949 resultados para high-dose cyclophosphamide


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Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate the radiosensitizing effect of gold nanoparticle (GNP) induced vasculature damage for proton, megavoltage (MV) photon, and kilovoltage (kV) photon irradiation. Methods: Monte Carlo simulations were carried out using tool for particle simulation (TOPAS) to obtain the spatial dose distribution in close proximity up to 20 µm from the GNPs. The spatial dose distribution from GNPs was used as an input to calculate the dose deposited to the blood vessels. GNP induced vasculature damage was evaluated for three particle sources (a clinical spread out Bragg peak proton beam, a 6 MV photon beam, and two kV photon beams). For each particle source, various depths in tissue, GNP sizes (2, 10, and 20 nm diameter), and vessel diameters (8, 14, and 20 µm) were investigated. Two GNP distributions in lumen were considered, either homogeneously distributed in the vessel or attached to the inner wall of the vessel. Doses of 30 Gy and 2 Gy were considered, representing typical in vivo enhancement studies and conventional clinical fractionation, respectively. Results: These simulations showed that for 20 Au-mg/g GNP blood concentration homogeneously distributed in the vessel, the additional dose at the inner vascular wall encircling the lumen was 43% of the prescribed dose at the depth of treatment for the 250 kVp photon source, 1% for the 6 MV photon source, and 0.1% for the proton beam. For kV photons, GNPs caused 15% more dose in the vascular wall for 150 kVp source than for 250 kVp. For 6 MV photons, GNPs caused 0.2% more dose in the vascular wall at 20 cm depth in water as compared to at depth of maximum dose (Dmax). For proton therapy, GNPs caused the same dose in the vascular wall for all depths across the spread out Bragg peak with 12.7 cm range and 7 cm modulation. For the same weight of GNPs in the vessel, 2 nm diameter GNPs caused three times more damage to the vessel than 20 nm diameter GNPs. When the GNPs were attached to the inner vascular wall, the damage to the inner vascular wall can be up to 207% of the prescribed dose for the 250 kVp photon source, 4% for the 6 MV photon source, and 2% for the proton beam. Even though the average dose increase from the proton beam and MV photon beam was not large, there were high dose spikes that elevate the local dose of the parts of the blood vessel to be higher than 15 Gy even for 2 Gy prescribed dose, especially when the GNPs can be actively targeted to the endothelial cells. Conclusions: GNPs can potentially be used to enhance radiation therapy by causing vasculature damage through high dose spikes caused by the addition of GNPs especially for hypofractionated treatment. If GNPs are designed to actively accumulate at the tumor vasculature walls, vasculature damage can be increased significantly. The largest enhancement is seen using kilovoltage photons due to the photoelectric effect. Although no significant average dose enhancement was observed for the whole vasculature structure for both MV photons and protons, they can cause high local dose escalation (>15 Gy) to areas of the blood vessel that can potentially contribute to the disruption of the functionality of the blood vessels in the tumor.


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Severe asthma represents a major unmet clinical need. Eosinophilic inflammation persists in the airways of many patients with uncontrolled asthma, despite high-dose inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Suppressors of cytokine signalling (SOCS) are a family of molecules involved in the regulation of cytokine signalling via inhibition of the Janus kinase-signal transducers and activators of transcription pathway. We examined SOCS expression in the airways of asthma patients and investigated whether this is associated with persistent eosinophilia.

Healthy controls, mild/moderate asthmatics and severe asthmatics were studied. Whole genome expression profiling, quantitative PCR and immunohistochemical analysis were used to examine expression of SOCS1, SOCS2 and SOCS3 in bronchial biopsies. Bronchial epithelial cells were utilised to examine the role of SOCS1 in regulating interleukin (IL)-13 signalling in vitro.

