772 resultados para colour vision
This study provides a comprehensive genetic overview on the endangered Italian wolf population. In particular, it focuses on two research lines. On one hand, we focalised on melanism in wolf in order to isolate a mutation related with black coat colour in canids. With several reported black individuals (an exception at European level), the Italian wolf population constituted a challenging research field posing many unanswered questions. As found in North American wolf, we reported that melanism in the Italian population is caused by a different melanocortin pathway component, the K locus, in which a beta-defensin protein acts as an alternative ligand for the Mc1r. This research project was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Gregory Barsh, Department of Genetics and Paediatrics, Stanford University. On the other hand, we performed analysis on a high number of SNPs thanks to a customized Canine microarray useful to integrate or substitute the STR markers for genotyping individuals and detecting wolf-dog hybrids. Thanks to DNA microchip technology, we obtained an impressive amount of genetic data which provides a solid base for future functional genomic studies. This study was undertaken in collaboration with Prof. Robert K. Wayne, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Objektbewegungssehen des Goldfischs betrachtet. Zuerst musste eine geeignete Methode gefunden werden, diese Form der Bewegungswahrnehmung untersuchen zu können, da bisherige Experimente zum Bewegungssehen beim Goldfisch ausschließlich mit Hilfe der optomotorischen Folgereaktion gemacht wurden. Anschließend sollte die Frage geklärt werden, ob das Objektbewegungssehen genau wie das Bewegungssehen einer Großfeldbewegung farbenblind ist und welcher Zapfentyp daran beteiligt ist. Die Verwendung eines Zufallpunktmusters zur Dressur auf ein bewegtes Objekt hat sich als äußert erfolgreich herausgestellt. Diese Methode hat den Vorteil, dass sich die Versuchstiere ausschließlich aufgrund der Bewegungsinformation orientieren können. In den Rot-Grün- und Blau-Grün-Transferversuchen zeigte sich, dass das Objektbewegungssehen beim Goldfisch farbenblind ist, aber erstaunlicherweise nicht vom L-Zapfen vermittelt wird, sondern wahrscheinlich vom M-Zapfen. Welchen Vorteil es haben könnte, dass für die verschiedenen Formen der Bewegungswahrnehmung verschiedene Eingänge benutzt werden, kann mit diesen Versuchen nicht geklärt werden. Farbenblindheit des Bewegungssehens scheint eine Eigenschaft visueller Systeme allgemein zu sein. Beim Menschen ist diese Frage im Moment noch nicht geklärt und wird weiterhin diskutiert, da es sowohl Experimente gibt, die zeigen, dass es farbenblind ist, als auch andere, die Hinweise darauf geben, dass es nicht farbenblind ist. Der Vorteil der Farbenblindheit eines bewegungsdetektierenden visuellen Systems zeigt sich auch in der Technik beim Maschinen Sehen. Hier wird ebenfalls auf Farbinformation verzichtet, was zum einen eine Datenreduktion mit sich bringt und zum anderen dazu führt, dass korrespondierende Bildpunkte leichter gefunden werden können. Diese werden benötigt, um Bewegungsvektoren zu bestimmen und letztlich Bewegung zu detektieren.
La tesi tratta i temi di computer vision connessi alle problematiche di inserimento in una piattaforma Web. Nel testo sono spiegate alcune soluzioni per includere una libreria software per l'emotion recognition in un'applicazione web e tecnologie per la registrazione di un video, catturando le immagine da una webcam.
The quality of fish products is indispensably linked to the freshness of the raw material modulated by appropriate manipulation and storage conditions, specially the storage temperature after catch. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which was largely conducted in the context of a research project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), concerned the evaluation of the freshness of farmed and wild fish species, in relation to different storage conditions, under ice (0°C) or at refrigeration temperature (4°C). Several specimens of different species, bogue (Boops boops), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), during storage, under the different temperature conditions adopted, have been examined. The assessed control parameters were physical (texture, through the use of a dynamometer; visual quality using a computer vision system (CVS)), chemical (through footprint metabolomics 1H-NMR) and sensory (Quality Index Method (QIM). Microbiological determinations were also carried out on the species of hake (Merluccius merluccius). In general obtained results confirmed that the temperature of manipulation/conservation is a key factor in maintaining fish freshness. NMR spectroscopy showed to be able to quantify and evaluate the kinetics for unselected compounds during fish degradation, even a posteriori. This can be suitable for the development of new parameters related to quality and freshness. The development of physical methods, particularly the image analysis performed by computer vision system (CVS), for the evaluation of fish degradation, is very promising. Among CVS parameters, skin colour, presence and distribution of gill mucus, and eye shape modification evidenced a high sensibility for the estimation of fish quality loss, as a function of the adopted storage conditions. Particularly the eye concavity index detected on fish eye showed a high positive correlation with total QIM score.
