915 resultados para cocktail party problem


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Research Proposal in SB.TV case study. New dimension to brand model for Web 2.0 success


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Resumen tomado de la propia publicaci??n. Los autores son miembros del equipo de atenci??n primaria de los servicios sociales del ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Eivissa


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This a short presentation which introduces how models and modelling help us to solve large scale problems in the real world. It introduces the idea that dynamic behaviour is caused by interacting components in the system. Feedback in the system makes behaviour prediction difficult unless we use modelling to support understanding


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Abstract This seminar is a research discussion around a very interesting problem, which may be a good basis for a WAISfest theme. A little over a year ago Professor Alan Dix came to tell us of his plans for a magnificent adventure:to walk all of the way round Wales - 1000 miles 'Alan Walks Wales'. The walk was a personal journey, but also a technological and community one, exploring the needs of the walker and the people along the way. Whilst walking he recorded his thoughts in an audio diary, took lots of photos, wrote a blog and collected data from the tech instruments he was wearing. As a result Alan has extensive quantitative data (bio-sensing and location) and qualitative data (text, images and some audio). There are challenges in analysing individual kinds of data, including merging similar data streams, entity identification, time-series and textual data mining, dealing with provenance, ontologies for paths, and journeys. There are also challenges for author and third-party annotation, linking the data-sets and visualising the merged narrative or facets of it.


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Este trabajo gan?? el primer premio Joan Mercadal sobre la juventud en Menorca


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Decisions of national importance are made by Parliamentary voting. Yet Indian Members of Parliament (MPs) vote with a remarkable lack of freedom and accountability. The introduction of the Tenth Schedule in the Constitution has crippled free expression, since it provides that MPs voting against ‘any direction’ of their Party are liable to disqualification from the legislature  In addition, except for Constitutional amendments, Indian Parliamentary Procedure Rules do not require votes of MPs to be recorded unless the Speaker’s decision is contested in the House. The result is that voting in the House has become mechanical, controlled by Party politics and devoid of responsibility. This paper comments on a general theory of democratic accountability through the lens of Parliamentary voting. It suggests that the voting system adopted in the Parliament is an effective indicator to measure the level of accountability of its Members. In the context of India, this paper argues that the level of accountability will increase to a desirable extent only when there is adoption of a recorded system for every important House vote. Upon examination of India’s record thus far (through the sample of the 14th Lok Sabha) it becomes evident that the level of divisions (recorded votes) is substantially lower than other countries. This leads the paper to probe, as to why that might be the case. Part II of the paper answers that question by examining the Tenth Schedule of the Constitution. The paper scrutinizes the disproportionate influence of the Party in decision making in the Parliament. Apart from dealing with the inherent problem of the Tenth Schedule, this paper suggests two procedural changes to make parliamentary expression more meaningful. Firstly, the recording of all important votes within the Parliament and secondly, registering Party whips with the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs so that the voter knows the clear stand of every Parliamentary continuum. The focus of the paper is thus to bring back the attention of the legislators to their central function, which is deliberation on and the passage of legislation.


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Adolescent pregnancy is a current problem which raises concern due to its individual, familiar and collective consequences. Fifteen million adolescents give birth each year in the world. Abortion is the preferred option used in unwanted pregnancies. Adolescent pregnancy is frequent in Nocaima, Cundinamarca and is a community concern in this small town initiating its process of becoming a healthy municipality. As such, the community has highlighted this problem to be studied and submitted to intervention to promote a free and responsible sexuality decreasing unwanted adolescent pregnancies. Objective: To find data on contraception, pregnancy and related factors in selected adolescents therefore, improving current incomplete information. Methods: Descriptive observational study with survey application on 226 female 14 to 19 year old students from three high school facilities in Nocaima including 8th to 11th graders. Results: 88.9% of the participants were between 14 and 17 years of age. 66.8% of the adolescents claim to use correctly contraceptive methods and 28.8% have had sexual intercourse with an average initiation at age 15. 11.1% have been pregnant once in their lives and of these 57.1 % ended in induced abortion and 66.8% were school dropouts. Conclusions: After having implemented an educational campaign on healthy sex and reproductive behaviors we view adolescent pregnancy as a public health problem which is preventable and related to the deficit of social and family support as well as weakness in individual decision making.


