725 resultados para entrepreneurial venturing
A Componente de Apoio à Família surge como resposta à necessidade daquelas famílias cujo horário de trabalho não é compatível com o tempo letivo diário disponibilizado pelos jardins-de-infância públicos aos seus filhos. O Jardim-de-infância situa-se num contexto organizacional diversificado, uma vez que estabelece relações com o agrupamento de escolas a que pertence, com a autarquia, com os pais, com as associações de pais, com as instituições particulares de solidariedade social, com a comunidade e com outros parceiros educativos. Este estudo visa analisar a participação de diferentes prestadores de serviços: autarquias, associações de pais e instituições particulares de solidariedade social na organização, funcionamento e gestão da Componente de Apoio à Família. Neste contexto, pretendemos identificar os princípios e as estratégias que sustentam os diferentes prestadores de serviços e o modo como lidam com as questões da Componente de Apoio à Família, isto é, as lógicas de ação inerentes a cada prestador de serviços. Partindo de uma matriz metodológica qualitativa, recorremos ao estudo de caso, desenvolvendo o trabalho empírico em três concelhos da zona centro denominados Concelhos do Mar, da Ria e da Praia. Privilegia-se a realização de entrevistas, nomeadamente a educadores de infância, representantes dos agrupamentos de escolas, presidentes de associações de pais, diretoras/coordenadoras das instituições particulares de solidariedade social, animadores da componente de apoio à família e representantes das autarquias, num total de 56 entrevistas. Como principais resultados, verificamos que nos concelhos em estudo a resposta da Componente de Apoio à Família prestada por diferentes organizações apresentam lógicas de ação distintas: no Concelho do Mar a predominância vai para as lógicas de ação de poder local e de associativismo; no Concelho da Ria predominam lógicas de ação de natureza empresarial/mercado e de poder local; no Concelho da Praia salientamos as lógicas de ação burocrática e de poder local.
Socio-economic changes, alterations in societal expectations and new public policies have put pressures on higher education public funding, bringing the issue of funding diversification to the forefront. Income diversification, namely, generation of funds from private, as well as from competitive public sources, has become increasingly important in European higher education due to a complex financial environment and perceived deficit of innovation transfer. Although there are numerous studies about changes in national funding systems and allocation mechanisms, few have focused on diversification of funding sources, especially in the European context, making Portugal no exception. Thus, this study aims at exploring income diversification at the institutional level and its influence on the internal organisational structures. For this purpose two Portuguese public universities were chosen as case studies. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with top management and middle management of each university and through documentary analysis. Data analysis demonstrated that both universities are in the process of institutionalizing and formalising practices of income diversification, notably by getting more professional in how they are dealing with external stakeholders, such as businesses, local community, and students. However, the study also revealed that there is no formal, organised strategy to deal with income diversification. In general, the universities are reacting to external demands rather than pro-actively exploring opportunities. In this respect, the analysis determined several factors that promote or inhibit income diversification activities. Quality and favourable organizational culture were named by the interviewees as the most relevant factors for successful income diversification. External factors such as legal arrangements and funding conditions were cited as major constraints. This research has also revealed that revenue diversification activities tend to develop along the continuum towards higher sophistication and systematisation of activities that are supported by a powerful infrastructure. Together with efforts at the institutional level, the role of government policies proves to be crucial in providing tools and incentives to higher education institutions and creating a harmonious higher education system.
