957 resultados para early modern intellectual history
Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and K2O were measured in representative samples of holocrystalline basalt from DSDP Hole 504B. No hiatus in inert gas abundance is recognized at the base of the "oxic" alteration zone and the extent rather than the nature of alteration appears to determine these abundances. When the inert gas abundances are separately plotted against K2O, two distinct trends of loss emerge, one for alteration involving K-gain, the other for K-loss. Apparent whole-rock K-Ar ages are anomalous in the upper 50 m of basement, and below 300 m sub-basement. In the intervening zone of basement, celadonization adds sufficient potassium and eliminates enough "primary" 40Ar early in the history of the basalts for "excess" 40Ar to become subordinate to radiogenic 40Ar in basalts showing potassium enrichment greater than 0.2%. Stratigraphically correct K-Ar ages are obtained, therefore, from K-enriched basalts of the oxic alteration zone.
This dissertation examines the various ways in which Canadian historical researchers confronted the “Canada question,” namely the challenge of defining the basis of a unified national community. In doing so, it follows the scholarship and activities of a network of historians and intellectuals centred on the Canadian Historical Review, a quarterly publication founded in 1920. This study examines their scholarship with the aim of identifying not only the various solutions they posed to the problem, but also the philosophical undercurrents that informed their reasoning in the process. It also traces the rise of a rival network in the Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, a French-language historical publication founded in 1947 that by its very existence posed a significant challenge to the definition of the nation at the core of the Canadian Historical Review. This dissertation argues that the network bound together by the Review was engaged in a hegemonic project, one that sought to present a particular definition of Canada through a historical narrative that rested upon a liberal logic. Yet the greatest sustained challenge they faced in this endeavour emerged from Francophone historical scholars, who, although proposing vastly different Canadas to those imagined at the Canadian Historical Review, came under the sway of a number of liberal currents of thought as well. A detailed summary of the key traits of these liberal Canadas is found in the conclusion.
Innovation is a fundamental part of social work. In recent years there has been a shift in the innovation paradigm, making it easier to accept this relationship. National and supranational policies aimed at promoting innovation appear to be specifically guided by this idea. To be able to affirm this hypothesis, it is necessary to review the perception that social workers have of their duties. It is also useful to examine particular cases that show how such social innovation arises.
A partir del inventario post mortem de los libros de Pere Dorchal, sacerdote beneficiado en la catedral de Valencia, datado en 1419, se estudia la composición de la biblioteca de un predicador. Al mismo tiempo, se recompone su biografía.
La tesis mariológica de la conceptio per aurem, según la cual la Virgen María habría concebido a Jesucristo por el oído en el momento de escuchar del ángel el mensaje celestial anunciándole que, sin perder su virginidad, sería madre del Hijo de Dios encarnado, ha merecido hasta ahora muy pocos estudios académicos rigurosamente fundados en fuentes primarias. De hecho, en la literatura especializada son muy escasas las referencias a tal teoría y, cuando algún estudioso la evoca, casi siempre se contenta con aludir a ella, sin aportar pruebas documentales. Sin embargo, tal como lo revelan las nueve pinturas italianas aquí analizadas, esa teoría fue ilustrada mediante sutiles metáforas visuales en muchas obras pictóricas medievales, las cuales se inspiraron en una sólida tradición literaria. Además una pléyade de Padres de la Iglesia y teólogos medievales testimonia, mediante afirmaciones explícitas, que semejante teoría gozó de notable aceptación entre los maestros del pensamiento cristiano. Basándose en numerosos textos patrísticos y teológicos, este artículo intenta dos objetivos esenciales: exponer, ante todo, las distintas formulaciones teóricas propuestas por esos pensadores; y además, tratar de poner en luz los significados dogmáticos que subyacen bajo esa sorprendente tesis.
Nueva España aportó la mayor parte de los recursos que sostuvieron a las fuerzas armadas españolas durante la guerra contra Gran Bretaña que se desarrolló en el Caribe entre 1779 y 1783. En el artículo se analizan las medidas a las que recurrieron las autoridades reales para obtener recursos extraordinarios del Consulado y varios mercaderes de la ciudad de México. Asimismo se exponen algunas de las contraprestaciones que negociaron a cambio de dichos servicios financieros y se plantean diversas hipótesis acerca de los motivos económicos, sociales y políticos que los llevaron a colaborar con el monarca, teniendo en cuenta los negocios que realizaban durante el conflicto bélico y la forma en que eran afectados por la reciente apertura comercial.
