1000 resultados para métodos de abate
This article describes an experiment designed to teach quantitative determination in gas chromatography (GC) in Organic and Analytical Chemistry practical classes. The experiment consisted of extracting and analyzing eugenol from clove seeds to perform a quantitative approach aimed at comparing results obtained by external and internal calibration procedures. Therefore, this experiment proved to be very effective tool to enhance students awareness on the need to understand different types of calibration in GC and on how to avoid common experimental errors, and to find the best ways to eliminate their interference during the quantitative analysis phase.
The establishment of quality standards for biodiesel was a key step to win the confidence of the market and the automotive industry, thus ensuring the success of the new fuel. In this review are presented standard methods and other analytical methods suggested for analysis of biodiesel. The methods of analysis were divided into groups according to information that may be provided on the contaminants from the raw material of the production process, the molecular structures of biodiesel and its degradation during storage.
This review attempts to provide an updated overview of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Ruged and Safe (QuEChERS) multiresidue extraction method, that involves initial extraction in acetonitrile, an extraction/partition step after the addition of salt, and a cleanup step utilizing dispersive solid phase extraction. QuEChERS method is nowadays the most applied extraction method for the determination of pesticide residues in food samples, providing acceptable recoveries for acidic, neutral and basic pesticides. Several applications for various food matrices (fruits, vegetables, cereals and others) in combination with chromatographic mass spectrometry analysis were presented.
A laboratory experiment that enables the professor to introduce the problematic of sustainable development in pharmaceutical chemistry to undergraduate students is proposed, using a simple synthetic procedure. Cholesteryl acetate is prepared by the esterification of cholesterol using Montmorillonite K10 as heterogeneous catalyst. Cholesterol and cholesteryl acetate are characterized by spectroscopic (¹H RMN, 13C RMN, FTIR) and thermal analysis techniques. The thermal methods are used to introduce the concepts of polymorphism and the nature of mesophases.
The validation of analytical methods is an important step in quality control. The main objective of this study is to propose an HPLC experiment to verify the parameters of validation of chromatographic methods, based on green chemistry principles, which can be used in experimental courses of chemistry and related areas.
The CBS-4M, CBS-QB3, G2, G2(MP2), G3 and G3(MP2) model chemistry methods have been used to calculate proton and electron affinities for a set of molecular and atomic systems. Agreement with the experimental value for these electronic properties is quite good considering the uncertainty in the experimental data. A comparison among the six theories using statistical analysis (average value, standard deviation and root-mean-square) showed a better performance of CBS-QB3 to obtain these properties.
Three analytical methods for the determination of BTEX in water were optimized and validated. With the best method the analytes were extracted of 10 mL of sample with 2.50 g of NaCl in headspace vial of 20 mL by HS and SPME to 40 ºC for 30 min for adsorption and to 250 ºC for 4 min for desorption and were analyzed by GC-MS. The recovery was between 97.9% and 104.3%, and the limit of detection was 2.4 ng L-1 for o-xylene. This method was using to analyze BTEX in water supply and surface water in Ouro Preto city. No sample had concentrations of BTEX above the legislation.
The development of analytical methods for determination of eight pesticides of different chemical classes (trichlorfon, propanil, fipronil, propiconazole, trifloxystrobin, permethrin, difenoconazole and azoxystrobin) in sediments with gas chromatography-micro-electron capture detector (GC/µECD) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with micro-electron capture detector (GCxGC/µECD) is described. These methods were applied to real sediment samples, and the best results were obtained using a 5% diphenyl-methylpolysiloxane column for 1D-GC. For GCxGC the same column was employed in the first dimension and a 50%-phenyl-methylpolysiloxane stationary phase was placed in the second dimension. Due to the superior peak capacity and selectivity of GCxGC, interfering matrix peaks were separated from analytes, showing a better performance of GCxGC.
The goal of this work is the development and validation of an analytical method for fast quantification of sibutramine in pharmaceutical formulations, using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy and partial least square regression. The multivariate model was elaborated from 22 mixtures containing sibutramine and excipients (lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate) and using fragmented (750-1150/ 1350-1500/ 1850-1950/ 2600-2900 cm-1) and smoothing spectral data. Using 10 latent variables, excellent predictive capacity were observed in the calibration (n=20, RMSEC=0.004, R= 0.999) and external validation (n=5, RMSEC= 9.36, R=0.999) phases. In the analysis of synthetic mixtures the precision (SD=3,47%) was compatible with the rules of the Agencia Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA-Brazil). In the analysis of commercial drugs good agreement was observed between spectroscopic and chromatographic methods.
A computational method to simulate the changes in the electronic structure of Ga1-xMn xN was performed in order to improve the understanding of the indirect contribution of Mn atoms. This periodic quantum-mechanical method is based on density functional theory at B3LYP level. The electronic structures are compared with experimental data of the absorption edge of the GaMnN. It was observed that the indirect influence of Mn through the structural parameters can account for the main part of the band gap variation for materials in the diluted regime (x<0.08), and is still significant for higher compositions (x~0.18).
Computational methods for the calculation of dynamical properties of fluids might consider the system as a continuum or as an assembly of molecules. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation includes molecular resolution, whereas computational fluid dynamics (CFD) considers the fluid as a continuum. This work provides a review of hybrid methods MD/CFD recently proposed in the literature. Theoretical foundations, basic approaches of computational methods, and dynamical properties typically calculated by MD and CFD are first presented in order to appreciate the similarities and differences between these two methods. Then, methods for coupling MD and CFD, and applications of hybrid simulations MD/CFD, are presented.
In this work a sulfide quantification protocol using voltammetric methods was developed to evaluate the effect of dissolved sulfides on copper complexation. On the basis of pH, sulfide release from the dissociation of specific metal sulfide complexes can be electrochemically measured and then removed (as H2S) by a N2 purge. Cathodic stripping square wave voltammetry (CSSWV) was conducted to quantify Cu sulfides complexes which dissociate at pH < 5.0 during the process of acid titration.
For decades the Hydroxyapatite (HA) was only bioceramic of calcium phosphate system used for bone replacement and regeneration, due to its similarity to the mineral phase of bones and teeth. Because its slow degradation, other calcium phosphate classified as biodegradable started to awaken interest, such as: amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), octacalcium phosphate (OCP) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP). This work presents the evolution of the use of other calcium phosphates due to their better solubility than the HA, comparing their main physical-chemical and biological properties. Are also presented the main methods used to obtain bioceramic coatings on metal and polymer surfaces.
This work presents a density functional theory study of the norbornene ROMP metathesis reactions. The energies have been calculated in a Grubbs catalyst model Cl2(PH3)2Ru=CH2. The geometries and energy profile are similar to the Grubbs metilydene (Cl2(PCy3)2Ru=CH2 real model. It was found that the metathesis reaction proceeds via associative mechanism (catalyst-norbonene) followed by dissociative substitution of a phosphine ligand with norbonene, giving a monophosphine complex. The results are in reasonable agreement with the available experimental data. The dissociation energy of the phosphines is predicted to be 23.2 kcal mol-1.
Pulp hemicelluloses can be extracted with NaOH and quantified by colorimetric and gravimetric techniques. However the most usual methods to measure eucalyptus pulp hemicelluloses have been through the pentosan method or through xylan analyses by GC or HPLC techniques. In this study a comparison was made between the more traditional methods and indirect method of NaOH 5% extraction followed by colorimetric analyses. It was observed that the content of NaOH 5% extract correlates very well with pulp xylan content and reasonably well with the pentosan content. It is concluded that the 5% NaOH solubility method can be used in replacement of the other two, since it is faster, simpler and less costly to carry out than the others.