987 resultados para labor market models
Históricamente se ha reconocido que los conflictos internos afectan de manera directa variables a nivel individual como la salud de las personas, los niveles de escolaridad y el desplazamiento forzoso de los afectados. Sin embargo, solo hasta la última década las investigaciones académicas se han inclinado en documentar y cuantificar rigurosamente los efectos colaterales de la violencia sobre las condiciones de vida de los individuos. La presente investigación estudia cómo la exposición al conflicto en Colombia ha afectado las decisiones en términos de mercado laboral de las personas. La estrategia de identificación internaliza los reconocidos problemas de endogeneidad del conflicto con variables de actividad y desarrollo económico y presenta resultados robustos a fenómenos de migración interna y desplazamiento. En términos de participación laboral y desempleo, se encuentran efectos heterogéneos a nivel de género como respuestas a la violencia experimentada. En particular, la probabilidad de participación laboral de las mujeres se incremente como consecuencia de la exposición al conflicto, mientras que la de desempleo disminuye. Para los hombres, los resultados muestran una menor probabilidad de participación, efecto contrario al de las mujeres, y un efecto análogo en términos de desempleo. La investigación no encuentra efectos diferenciales en términos de informalidad laboral.
How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? We exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. We explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and statistically significant effect for the latter. Transfers to local governments from mining tax revenues are linked to an increase in math test scores of around 0.23 standard deviations. We find that the hiring of permanent teachers as well as the increases in parental employment and improvements in health outcomes of adults and children are plausible mechanisms for such large effect on learning. These findings suggest that redistributive policies could facilitate the accumulation of human capital in resource abundant developing countries as a way to avoid the natural resources curse.
Una mirada a l'estudiant universitari: què necessitarà saber i saber fer quan s'incorpori al mercat laboral? Aquesta ponència exposa la recerca que s'està duent a terme dins un projecte REDICE, finançat per l'ICE de la UB. Es mostra el context en què s'emmarca, els seus objectius i metodologia, i els resultats esperats. La recerca analitza una de les arrels de la manca de rendiment laboral dels treballadors, remuntant-se a un dels seus orígens: la formació que han rebut, en particular aquells que han seguit una trajectòria universitària. Segons el plantejament del projecte, una planificació de la docència més centrada en l'estudiant, des de la perspectiva de formar-lo de manera integral, pot contribuir de forma significativa a incrementar la seva futura productivitat laboral
L'EEES aposta per la preparació de l'alumnat per al mercat de treball i l'objectiu com el desenvolupament personal sembla desaparèixer a favor de l'estructuració de l'ensenyament segons continguts del món de treball. Aquesta estructuració de l'ensenyament porta a reflexionar sobre on s'ha d'explicar els principis ètics que són a la base de la investigació d'excel·lència i del treball d'excel·lència. Es pretén discutir una experiència de practicum que ressalta els matisos lligat a un ensenyament basat en activitats fora de les aules de la Universitat. Matisos que obren un espai a l'aporia entre la necessitat de relació amb la realitat concreta i el indubtable paper de la formació universitària com educació ètica
No âmbito do recente alargamento da oferta educativa de Cursos Profissionais às Escolas Secundárias, este estudo debruça-se sobre a concepção e implementação da Prova de Aptidão Profissional (PAP), as semelhanças e diferenças que esta prova assume nos diferentes Cursos Profissionais. A selecção do objecto de estudo recaiu nas sete turmas do décimo segundo ano dos Cursos Profissionais da Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado, visto encontrarem-se nessas turmas os Alunos que irão realizar a PAP no ano lectivo 2010/2011, com o apoio dos Professores Acompanhantes e com a coordenação dos Directores de Curso. Os meios utilizados nesta investigação dividiram-se em: (i) Inquéritos por questionários, a serem aplicados a Alunos e Professores Acompanhantes; (ii) Entrevistas, a serem realizadas aos Directores de Curso. A PAP, nos Cursos Profissionais do Ensino Secundário público, constitui uma mudança significativa nas dinâmicas inerentes ao espaço educativo. O seu papel, neste contexto, poderá representar uma evolução na relação entre os conhecimentos e as competências adquiridas nos cursos e o empreendedorismo e a criatividade do Aluno. Este será mais evidente se os actores educativos apostarem numa formação vocacionada para a inovação e para o risco, apoiados num currículo adaptado às condições do mercado de trabalho local e motivador para os jovens Alunos, e isso marcará, certamente, a diferença rumo ao sucesso.