SOCS1 gene expression was significantly lower in the airways of severe asthmatics compared with mild/moderate asthmatics, and was inversely associated with airway eosinophilia and other measures of T-helper type 2 (Th2) inflammation. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated SOCS1 was predominantly localised to the bronchial epithelium. SOCS1 overexpression inhibited IL-13-mediated chemokine ligand (CCL) 26 (eotaxin-3) mRNA expression in bronchial epithelial cells.

Severe asthma patients with persistent airway eosinophilia and Th2 inflammation have reduced airway epithelial SOCS1 expression. SOCS1 inhibits epithelial IL-13 signalling, supporting its key role in regulating Th2-driven eosinophilia in severe asthma.


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Silica additives in bone substitute materials are topical, clinically interesting and have significant support in the Orthopaedic field. Biosilica, e.g isolated from diatoms, has many advantages over its synthetic counterparts, e.g. it is amorphous, thus will be absorbed by the body, however, issues such as purity, presence of endotoxins and cytotoxicity need to be addressed before it can be further exploited. Biosilica isolated from Cyclotella Meneghiniana was then tested in a mouse model, to test the immunological response, organ toxicity (kidney, spleen, liver) and route of metabolism/excretion of silica. Five-week-old Balb-c mice were injected subcutaneously with a single high dose (50mg/ml) of Si-frustules, Si-frustules + organic linker and vehicle only control. Animals were sacrificed at 1d and 28d. The animal studies were conducted under an ethically approved protocol at Queen’s University, Belfast. The animals showed no adverse stress during the experiment and remained healthy until sacrifice. Blood results using ICP-OES analysis suggest the frustules were metabolized between comparator groups at different rates, and clearly showed elevated levels of silicon in groups injected with frustules relative to control. The histology of organs showed no variation in morphology of mice injected frustules relative compared to the control group.
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships from the EU and Beaufort Marine Biodiscovery Award as part of the Marine Biotechnology Ireland Programme for providing financial support to this project.


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Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine de la dosimétrie à scintillation en radiothérapie, plus précisément en curiethérapie à haut débit de dose (HDR). Lors de ce type de traitement, la dose est délivrée localement, ce qui implique de hauts gradients de dose autour de la source. Le but de ce travail est d’obtenir un détecteur mesurant la dose en 2 points distincts et optimisé pour la mesure de dose en curiethérapie HDR. Pour ce faire, le projet de recherche est séparé en deux études : la caractérisation spectrale du détecteur à 2-points et la caractérisation du système de photodétecteur menant à la mesure de la dose. D’abord, la chaine optique d’un détecteur à scintillation à 2-points est caractérisée à l’aide d’un spectromètre afin de déterminer les composantes scintillantes optimales. Cette étude permet de construire quelques détecteurs à partir des composantes choisies pour ensuite les tester avec le système de photodétecteur multi-point. Le système de photodétecteur est aussi caractérisé de façon à évaluer les limites de sensibilité pour le détecteur 2-points choisi précédemment. L’objectif final est de pouvoir mesurer le débit de dose avec précision et justesse aux deux points de mesure du détecteur multi-point lors d’un traitement de curiethérapie HDR.


