982 resultados para histone H3 acetylation


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Based on the analyses of foraminifer and accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon dating in DGKS9603 core from mid-Okinawa Trough close to bottom, oscillation curve, which expressed the relation between the surface water temperature and the depth, has been obtained by using foraminifer analysis and calculation of FP-12E transfer function. The whole core indicated seven cold phases and eight warm phases. Obvious expression of low temperature event during Middle and Late Holocene, YD,H1,H2,H3 and H4 events, as well as the short cold phase during the middle last glacial period, implied that short shifts since 50 kaBP would have been global significance. Sedimentation rate during cold phases is usually faster than that in warm stages, with the lowest rate in Holocene, which may be connected with rising sea level and principal axial of Kuroshio Current moving to west. Volcanic activities highly developed in Okinawa Trough during the Quaternary period, thus abundant volcanic glass and pumice were well preserved.


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由于红树林植物的重要药用价值及其特殊的生长环境,越来越多的学者关注于红树林植物的活性成分及其作用机理的研究。本论文对两种药用红树林植物黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus L.)和长梗肖槿(Thespesia populneoides (Roxb.) Kostel)的化学成分进行了系统研究。对从其中分离得到的部分化合物进行了初步的抗菌活性筛选。 黄槿和长梗肖槿均采自海南岛,干燥粉碎的样品用90%的乙醇水以及1:1氯仿-甲醇混合溶液室温浸泡提取得总浸膏,将总浸膏悬浮于水中,分别用石油醚和乙酸乙酯萃取,获得石油醚相和乙酸乙酯相萃取物。 采用常规的硅胶柱层析、制备薄层层析、凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析、以及重结晶等手段,从黄槿和长梗肖槿的乙酸乙酯相中共分离得到43个化合物。利用各种现代波谱技术(IR、UV、MS、HR-MS、1D-NMR、2D-NMR等)确定了38个化合物的结构。其中,从黄槿的乙酸乙酯相中分离得到22个化合物,鉴定了其中19个化合物的结构,包括3个新的三萜类化合物(H1*-H3*)以及15个首次从该种中报道的化合物。从长梗肖槿的乙酸乙酯相中分离得到21个化合物,鉴定了其中19个化合物的结构,这些化合物皆为首次从该种中报道,其中1个为新的倍半萜类化合物T1*。本文为首次报道长梗肖槿的化学成分。 对分离得到的部分样品进行了抗菌活性测试,仅T1*表现微弱的抗金黄色葡萄球菌活性,抑菌圈直径为8mm(阳性对照氯霉素的抑菌圈直径为20mm),其余各样品在测试浓度下对测试菌株均未表现出活性。


