615 resultados para commitments


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This paper explores how the liberal tradition of political thought has dealt with the prospect of limits to economic growth and how it should approach this issue in the future. Using Andrew Moravcsik’s explanatory liberal theory, it finds that the commitment of governments to growth stems primarily from the aggregation of societal preferences. The arguments of liberal thinkers who have grappled with the issue of growth are then examined to gain a deeper theoretical understanding of the relationship between liberal democracy and growth. These include John Stuart Mill, for whom a non-growing economy was essential for overcoming the tension between liberty and equality; Ronald Dworkin who argues that growth is a derivative means to further more fundamental ends; and Marcel Wissenburg who suggests that it is legitimate for liberal democracies to limit the preference for growth if it risks undermining liberal norms and institutions. Using these theoretical insights, it is argued that environmental degradation, which is partly driven by growth, now threatens fundamental liberal commitments to state neutralism, utilitarianism, inalienable individual rights and above all human autonomy. Therefore, liberal democratic states not only can, but must move towards a post-growth economy to secure these objectives into the future.


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High speed rail (also commonly known as HSR) is highly regarded as one of the most significant innovation for mass passenger transportation to travellers willing to pay for reduced travel impediments (shorter travel time, convenience, safety, security, comfort, reliability, flexibility, uniqueness and attractiveness). The transport policy in Australia has until now focused primarily on private passenger car transport and air transportation to the degree that State and Federal Governments’ commitments and actions of rail-oriented mass transportation system still remains sketchy in spite of occasional political and public attentions into it. This has resulted in a limited use of passenger rail as a regional transport system. Using one of the several alternative HSR alignments proposed for the South-Eastern Coast of Australia connecting Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane, this study assesses the regional accessibility impacts of Australian HSR system by means of four indicators: location accessibility, economic potential accessibility, daily accessibility and commuting accessibility. These indicators are commonly used in transport geography literature and they offer different concepts of changes in regional accessibility conditions due to a long distance transport system. The results provide an understanding of differential effects on regional accessibility based on the geographical location and size of urban areas along HSR corridor.


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Educational institutions recognised that the distance education mode is a preferred way to combine study with life, family and work commitments for distance learners. Distance education has played an important role in the provision of educational equity for distance learners who live in remote Australian communities. Engaging students and academic staff will always enhance student-learning outcomes to ensure a positive experience in distance education. It can be effectively achieved through collaborative learning. In distance education, academic staff and students face a number of challenges such as lack of student motivation, high student attrition rates, and a sense of isolation from a university community. Collaborative learning experience will enhance learner-staff and learner-learner interactions in distance learning, which can be achieved through developing a learning process. The learning process for distance learners involves student-learning strategy, Staff interactive sessions, peer-to-peer support, e-assessment, and self-realization of graduate learning outcomes. This distance learning process is confined for Deakin University learning environment, however the expectations is that the distance learning will be more mainstream in future of learning and teaching in Australian institutions. The focus of this research is to analyse and share collaborative learning experience of distance learners (off-campus) students in project management unit. It helps to analyse the barriers in distance education and finding ways to initiate collaborative programs in future. It also helps to fulfil the distance learners’ expectations on program delivery.


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The Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) proposed six Action Groups. After almost three years of activity, many achievements have been obtained through commitments or collaborative work of the Action Groups. However, they have often worked in silos and, consequently, synergies between Action Groups have been proposed to strengthen the triple win of the EIP on AHA. The paper presents the methodology and current status of the Task Force on EIP on AHA synergies. Synergies are in line with the Action Groups’ new Renovated Action Plan (2016-2018) to ensure that their future objectives are coherent and fully connected. The outcomes and impact of synergies are using the Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the EIP on AHA (MAFEIP). Eight proposals for synergies have been approved by the Task Force: Five cross-cutting synergies which can be used for all current and future synergies as they consider overarching domains (appropriate polypharmacy, citizen empowerment, teaching and coaching on AHA, deployment of synergies to EU regions, Responsible Research and Innovation), and three cross-cutting synergies focussing on current Action Group activities (falls, frailty, integrated care and chronic respiratory diseases).


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Relatório de Estagio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Comunitaria


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Relatório de Estagio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Comunitaria


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Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) focuses on the integrated care of chronic diseases. Area 5 (Care Pathways) was initiated using chronic respiratory diseases as a model. The chronic respiratory disease action plan includes (1) AIRWAYS integrated care pathways (ICPs), (2) the joint initiative between the Reference site MACVIA-LR (Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif) and ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma), (3) Commitments for Action to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and the AIRWAYS ICPs network. It is deployed in collaboration with the World Health Organization Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD). The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing has proposed a 5-step framework for developing an individual scaling up strategy: (1) what to scale up: (1-a) databases of good practices, (1-b) assessment of viability of the scaling up of good practices, (1-c) classification of good practices for local replication and (2) how to scale up: (2-a) facilitating partnerships for scaling up, (2-b) implementation of key success factors and lessons learnt, including emerging technologies for individualised and predictive medicine. This strategy has already been applied to the chronic respiratory disease action plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.