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Pour ce projet, nous avons développé une plateforme pour l’analyse pangénomique de la méthylation de l’ADN chez le bovin qui est compatible avec des échantillons de petites tailles. Cet outil est utilisé pour étudier les caractéristiques génétiques et épigénétiques (méthylation de l’ADN) des gamètes soumis aux procédures de procréation médicalement assisitée et des embryons précoces. Dans un premier temps, une plateforme d’analyse de biopuces spécifiques pour l’étude de la méthylation de l’ADN chez l’espèce bovine a été développée. Cette plateforme a ensuite été optimisée pour produire des analyses pangénomiques de méthylation de l’ADN fiables et reproductibles à partir d’échantillons de très petites tailles telle que les embryons précoces (≥ 10 ng d’ADN a été utilisé, ce qui correspond à 10 blastocystes en expansion). En outre, cet outil a permis d’évaluer de façon simultanée la méthylation de l’ADN et le transcriptome dans le même échantillon, fournissant ainsi une image complète des profils génétiques et épigénétiques (méthylation de l’ADN). Comme preuve de concept, les profils comparatifs de méthylation de l’ADN spermatique et de blastocystes bovins ont été analysés au niveau de l’ensemble du génome. Dans un deuxième temps, grâce à cette plateforme, les profils globaux de méthylation de l’ADN de taureaux jumeaux monozygotes (MZ) ont été analysés. Malgré qu’ils sont génétiquement identiques, les taureaux jumeaux MZ ont des descendants avec des performances différentes. Par conséquent, l’hypothèse que le profil de méthylation de l’ADN spermatique de taureaux jumeaux MZ est différent a été émise. Dans notre étude, des différences significatives entre les jumeaux MZ au niveau des caractéristiques de la semence ainsi que de la méthylation de l’ADN ont été trouvées, chacune pouvant contribuer à l’obtention de performances divergentes incongrues des filles engendrées par ces jumeaux MZ. Dans la troisième partie de ce projet, la même plateforme a été utilisée pour découvrir les impacts d’une supplémentation à forte concentration en donneur de méthyle universel sur les embryons précoces bovins. La supplémentation avec de grandes quantités d’acide folique (AF) a été largement utilisée et recommandée chez les femmes enceintes pour sa capacité bien établie à prévenir les malformations du tube neural chez les enfants. Cependant, plus récemment, plusieurs études ont rapporté des effets indésirables de l’AF utilisé à des concentrations élevées, non seulement sur le développement de l’embryon, mais aussi chez les adultes. Au niveau cellulaire, l’AF entre dans le métabolisme monocarboné, la seule voie de production de S-adénosyl méthionine (SAM), un donneur universel de groupements méthyles pour une grande variété de biomolécules, y compris l’ADN. Par conséquent, pour résoudre cette controverse, une forte dose de SAM a été utilisée pour traiter des embryons produits in vitro chez le bovin. Ceci a non seulement permis d’influencer le phénotype des embryons précoces, mais aussi d’avoir un impact sur le transcriptome et le méthylome de l’ADN. En somme, le projet en cours a permis le développement d’une plateforme d’analyse de la méthylation de l’ADN à l’échelle du génome entier chez le bovin à coût raisonnable et facile à utiliser qui est compatible avec les embryons précoces. De plus, puisque c’est l’une des premières études de ce genre en biologie de la reproduction bovine, ce projet avait trois objectifs qui a donné plusieurs nouveaux résultats, incluant les profils comparatifs de méthylation de l’ADN au niveau : i) blastocystes versus spermatozoïdes ; ii) semence de taureaux jumeaux MZ et iii) embryons précoces traités à de fortes doses de SAM versus des embryons précoces non traités.