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Three sulphated polysaccharide derivatives (oversulphated, acetylated and benzoylated fucoidan) were successfully synthesized, and their antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. A novel catalyst N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) was used in acetylation and benzoylation reaction, and the degree of acetylation was evaluated using IR and NMR spectra. Both fucoidan derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and had stronger antioxidant ability than fucoidan in certain tests. The benzoylated fucoidan showed strongest superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, however, the acetylated fucoidan exhibited strongest activity on scavenging DPPH radical and reducing power. Available data obtained with in vitro models suggested that substituted groups of fucoidan played an important role on antioxidant activity. The mechanism on the antioxidant activity of sulphonyl, acetyl and benzoyl group is different. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tazhong-Bachu region is located in the Western Tarim basin.The early Permian magmatic rocks occur in the earth surface of Tazhong-Bachu region are mainly distributed in Kepintag,Mazhartag and Wajilitag region. There are a lot of wells, in which researchers found the early Permian magmatic rocks,in desert cover area.Most magmatic rocks are basic rocks, a few of which are ultrabasic rocks and intermediate-acid magmatic rocks.The ultrabasic rocks are are mainly occur in the Cryptoexplosive Breccia Pipes ,which is located in the volcanic complex body of Wajilitag region.The basic rocks can be divided into three rock types:The first type of the magmatic rocks in Tazhong-Bachu region is volcanic rock ,which occurs in the Lower Permian Kupukuziman Formation and Kaipaizileike Formation. Most Volcanic rocks are basalts,a few of which are volcanic breccias and pyroclastic rocks.The basalts are distributed in stratiform occurrences and interbeded the clastic rocks in Kepintag region.The attitudes of the basalts are nearly horizontal.Columnar Joints, gas pore textures and amygdaloidal structure are to develop in basalts.The second type of the magmatic rocks in Tazhong-Bachu region is diabase,which occurs in Mazhartag region.Diabase dike swarms occur in the stratums of Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Lower Permian.They make from NNW direction to SSE direction, the obliquity of stratum is greater than 60°, and the dike thickness is form several cm to several meters. Diabasic texture is found in the rocks .The first type of the magmatic rocks in Tazhong-Bachu region are gabbro- pyroxenite rocks ,which occur in the Wajilitag igneous complex body. The intermediate-acid magmatic rocks, which are mainly syenites, are located in Mazhartag and Wajiltag region. But they are small in the whole Tazhong-Bachu region.There are intermediate-acid magmatic rocks,which are mainly dacite,in the northeast part of the wells in Tazhong-Bachu region.But ,it is not found in earth surface.Through systematical geochemical research of early Permian magmatic rocks,which are distributed in Kepintag,Mazhartag, Wajilitag region and the wells such as F1 well、Z1 well、Z13 well、TZ18 well、H3 well、H4 well et al., the focus on the geochronologic characteristics, the main element,trace element and REE geochemistry, the mineralogic characteristics, the Sr-Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics are put forward. The main points are: 1、A combined study of CL imaging and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating were carried out for zircon grains of the magmatic rocks in the Tazhong-Bachu region from the Tarim basin.The results of the systematic zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating reveal 272±6Ma to 291±10Ma for the magamatic rocks. It indicated that Early Permian is an important period of magmatic acvivity in the Tazhong-Bachu region. 2、There are a big hunch in the curves of primitive mantle-normalized trace element concentrations in the early Permian magmatic rocks from Kepintag, Mazhartag, Wajilitag region and the 14 wells. Light rare earth elements are comparatively rich and heavy rare earth elements are comparatively poor. The slope rates are same between light rare erath elements and heavy rare earth elements. It is not like the curves of the basalts in the convergent margin of plate , in which the slope rates of light rare erath elements is bigger than the alope rates of heavy rare erath elements, and the curves of heavy rare earth elements are comparatively flat. The magmatic rocks of Tazhong-Bachu region rarely have the characteristics of the basalts in the convergent margin of plate, which is that Tantalum, Niobium and Titanium are much poor, and Zirconium, Hafnium and Phosphorus are moderately poor. The magamatic rocks are mostly alkaline, which is indicated by the dots of the (Na2O+K2O)-SiO2 identification diagram. All of these indicate that the early Permian magmatic rocks were formed in an extension environment of intraplate. 3、The Thorium abundance is high and Tantalum abundance is low in most magmatic rocks from Tazhong-Bachu reguion, which is formed for crustal contamination.In the Th/Yb-Ta/Yb identification diagram,most dots are in the region, which means active continental margin, but a few dots are in the region, which means mantle source. It indicated the feeding of continental crust materials. 4、The magnesium content of the olvines from Wagilitag region is richest, and the olvines from Kepintag region is poorest in the tree region. 5、Through the the Sr-Nd and Pb isotopic study of the basalts and diabases from the F1 well core, Z1 well core, Z13 well core,TZ18 well core, and the basalts,gabbros, diabases(diabase-prophyrites) and pl-peridotites from Kepintag,Mazhartag, Wajilitag region , it indicated that all isotopic data is similar and close to enriched mantle.


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自然界的氮循环已被严重扰乱,失衡的氮循环过程中产生的一些氮氧化物和氮氢化物(如N2O、NO-3 、NO -2 、N H3 、NH +4 等) 是全球温室效应、水体富营养化和酸雨危害的主要贡献者。稳定氮同位素作为一种有效的示踪手段,在研究氮循环特别是污染氮源的识别方面有重要意义。本文在简要总结氮的同位素分馏效应的基础上,重点论述和分析了稳定氮同位素在植被O土壤O地下水系统和大气系统中的氮源识别,并结合研究现状探讨了研究前景。


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通过对巢湖2处柱状沉积物样品中δ^13Corg、δ^15N、C/N比值、TOC和TN含量的测定,分析了近百年来巢湖沉积物有机质的来源,探讨受人类活动影响的湖泊生产力变化和富营养化过程.结果表明,巢湖沉积物有机质的主要来源是水生藻类,陆生有机质的输入量较少,但是城市污染物的输入与农业面源污染的影响是不可忽视的.巢湖沉积物剖面上,δ^13Corg、δ^15N、TOC和TN含量变化按沉积深度可以明显划分为2个阶段:①10 cm以下,H3点δ^13Corg波动在-21.74‰- -19.34‰的范围内,其余数据表现相对平缓,湖泊内的生物物种是固氮植物和非固氮植物共存,2个采样点具有不同的湖泊营养化进程;②10 cm至表层段,2个剖面的δ^13Corg迅速减小,δ^15N、TOC和TN则是显著增大,巢湖闸的建成使得内源营养物质快速积累,湖泊初始生产力水平迅速提高,富营养化加剧.


