936 resultados para high fix-rate GPS
Am Mainzer Mikrotron können Lambda-Hyperkerne in (e,e'K^+)-Reaktionen erzeugt werden. Durch den Nachweis des erzeugten Kaons im KAOS-Spektrometer lassen sich Reaktionen markieren, bei denen ein Hyperon erzeugt wurde. Die Spektroskopie geladener Pionen, die aus schwachen Zweikörperzerfällen leichter Hyperkerne stammen, erlaubt es die Bindungsenergie des Hyperons im Kern mit hoher Präzision zu bestimmen. Neben der direkten Produktion von Hyperkernen ist auch die Erzeugung durch die Fragmentierung eines hoch angeregten Kontinuumszustands möglich. Dadurch können unterschiedliche Hyperkerne in einem Experiment untersucht werden. Für die Spektroskopie der Zerfallspionen stehen hochauflösende Magnetspektrometer zur Verfügung. Um die Grundzustandsmasse der Hyperkerne aus dem Pionimpuls zu berechnen, ist es erforderlich, dass das Hyperfragment vor dem Zerfall im Target abgebremst wird. Basierend auf dem bekannten Wirkungsquerschnitt der elementaren Kaon-Photoproduktion wurde eine Berechnung der zu erwartenden Ereignisrate vorgenommen. Es wurde eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation entwickelt, die den Fragmentierungsprozess und das Abbremsen der Hyperfragmente im Target beinhaltet. Diese nutzt ein statistisches Aufbruchsmodell zur Beschreibung der Fragmentierung. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht für Wasserstoff-4-Lambda-Hyperkerne eine Vorhersage der zu erwartenden Zählrate an Zerfallspionen. In einem Pilotexperiment im Jahr 2011 wurde erstmalig an MAMI der Nachweis von Hadronen mit dem KAOS-Spektrometer unter einem Streuwinkel von 0° demonstriert, und koinzident dazu Pionen nachgewiesen. Es zeigte sich, dass bedingt durch die hohen Untergrundraten von Positronen in KAOS eine eindeutige Identifizierung von Hyperkernen in dieser Konfiguration nicht möglich war. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurde das KAOS-Spektrometer so modifiziert, dass es als dedizierter Kaonenmarkierer fungierte. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Absorber aus Blei im Spektrometer montiert, in dem Positronen durch Schauerbildung abgestoppt werden. Die Auswirkung eines solchen Absorbers wurde in einem Strahltest untersucht. Eine Simulation basierend auf Geant4 wurde entwickelt mittels derer der Aufbau von Absorber und Detektoren optimiert wurde, und die Vorhersagen über die Auswirkung auf die Datenqualität ermöglichte. Zusätzlich wurden mit der Simulation individuelle Rückrechnungsmatrizen für Kaonen, Pionen und Protonen erzeugt, die die Wechselwirkung der Teilchen mit der Bleiwand beinhalteten, und somit eine Korrektur der Auswirkungen ermöglichen. Mit dem verbesserten Aufbau wurde 2012 eine Produktionsstrahlzeit durchgeführt, wobei erfolgreich Kaonen unter 0° Streuwinkel koninzident mit Pionen aus schwachen Zerfällen detektiert werden konnten. Dabei konnte im Impulsspektrum der Zerfallspionen eine Überhöhung mit einer Signifikanz, die einem p-Wert von 2,5 x 10^-4 entspricht, festgestellt werden. Diese Ereignisse können aufgrund ihres Impulses, den Zerfällen von Wasserstoff-4-Lambda-Hyperkernen zugeordnet werden, wobei die Anzahl detektierter Pionen konsistent mit der berechneten Ausbeute ist.