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Recentemente foi desenvolvido um dosímetro baseado em fibras cintilantes (BCF-12 da companhia Saint Gobain Crystals com 1 e 0,5 mm de diâmetro e 5 mm de comprimento) para braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose, em particular a braquiterapia direcionada para o tratamento do cancro da próstata. Este utiliza um novo fotomultiplicador de estado sólido dado pelo nome de MPPC - MultiPixel Photon Counter da companhia Hamamatsu Photonics (Japão). Nesta dissertação é estudado o mesmo dosímetro para a modalidade de braquiterapia de elevada taxa de dose (HDR). A informação sobre a dose neste tipo de dosímetros é obtida a partir de sinais óticos (em vez de sinais elétricos), que são imunes a interferências elétricas e eletromagnéticas. Adicionalmente as pequenas dimensões das fibras oferecem uma excelente resolução espacial e uma invasão mínima para uso em dosimetria in vivo, permitindo medir a dose diretamente ou próximo ao tumor e em tempo real. A sua utilização em braquiterapia para o cancro da próstata constitui-se assim como uma vantagem, uma vez que as fibras podem ser inseridas diretamente nos aplicadores utilizados neste tipo de tratamentos. Apesar de tudo, este tipo de dosímetros possui algumas desvantagens, como por exemplo a luz de Cherenkov e a fluorescência (forma de ruído dada pelo nome de stem effect) que, e a contrário da luz produzida pela fibra cintilante, não são diretamente proporcionais à energia depositada. Contudo, e para energias praticadas em braquiterapia de HDR, nesta dissertação, mostrou-se que este problema é pouco significativo dado que a percentagem de contribuição destes efeitos para o sinal medido é menor que 1% (ou 5% para distâncias menores que 25 mm). Ao longo desta dissertação é feita a caraterização do dosímetro (em modo corrente e impulso) e das suas várias partes em ambiente de laboratório e clínico. Nestes estudos o dosímetro, além de exibir uma boa reprodutibilidade (variação máxima de 3% entre medidas), mostrou uma alta linearidade para uma ampla gama de doses, assim como uma sensibilidade (µGy) semelhante à de uma câmara de ionização, tornando-o adequado para braquiterapia de HDR (tratamento que envolve altos gradientes de dose). Complementarmente, a sua grande versatilidade e simples utilização possibilita a sua aplicação prática em outras modalidades radioterapêuticas.


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We have investigated whether fetal exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) causes defects in the male reproductive system of the rat, using chronically exposed rats to ensure continuous exposure of the fetus. 5-6 week old rats were exposed to control diet, or diet containing TCDD, to attain an average dose of 2.4, 8 and 46 ng TCDD kg-1 day-1 for twelve weeks, whereupon the rats were mated, and allowed to litter; rats were switched to control diet after parturition. Male offspring were allowed to develop until kills on PND70 (25 per group), or PND120 (all remaining animals). Offspring from the high dose group showed an increase in total litter loss, and the number of animals alive on post-natal day (PND) 4 in the high dose group was ~26% less than control. The high and medium dose offspring showed decreased weights at various ages. Balano-preputial separation was significantly delayed in all three dose groups, compared to control. There were no significant effects of maternal treatment when the offspring were subjected to a functional observational battery, or learning tests, with the exception that the high dose group showed a deficit in motor activity. 20 rats per group were mated to females, and there were no significant effects of maternal treatment on the fertility of these rats, nor on the F1 or F2 sex ratio. Sperm parameters at PND70 and 120 showed no significant effect of maternal treatment, with the exception that there was an increase in the proportion of abnormal sperm in the high dose group at PND70; this is associated with the developmental delay in puberty in this dose group. There were no remarkable findings of maternal treatment on organ weights, with the exception that testis weights were reduced by ~10% at PND70 (but not PND120), and although the experiment was sufficiently powered to detect small changes, ventral prostate weight was not reduced. There were no significant effects of maternal treatment upon histopathological comparison of high dose and control group organs. These data confirm that developmental exposure to TCDD shows no potent effect on adult sperm parameters or accessory sexual organs, but show that delay in BPS occurs after exposure to low doses of TCDD, and this is dependent upon whether TCDD is administered acutely or chronically.