O objectivo principal desta dissertação foi estudar a questão das expectativas de empregabilidade em estudantes universitários, no contexto actual de dificuldades do mercado de trabalho. Serão também abordados os conceitos de Locus de Controlo e a Auto-Eficácia, como variavéis determinantes neste processo. Foi feito um estudo com 141 participantes, dos quais 48 são alunos que frequentam a licenciatura e 93 frequentam o mestrado, os quais responderam a um questionário que incluía abordagens face à empregabilidade actual, à procura de emprego na área de formação e à visão global de um emprego. Os resultados vão ao encontro das hipóteses formuladas e acabam por traduzir que mesmo perante o panorama actual de dificuldades, os jovens não desistem e pretendem conseguir um emprego na sua área de formação.
Essa pesquisa teve como preocupação central conhecer a avaliação que os estudantes do 3° ano do ensino médio da educação básica acerca da educação fornecida pela rede estadual de ensino no estado de Pernambuco quanto à preparação para o mercado de trabalho, especialmente na região do Complexo Industrial de Suape em Pernambuco, Brasil. A pesquisa contou com a participação de 130 alunos que estudavam em duas escolas do município de Ipojuca - onde se localiza o referido Complexo Industrial -, e com 07 autoridades ligadas a educação – responsáveis pelas políticas públicas nessa região e em todo estado – em Pernambuco e nas cidades do Cabo de Santo Agostinho e Ipojuca. Foram aplicados um questionário validado aos alunos e uma entrevista semi-estruturada as autoridades (secretários de estado, gerentes regionais) em educação. Na análise quantitativa fizemos uso do programa SPSS; enquanto que na análise qualitativa utilizamos a análise de discurso. A partir dos dados obtidos conseguimos como resultado que os alunos acreditam que a escola não os prepara adequadamente para o ingresso e permanência no mercado de trabalho, e acreditam ainda, que para que essa constatação possa ser modificada é preciso que haja um investimento maior na qualidade da educação como prioridade em nosso estado e em nosso país. Nesse sentido, analisamos que mesmo com todos os avanços que estão ocorrendo no Brasil, com programas e leis de incentivo a educação básica e profissional, a sociedade globalizada exige cada vez mais investimentos em educação, e que ela deixe de ser dual e torne-se integrada e onilateral, fazendo com que os alunos consigam acreditar na educação e, a partir dela se tornem sujeitos críticos e com oportunidades de ingresso no mercado com as competências que lhe são exigidas para tal fim.
Purpose – This article aims to analyze individual attitudes toward the impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on local businesses. These individual attitudes are important in understanding voters' preferences, which studies show to affect governmental policies. MNEs' market entry location decisions are conditioned by the host's political environment. Moreover, MNEs' attempts to attain legitimacy in their host contexts ultimately affect their bottom line, so how the public perceive MNEs matters. Design/methodology/approach – Using a large-scale data set, the paper carefully delineates between a set of potential mechanisms influencing individual attitudes to globalization in the context of individuals' attitudes toward the impact of MNEs on local businesses. Findings – The article demonstrates that there is remarkable heterogeneity and complexity in individual attitudes toward the impact of MNEs on local businesses and that these attitudes differ across regions and across countries. It is found that better educated individuals, those employed in the private sector, and those who do not have nationalistic tendencies are more likely to consider that MNEs are not harming local firms, while the opposite holds for those who are employed in “less skilled” occupations, such as those working in plants or in elementary occupations. The article also provides evidence that individuals' attitudes are determined by more than the labor market calculations these individuals might have. In fact, the socializing influence of education and the socializing impact of the individuals' type/sector of occupation also significantly determine the individual attitudes under study. Originality/value – This area of research remains substantially under-developed in the literature that analyzes individual attitudes toward globalization, which focuses on individual attitudes toward trade and immigration. Thus, the article not only aims to broaden the work on individual attitudes toward globalization, but it also aims to facilitate further discussion on the specific topic of individual attitudes toward MNEs.
Despite the ongoing dialogue on facilitating mobility between the European Union and the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, very little is known about the magnitude and characteristics of migration from these countries. We find that EaP migrants experience worse labor market outcomes than other migrant groups, but current and potential migrants hold qualifications in those areas were skill shortages are expected. Therefore, the monitoring and supervision of EaP integration will be consequential in order to understand how much of the current brain waste is driven by poor assessment of foreign qualifications, and to unleash the potential of migration for the German economy.
This paper focuses on the determinants of the labor market situation of young people in developed countries and the developing world, with a particular emphasis on the role of vocational training and education policies. We highlight the role of demographic factors, economic growth and labor market institutions in explaining young people's transition into work. Subsequently, we assess differences between the setup and functioning of the vocational education and training policies across major world regions as an important driver of differential labor market situation of youth. Based on our analysis, we argue in favor of vocational education and training systems combining work experience and general education and provide some policy recommendations regarding the implementation of education and training systems adapted to a country's economic and institutional context.