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随着我国南极陨石的大量回收,对陨石的研究也越来越深入。本文主要对我国部分南极陨石和沙漠陨石开展了三方面的工作:(1)我国部分南极陨石的分类;(2)陨石中宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的化学分离、纯化实验;(3)我国部分南极陨石和沙漠陨石的全岩化学组成分析和宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的初步研究。 1、我国部分南极陨石的分类研究 通过对我国19次南极科考队回收的4448块陨石中24块南极普通球粒陨石的矿物、岩石分析,将这24块陨石化学-岩石类型进行了划分,分别为1个H3型(GRV 021603)、2个H4型(GRV 020200和GRV 021493)、4个H5型(GRV 020048、GRV 020078、GRV 020129和GRV 020236)、2个H6型(GRV 020075和GRV 020226)、1个L4型(GRV 021563)、8个L5型(GRV 020047、GRV 020283、GRV 020297、GRV 021547、GRV 021547、GRV 021581、GRV 021615和GRV 023771)、5个L6型(GRV 020103、GRV 020155、GRV 021505、GRV 021711和GRV 022171)、1个LL4型(GRV 020029)和1个LL6型(GRV 021496)。在此基础上,将我国的南极陨石和美国的南极陨石进行了类型和质量分布模型的对比。结果表明,我国南极陨石比美国南极陨石具有相对高的L群丰度;我国的南极陨石质量分布模型与美国南极陨石一致。 2、陨石中宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的化学分离、纯化实验 在前人关于陨石中宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的分离方法基础上,通过多次模拟样品的分离实验,成功地将陨石中Be和Al进行了分离、纯化。并且进一步改善了前人的分离方法,将Be的淋洗液由原来的120ml减少为90ml。在此基础上,用空白样品和吉林陨石的硅酸盐样品对整个化学分离实验进行了检验,并将所获得的BeO和Al2O3粉末用加速器质谱(AMS)进行了10Be和26Al的测试。根据所测定的10Be和26Al数据,计算得到吉林陨石的暴露年龄为0.52Ma,这一结果与前人所获得的吉林陨石第二阶段的暴露年龄0.4Ma接近。这一结果再次证明了陨石中宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的分离流程是成功的,同时也说明本次所测的吉林陨石样品为吉林陨石第二阶段暴露辐射的样品。 3、我国部分南极陨石和沙漠陨石的全岩化学组成分析以及宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的初步研究 对我国13块南极陨石和3块沙漠陨石进行了全岩化学成分的分析,其结果进一步证明了这些陨石由岩石、矿物分析所划分的类型的正确性。在这些陨石类型和全岩分析的基础上,对它们进行了宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的初步分析。得到其中4块南极陨石和2块沙漠陨石的暴露年龄和居地年龄,这些陨石暴露年龄的范围为2.09-3.05Ma,居地年龄为0-0.23Ma。


