906 resultados para engineering design process


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A study on means of developing of perception and reading of the form by the conception and development of a Teaching Methodology of Drawing with emphasis in its early stages, its development and application in the initial stages of the Design process, dissecting it as a mental and physical process. We will be addressing the contributions of Geometry as a mean of simplification of the reading and materializing configurations as some pointers for addressing the Drawing teaching in the reported course.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os programas de transferência condicionada de renda (TCR) entram na agenda pública por sua potencialidade em interferir no ciclo intergeracional de pobreza. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de formulação das condicionalidades de saúde do Programa Bolsa Família e, secundariamente, avaliar sua interface com a trajetória das políticas de alimentação e nutrição no Brasil. Para isso, o estudo adotou como referencial analítico o modelo de análise de múltiplos fluxos, proposto por Kingdon, para quem a mudança na agenda pública acontece com a convergência entre o fluxo dos problemas, o fluxo das soluções e alternativas e o fluxo político. A trajetória desses fluxos foi recomposta por meio da análise de documentos governamentais e de relatos orais obtidos por meio de entrevistas. No momento da formulação das condicionalidades de saúde, no fluxo de problemas, havia a necessidade de mudar a estratégia de combate à desnutrição, devido às críticas ao Incentivo ao Combate às Carências Nutricionais (ICCN) e à extinção do Programa de Distribuição de Estoques de Alimentos (PRODEA). No que diz respeito ao fluxo das soluções, diversas propostas de TCR estavam em curso. No fluxo político, havia a decisão de criação de uma rede de proteção social. Nesse processo, a Coordenação Geral da Política de Alimentação e Nutrição assumiu o papel de empreendedora de políticas. A reflexão sobre esse processo ajuda a compreender o papel dos serviços de saúde em um programa de caráter intersetorial.


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O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre a gestão do processo de projeto paramétrico, com superfícies complexas, baseado em duas experiências realizadas no Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, da USP de São Carlos, pelo grupo de pesquisa Nomads.usp. SLICE é o resultado parcial de um pavilhão temporário, com superfícies complexas, desenvolvido por meio de projeto paramétrico e técnicas de fabricação digital. Utilizou-se o procedimento de uma pesquisa-ação2 com alunos de graduação e recém-formados em arquitetura, arquitetos do Nomads.usp e a indústria. Os experimentos apontaram para reflexões sobre algumas mudanças na gestão destes processos, para facilitar a viabilidade técnico-construtiva e gerar conhecimento nas áreas de projeto paramétrico, fabricação digital e gestão. O artigo tem caráter exploratório e o desafio é entender e avaliar a gestão do projeto paramétrico em relação a restrição de material, custo de execução e tempo de produção.


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This article reflects on the use of information in the production of spatialities and is part of an ongoing research about Project Experiences in Contemporary Housing that analyzes the projects of the Dutch office MVRDV. The text presented here focuses on the mapping of information as design process, a methodology used by the office that positions its production between research and project investigation. Then, it presents the Silodam project, a case study to illustrate aspects of the analysis intended by the research.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir aspectos do processo de projeto e sua representação gráfica, num momento em que softwares de projeto 3D vem se tornando hegemônicos na prática do arquiteto e no ensino de arquitetura, em contraponto às práticas de desenho em prancheta. Os motivos e circunstâncias não são objeto do trabalho, cujo foco está numa prática de projeto e representação gráfica 2D, mas que tem muito a contribuir para o debate do quadro acima: os desenhos de projeto de Frank Lloyd Wright. Casos de estudo: quatro pranchas desenhadas por FLLW. É importante notar que, no vasto quadro da historiografia wrightiana, análises e interpretações originais, pioneiras, da arquitetura vem surgindo nas últimas décadas, mas ainda há poucos textos sobre desenhos e representação gráfica do arquiteto. Este constitui uma primeira aproximação do autor acerca de tema que oferece abrangente potencial. São exemplos em que, na relação imagem-objeto, a representação bidimensional constrói o projeto tridimensional. A arquitetura emerge como experimentação sem cair na especulação formal. Demonstram uma prática mais lenta, reflexiva e laboriosa do que a oferecida pelos software 3D atuais – mas onde cada traço, textura e grafismo implica um significado de espaço e materialidade.


