the travel times of the shear (S) and the primary (P) waves were measured for dry sand samples at different relative densities and effective confining pressures. Three methods of interpretations, namely, (i) the first time of arrival, (ii) the first peak to peak, and (iii) the cross-correlation method, were employed. All the methods provide almost a unique answer associated with the P-wave measurements. On contrary, a difference was noted in the arrival times obtained from the different methods for the S-wave due to the near field effect. The resonant column tests in the torsional mode were also performed to check indirectly the travel time of the shear wave. The study reveals that as compared to the S-wave, it is more reliable to depend on the arrival times' measurement for the P-wave. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By using the bender and extender elements tests, the travel times of the shear (S) and the primary (P) waves were measured for dry sand samples at different relative densities and effective confining pressures. Three methods of interpretations, namely, (i) the first time of arrival, (ii) the first peak to peak, and (iii) the cross-correlation method, were employed. All the methods provide almost a unique answer associated with the P-wave measurements. On contrary, a difference was noted in the arrival times obtained from the different methods for the S-wave due to the near field effect. The resonant column tests in the torsional mode were also performed to check indirectly the travel time of the shear wave. The study reveals that as compared to the S-wave, it is more reliable to depend on the arrival times’ measurement for the P-wave.


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Accurate mass flow measurement is very important in various monitoring and control applications. This paper proposes a novel method of fluid flow measurement by compensating the pressure drop across the ends of measuring unit using a compensating pump. The pressure drop due to the flow is balanced by a feedback control loop. This is a null-deflection type of measurement. As the insertion of such a measuring unit does not affect the functioning of the systems, this is also a non-disruptive flow measurement method. The implementation and design of such a unit are discussed. The system is modeled and simulated using the bond graph technique and it is experimentally validated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A three-terminal capacitance bridge is developed for the measurement of the dielectric constant of lossy liquids. Using this modified ratio transformer bridge, the capacitance shunted by a resistance as low as 50 Omega is measured at 10 kHz. The capacitance error associated with the inductance of the connecting wire is compensated using the novel method of introducing an additional transformer to the existing ratio transformer bridge. Other sources of capacitance errors, such as the non-zero output impedence of the ratio transformer and the shield capacitances of the cables, are discussed.


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In this paper, we present a growing and pruning radial basis function based no-reference (NR) image quality model for JPEG-coded images. The quality of the images are estimated without referring to their original images. The features for predicting the perceived image quality are extracted by considering key human visual sensitivity factors such as edge amplitude, edge length, background activity and background luminance. Image quality estimation involves computation of functional relationship between HVS features and subjective test scores. Here, the problem of quality estimation is transformed to a function approximation problem and solved using GAP-RBF network. GAP-RBF network uses sequential learning algorithm to approximate the functional relationship. The computational complexity and memory requirement are less in GAP-RBF algorithm compared to other batch learning algorithms. Also, the GAP-RBF algorithm finds a compact image quality model and does not require retraining when the new image samples are presented. Experimental results prove that the GAP-RBF image quality model does emulate the mean opinion score (MOS). The subjective test results of the proposed metric are compared with JPEG no-reference image quality index as well as full-reference structural similarity image quality index and it is observed to outperform both.


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A novel approach for measurement of small rotation angles using imaging method is proposed and demonstrated. A plane mirror placed on a precision rotating table is used for imaging the newly designed composite coded pattern. The imaged patterns are captured with the help of a CCD camera. The angular rotation of the plane mirror is determined from a pair of the images of the pattern, captured once before and once after affecting the tilt of the mirror. Both simulation and experimental results suggest that the proposed approach not only retains the advantages of the original imaging method but also contributes significantly to the enhancement of its measuring range (+/- 4.13 degrees with accuracy of the order of 1 arcsec).