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Résumé : La prééclampsie (PE) est un désordre de la grossesse caractérisée par une dysfonction endothéliale faisant en sorte que l’endothélium devient moins sensible aux signaux de vasodilatation. La réponse provoquée par la liaison de la sérotonine au sous-type de récepteur S[indice inférieur 2] entraîne la libération de molécules aux propriétés vasoconstrictrices, qui, par une boucle de rétroaction positive, entraîne la libération de davantage de sérotonine par les plaquettes. Cette boucle amplifie la réponse et contribue ainsi à l’hypertension présente chez les femmes ayant une PE. Précédemment, il a été démontré par notre laboratoire que le Bisphénol A (BPA) s’accumulait davantage dans le placenta des femmes avec PE en comparaison aux femmes normotensives. Cette accumulation pourrait découler d’une perturbation de sa métabolisation qui impliquerait notamment la β-glucuronidase (GUSB). Des études chez les animaux ont quant à elles démontré que le BPA pouvait inhiber l’activité de la monoamine oxydase (MAO) à forte dose. Nous avons étudié l’effet du BPA à faible concentration (10 ng/ml) sur la MAO-A des cellules placentaires et démontré que le BPA inhibait la MAO-A de façon significative sans affecter son expression protéique. Afin d’expliquer l’accumulation particulière du BPA chez les femmes PE, nous avons comparé l’activité spécifique et l’expression protéique de la β-glucuronidase (GUSB) placentaire en utilisant un devis cas-témoins. Une tendance non significative suggère que la GUSB pourrait partiellement contribuer à l’accumulation du BPA chez les femmes PE. Nous avons étudié la relation entre la concentration sérique maternelle de BPA et la concentration à laquelle le fœtus est exposé par régression linéaire et corrélation de Spearman. Un tel modèle ne pourrait être utilisé pour déterminer de façon quantitative l’exposition fœtale. En revanche, en vue de la forte corrélation entre ces deux variables, une haute concentration sérique maternelle de BPA devrait se refléter par une haute exposition fœtale. Cette corrélation implique aussi que le métabolisme placentaire ne joue pas un rôle significatif dans la protection du fœtus. Le BPA pourrait ainsi contribuer à l’hypertension chez les femmes PE présentant une dysfonction endothéliale en inhibant la MAO-A et ainsi, favorisant la hausse de sérotonine circulante. Cette étude suggère les bases d’un mécanisme par lequel le BPA s’accumulerait davantage chez les femmes PE et affecterait ainsi la MAO-A placentaire et potentiellement, la MAO-A fœtale vu ses propriétés physico-chimiques.


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Background: There are limited data concerning endoscopist-directed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography deep sedation. The aim of this study was to establish the safety and risk factors for difficult sedation in daily practice. Patients and methods: Hospital-based, frequency matched case-control study. All patients were identified from a database of 1,008 patients between 2014 and 2015. The cases were those with difficult sedations. This concept was defined based on the combination of the receipt of high-doses of midazolam or propofol, poor tolerance, use of reversal agents or sedation-related adverse events. The presence of different factors was evaluated to determine whether they predicted difficult sedation. Results: One-hundred and eighty-nine patients (63 cases, 126 controls) were included. Cases were classified in terms of high-dose requirements (n = 35, 55.56%), sedation-related adverse events (n = 14, 22.22%), the use of reversal agents (n = 13, 20.63%) and agitation/discomfort (n = 8, 12.7%). Concerning adverse events, the total rate was 1.39%, including clinically relevant hypoxemia (n = 11), severe hypotension (n = 2) and paradoxical reactions to midazolam (n = 1). The rate of hypoxemia was higher in patients under propofol combined with midazolam than in patients with propofol alone (2.56% vs. 0.8%, p < 0.001). Alcohol consumption (OR: 2.674 [CI 95%: 1.098-6.515], p = 0.030), opioid consumption (OR: 2.713 [CI 95%: 1.096-6.716], p = 0.031) and the consumption of other psychoactive drugs (OR: 2.015 [CI 95%: 1.017-3.991], p = 0.045) were confirmed to be independent risk factors for difficult sedation. Conclusions: Endoscopist-directed deep sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is safe. The presence of certain factors should be assessed before the procedure to identify patients who are high-risk for difficult sedation.


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Angiodysplasias are one of the reasons of gastrointestinal bleeding, whose origin is usually due to vascular malformations. There are different types of therapies for angiodysplasia such as endoscopic, angiographic and pharmacological techniques. Among the last ones, there is little variety of effective drugs to treat the disease. We describe the therapeutic failure with thalidomide in a male with recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding due to angiodysplasias. A thorough diagnostic work-up, including gastroscopy, enteroscopy, angiography and capsule endoscopy were performed. Despite treatment with high-dose somatostatin analogues and oral iron, the patient continued bleeding. The patient was administered then thalidomide for three months with no clinical response. Thalidomide had to be withdrawn owing to adverse effects.