L'analisi di un'immagine con strumenti automatici si è sviluppata in quella che oggi viene chiamata "computer vision", la materia di studio proveniente dal mondo informatico che si occupa, letteralmente, di "vedere oltre", di estrarre da una figura una serie di aspetti strutturali, sotto forma di dati numerici. Tra le tante aree di ricerca che ne derivano, una in particolare è dedicata alla comprensione di un dettaglio estremamente interessante, che si presta ad applicazioni di molteplici tipologie: la profondità. L'idea di poter recuperare ciò che, apparentemente, si era perso fermando una scena ed imprimendone l'istante in un piano a due dimensioni poteva sembrare, fino a non troppi anni fa, qualcosa di impossibile. Grazie alla cosiddetta "visione stereo", invece, oggi possiamo godere della "terza dimensione" in diversi ambiti, legati ad attività professionali piuttosto che di svago. Inoltre, si presta ad utilizzi ancora più interessanti quando gli strumenti possono vantare caratteristiche tecniche accessibili, come dimensioni ridotte e facilità d'uso. Proprio quest'ultimo aspetto ha catturato l'attenzione di un gruppo di lavoro, dal quale è nata l'idea di sviluppare una soluzione, chiamata "SuperStereo", capace di permettere la stereo vision usando uno strumento estremamente diffuso nel mercato tecnologico globale: uno smartphone e, più in generale, qualsiasi dispositivo mobile appartenente a questa categoria.
The present work takes into account three posterior parietal areas, V6, V6A, and PEc, all operating on different subsets of signals (visual, somatic, motor). The work focuses on the study of their functional properties, to better understand their respective contribution in the neuronal circuits that make possible the interactions between subject and external environment. In the caudalmost pole of parietal lobe there is area V6. Functional data suggest that this area is related to the encoding of both objects motion and ego-motion. However, the sensitivity of V6 neurons to optic flow stimulations has been tested only in human fMRI experiments. Here we addressed this issue by applying on monkey the same experimental protocol used in human studies. The visual stimulation obtained with the Flow Fields stimulus was the most effective and powerful to activate area V6 in monkey, further strengthening this homology between the two primates. The neighboring areas, V6A and PEc, show different cytoarchitecture and connectivity profiles, but are both involved in the control of reaches. We studied the sensory responses present in these areas, and directly compared these.. We also studied the motor related discharges of PEc neurons during reaching movements in 3D space comparing also the direction and depth tuning of PEc cells with those of V6A. The results show that area PEc and V6A share several functional properties. Area PEc, unlike V6A, contains a richer and more complex somatosensory input, and a poorer, although complex visual one. Differences emerged also comparing the motor-related properties for reaches in depth: the incidence of depth modulations in PEc and the temporal pattern of modulation for depth and direction allow to delineate a trend among the two parietal visuomotor areas.
Le sujet de cette recherche est la perception chez les voyageurs occidentaux et grecs du XIXᵉ siècle de zones de la Méditerranée depuis toujours point d’intersections culturelles : les villes d’Athènes et de Constantinople. L’objectif de la recherche est de reconstruire la contribution des hommes de lettres, français et grecs, à la constitution de l’identité nationale selon le schéma mis en évidence par Benedict Anderson dans « Communautés Imaginées » On a tenté en se référant au corpus d’identifier dans la littérature de voyage du XIXᵉ siècle, dans le sillage de « Orientalismo » de Edward Said, comment Philhellénisme et Exotisme orientalisant, tous deux d’empreinte romantique, ont contribué à inventer pour Athènes une identité occidentale et pour Istanbul une identité orientale, ignorant presque l’existence entre les deux villes d’une commune matrice byzantine–ottomane ou mieux, l’appartenance commune à l’ensemble géopolitique de la Région Intermédiaire identifiée par Dimitri Kitsikis.
Nowadays the environmental issues and the climatic change play fundamental roles in the design of urban spaces. Our cities are growing in size, many times only following immediate needs without a long-term vision. Consequently, the sustainable development has become not only an ethical but also a strategic need: we can no longer afford an uncontrolled urban expansion. One serious effect of the territory industrialisation process is the increase of urban air and surfaces temperatures compared to the outlying rural surroundings. This difference in temperature is what constitutes an urban heat island (UHI). The purpose of this study is to provide a clarification on the role of urban surfacing materials in the thermal dynamics of an urban space, resulting in useful indications and advices in mitigating UHI. With this aim, 4 coloured concrete bricks were tested, measuring their emissivity and building up their heat release curves using infrared thermography. Two emissivity evaluation procedures were carried out and subsequently put in comparison. Samples performances were assessed, and the influence of the colour on the thermal behaviour was investigated. In addition, some external pavements were analysed. Albedo and emissivity parameters were evaluated in order to understand their thermal behaviour in different conditions. Surfaces temperatures were recorded in a one-day measurements campaign. ENVI-met software was used to simulate how the tested materials would behave in two typical urban scenarios: a urban canyon and a urban heat basin. Improvements they can carry to the urban microclimate were investigated. Emissivities obtained for the bricks ranged between 0.92 and 0.97, suggesting a limited influence of the colour on this parameter. Nonetheless, white concrete brick showed the best thermal performance, whilst the black one the worst; red and yellow ones performed pretty identical intermediate trends. De facto, colours affected the overall thermal behaviour. Emissivity parameter was measured in the outdoor work, getting (as expected) high values for the asphalts. Albedo measurements, conducted with a sunshine pyranometer, proved the improving effect given by the yellow paint in terms of solar reflection, and the bad influence of haze on the measurement accuracy. ENVI-met simulations gave a demonstration on the effectiveness in thermal improving of some tested materials. In particular, results showed good performances for white bricks and granite in the heat basin scenario, and painted concrete and macadam in the urban canyon scenario. These materials can be considered valuable solutions in UHI mitigation.
