836 resultados para google trends
Between October 6, 1997 and April 30, 1999, 5011 births (mean: 8.76 per day) were registered in the city of Passo Fundo, South Brazil. The sequence of 572 daily birth numbers was not random (iteration test). Neyman distribution (m = ¥) showed the best fit. Clusters of days with higher birth numbers alternated with days with low numbers of births. Periodogram analysis revealed a significant periodicity of 6.98 days. The cosinor regression, testing 10 a priori supposed period lengths, found significant seasonality peaking in August-September and significantly highest birth numbers on Thursdays. Among the lunar and solar rotation cycles, the tropic lunar cycle and its 4th harmonic were most pronounced, in agreement with results concerning natality in Germany obtained by Svante Arrhenius in the 19th century. These findings confirm Derer-Halberg's concept of multiseptans. In addition to cycling, a significantly increasing linear trend with a daily increase of 0.0045 births was encountered. This documents a growth of the population in agreement with national statistical data.
The consumption of psychotropic drugs among Brazilian secondary school students was examined by comparing data from four surveys using a questionnaire adapted from the WHO's Program on Research and Reporting on the Epidemiology of Drug Dependence. Students filled out the form in their classrooms without the presence of teachers. The target population consisted of 10-18-year-old students (on average, 15,000 students responded to each survey) in Brazil's ten largest state capitals: Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and São Paulo. Among the legal drugs, lifetime use (use at least once during life) of tobacco was increased in seven cities (the exceptions were Brasília, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro). There was also a significant increase in frequent use of alcohol (six times or more per month) in 6 of the cities, from an average of 9.2% in 1987 to 15.0% in 1997. With respect to illegal drugs, there was a significant increase in lifetime use of marijuana (a 3-fold increase from 2.8% in 1987 to 7.6% in 1997). Cocaine use increased 4-fold over the survey period (0.5% in 1987 to 2.0% in 1997). Lifetime use of cocaine significantly increased in eight capitals (except Recife and Rio de Janeiro). However, frequent cocaine use increased in only three capitals (Belém, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre), from an average of 1.0% in 1987 to 3.6% in 1997. Lifetime use of medications such as anxiolytics and amphetamines increased 2-fold on average over the survey period. Comparing the four studies, the main conclusion is that there were significant increases in the frequencies for lifetime use, frequent use and heavy use of many drugs.
Aluminum salts have been widely used in vaccine formulations and, after their introduction more than 80 years ago, only few vaccine formulations using new adjuvants were developed in the last two decades. Recent advances in the understanding of how innate mechanisms influence the adaptive immunity opened up the possibility for the development of new adjuvants in a more rational design. The purpose of this review is to discuss the recent advances in this field regarding the attempts to determine the molecular basis and the general mechanisms underlying the development of new adjuvants, with particular emphasis on the activation of receptors of innate immune recognition. One can anticipate that the use of these novel adjuvants will also provide a window of opportunities for the development of new vaccines.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä on toteutettu ja arvioitu virtuaalitodellisuuteen soveltuvaa käyttöliittymää. Motivaationa työlle oli Google Cardboardin mahdollistama todentuntuinen virtuaalikokemus älypuhelimen hinnalla. Cardboard-ympäristöön ei kuitenkaan ollut olemassa kattavaa käyttöliittymää ja tämän työn tavoitteena olikin selvittää, onko älypuhelimen kameraa mahdollista käyttää eleohjauksen toteuttamiseen niin että ohjaus on käytettävyydeltään kelvollinen ja se tukee läsnäolon tunteen syntymistä. Asian selvittämiseksi kehitettiin testipeli, jolla eleohjausta verrattiin Cardboardin oletuskäyttöliittymään. Koehenkilöt saavuttivat ehdotetulla käyttöliittymällä testipelissä keskimäärin 45-% korkeampia pistemääriä ja lisäksi he arvioivat sen olleen toimiva ja sen synnyttämän läsnäolon tunteen olleen voimakkaampaa.
Toukokuussa 2015 verkkosivujen keskimääräinen latauskoko ylitti ensimmäistä kertaa kahden megatavun rajan Internetin historian aikana. Verkkosivujen keskimääräinen latauskoko on ollut jatkuvassa kasvussa, vaikka yhä enemmän verkkosivuja selataan epäluotettavilla mobiiliyhteyksillä tai hitailla päätelaitteilla. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään verkkosivujen latausnopeuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja kuinka näitä tekijöitä voidaan optimoida nopeamman Internetin saavuttamiseksi. Verkkosivujen latausnopeuteen vaikuttavia kriteerejä on paljon ja kriteerit vaihtelevat sivustokohtaisesti. Verkkosivujen nopeusoptimointi on teknistä ja kriteerien monimuotoisuuden ja vaihtelevuuden johdosta automaattinen nopeusoptimointi on vaikeaa. Tutkielmassa esitellään tähän ongelmaan yhtenä ratkaisuna Googlen tarjoamat PageSpeed -työkalut. PageSpeed -työkaluista esitellään kaksi keskeistä työkalua: Google PageSpeed Insights -metriikkatyökalu, joka mittaa sivuston lataus- ja renderöintinopeutta ja Google PageSpeed Module -palvelinmoduuli, joka tekee automaattista nopeusoptimointia reaaliaikaisesti HTTP-palvelimen yhteydessä.
Value of online business has grown to over one trillion USD. This thesis is about search engine optimization, which focus is to increase search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is an important branch of online marketing because the first page of search engine results is generating majority of the search traffic. Current articles about search engine optimization and Google are indicating that with the proper use of quality content, there is potential to improve search engine rankings. However, the existing search engine optimization literature is not noticing content at a sufficient level. To decrease that difference, the content-centered method for search engine optimization is constructed, and content in search engine optimization is studied. This content-centered method consists of three search engine optimization tactics: 1) content, 2) keywords, and 3) links. Two propositions were used for testing these tactics in a real business environment and results are suggesting that the content-centered method is improving search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is constantly changing because Google is adjusting its search algorithm regularly. Still, some long-term trends can be recognized. Google has said that content is growing its importance as a ranking factor in the future. The content-centered method is taking advance of this new trend in search engine optimization to be relevant for years to come.
Value of online business has grown to over one trillion USD. This thesis is about search engine optimization, which focus is to increase search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is an important branch of online marketing because the first page of search engine results is generating majority of the search traffic. Current articles about search engine optimization and Google are indicating that with the proper use of quality content, there is potential to improve search engine rankings. However, the existing search engine optimization literature is not noticing content at a sufficient level. To decrease that difference, the content-centered method for search engine optimization is constructed, and content in search engine optimization is studied. This content-centered method consists of three search engine optimization tactics: 1) content, 2) keywords, and 3) links. Two propositions were used for testing these tactics in a real business environment and results are suggesting that the content-centered method is improving search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is constantly changing because Google is adjusting its search algorithm regularly. Still, some long-term trends can be recognized. Google has said that content is growing its importance as a ranking factor in the future. The content-centered method is taking advance of this new trend in search engine optimization to be relevant for years to come.