This chapter focuses upon the careers of temporary workers. Temporary employment for many workers presents a route to permanent employment. Other workers, however, get trapped into temporary employment or cycle between unstable jobs and spells of unemployment. Predictors of such transitions are multiple. We selected two broad categories, namely perceived employability from the area of career research and health and well-being from the area of occupational health and well-being research. The overall conclusion is that the association between temporary employment and both perceived employability and health and well-being is inconclusive. This suggests that there are boundary conditions that may make some temporary workers successful and others not. Risk factors include dynamics related to the dual labor market, including lower job quality, lower investments on the part of employers, and negative stereotyping of temporary workers as second-class citizens. On the positive side, many temporary workers have learned to manage their careers in the sense that they invest in training and in continuous job search.
This thesis is an empirical-based study of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and its implications in terms of corporate environmental and financial performance. The novelty of this study includes the extended scope of the data coverage, as most previous studies have examined only the power sector. The use of verified emissions data of ETS-regulated firms as the environmental compliance measure and as the potential differentiating criteria that concern the valuation of EU ETS-exposed firms in the stock market is also an original aspect of this study. The study begins in Chapter 2 by introducing the background information on the emission trading system (ETS), which focuses on (i) the adoption of ETS as an environmental management instrument and (ii) the adoption of ETS by the European Union as one of its central climate policies. Chapter 3 surveys four databases that provide carbon emissions data in order to determine the most suitable source of the data to be used in the later empirical chapters. The first empirical chapter, which is also Chapter 4 of this thesis, investigates the determinants of the emissions compliance performance of the EU ETS-exposed firms through constructing the best possible performance ratio from verified emissions data and self-configuring models for a panel regression analysis. Chapter 5 examines the impacts on the EU ETS-exposed firms in terms of their equity valuation with customised portfolios and multi-factor market models. The research design takes into account the emissions allowance (EUA) price as an additional factor, as it has the most direct association with the EU ETS to control for the exposure. The final empirical Chapter 6 takes the investigation one step further, by specifically testing the degree of ETS exposure facing different sectors with sector-based portfolios and an extended multi-factor market model. The findings from the emissions performance ratio analysis show that the business model of firms significantly influences emissions compliance, as the capital intensity has a positive association with the increasing emissions-to-emissions cap ratio. Furthermore, different sectors show different degrees of sensitivity towards the determining factors. The production factor influences the performance ratio of the Utilities sector, but not the Energy or Materials sectors. The results show that the capital intensity has a more profound influence on the utilities sector than on the materials sector. With regard to the financial performance impact, ETS-exposed firms as aggregate portfolios experienced a substantial underperformance during the 2001–2004 period, but not in the operating period of 2005–2011. The results of the sector-based portfolios show again the differentiating effect of the EU ETS on sectors, as one sector is priced indifferently against its benchmark, three sectors see a constant underperformance, and three sectors have altered outcomes.
In this qualitative user evaluation participants in the project refugee guide, Falun, was interviewed about their experience of the project and how the project contributed to their integration into society and establishment on the labor market. The collection of empirical data has been made by six interviews. The results of the evaluation indicate that participants feel that they through the project had the opportunity to meet new people, practice the language and learn about each other's culture. The results also show that participants are satisfied with the project. Some participants expressed a desire to meet with several people at once while others don´t have that need. Furthermore, the interviews shows that establishment on labor market occurred through job placement and not through participation in the project. Integration proved to be a difficult concept to define, but the interviews show that the participants have a perception that it is about learning the Swedish language and culture.
This article studies the impact of longevity and taxation on life-cycle decisions and long-run income. Individuals allocate optimally their total lifetime between education, working and retirement. They also decide at each moment how much to save or consume out of their income, and after entering the labor market how to divide their time between labor and leisure. The model incorporates experience-earnings profiles and the return-to-education function that follows evidence from the labor literature. In this setup, increases in longevity raises the investment in education - time in school - and retirement. The model is calibrated to the U.S. and is able to reproduce observed schooling levels and the increase in retirement, as the evidence shows. Simulations show that a country equal to the U.S. but with 20% smaller longevity will be 25% poorer. In this economy, labor taxes have a strong impact on the per capita income, as it decreases labor effort, time at school and retirement age, in addition to the general equilibrium impact on physical capital. We conclude that life-cycle effects are relevant in analyzing the aggregate outcome of taxation.
This paper discusses some theoretical aspects of supply shocks and describes the impact of supply shocks on the japanese economy using some comparasions with USA and Brazil. The outstanding results on adjusting on "Oil shocks were due to a tight and orthodox monetary policy associate with some peculiarites of the japanese labor market .