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Introduction: Early diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease as the most common cause of acquired heart disease in childhood, may significantly improve the prognosis. Diagnosing infantile Kawasaki (younger than a year) is difficult because of obscure symptoms; at the same time they are at the higher risk of coronary abnormalities. Case Presentation: We report three infants with prolonged (more than 5 days) fever and peripheral gangrene without any other clinical manifestations of Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki was diagnosed due to dilation of coronary artery and other aortic branches, thrombocytosis, and rising of ESR and CRP. All patients were treated with high dose aspirin, IVIG and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone. Additionally, cytotoxic drugs or infliximab were used for two of them because of severe aneurysms in the aortic branches. All 3 patients received aspirin with anti-platelet aggregation dose and 2 patients heparin as an anti-coagulant agent for longtime. After adequate treatment, peripheral gangrene, arterial dilations and aneurysms improved, but during 12 months follow-up coronary aneurysms did not improve completely. Conclusions: Peripheral gangrene must be regarded as an important sign of infantile Kawasaki disease early treatment of which can prevent severe permanent coronary involvements and sequels.


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Purpose: To investigate the therapeutic effect of Rhizoma drynariae extract (RDE) on ovariectomyinduced osteoporosis in rats. Methods: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to a sham-operated group (control) and five ovariectomy (OVX) subgroups: OVX with vehicle (OVX), OVX with 17ß-estradiol (E2, 25 μg/kg/day), and OVX with RDE doses (40, 80, and 160 mg/kg/day). Daily oral administration of E2 or RDE started 4 weeks after OVX and lasted for 16 weeks. The bone mineral density (BMD) of the L4 vertebrae and right femurs was estimated. The length of each femur was measured with a micrometer gauge, and the center of the diaphysis determined. Three representatives L4 vertebrae were selected to evaluate the trabecular microarchitecture. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urinary calcium (U-Ca), urinary phosphorus (U-P), urinary creatinine (Cr) and osteocalcin (OC) levels were measured. Results: The study showed that high-dose of RDE significantly inhibited the bone mineral density (BMD) reduction of L4 vertebrae (0.20 ± 0.02 g/cm3, p < 0.05) and femurs (0.18 ± 0.02 g/cm3, p < 0.05) caused by OVX and prevented the deterioration of trabecular microarchitecture (p < 0.05), which were accompanied by a significant decrease in skeletal remodeling (p < 0.05) as evidenced by the lower levels of bone turnover markers. High-dose of RDE improved morphometric parameters, namely, Tb-N (3.8 ± 0.2 mm, p < 0.05), Tb-Th (0.083 ± 0.011 mm, p < 0.05) and Tb-Sp (0.19 ± 0.01 mm, p < 0.05) in L4 vertebrae significantly. The present study indicates that the administration of RDE at higher doses over a 16-week period can prevent OVX-induced osteoporosis in rats without hyperplastic effects on the uterus. Conclusion: Thus, RDE is a potential natural alternative for postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment in elderly women.


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Purpose: The memory-enhancing effects of Rhodiola rosea L. extract (RRLE) on normal aged mice were assessed. Methods: In the open-field test, the effect of RRLE (150 and 300 mg/kg) on mouse locomotive activities was evaluated by investigating the extract’s influence on CAT and AchE activities in the brain tissue of mice. Results: Compared with aged group, high dose of RRLE reduced the total distance (3212.4 ± 123.1 cm, p < 0.05) significantly, increased catalase (CAT) activity (101.4 ± 12.2 U/mg pro, p < 0.05), and inhibited acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) activity (0.94 ± 0.12 U/mg pro, p < 0.05) in the brain tissue of aged mice. Conclusion: The results show that RRLE improves the memory functions of aged mice probably by increasing CAT activity while decreasing AChE activity.