Inspired both by debates about the origins of the modern ideology of race and also by controversy over the place of Ireland and the Irish in theories of empire in the early modern Atlantic world, Renaissance Humanism and Ethnicity before Race argues that ethnic discourse among the elite in early modern Ireland was grounded firmly in the Renaissance Humanism and Aristotelianism which dominated all the European universities before the Enlightenment. Irish and English, Catholic and Protestant, all employed theories of human society based on Aristotle’s Politics and the natural law of the medieval universities to construct or dismantle the categories of civility and barbarism. The elites operating in Ireland also shared common resources, taught in the universities, for arguing about the human body and its ability to transmit hereditary characteristics. Both in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe, these theories of human society and the human body underwent violent changes in the late seventeenth century under the impact of the early Enlightenment. These changes were vital to the development of race as we know it.
This website contains digital images of the 15 courtmartial files of the executed leaders. The originals, released to the public in 2001, are in the custody of The National Archives in London; the images are displayed under licence from TNA. The website has a searchable database relating to the files, which can also be browsed by name. There are also two essays, one by Dr. Fearghal McGarry on the general context of the trials, the other by Dr. Myles Dungan on their dubious legality. These are the basic records of one of the most eventful and fateful processes in modern Irish history.
Purchase of the digital images of these records was made possible by Universities Ireland, the umbrella body which promotes co-operation between all the universities on the Island of Ireland. The purchase forms part of their extensive Decade of Centenaries programme. Further details can be found at http://universitiesireland.ie/
Doing Kyd reads Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, the box-office and print success of its time, as the play that established the revenge genre in England and served as a 'pattern and precedent' for the golden generation of early modern playwrights, from Marlowe and Shakespeare to Middleton, Webster and Ford. Interdisciplinary in approach and accessible in style, this collection is crucial in two respects: firstly, it has a wide spectrum, addressing readers with interests in the play from its early impact as the first sixteenth-century revenge tragedy, to its afterlife in print, on the stage, in screen adaptation and bibliographical studies. Secondly, the collection appears at a time when Kyd and his play are back in the spotlight, through renewed critical interest, several new stage productions between 2009 and 2013, and its firm presence in higher-education curriculum for English and drama.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
La Artificiosa memoria siue Phoenix de Pedro de Rávena tuvo una amplia difusión en la Europa del siglo XVI. Dos son las claves de su éxito: la fama de ilustre memorioso que consiguió forjarse con sus exhibiciones de memoria y el uso de las emociones en la formulación de reglas mnemotécnicas basadas en el humor y el erotismo. Sin embargo, poco antes de morir, en 1508, publicó unas breves Additiones quaedam ad artificiosam memoriam en las que añade algunas reglas nuevas y, sobre todo, renuncia a la norma que aconseja usar la imagen de jóvenes hermosas para elaborar escenas mnemotécnicas. Esta suerte de retractatio se explica en el contexto de la polémica mantenida con algunos teólogos de Colonia
This thesis is an edition of the correspondence of the Yorkshirean Wentworth family. The aim of the edition is to provide these handwritten manuscripts to a wider audience by transcribing them. The material has been acquired from the Folger Shakespeare Library, and the transcriptions presented in this thesis are a part of their database called Early Modern Manuscripts Online. My material consists of fifteen documents from the early modern period which have been sent to or sent by members of the Wentworth family. Fourteen of these documents are letters, and one is a warrant written in the form of a letter. In the Folger Shakespeare Library the documents form the section 2.1. Correspondence of the Wentworth family in a larger collection called Papers of the Cavendish-Talbot family. The documents have been transcribed diplomatically in order to retain the character of the original manuscripts. In addition to the transcriptions, background chapters on letter writing, the historical and linguistic context, and palaeography are provided. Furthermore, each text includes a commentary containing a brief summary of the text and a description of the manuscript. Notes concerning specific words or concepts are also provided to make the texts easier to understand. Additionally, the transcriptions are encoded in XML for the purposes of the Folger Shakespeare Library. These earlier unedited manuscripts reassert the status of the Wentworth family in the early modern English society and provide information about letter writing conventions, language, and palaeographical conventions in early modern England. This edition can be used in further studies, for example as part of a larger corpus.