Um einen positiven Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf bei Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis zu nehmen, ist die Compliance mit dem Basistherapeutikum Methotrexat unerlässlich. Therapietreue mit Methotrexat kann die Krankheitsprogression verhindern und irreversiblen Knochenerosionen vorbeugen. Methotrexat wird sowohl in subkutaner als auch in peroraler Applikationsform verordnet. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Compliance mit der Anwendung von Methotrexat Fertigspritzen und Tabletten mit einer elektronischen Messmethode (MEMS™) bestimmt. Hauptziel der Studie war die Bestimmung der Taking Compliance mit Methotrexat. Untersucht wurde hinsichtlich eines Unterschieds zwischen der Applikationsform und der Erkrankungsdauer. Daneben wurde die Dosing Compliance mit peroralem Methotrexat erfasst, sowie Einschätzungen der Patienten bezüglich der Compliance, Funktionskapazität, Lebensqualität und Zufriedenheit erhoben. Die Compliancestudie erfolgte in Kooperation mit dem Netzwerk ADAPTHERA. 74 Studienpatienten wurden 3 Gruppen zugeteilt: Gruppe 1 Methotrexat p.o.; Gruppe 2 Methotrexat s.c. und Erkrankungsdauer <24 Monate; Gruppe 3 Methotrexat s.c. und Erkrankungsdauer >24 Monate. Die Beobachtungsdauer betrug bei peroraler Applikationsform 9 Monate und bei subkutaner 6 Monate. Im Median wurde eine Taking und Dosing Compliance von 100% gemessen. Anhand der subjektiven Einschätzung der Patienten zur Funktionskapazität konnten geringe Einschränkungen für die Patienten im Alltag verzeichnet werden. 25% des Studienkollektivs litt unter einem reduzierten Wohlbefinden. Die Studie konnte zeigen, dass Patienten von einer frühzeitigen Therapie und einer hohen Compliancerate profitieren.
The main objective of this study is to reveal the housing patterns in Cairo as one of the most rapidly urbanizing city in the developing world. The study outlines the evolution of the housing problem and its influencing factors in Egypt generally and in Cairo specifically. The study takes into account the political transition from the national state economy to the open door policy, the neo-liberal period and finally to the housing situation after the January 2011 Revolution. The resulting housing patterns in Cairo Governorate were identified as (1) squatter settlements, (2) semi-informal settlements, (3) deteriorated inner pockets, and (4) formal settlements. rnThe study concluded that the housing patterns in Cairo are reflecting a multifaceted problem resulting in: (1) the imbalance between the high demand for affordable housing units for low-income families and the oversupply of upper-income housing, (2) the vast expansion of informal areas both on agricultural and desert lands, (3) the deterioration of the old parts of Cairo without upgrading or appropriate replacement of the housing structure, and (4) the high vacancy rate of newly constructed apartmentsrnThe evolution and development of the current housing problem were attributed to a number of factors. These factors are demographic factors represented in the rapid growth of the population associated with urbanization under the dictates of poverty, and the progressive increase of the prices of both buildable land and building materials. The study underlined that the current pattern of population density in Cairo Governorate is a direct result of the current housing problems. Around the depopulation core of the city, a ring of relatively stable areas in terms of population density has developed. Population densification, at the expense of the depopulation core, is characterizing the peripheries of the city. The population density in relation to the built-up area was examined using Landsat-7 ETM+ image (176/039). The image was acquired on 24 August 2006 and considered as an ideal source for land cover classification in Cairo since it is compatible with the population census 2006.rnConsidering that the socio-economic setting is a driving force of change of housing demand and that it is an outcome of the accumulated housing problems, the socio-economic deprivations of the inhabitants of Cairo Governorate are analyzed. Small administrative units in Cairo are categorized into four classes based on the Socio-Economic Opportunity Index (SEOI). This index is developed by using multiple domains focusing on the economic, educational and health situation of the residential population. The results show four levels of deprivation which are consistent with the existing housing patterns. Informal areas on state owned land are included in the first category, namely, the “severely deprived” level. Ex-formal areas or deteriorated inner pockets are characterized as “deprived” urban quarters. Semi-informal areas on agricultural land concentrate in the third category of “medium deprived” settlements. Formal or planned areas are included mostly in the fourth category of the “less deprived” parts of Cairo Governorate. rnFor a better understanding of the differences and similarities among the various housing patterns, four areas based on the smallest administrative units of shiakhat were selected for a detailed study. These areas are: (1) El-Ma’desa is representing a severely deprived squatter settlement, (2) Ain el-Sira is an example for an ex-formal deprived area, (3) El-Marg el-Qibliya was selected as a typical semi-informal and medium deprived settlement, and (4) El-Nozha is representing a formal and less deprived area.rnThe analysis at shiakhat level reveals how the socio-economic characteristics and the unregulated urban growth are greatly reflected in the morphological characteristics of the housing patterns in terms of street network and types of residential buildings as well as types of housing tenure. It is also reflected in the functional characteristics in terms of land use mix and its degree of compatibility. It is concluded that the provision and accessibility to public services represents a performance measure of the dysfunctional structure dominating squatter and semi-informal settlements on one hand and ample public services and accessibility in formal areas on the other hand.rn
Nowadays games are so popular that they have become an important part of our lives. Inspired by the motivational properties of games, some scholars made the proposal of applying game mechanics and elements into other fields thus emerged the concept of “Gamification”, along with various other popular concepts for the realization of the application. The effectiveness of gamification in improving user engagement and changing behaviors is demonstrated not only in theory but also in practice. This thesis aims to introduce the related concepts of gamification and the gamification design framework. In addition, this thesis introduces also the concept of MOOCs and the challenges faced by MOOCs platforms. Some of those challenges such as high dropout rate and low participation rate could be solved by gamification. Through creating a more interesting game experience and consequently fostering user motivation, high engagement will be ensured. Following this logic, this thesis explores how to use gamification on MOOCs platform to improve user engagement and the corresponding impacts. Despite of the lack of a quantitative analysis of the effects of gamification on MOOCs platform, the facts found and observed in this thesis support the effectiveness of gamification in improving user engagement on MOOCs platforms.