In recent years, Deep Learning techniques have shown to perform well on a large variety of problems both in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, reaching and often surpassing the state of the art on many tasks. The rise of deep learning is also revolutionizing the entire field of Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition pushing forward the concepts of automatic feature extraction and unsupervised learning in general. However, despite the strong success both in science and business, deep learning has its own limitations. It is often questioned if such techniques are only some kind of brute-force statistical approaches and if they can only work in the context of High Performance Computing with tons of data. Another important question is whether they are really biologically inspired, as claimed in certain cases, and if they can scale well in terms of "intelligence". The dissertation is focused on trying to answer these key questions in the context of Computer Vision and, in particular, Object Recognition, a task that has been heavily revolutionized by recent advances in the field. Practically speaking, these answers are based on an exhaustive comparison between two, very different, deep learning techniques on the aforementioned task: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Hierarchical Temporal memory (HTM). They stand for two different approaches and points of view within the big hat of deep learning and are the best choices to understand and point out strengths and weaknesses of each of them. CNN is considered one of the most classic and powerful supervised methods used today in machine learning and pattern recognition, especially in object recognition. CNNs are well received and accepted by the scientific community and are already deployed in large corporation like Google and Facebook for solving face recognition and image auto-tagging problems. HTM, on the other hand, is known as a new emerging paradigm and a new meanly-unsupervised method, that is more biologically inspired. It tries to gain more insights from the computational neuroscience community in order to incorporate concepts like time, context and attention during the learning process which are typical of the human brain. In the end, the thesis is supposed to prove that in certain cases, with a lower quantity of data, HTM can outperform CNN.
Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) certification requirements analysis of an Airbus Helicopters H135
The safe operation of nighttime flight missions would be enhanced using Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) equipment. This has been clear to the military since 1970s and to the civil helicopters since 1990s. In these last months, even Italian Emergency Medical Service (EMS) operators require Night Vision Goggles (NVG) devices that therefore amplify the ambient light. In order to fly with this technology, helicopters have to be NVIS-approved. The author have supported a company, to quantify the potentiality of undertaking the certification activity, through a feasibility study. Even before, NVG description and working principles have been done, then specifications analysis about the processes to make a helicopter NVIS-approved has been addressed. The noteworthy difference between military specifications and the civilian ones highlights non-irrevelant lacks in the latter. The activity of NVIS certification could be a good investment because the following targets have been achieved: Reductions of the certification cost, of the operating time and of the number of non-compliance.
Synaesthesia is a condition in which the input of one sensory modality triggers extraordinary additional experiences. On an explicit level, subjects affected by this condition normally report unidirectional experiences. In grapheme-colour synaesthesia for example, the letter A printed in black may trigger a red colour experience but not vice versa. However on an implicit level, at least for some types of synaesthesia, bidirectional activation is possible. In this study we tested whether bidirectional implicit activation is mediated by the same brain areas as explicit synaesthetic experiences. Specifically, we demonstrated suppression of implicit bidirectional activation with the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation over parieto-occipital brain areas. Our findings indicate that parieto-occipital regions are not only involved in explicit but also implicit synaesthetic binding.
Humans perceive the content (gist) of a scene very rapidly within about 40 ms [Castelhano and Henderson, 2008 Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and Performance 43(3) 660-675]. It has also been demonstrated that colours contribute to the perception of the gist of a scene if the colours are diagnostic for the distinction of scenes (Oliva and Schyns, 2000 Cognitive Psychology 41 176-210). We presented 320 coloured photographs of 2 diagnostic (mountains and coasts) and 2 nondiagnostic colour scenes (cities and rooms), 80 per category, in a masking paradigm. The mask consisted of randomly distributed colour patches. SOA was varied between 20 and 80 ms, in steps of 20 ms and subjects had to indicate the gist of the scene (4AFC). A control condition without masking was also included. In line with previous results we have found that the gist of nondiagnostic coloured scenes is extracted within 40 ms. However, if colour comes into play, the extraction of the scene gist is prolonged by about 20 ms. A possible reason for this outcome might be that nondiagnostic colour scenes are identified by their luminance components which are processed faster than the colour information, which in turn mediates the identification of diagnostic colour scenes