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El interés de esta monografía es explicar la configuración de la política exterior de Turquía dentro del estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales. Se analiza el comportamiento y las acciones emprendidas por la República de Turquía con la llegada del AKP al poder y los cambios que ha enfrentado el sistema internacional, a partir del papel que juega la identidad nacional turca sobre la construcción de su política exterior hacia Medio Oriente. Asimismo, se cuestionan algunos postulados principales de la escuela realista a partir de un análisis alternativo en el que se demuestra que Turquía tiene diferentes formas de crear y proyectar la imagen del país. Siguiendo, a la perspectiva constructivista, la cual establece cómo la identidad nacional, kemalista y neootomana que configura la política exterior de Turquía ha sido construida, cómo es comprendida y cómo esta comprensión da lugar a los intereses nacionales que guían su política exterior.


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Este estudio de caso se centra en los esfuerzos de China por reanudar los Six Party Talks o Diálogos a Seis Bandas que son considerados como la opción más viable para tratar la situación nuclear en la península coreana.


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Why do some civil wars terminate soon, with victory of one party over the other? What determines if the winner is the incumbent or the rebel group? Why do other conáicts last longer? We propose a simple model in which the power of each armed group depends on the number of combatants it is able to recruit. This is in turn a function of the relative ëdistanceíbetween group leaderships and potential recruits. We emphasize the moral hazard problem of recruitment: Öghting is costly and risky so combatants have the incentive to defect from their task. They can also desert altogether and join the enemy. This incentive is stronger the farther away the Öghter is from the principal, since monitoring becomes increasingly costly. Bigger armies have more power but less monitoring capacity to prevent defection and desertion. This general framework allows a variety of interpretations of what type of proximity matters for building strong cohesive armies ranging from ethnic distance to geographic dispersion. Di§erent assumptions about the distribution of potential Öghters along the relevant dimension of conáict lead to di§erent equilibria. We characterize these, discuss the implied outcome in terms of who wins the war, and illustrate with historical and contemporaneous case studies.


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Recent evidence show that factor shares, if properly measured, are far from constant. Moreover, the shares of natural resources and raw labor seem to be negatively correlated with income per capita while the share of human and physical capital is positively correlated with income per capita. Now, if factor shares are not constant then (i) growth accounting exercises rely on a false assumption and (ii) there is a measurement problem. The effect that change s in factor shares ha ve on output depend on the relative abundance of factors and, fo r this reason, it is necessary to have correct measures. We propose an empiri cal methodology to solve the measurement issue and estimate TFP growth.


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Dar a conocer la problem??tica de la logopedia en el paral??tico cerebral, poco conocida en Espa??a, y observar las ventajas y desventajas de dos m??todos de reeducaci??n muy diferentes: el m??todo Bobath y el m??todo Tardieu, despu??s de experimentarlos. Reeducaci??n del habla y del lenguaje en el paral??tico cerebral. Realiza una descripci??n, basada en bibliograf??a y en la experiencia profesional en el campo, donde expone la problem??tica del habla y del lenguaje en el paral??tico cerebral y su reeducaci??n. Desarrolla ampliamente dos metodolog??as de reeducaci??n: Tardieu y Bobath y realiza un an??lisis comparativo de ellas, y una cr??tica, en diez aspectos relacionados con la alimentaci??n, el habla y el lenguaje. Bibliograf??a y experiencia profesional en el campo de la reeducaci??n. La par??lisis cerebral implica una lesi??n en el enc??falo. No es hereditaria e interfiere las capacidades motrices normales de donde se derivan los trastornos del habla y del lenguaje. La reeducaci??n de estos trastornos, junto al d??ficit mot??rico ha de realizarse de com??n acuerdo entre el fisioterapeuta y el logopeda. El m??todo Tardieu se basa en una rehabilitaci??n y reeducaci??n anal??tica a partir del estudio de diversos apartados y factores diferenciados entre s??, mientras que el Bobath se basa en una rehabilitaci??n y reeducaci??n global, a partir del estudio de niveles relacionados siempre entre s??. La ventaja de Bobath est?? en que tiene en cuenta la relaci??n entre el control motriz y la reeducaci??n del habla y del lenguaje, mientras que Tardieu tiene unos ejercicios pr??cticos que Bobath no considera.