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is caused by an ill-defined, segmental disturbance of periosteal bone formation leading to spontaneous bowing, followed by fracture and subsequent pseudarthrosis in the first 2 years of life. The results of conventional treatment modalities (e.g., bracing, internal and external fixation and bone grafting) are associated with high failure rates in terms of persisting pseudarthrosis, malunion and impaired growth. As a more promising alternative, a more aggressive approach, including wide resection of the affected bone, reconstruction with free vascularised fibula grafts from the healthy contralateral leg and stable external fixation at a very early stage has been suggested. Between 1995 and 2007, 10 children (age 12-31 months, median 20 months) suffering from CPT were treated at our institutions according to this principle. Two patients were treated before a fracture had occurred. The length of the fibula graft was 7-9cm. End-to-end anastomoses were performed at the level of the distal tibia stump. The follow-up was 80 months (median, range 12 months to 12 years). Radiologic examination at 6 weeks postoperatively showed normal bone density and structure of the transplanted fibula in all cases and osseous consolidation at 19 of the 20 graft/tibia junctions. One nonunion was sucessfully treated with bone grafting and plate osteosynthesis. Pin-tract infection occurred in three patients. Five children sustained graft fractures that were successfully treated with internal or external fixation. Two patients developed diminished growth of the affected limb or foot; all others had equal limb length and shoe size. At long-term follow-up, tibialisation of the transplant had occurred, and normal gait and physical activities were possible in all children. We conclude that in spite of a relatively high complication rate and the reluctance to perform free flap surgery in infants at this young age, the present concept may successfully prevent the imminent severe sequelae associated with CPT.
Retrievable stents combine the high recanalization rate of stents and the capability of removing the thrombus offered by mechanical thrombectomy devices. We hypothesized that retrievable stents shorten time to recanalization in the multimodal approach for endovascular stroke treatment.
The aim of this study was to review our experience in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) performed in patients with cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract. Descriptive retrospective study of 142 patients (115 males, 27 females), mean age 62.4 years (25-84 years), with head and neck or esophageal cancer, who underwent PEG tube insertion between January 2006 and December 2008. The studied parameters were indications, success rate, rate and type of complications, and their management. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was inserted before chemoradiation therapy in 80% and during or after cancer treatment in 20% of the patients. PEG placement was possible in 137 patients (96%). Major complications were observed in 9 (7%) and minor complications in 22 (17%) of the 137 patients. Seven of the 9 patients with a major complication needed revision surgery. The mortality directly related to the procedure was 0.7%. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion has a high success rate. In patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer, PEG should be the first choice for enteral nutrition when sufficient oral intake is not possible. Although apparently easy, the procedure may occasionally lead to severe complications. Therefore, a strict technique and knowledge of clinical signs of possible complications are mandatory.