Sind Menschen das Produkt ihrer Gene oder ihres Umfeldes? Ist Intelligenz erblich? Kommen Mädchen und Jungen bereits mit vorgeprägten Gehirnstrukturen zur Welt? Kaum eine wissenschaftlich geführte Debatte ist so oft aufgegriffen, heftig diskutiert und als gelöst oder auch prinzipiell unlösbar deklariert worden wie die Frage, ob die Fähigkeiten eines Menschen stärker (oder gar ausschließlich) durch die Anlagen (Gene) oder durch Umwelteinflüsse (Milieu, Erziehung) bestimmt werden. Ziel der Untersuchung ist [...] eine Rekonstruktion des internationalen und interdisziplinären Diskurses über Anlage und Umwelt von seinen Anfängen in der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Als aktuelle Positionen werden die Verhaltensgenetik (Zwillingsforschung), Soziobiologie/Evolutionspsychologie sowie kritische Ansätze eines konstruktivistischen Interaktionismus vorgestellt. Zudem werden anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen "Intelligenz" (Jensen-Debatte und Burt-Skandal der 1970er Jahre) und "Geschlecht" (Mead-Freeman-Kontroverse in den 80er Jahren und der Fall David Reimer zur Jahrtausendwende) vier heiße Phasen des Diskurses nachgezeichnet und hinsichtlich der Intentionen und Strategien der beteiligten Akteure hinterfragt. Abschließend wird die Bedeutung aktueller Positionen für die Erziehungswissenschaft diskutiert und nach Konsequenzen für die pädagogische Forschung, Theoriebildung und künftige Rezeptionsperspektiven biologischen Wissens gefragt. (DIPF/Orig.)
[es] En virtud del pensamiento jurídico de la Edad Moderna los conceptos de delito y pecado estaban interrelacionados. Asimismo, las Novelas ejemplares, entre otras obras literarias, reflejan la ideología imperante y concerniente a la necesaria salvaguarda del orden público y religioso. A la luz del derecho criminal castellano, el principal propósito de este ensayo es el análisis de los comportamientos heterodoxos y de los delitos perpetrados por los personajes del Coloquio de los perros. Algunas prácticas ilícitas contempladas son el robo, el amancebamiento y la brujería. [en]In the Early Modern legal thought the concepts of crime and sin were interconnected. Furthermore Exemplary Novels, amongst other literary works, reflect the prevailing ideology concerning to necessary maintenance of public and religious order. In the light of the Castilian criminal law, the main purpose of this essay is the analysis of the heterodox behaviors and the offences perpetrated by the characters in The dialogue of the dogs. Some narrated crimes are theft, concubinage and sorcery.
During the early Stuart period, England’s return to male monarchal rule resulted in the emergence of a political analogy that understood the authority of the monarch to be rooted in the “natural” authority of the father; consequently, the mother’s authoritative role within the family was repressed. As the literature of the period recognized, however, there would be no family unit for the father to lead without the words and bodies of women to make narratives of dynasty and legitimacy possible. Early modern discourse reveals that the reproductive roles of men and women, and the social hierarchies that grow out of them, are as much a matter of human design as of divine or natural law. Moreover, despite the attempts of James I and Charles I to strengthen royal patriarchal authority, the role of the monarch was repeatedly challenged on stage and in print even prior to the British Civil Wars and the 1649 beheading of Charles I. Texts produced at moments of political crisis reveal how women could uphold the legitimacy of familial and political hierarchies, but they also disclose patriarchy’s limits by representing “natural” male authority as depending in part on women’s discursive control over their bodies. Due to the epistemological instability of the female reproductive body, women play a privileged interpretive role in constructing patriarchal identities. The dearth of definitive knowledge about the female body during this period, and the consequent inability to fix or stabilize somatic meaning, led to the proliferation of differing, and frequently contradictory, depictions of women’s bodies. The female body became a site of contested meaning in early modern discourse, with men and women struggling for dominance, and competitors so diverse as to include kings, midwives, scholars of anatomy, and female religious sectarians. Essentially, this competition came down to a question of where to locate somatic meaning: In the opaque, uncertain bodies of women? In women’s equally uncertain and unreliable words? In the often contradictory claims of various male-authored medical treatises? In the whispered conversations that took place between women behind the closed doors of birthing rooms? My dissertation traces this representational instability through plays by William Shakespeare, John Ford, Thomas Middleton, and William Rowley, as well as in monstrous birth pamphlets, medical treatises, legal documents, histories, satires, and ballads. In these texts, the stories women tell about and through their bodies challenge and often supersede