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长久以来,对于陨石金属相的全岩研究主要使用中子活化分析方法(INAA),该方法具有灵敏度高、无损样品及制样简单等优点,但它无法测定所有铂族元素(PGEs)。随着分析技术的发展,电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)越来越广泛地应用于地质学领域,但在地外物质的应用中研究较少。 本论文在分析方法上,首先在国内开展了球粒陨石金属相和铁陨石的主、微量元素的ICP-AES和ICP-MS实验分析方法研究,对四块球粒陨石的金属相以及四块铁陨石进行了分析,初步讨论了星云凝聚和小行星热变质中亲铁元素的变化特征,进一步揭示了星云的凝聚过程、以及铁陨石的结晶过程。对新发现的乌拉斯台铁陨石所做的研究表明,该陨石和新疆陨石可能为成对陨石。并将研究延伸到地外撞击事件的研究中,通过对浙江煤山P/T界线层的样品进行分析,对当时的生物大灭绝事件给出了合理解释。 乌拉斯台铁陨石是在我国新疆新发现的一块铁陨石,其发现地点距离新疆铁陨石(Armanty)约130公里。我们应用ICP-MS分析了乌拉斯台铁陨石(IIIE),以及新疆铁陨石(IIIE)、南丹铁陨石(IIICD)和Mundrabilla铁陨石(IIICD)的全岩组成,结果显示和参考文献有很好的一致性,证明了该分析方法的可行性。我们对乌拉斯台铁陨石进行了系统的岩石学、矿物学、以及微量元素分析,该陨石的岩石结构属于粗粒八面体,铁纹石带宽为1.2  0.2 mm。合纹石以各种微观结构大量存在于该陨石中。陨磷镍铁矿以富镍(30.5-55.5%)的形式出现在合纹石中,或者与陨硫铁,陨硫铬铁矿等共生。并通过计算获知该陨石的冷却速率约为20℃/Myr。其岩石矿物学特征和全岩组成和新疆铁陨石相似,二者都落在IIIE化学群的范围,因此,我们将乌拉斯台铁陨石划分为IIIE化学群,并初步认为和新疆铁陨石是成对陨石。同时,对吉林球粒陨石(H5)、安龙球粒陨石(H5)、以及南极陨石GRV 9919(L3)和GRV 021603(H3)四块球粒陨石金属相进行的研究显示,球粒陨石金属相的亲铁元素配分模式主要与元素的挥发性相关,具有难熔元素基本上平坦分布,而中等和强挥发性元素随其挥性的增高而趋于贫化的特征。 铂族元素的研究不仅在讨论星云凝聚过程中亲铁元素的分异、金属-硅酸盐分异与核-幔的形成,以及金属熔体的结晶分异方面有着重要的意义,对于讨论地外物质的示踪也有着重要的作用。铂族元素在地壳中高度亏损,但在大部分地外物质中富集,因此通常将Ir的异常已否作为是否有地外物质加入的重要依据之一。距今2.51亿年前的二叠纪-三叠纪(P/T界线)时期,发生了地质历史上最大规模的生物灭绝事件,然而对于该事件的诱因却一直存有争议,主要存在两种观点:“地外撞击”和“火山喷发”。我们使用锍镍火试金和同位素稀释法,结合Te共沉淀, 应用ICP-MS分析技术,对我国煤山二叠纪-三叠纪界线层的样品进行了Ir、Ru、Rh、Pt和Pd的测定。火试金方法结果显示Ir的含量为0.053 ng/g,而同位素稀释法对P/T界线事件层样品的分析结果显示,Ir的含量在0.005-0.028 ng/g,两种分析方法的结果均显示没有Ir的正异常。将PGE使用碳质球粒陨石标准化后,整个配分模式呈现出高度分异,Ir/Pd的比值为0.02-0.03CI,明显不同于各类陨石。相反,该界线层样品的PGE配分模式和西伯利亚玄武岩(甚至也可能和峨眉山玄武岩)相似,证明了该界线层样品中的PGE可能来源于玄武岩。P/T界线层样品中PGE的含量从富含黄铁矿的壳层24f向26层呈上升趋势,且在26层为最大值,然后在28层回落,这种趋势可能暗示了玄武岩最大规模的喷发可能出现在26层。该结果有力地证明了P/T界线时期的生物灭绝事件与火山喷发的相关性,给一直存有争议的二叠纪-三叠纪生物灭绝事件提供了新的证据。


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Chitosan of 24% degree of acetylation was depolymerized by a mixture of cellulase, alpha amylase, and proteinase to give the title oligosaccharides. The removal of products by membrane separation permitted yield maximization of products having degree of polymerization in the 3-10 range. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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A simple, solventless procedure for reductive amination that results in an impressive color change. Reaction proceeds in three stages: imine formation, reduction, and acetylation and purification is done by crystallization.