Tese dout., Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
In einem Artikel der Zeitschrift Die Zeit wird die Generation Y, die Generation deren Angehörige derzeit zum Großteil ihre akademische Ausbildung beenden und sich dem Arbeitsmarkt zuwenden, auch als Generation Pippi, angelehnt an Astrid Lindgrens Kinderbuchheldin Pippi Langstrumpf, bezeichnet (Bund et al., 2013: 1). Individualität, eine ausgeprägte Abneigung gegenüber Autoritätspersonen, der Wunsch nach Spaß und Abwechslung sowie das Bestreben, sich selbst zu verwirklichen, charakterisieren Pippi Langstrumpf (Bund et al., 2013: 1). Diese Charakterbeschreibungen werden z. T. auf die Generation Y übertragen und stellen Unternehmen vor eine Herausforderung: Um Arbeitnehmer der Generation Y affektiv zu binden, so dass sich in diese getätigte und noch zu tätigenden Investitionen rentieren, müssen neue Strategien entwickelt werden. Innerhalb dieser Bachelorarbeit konnten erste Erkenntnisse dahingehend gewonnen werden, dass u. a. Work-Life-Balance Maßnahmen, (gesundheitsorientierte) Führung, ein positives Arbeitsklima und Mitbestimmung als Auslöser affektiven organisationalen Commitments der Generation Y fungieren können. Bei der nachfolgend dargestellten Arbeit handelt es sich um eine überarbeitete Version der gleichnamigen Bachelorarbeit, die von Prof. Dr. Sven Litzcke sowie von Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Wichelhaus betreut wurde.
The October 2015 Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship Roundtable brought together over 30 food and beverage industry leaders, entrepreneurs, faculty, and students at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. Discussion topics covered entrepreneurship in the food and beverage industry, including development, intrapreneurship, operational efficiency, beverage product development, and technology. The roundtable began with the presentation of a five-point framework on food and beverage venue development. The first three phases focused on the launch of a venue, including how to define the guest experience; the creation of operational functionality by strategically planning out the design, flow, and efficiency of a defined space; and development capacity. The remaining two points of the framework focused on post-opening considerations, including operating systems and culture development. Participants discussed the importance of culture in the growth of a business. They suggested that intrapreneurship needs to be fostered in the culture of an organization and in an educational curriculum for those who are preparing to enter the industry. Participants also discussed the fine balance between setting expectations for an experience and subsequently being able to maintain this experience in a fast changing environment. In particular they considered what it means to say no to customers. A discussion on the beverage industry focused on how to distribute products in a crowded marketplace. One method to ensure that the product gets into the hands of the consumers is face-to-face sales. Finally, in the technology session, the group discussed technology adoption, specifically focusing on the point at which technology detracts from the guest experience, how to minimize operational risk from technology, and how to maximize consumers’ adoption rates.
Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Educação (TIC e Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011
As support for both university-level entrepreneurial education and the use of experiential learning methods to foster student entrepreneurs increases, so too have the number of university-established or affiliated entrepreneurship centers. The activity at the center of this study aimed to combine experiential learning methods with assets associated with entrepreneurship centers, including venture creation, networking, and mentoring. Students were invited to participate in a competition wherein they were guided through the business creation process and pitched their ideas to investor judges who chose the winner and provided capital start-up funding and consulting. This research puts forth that university faculty at institutions without entrepreneurship centers can organize experiences to provide the benefits of entrepreneurship centers. The study used interviews to find that many of the benefits of entrepreneurship centers were able to be replicated using this method. The project is outlined, outcomes are analyzed, and the results and lessons learned are discussed.
Understanding the determinants of international performance, and in particular, export performance is key for the success of international companies. Research in this area focuses mainly on how resources and capabilities allow companies to gain competitive advantage and superior performance in external markets. Building on the Resource-Based View (RBV) and the Dynamic Capabilities Approach (DCA), this study aims at analysing the effect of intangible resources and capabilities on export performance. Specifically, this study focuses on the proposition that entrepreneurial orientation potentiates the attraction of intangible resources, namely relational and informational resources. Moreover, we propose that these resources impact export performance both directly and indirectly through dynamic capabilities.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientada por Professor Doutor José Freitas Santos
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino da Educação Visual e Tecnológica no Ensino Básico
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientador: Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua Coorientadora: Mestre Anabela Paula Alferes Ferreira Ribeiro