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This work addresses the treatment of lower density regions of structures undergoing large deformations during the design process by the topology optimization method (TOM) based on the finite element method. During the design process the nonlinear elastic behavior of the structure is based on exact kinematics. The material model applied in the TOM is based on the solid isotropic microstructure with penalization approach. No void elements are deleted and all internal forces of the nodes surrounding the void elements are considered during the nonlinear equilibrium solution. The distribution of design variables is solved through the method of moving asymptotes, in which the sensitivity of the objective function is obtained directly. In addition, a continuation function and a nonlinear projection function are invoked to obtain a checkerboard free and mesh independent design. 2D examples with both plane strain and plane stress conditions hypothesis are presented and compared. The problem of instability is overcome by adopting a polyconvex constitutive model in conjunction with a suggested relaxation function to stabilize the excessive distorted elements. The exact tangent stiffness matrix is used. The optimal topology results are compared to the results obtained by using the classical Saint Venant–Kirchhoff constitutive law, and strong differences are found.


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This paper discusses the redefinition of the function of freehand drawing in the design process in view of intuitive digital media. It sets forth an interpretive analysis of an experiment with drawing on opaque tablets, carried out with a group of students of the Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo. After a brief review of the current debate on freehand drawing and the advent of digital media, we examine the experiment as a possible way to elicit facts that may contribute to the discussion. To this end, our research has concentrated on the intuitive use enabled by existing digital media. It is our intention that this empirical approximation becomes a pilot experiment for the use of digital tablets in the process of construction the gaze of the student in Architecture and Urbanism as a reflection on the different cognitive dimensions that constitute the practice of drawing and its reinterpretation to develop new ideas.


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Durante o processo de projeto, o arquiteto transpõe suas ideias para o campo real, do concreto. Os diversos modos de expressão e representação têm como função mediar essa interação, diminuindo a distância entre esses dois campos. Vive-se hoje, um momento de intensa transformação das estratégias projetuais, propiciada pelos novos meios digitais. Assim, esta pesquisa, centra-se na comparação entre diversos momentos do uso de modelos nos processos projetivos contemporâneos, através de uma investigação em escritórios de arquitetura paulistanos que utilizam o modelo físico como parte de seus processos de projeto. Busca-se entender qual o papel dessa ferramenta de representação e suas potencialidades nos dias atuais. Como estudo de caso, faz-se uma análise comparativa entre o uso das maquetes digital e física, destacando dois estudos: a maquete do Conjunto Ponte dos Remédios, do arquiteto Marcos Acayaba e as maquetes de estudos elaboradas pelo escritório Andrade Morettin Arquitetos, para o concurso para o Instituto Moreira Salles/SP. Entre os objetivos desse trabalho também se encontra uma análise da contribuição dos modelos físicos no Ensino de Arquitetura.


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Durante o processo de projeto, o arquiteto transpõe suas ideias para o campo real, do concreto. Os diversos modos de expressão e representação têm como função mediar essa interação, diminuindo a distância entre esses dois campos. Vive-se hoje, um momento de intensa transformação das estratégias projetuais, propiciadas pelos novos meios digitais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo o estudo do uso das representações tridimensionais, especificamente dos modelos físicos e digitais. Pretende-se flagrar os momentos contributivos dos modelos no processo projetivo e as características intrínsecas a eles. A discussão busca não apenas destacar a importância dessa ferramenta, como também, traçar uma breve comparação entre a tecnologia digital e a feitura manual. Para este trabalho foram selecionados alguns arquitetos significativos do cenário da arquitetura paulista em cujos projetos comparecem o uso de modelos. Como estudos de caso tem-se a Residência do arquiteto Marcos Acayaba e o projeto vencedor do Concurso para o Instituto Moreira Salles/ SP, do escritório Andrade Morettin Arquitetos. Soma-se a estes objetivos, a apresentação do uso de modelos físicos e digitais em uma experiência didática projetiva.


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This article reflects on the use of information in the production of spatialities and is part of an ongoing research about Project Experiences in Contemporary Housing that analyzes the projects of the Dutch office MVRDV. The text presented here focuses on the mapping of information as design process, a methodology used by the office that positions its production between research and project investigation. Then, it presents the Silodam project, a case study to illustrate aspects of the analysis intended by the research.