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Aerodynamic forces and fore-body convective surface heat transfer rates over a 60 degrees apex-angle blunt cone have been simultaneously measured at a nominal Mach number of 5.75 in the hypersonic shock tunnel HST2. An aluminum model incorporating a three-component accelerometer-based balance system for measuring the aerodynamic forces and an array of platinum thin-film gauges deposited on thermally insulating backing material flush mounted on the model surface is used for convective surface heat transfer measurement in the investigations. The measured value of the drag coefficient varies by about +/-6% from the theoretically estimated value based on the modified Newtonian theory, while the axi-symmetric Navier-Stokes computations overpredict the drag coefficient by about 9%. The normalized values of measured heat transfer rates at 0 degrees angle of attack are about 11% higher than the theoretically estimated values. The aerodynamic and the heat transfer data presented here are very valuable for the validation of CFD codes used for the numerical computation of How fields around hypersonic vehicles.


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop multivariable controllers that would achieve asymptotic regulation in the presence of parameter variations and disturbance inputs for a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis. A ninth order state space model with three control inputs and two disturbance inputs is generated from the nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. Using this model, an approach for control system design is developed keeping in view the imperfections of the model and the measurability of the state variables. Specifically, the design of feedforward and robust integral controllers using state and output feedback is considered. Also, the design of robust multiloop proportional integral controllers is presented. Finally the performance of these controllers is evaluated through simulation.


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Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.


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Sodium p-nitrophenolate dihydrate single crystals possess excellent nonlinear optical properties such that they can be used for optical second-harmonic generation. It belongs to the orthorhombic system with the space group Ima2. Slow evaporation or slow cooling techniques can be used to grow good optical quality single crystals from supersaturated solution. All the nine elastic constants of this crystal have been measured using an ultrasonic technique. Samples for measurements have been cut along desired crystallographic axes and the pulse echo overlap technique has been used to measure longitudinal and shear ultrasonic wave velocities along appropriate symmetry directions in the crystal. The McSkimin Delta t criterion has been applied to determine the round trip travel time accurately, from which the nine elastic constants have been evaluated. Temperature variation of selected elastic constants in a limited range have also been measured and reported.


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Regional impacts of climate change remain subject to large uncertainties accumulating from various sources, including those due to choice of general circulation models (GCMs), scenarios, and downscaling methods. Objective constraints to reduce the uncertainty in regional predictions have proven elusive. In most studies to date the nature of the downscaling relationship (DSR) used for such regional predictions has been assumed to remain unchanged in a future climate. However,studies have shown that climate change may manifest in terms of changes in frequencies of occurrence of the leading modes of variability, and hence, stationarity of DSRs is not really a valid assumption in regional climate impact assessment. This work presents an uncertainty modeling framework where, in addition to GCM and scenario uncertainty, uncertainty in the nature of the DSR is explored by linking downscaling with changes in frequencies of such modes of natural variability. Future projections of the regional hydrologic variable obtained by training a conditional random field (CRF) model on each natural cluster are combined using the weighted Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence combination. Each projection is weighted with the future projected frequency of occurrence of that cluster (''cluster linking'') and scaled by the GCM performance with respect to the associated cluster for the present period (''frequency scaling''). The D-S theory was chosen for its ability to express beliefs in some hypotheses, describe uncertainty and ignorance in the system, and give a quantitative measurement of belief and plausibility in results. The methodology is tested for predicting monsoon streamflow of the Mahanadi River at Hirakud Reservoir in Orissa, India. The results show an increasing probability of extreme, severe, and moderate droughts due to limate change. Significantly improved agreement between GCM predictions owing to cluster linking and frequency scaling is seen, suggesting that by linking regional impacts to natural regime frequencies, uncertainty in regional predictions can be realistically quantified. Additionally, by using a measure of GCM performance in simulating natural regimes, this uncertainty can be effectively constrained.


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A simple apparatus to measure the absolute thermoelectric power of solids in the temperature range 4·2–300K is described. The cryostat and the associated instrumentation is simple to operate. Representative data of measurements on metallic wire and pressed pellets are given. An accuracy of better than 10% in absolute thermopower can be obtained in this apparatus.


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The authors have developed a simple continuous-cooling method to determine specific heat of liquids and solids in the temperature range 100-300 K. The technique employs very simple instrumentation and continuously records the sample temperature as it cools to the bath temperature through a calibrated heat link. They have obtained specific heat values which agree with the reported data to within 3% for the samples investigated. This method also facilitates easy detection of abrupt changes in specific heat, as demonstrated in the observation of glass transition in some organic glass-forming systems. The method is sensitive to the study of relaxing heat capacity in supercooled liquids.