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If educators are to educate they must be accorded some level of trust. Anthony Giddens claims that because trust is not easily created, it is now being replaced with ‘confidence’ because this latter disposition is much easier to give and is more convenient. It is argued in this paper that this shift from trust to confidence stifles education because emphasis is placed solely upon qualifications and competence, and is neglectful of disclosing one’s motives and desires—which are considered to be essential elements for relationships and communities which depend upon trust. Therefore, educators ought to seek to become more trustworthy by going beyond evidence-based practices and codes of ethics, towards articulating a developed personal philosophy of education outlining the ultimate end-purposes to which they aspire. Through such a philosophy, educators identify their ultimate desires and commitments and this self-disclosure can make trust-giving more likely. Demonstrated evidence of achievements and qualifications encourage confidence and this has some value. In addition to these artefacts of evidence, it is argued here that educators must also articulate what they actually desire. This can be understood as John Dewey’s virtue of ‘genuine interest’ which he characterises as being wholehearted, persistent and impartial. For educators, this is often represented in our personal philosophy of education and because it is personal, it is also existential in the sense that it pertains to giving sense, meaning and purpose to all of our activities and way of life for which we are individually responsible and passionately committed to as professionals. As a consequence of being existential, our philosophy and our commitment to it has an intellectual and moral aspect and because it reaches to the very depths of our raison d’être, it pertains to our passion as described by Søren Kierkegaard. This paper shall draw upon Dewey’s notion of wholeheartedness and Kierkegaard’s notion of purity of heart, to make the case that if educators embrace these in their practices, we may become more trustworthy.


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In this paper, I explore a series of fertile ambiguities that Merleau-Ponty's work is premised upon. These ambiguities concern some of the central methodological commitments of his work, in particular his commitment (or otherwise) to transcendental phenomenology and how he transforms that tradition, and his relationship to science and philosophical naturalism and what they suggest about his philosophical methodology. Many engagements with Merleau-Ponty's work that are more ‘analytic’ in orientation either deflate it of its transcendental heritage, or offer a "modest" rendering of its transcendental dimensions. This is also true, albeit perhaps to a lesser extent, of the work of the more empirically-minded phenomenological philosophers who engage very seriously with Merleau-Ponty – e.g. Hubert Dreyfus, Shaun Gallagher, Evan Thompson, Alva Noë, and others. At the same time, many other scholars contest these proto-scientific and more naturalistic uses of Merleau-Ponty's work on hermeneutical and exegetical grounds, and they likewise criticise the deflated reading of his transcendental phenomenology that tends to support them. By working through some of the key passages and ideas, I seek to establish that the former view captures something pivotal to Merleau-Ponty's philosophy. I extend these interpretations by arguing that, at least around the time of Phenomenology of Perception, his philosophy might be reasonably regarded as a form of minimal methodological naturalism.


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The Electronic Monitoring Program for Richland County DJJ was selected as a topic to research because there were problems in the Richland County DJJ Office with equipment being lost, equipment being damaged, and staff failing to utilize the technology properly. If utilized correctly, Electronic Monitoring Technology can help reduce commitments of juveniles to secure facilities which will save the State of South Carolina incarceration costs. This paper explores the training and planning of electronic monitoring in Richland County.


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La Revolución Espiritual promovida por el Dalai Lama plantea una unión entre espiritualidad y política. El proyecto de una ética universal, que se inscribe dentro de dicha Revolución, busca impactar la manera en que las relaciones internacionales se desarrollan, dándole prevalencia a los valores humanos. Sin embargo, esa proposición se encuentra ligada al contexto de exilio en el marco del conflicto sino-tibetano que afecta al continente asiático. Por esto, en la presente monografía, haciendo uso de los conceptos de marco de acción colectiva e identidad inscritos en la corriente de los movimientos sociales en la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales, se pretende determinar la relación entre identidad tibetana, marco de acción colectiva y la propuesta de una ética universal. Para ello se recurre, metodológicamente, a textos y a trabajo de campo en Bogotá. Así, se pretende establecer la relación entre espiritualidad y política como propuesta tibetana atravesada por el conflicto sino-tibetano.