male epistemological control. These stories, which I term female bodily narratives, allow women to participate in defining patriarchal authority at the levels of both the family and the state. After laying out these controversies and instabilities surrounding early modern women’s bodies in my first chapter, my remaining chapters analyze the impact of women’s words on four distinct but overlapping reproductive issues: virginity, pregnancy, birthing room rituals, and paternity. In chapters 2 and 3, I reveal how women construct the inner, unseen “truths” of their reproductive bodies through speech and performance, and in doing so challenge the traditional forms of male authority that depend on these very constructions for coherence. Chapter 2 analyzes virginity in Thomas Middleton and William Rowley’s play The Changeling (1622) and in texts documenting the 1613 Essex divorce, during which Frances Howard, like Beatrice-Joanna in the play, was required to undergo a virginity test. These texts demonstrate that a woman’s ability to feign virginity could allow her to undermine patriarchal authority within the family and the state, even as they reveal how men relied on women to represent their reproductive bodies in socially stabilizing ways. During the British Civil Wars and Interregnum (1642-1660), Parliamentary writers used Howard as an example of how the unruly words and bodies of women could disrupt and transform state politics by influencing court faction; in doing so, they also revealed how female bodily narratives could help recast political historiography. In chapter 3, I investigate depictions of pregnancy in John Ford’s tragedy, ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore (1633) and in early modern medical treatises from 1604 to 1651. Although medical texts claim to convey definitive knowledge about the female reproductive body, in actuality male knowledge frequently hinged on the ways women chose to interpret the unstable physical indicators of pregnancy. In Ford’s play, Annabella and Putana take advantage of male ignorance in order to conceal Annabella’s incestuous, illegitimate pregnancy from her father and husband, thus raising fears about women’s ability to misrepresent their bodies. Since medical treatises often frame the conception of healthy, legitimate offspring as a matter of national importance, women’s ability to conceal or even terminate their pregnancies could weaken both the patriarchal family and the patriarchal state that the family helped found. Chapters 4 and 5 broaden the socio-political ramifications of women’s words and bodies by demonstrating how female bodily narratives are required to establish paternity and legitimacy, and thus help shape patriarchal authority at multiple social levels. In chapter 4, I study representations of birthing room gossip in Thomas Middleton’s play, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (1613), and in three Mistris Parliament pamphlets (1648) that satirize parliamentary power. Across these texts, women’s birthing room “gossip” comments on and critiques such issues as men’s behavior towards their wives and children, the proper use of household funds, the finer points of religious ritual, and even the limits of the authority of the monarch. The collective speech of the female-dominated birthing room thus proves central not only to attributing paternity to particular men, but also to the consequent definition and establishment of the political, socio-economic, and domestic roles of patriarchy. Chapter 5 examines anxieties about paternity in William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale (1611) and in early modern monstrous birth pamphlets from 1600 to 1647, in which children born with congenital deformities are explained as God’s punishment for the sexual, religious, and/or political transgressions of their parents or communities. Both the play and the pamphlets explore the formative/deformative power of women’s words and bodies over their offspring, a power that could obscure a father’s connection to his children. However, although the pamphlets attempt to contain and discipline women’s unruly words and bodies with the force of male authority, the play reveals the dangers of male tyranny and the crucial role of maternal authority in reproducing and authenticating dynastic continuity and royal legitimacy. My emphasis on the socio-political impact of women’s self-representation distinguishes my work from that of scholars such as Mary Fissell and Julie Crawford, who claim that early modern beliefs about the female reproductive body influenced textual depictions of major religious and political events, but give little sustained attention to the role female speech plays in these representations. In contrast, my dissertation reveals that in such texts, patriarchal society relies precisely on the words women speak about their own and other women’s bodies. Ultimately, I argue that female bodily narratives were crucial in shaping early modern culture, and they are equally crucial to our critical understanding of sexual and state politics in the literature of the period.