To document the rate of self-reported compliance and glaucoma-related knowledge in Swiss patients and to identify risk factors for their poor compliance. This was an observational study, including a total of 200 consecutive patients already under glaucoma medication in two Swiss tertiary glaucoma clinics (Geneva and Bern). Personal characteristics, presence of systemic disease, compliance with glaucoma medication, attitude to the ophthalmologist, and glaucoma-related attitudes were ascertained by means of a predetermined questionnaire with 40 questions. Patients were subsequently assessed for the ability to correctly instil placebo eye drops. Non-compliance with glaucoma medication was defined as omitting more than two doses a week as reported by the patient. Logistic regression was used to evaluate how patient characteristics and knowledge about the disease were related to compliance. Overall, 81% (n = 162) of patients reported to be compliant. Forgetfulness was the most frequently cited reason for non-compliance with dosing regimen (63%). Although 90.5% (n = 181) of patients believed glaucoma medication to be efficient, only 28% (n = 56) could correctly define glaucoma. Factors positively associated with compliance were 'knowledge of glaucoma' [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 4.77 (95% CI 1.36-16.70)] and 'getting help for administration of drops' [OR 2.95 (1.25-6.94)]. These findings indicate that despite the comparatively high compliance rate among glaucoma patients, knowledge of glaucoma remains poor in long-term glaucoma sufferers. Improving knowledge about the disease is important since it is positively associated with compliance in our study.
Acute BAO is a devastating neurological condition associated with a poor clinical outcome and a high mortality rate. Recanalization has been identified as a major prognostic factor for good outcome in BAO. Mechanical thrombectomy using retrievable stents is an emerging treatment option for acute stroke. First clinical trials using stent retrievers have shown promising high recanalization rates. However, these studies mainly included large artery occlusions in the anterior circulation with only a few or single cases of BAO. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate technical feasibility, safety, and efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy using retrievable stent in the treatment of acute BAO.
We combine the technique of femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing (fs-DFWM) with a high repetition-rate pulsed supersonic jet source to obtain the rotational coherence spectrum (RCS) of cold cyclohexane (C(6)H(12)) with high signal/noise ratio. In the jet expansion, the near-parallel flow pattern combined with rapid translational cooling effectively eliminate dephasing collisions, giving near-constant RCS signal intensities over time delays up to 5 ns. The vibrational cooling in the jet eliminates the thermally populated vibrations that complicate the RCS coherences of cyclohexane at room temperature [Bragger, G.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 9567]. The rotational cooling reduces the high-J rotational-state population, yielding the most accurate ground-state rotational constant to date, B(0) = 4305.859(9) MHz. Based on this B(0), a reanalysis of previous room-temperature gas-cell RCS measurements of cydohexane gives improved vibration rotation interaction constants for the v(32), v(6), v(16), and v(24) vibrational states. Combining the experimental B(0)(C(6)H(12)) with CCSD(T) calculations yields a very accurate semiexperimental equilibrium structure of the chair isomer of cyclohexane
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Currently, several new stent retriever devices for acute stroke treatment are under development and early clinical evaluation. Preclinical testing under standardized conditions is an important first step to evaluate the technical performance and potential of these devices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate recanalization effect, recanalization efficacy, thrombus-device interaction, and safety of a new stent retriever intended for thrombectomy in patients with acute stroke. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The pREset thrombectomy device (4 × 20 mm) was evaluated in 16 vessel occlusions in an established swine model. Radiopaque thrombi (10-mm length) were used for visualization of thrombus-device interaction during application and retrieval. Flow-restoration effect immediately after deployment and after 5-minute embedding time before retrieval, recanalization rate after retrieval, thromboembolic events, and complications were assessed. High-resolution FPCT was performed to illustrate thrombus-device interaction during the embedding time. RESULTS: Immediate flow restoration was achieved in 75% of occlusions. An increase or stable percentage of recanalizations during embedding time before retrieval was seen in 56.3%; a decrease, in 12.5%; reocclusion of a previously recanalized vessel, in 18.8%; and no recanalization effect at all, in 12.5%. Complete recanalization (TICI 3) after retrieval was achieved in 93.8%; partial recanalization (TICI 2b), in 6.2%. No distal thromboembolic events were observed. High-resolution FPCT illustrated entrapment of the thrombus between the stent struts and compression against the contralateral vessel wall, leading to partial flow restoration. During retrieval, the thrombus was retained in a straight position within the stent struts. CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental study, the pREset thrombus retriever showed a high recanalization rate in vivo. High-resolution FPCT allows detailed illustration of the thrombus-device interaction during embedding time and is advocated as an add-on tool to the animal model used in this study.