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La presente investigación busca analizar el impacto en los procesos organizacionales de las Instituciones de Educación Superior IES, por la adhesión voluntaria a Pacto Global mediante la verificación del cumplimiento de los principios a nivel documental y práctico. Esta iniciativa encuentra de gran valor la participación de la academia por su aporte a los aspectos críticos en las actividades, su contribución a la investigación, aprendizaje, recursos educativos, a la formación de líderes responsables, entre otros. En ese orden de ideas, el objetivo es conocer cuáles son los beneficios de la adopción de los diez principios relacionados con derechos humanos, estándares laborales, medio ambiente y anticorrupción en las IES, a partir de la revisión de los Comunicados de Progreso (COPs) y/o Comunicados de Involucramientos (COEs), trabajo de campo pertinente a la investigación. En una primera etapa se realizó el diagnóstico, basado en la revisión documental de los informes de cada IES activas en Pacto Global y de la verificación del cumplimiento de los compromisos descritos en los informes a través de las entrevistas realizadas en las IES seleccionadas. La segunda etapa consistió en evaluar en una matriz: el nivel de conocimiento, cumplimiento, motivación y efectividad de los resultados de cada IES. Los resultados obtenidos hacen referencia a la unificación de esfuerzos dentro de la organización, la transferencia del conocimiento, mayor visibilidad en la sociedad, entre otros. En definitiva, la adhesión a Pacto ha permitido que las IES sean organizaciones responsables al servicio de la comunidad educativa y empresarial.


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Desde 1945, el inicio de la cuestión palestina, el país ha sufrido una serie de transformaciones e intervenciones en su soberanía y en legitimidad, las cuales siguen en discusión actualmente; y han dado como resultado el estudio del reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado. Es pertinente hacer un acercamiento a este tema desde la variable religiosa (Vaticano), teniendo en cuenta el gran número de lugares sagrados que hay en la región de Palestina y la variable religiosa del conflicto Palestino-israelí. Desde la mirada del Soft Power, concepto que ha venido tomando fuerza en la academia desde 1980, podemos acercarnos al objeto de estudio y dilucidar las injerencias de este actor. Mediante una aproximación cualitativa, que conlleva análisis del discurso, análisis histórico y análisis de política exterior, se logrará obtener el resultado esperado, que es entender de qué manera el Vaticano ejerce influencia (ideológica y cultural) en el Sistema Internacional, en el asunto del reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado.


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El presente artículo de investigación aborda el rol de gobernanza global que ha venido ejerciendo con mayor fuerza las organizaciones internacionales, como la UNESCO, el BM y en especial la OCDE, en el modelo de desarrollo de los países de América Latina a través de las orientaciones que se dan para las políticas y la agenda educativa en la región. Es decir, se trata de examinar hasta qué punto esas orientaciones han permeado las líneas de desarrollo y de educación. Por consiguiente, el texto recoge algunos compromisos establecidos por dichas agendas y propone un modelo alternativo al desarrollo, que dé cuenta de nuestro contexto sociocultural y pueda construir espacios de reflexión para llenar los vacíos en la formación de la educación del individuo que generen un progreso colectivo y que se adapte a la realidad local.


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Recibido 15 de marzo de 2012 •  Corregido 22 de octubre de 2012 • Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012El  vínculo de pareja se constituye en uno de los más importantes que construyen las personas en sus vidas. Tal relevancia implica, por un lado, la revisión de esquemas personales, sobre el concepto que se ha creado sobre este y, por otro, la disposición de aprender cosas nuevas y, con estas, asumir actitudes que tienen que ver con varios aspectos. Dentro de estos, podrían mencionarse los siguientes: i) aceptar a la persona tal cual es, en tanto algunos rasgos no atenten contra la dignidad de la otra, ii) mantener apertura constante a la comunicación, en particular, en momentos de crisis, iii) conocerse y valorarse a sí mismos, antes de conocer y valorar al otro, iv) mantener o crear detalles que, de antemano, se sabe producen  gratificación en la pareja, v) respetar compromisos adquiridos y vi) tratar de vivenciar cosas, a través del movimiento de roles como una de las estrategias. Cada uno de esos elementos, debidamente desarrollados, se constituye, a  su vez, en recomendaciones que, de ser adecuadamente implementadas, facilitan la creación de vínculos más saludables y duraderos. Desde este marco, el artículo pretende fomentar la revisión de ideas y conductas propias, en relación con el vínculo de pareja. Invertir tiempo en desarrollar actitudes y conductas  pareciera ser el camino que debe seguirse, para la construcción de un vínculo de pareja placentero, dentro en un ambiente de crecimiento  mutuo.