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Abstract This PhD thesis focuses on two projects carried out by Oswald Mathias Ungers in the city of Trier. More specifi cally, this study focuses on the relationship between composition principles, architectural forms, historical context and the nature of the city where these buildings have been built. The works carried out by Ungers in Trier are unique experiences - if taken in this master’s works context - and each one of them refl ects - in its specifi c project and architectural composition theme - the results - in terms of design - of a complex research on the fundamentals of architecture carried out by Ungers in more than fi ve decades of his activity. The theoretical and compositional experiment aspect is one of the main subjects to defi ne these buildings in terms of architecture. This aspect is so crucial that it is possible to consider them as an example of radical and specifi c experiences, referred to a specifi c place and based on a specifi c theoretical corpus. More specifi cally, this study focuses on the design activity carried out by Ungers in this city, mainly between the 80s and 90s and in the fi rst decade of the 21st century. It puts forward an interpretation that does not only defi ne the essential features, elements and questions lying behind these two architectures, but fi rst and foremost analyzes the theoretical, methodological and compositional relationship between Ungers and Trier, his adopted city. An increasingly closer relationship between the architect and his city highlights the wider relationship network established between the place and the projects carried out by Ungers in this city and makes it possible to understand the importance of Trier in the work of this architect, in his education and in his way to see, think and make architecture. The projects analyzed - the Thermen am Forum Museum (1988-1996) and the Kaiserthermen entrance hall (2003-2007) - were analyzed in terms of their architectural composition in an attempt to highlight the poetry of these architectures and to fi nd out their progressive, rational - and therefore transmissible - character. This study is an attempt to assess and unveil the compositional themes characterizing these projects while detecting the compositional principles lying behind the works and verifying the design process through which such principles were translated into architecture. Looking at these works as architectural composition examples makes it possible to clarify Ungers’ hermeneutic relationship established with the city’s history and structure. More specifi cally, the main subject of this thesis is the relationship between the architect, his city and history in the architectural solutions offered by two exemplary case studies, which were both built and placed in the historical city center of Trier and both connected with the ancient core of the city. The Thermen am Forum Museum and the Kaiserthermen entrance hall projects are - though being developed at different times of Ungers’ architectural life and though being extremely different in terms of approach to their context, due to their architectural image - two works that can be compared with the historical heritage of the city and this makes them ideal examples of the relationship between architectural forms, history and environment.


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Flood disasters are a major cause of fatalities and economic losses, and several studies indicate that global flood risk is currently increasing. In order to reduce and mitigate the impact of river flood disasters, the current trend is to integrate existing structural defences with non structural measures. This calls for a wider application of advanced hydraulic models for flood hazard and risk mapping, engineering design, and flood forecasting systems. Within this framework, two different hydraulic models for large scale analysis of flood events have been developed. The two models, named CA2D and IFD-GGA, adopt an integrated approach based on the diffusive shallow water equations and a simplified finite volume scheme. The models are also designed for massive code parallelization, which has a key importance in reducing run times in large scale and high-detail applications. The two models were first applied to several numerical cases, to test the reliability and accuracy of different model versions. Then, the most effective versions were applied to different real flood events and flood scenarios. The IFD-GGA model showed serious problems that prevented further applications. On the contrary, the CA2D model proved to be fast and robust, and able to reproduce 1D and 2D flow processes in terms of water depth and velocity. In most applications the accuracy of model results was good and adequate to large scale analysis. Where complex flow processes occurred local errors were observed, due to the model approximations. However, they did not compromise the correct representation of overall flow processes. In conclusion, the CA model can be a valuable tool for the simulation of a wide range of flood event types, including lowland and flash flood events.


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We present new algorithms to approximate the discrete volume of a polyhedral geometry using boxes defined by the US standard SAE J1100. This problem is NP-hard and has its main application in the car design process. The algorithms produce maximum weighted independent sets on a so-called conflict graph for a discretisation of the geometry. We present a framework to eliminate a large portion of the vertices of a graph without affecting the quality of the optimal solution. Using this framework we are also able to define the conflict graph without the use of a discretisation. For the solution of the maximum weighted independent set problem we designed an enumeration scheme which uses the restrictions of the SAE J1100 standard for an efficient upper bound computation. We evaluate the packing algorithms according to the solution quality compared to manually derived results. Finally, we compare our enumeration scheme to several other exact algorithms in terms of their runtime. Grid-based packings either tend to be not tight or have intersections between boxes. We therefore present an algorithm which can compute box packings with arbitrary placements and fixed orientations. In this algorithm we make use of approximate Minkowski Sums, computed by uniting many axis-oriented equal boxes. We developed an algorithm which computes the union of equal axis-oriented boxes efficiently. This algorithm also maintains the Minkowski Sums throughout the packing process. We also extend these algorithms for packing arbitrary objects in fixed orientations.