KCNMA1 encodes the α-subunit of the large conductance, voltage and Ca(2+)-activated (BK) potassium channel and has been reported as a target gene of genomic amplification at 10q22 in prostate cancer. To investigate the prevalence of the amplification in other human cancers, the copy number of KCNMA1 was analyzed by fluorescence-in-situ-hybridization (FISH) in 2,445 tumors across 118 different tumor types. Amplification of KCNMA1 was restricted to a small but distinct fraction of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer with the highest prevalence in invasive ductal breast cancers and serous carcinoma of ovary and endometrium (3-7%). We performed an extensive analysis on breast cancer tissue microarrays (TMA) of 1,200 tumors linked to prognosis. KCNMA1 amplification was significantly associated with high tumor stage, high grade, high tumor cell proliferation, and poor prognosis. Immunofluorescence revealed moderate or strong KCNMA1 protein expression in 8 out of 9 human breast cancers and in the breast cancer cell line MFM223. KCNMA1-function in breast cancer cell lines was confirmed by whole-cell patch clamp recordings and proliferation assays, using siRNA-knockdown, BK channel activators such as 17ß-estradiol and the BK-channel blocker paxilline. Our findings revealed that enhanced expression of KCNMA1 correlates with and contributes to high proliferation rate and malignancy of breast cancer.
The aim of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the location of paravertebral catheters that were placed using the classical landmark puncture technique and to correlate the distribution of contrast dye injected through the catheters with the extent of somatic block. Paravertebral catheter placement was attempted in 31 patients after video-assisted thoracic surgery. In one patient, an ultrasound-guided approach was chosen after failed catheter placement using the landmark method. A fluoroscopic examination in two planes using contrast dye was followed by injection of local anaesthetic and subsequent clinical testing of the extent of the anaesthetised area. In nine patients (29%), spread of contrast dye was not seen within the paravertebral space as intended. Misplaced catheters were in the epidural space (three patients), in the erector spinae musculature (five patients), and in the pleural space (one patient). There was also a discrepancy between the radiological findings and the observed distribution of loss of sensation. We have demonstrated an unacceptably high misplacement rate of paravertebral catheters using the landmark method. Additional research is required to compare the efficacy and safety of continuous paravertebral block using ultrasound-guided techniques or surgical inserted catheters.
With its high mutation rate, HIV is capable of escape from recognition, suppression and/or killing by CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). The rate at which escape variants replace each other can give insights into the selective pressure imposed by single CTL clones. We investigate the effects of specific characteristics of the HIV life cycle on the dynamics of immune escape. First, it has been found that cells in HIV-infected patients can carry multiple copies of proviruses. To investigate how this process affects the emergence of immune escape, we develop a mathematical model of HIV dynamics with multiple infections of cells. Increasing the frequency of multiple-infected cells delays the appearance of immune escape variants, slows down the rate at which they replace the wild-type variant and can even prevent escape variants from taking over the quasi-species. Second, we study the effect of the intracellular eclipse phase on the rate of escape and show that escape rates are expected to be slower than previously anticipated. In summary, slow escape rates do not necessarily imply inefficient CTL-mediated killing of HIV-infected cells, but are at least partly a result of the specific characteristics of the viral life cycle.
The purpose of this study was (1) to determine frequency and type of medication errors (MEs), (2) to assess the number of MEs prevented by registered nurses, (3) to assess the consequences of ME for patients, and (4) to compare the number of MEs reported by a newly developed medication error self-reporting tool to the number reported by the traditional incident reporting system. We conducted a cross-sectional study on ME in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Bern University Hospital in Switzerland. Eligible registered nurses (n = 119) involving in the medication process were included. Data on ME were collected using an investigator-developed medication error self reporting tool (MESRT) that asked about the occurrence and characteristics of ME. Registered nurses were instructed to complete a MESRT at the end of each shift even if there was no ME. All MESRTs were completed anonymously. During the one-month study period, a total of 987 MESRTs were returned. Of the 987 completed MESRTs, 288 (29%) indicated that there had been an ME. Registered nurses reported preventing 49 (5%) MEs. Overall, eight (2.8%) MEs had patient consequences. The high response rate suggests that this new method may be a very effective approach to detect, report, and describe ME in hospitals.