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Cuestionar y desmitificar la delincuencia infantil y juvenil. Conocer la realidad que presentan las Islas Baleares bajo el aspecto de delincuencia infantil y juvenil desde 1940 hasta 1975. Hip??tesis: a una diferenciaci??n hist??rica representada por los a??os estudiados (1940, 1949, 1956, 1964, 1970, 1975 ), corresponde una diferencia a nivel general de los aspectos referentes a la delincuencia infantil y juvenil en las Islas Baleares, en funci??n de los cambios sociales, econ??micos, culturales, pol??ticos, etc. habidos. Expedientes del Tribunal Tutelar de Menores de Palma de Mallorca. Se parte de un estudio te??rico en funci??n de la bibliograf??a para llegar a un estudio experimental que se concreta en la realizacion de una breve explicaci??n de cada variable utilizada (17) en orden a las caracter??sticas y el porqu?? de su elecci??n, una presentaci??n por a??os y sexos, un comentario de los datos a partir de los cuales se formulan los planteamientos de hip??tesis, una operaci??n estad??stica a fin de demostrar las hip??tesis presentadas, una conclusi??n que explique los resultados obtenidos y los ponga en relaci??n con las hip??tesis. Tablas num??ricas y gr??ficas. Aplicaci??n de la f??rmula de la 'significaci??n de la diferencia entre porcentajes'. El enfoque globalizante de la delincuencia juvenil ayuda al arreglo de la situaci??n. La modificaci??n individual, a??n siendo parte del proceso, no puede llevarnos a la soluci??n del problema; es necesario incidir en las causas que posibilitan que se de dicho fen??meno. La evoluci??n de la delincuencia infantil y juvenil en las Islas Baleares se ha producido de los cambios habidos en los mismos en los diferentes aspectos. La delincuencia de los menores afecta a las clases sociales situadas en estratos m??s bajos de la sociedad. La participaci??n en el delito seg??n el sexo de los menores difiere en varones y mujeres.


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Ofrecer una visi??n comprensiva de una parte de la educaci??n en Catalu??a, a trav??s de la historia de una instituci??n docente como es la Escuela P??a. Conseguir una aproximaci??n al aspecto organizativo de los Colegios Escolapios del siglo XIX. El sistema educativo liberal en el siglo XIX, problem??tica educativa de los Escolapios y su acci??n educativa. Investiga sobre los Colegios Escolapios y la documentaci??n de cada uno de ellos para ver las cuestiones y problemas comunes. Encuadra la Instituci??n escolapia en el siglo XIX y en el sistema educativo liberal. Fuentes bibliogr??ficas y archiv??sticas. Interpretaci??n hist??rica de los datos obtenidos. La respuesta de los Escolapios al reto de la educaci??n en el periodo estudiado fue una aportaci??n progresiva a la demanda social, a la evoluci??n socio-pol??tica y a la necesidad cultural inmediata (ajust??ndose a la voluntad y vocaci??n de los propios Escolapios de estar en el campo de la ense??anza). Este trabajo no deja de ser un estudio parcial y complementario, que consolida algunos puntos conocidos de la historia escolapia, aporta nuevos y corrige otros, y abre caminos de investigaci??n cara al futuro.