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This thesis describes the optimisation of chemoenzymatic methods in asymmetric synthesis. Modern synthetic organic chemistry has experienced an enormous growth in biocatalytic methodologies; enzymatic transformations and whole cell bioconversions have become generally accepted synthetic tools for asymmetric synthesis. Biocatalysts are exceptional catalysts, combining broad substrate scope with high regio-, enantio- and chemoselectivities enabling the resolution of organic substrates with superb efficiency and selectivity. In this study three biocatalytic applications in enantioselective synthesis were explored and perhaps the most significant outcome of this work is the excellent enantioselectivity achieved through optimisation of reaction conditions improving the synthetic utility of the biotransformations. In the first chapter a summary of literature discussing the stereochemical control of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisae) mediated reduction of ketones by the introduction of sulfur moieties is presented, and sets the work of Chapter 2 in context. The focus of the second chapter was the synthesis and biocatalytic resolution of (±)-trans-2-benzenesulfonyl-3-n-butylcyclopentanone. For the first time the practical limitations of this resolution have been addressed providing synthetically useful quantities of enantiopure synthons for application in the total synthesis of both enantiomers of 4-methyloctanoic acid, the aggregation pheromone of the rhinoceros beetles of the genus Oryctes. The unique aspect of this enantioselective synthesis was the overall regio- and enantioselective introduction of the methyl group to the octanoic acid chain. This work is part of an ongoing research programme in our group focussed on baker’s yeast mediated kinetic resolution of 2-keto sulfones. The third chapter describes hydrolase-catalysed kinetic resolutions leading to a series of 3-aryl alkanoic acids. Hydrolysis of the ethyl esters with a series of hydrolases was undertaken to identify biocatalysts that yield the corresponding acids in highly enantioenriched form. Contrary to literature reports where a complete disappearance of efficiency and, accordingly enantioselection, was described upon kinetic resolution of sterically demanding 3-arylalkanoic acids, the highest reported enantiopurities of these acids was achieved (up to >98% ee) in this study through optimisation of reaction conditions. Steric and electronic effects on the efficiency and enantioselectivity of the biocatalytic transformation were also explored. Furthermore, a novel approach to determine the absolute stereochemistry of the enantiopure 3-aryl alkanoic acids was investigated through combination of co-crystallisation and X-ray diffraction linked with chiral HPLC analysis. The fourth chapter was focused on the development of a biocatalytic protocol for the asymmetric Henry reaction. Efficient kinetic resolution in hydrolase-mediated transesterification of cis- and trans- β-nitrocyclohexanol derivatives was achieved. Combination of a base-catalysed intramolecular Henry reaction coupled with the hydrolase-mediated kinetic resolution with the view to selective acetylation of a single stereoisomer was investigated. While dynamic kinetic resolution in the intramolecular Henry was not achieved, significant progress in each of the individual elements was made and significantly the feasibility of this process has been demonstrated. The final chapter contains the full experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data of all compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral HPLC analysis are included in the appendix. The data for the crystal structures are contained in the attached CD.


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Cytokine-driven signalling shapes immune homeostasis and guides inflammatory responses mainly through induction of specific gene expression programmes both within and outside the immune cell compartment. These transcriptional outputs are often amplified via cytokine synergy, which sets a stimulatory threshold that safeguards from exacerbated inflammation and immunopathology. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underpinning synergy between two pivotal Th1 cytokines, IFN-γ and TNF-α, in human intestinal epithelial cells. These two proinflammatory mediators induce a unique state of signalling and transcriptional synergy implicated in processes such as antiviral and antitumour immunity, intestinal barrier and pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. Since its discovery more than 30 years ago, this biological phenomenon remains, however, only partially defined. Here, using a functional genomics approach including RNAi perturbation screens and small-molecule inhibitors, we identified two new regulators of IFN-γ/TNF-α-induced chemokine and antiviral gene and protein expression, a Bcl-2 protein BCL-G and a histone demethylase UTX. We also discovered that IFN-γ/TNF-α synergise to trigger a coordinated shutdown of major receptor tyrosine kinases expression in colon cancer cells. Together, these findings extend our current understanding of how IFN-γ/TNF-α synergy elicits qualitatively and quantitatively distinct outputs in the intestinal epithelium. Given the well-documented role of this synergistic state in immunopathology of various disorders, our results may help to inform the identification of high quality and biologically relevant druggable targets for diseases characterised by an IFN-γ/TNF-α high immune signature


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Autophagy has been predominantly studied as a nonselective self-digestion process that recycles macromolecules and produces energy in response to starvation. However, autophagy independent of nutrient status has long been known to exist. Recent evidence suggests that this form of autophagy enforces intracellular quality control by selectively disposing of aberrant protein aggregates and damaged organelles--common denominators in various forms of neurodegenerative diseases. By definition, this form of autophagy, termed quality-control (QC) autophagy, must be different from nutrient-regulated autophagy in substrate selectivity, regulation and function. We have recently identified the ubiquitin-binding deacetylase, HDAC6, as a key component that establishes QC. HDAC6 is not required for autophagy activation per se; rather, it is recruited to ubiquitinated autophagic substrates where it stimulates autophagosome-lysosome fusion by promoting F-actin remodeling in a cortactin-dependent manner. Remarkably, HDAC6 and cortactin are dispensable for starvation-induced autophagy. These findings reveal that autophagosomes associated with QC are molecularly and biochemically distinct from those associated with starvation autophagy, thereby providing a new molecular framework to understand the emerging complexity of autophagy and therapeutic potential of this unique machinery.