925 resultados para brief alcohol intervention


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In this paper, Isopropanol (IPA) availability during the anisotropic etching of silicon in Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) solutions was investigated. Squares of 8 to 40 m were patterned to (100) oriented silicon wafers through DWL (Direct Writing Laser) photolithography. The wet etching process was performed inside an open HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) flask with ultrasonic agitation. IPA volume and evaporation was studied in a dynamic etching process, and subsequent influence on the silicon etching was inspected. For the tested conditions, evaporation rates for water vapor and IPA were determined as approximately 0.0417 mL/min and 0.175 mL/min, respectively. Results demonstrate that IPA availability, and not concentration, plays an important role in the definition of the final structure. Transversal SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analysis demonstrates a correlation between microloading effects (as a consequence of structure spacing) and the angle formed towards the (100) plane.


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ABSTRACT Objective The objective of this study was to replicate Babor's Typology and to explore clinical features related to personality traits that may underlie this classification, in order to improve its therapeutic possibilities. Methods Observational prospective study on a group of 273 male alcoholics. After a replication of Babor's variables, Cluster Analysis, Chi-Square – applied on clinical variables related to a Lappda Tipology – and Kappa tests were performed. Results The study identified two distinct clusters that held similar features to those described for the Type A/Type B classification. Besides presenting a lower socio-economic situation, Cluster 2 patients were associated with higher vulnerability and severe clinical features and also differed from Cluster 1 in their response to treatment. These replicated clusters retained connections and also differences in relation to the variables derived from the Lappda Typology. Conclusion Considering that each of the two replicated clusters seem to be associated to different personality traits – according to their correlations to the affective, cognitive and behavioral dimensions brought forward by the Lappda Typology – it is acceptable that this study may contribute to the development of more comprehensive and effective therapeutic strategies specifically tailored to target more specific personality traits of these subgroups of alcoholic patients.


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ABSTRACT Objective Investigate the occurrence of dual diagnosis in users of legal and illegal drugs. Methods It is an analytical, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, non-probabilistic intentional sampling, carried out in two centers for drug addiction treatment, by means of individual interviews. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) were used. Results One hundred and ten volunteers divided into abstinent users (group 1), alcoholics (group 2) and users of alcohol and illicit drugs (group 3). The substances were alcohol, tobacco, crack and marijuana. A higher presence of dual diagnosis in group 3 (71.8%) was observed, which decreased in group 2 (60%) and 37.1% of drug abstinent users had psychiatric disorder. Dual diagnosis was associated with the risk of suicide, suicide attempts and the practice of infractions. The crack consumption was associated with the occurrence of major depressive episode and antisocial personality disorder. Conclusion It was concluded that the illicit drug users had a higher presence of dual diagnosis showing the severity of this clinical condition. It is considered essential that this clinical reality is included in intervention strategies in order to decrease the negative effects of consumption of these substances and provide better quality of life for these people.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia - Especialidade em Psicologia Social


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Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Organizações e Trabalho)


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OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the in-hospital results, in progressively elderly patients who undergo primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the first 24 hours of AMI. METHODS: The patients were divided into three different age groups (60/69, 70/79, and > or = 80 years) and were treated from 7/95 until 12/99. The primary success rate and the occurrence of major clinical events were analyzed at the end of the in-hospital phase. Coronary stent implantation and abciximab use were employed at the intervencionist discretion. RESULTS: We analyzed 201 patients with age ranging from 60 to 93 years, who underwent primary PCI. Patients with ages above 70 were more often female (p=.015). Those with ages above 80 were treated later with PCI (p=.054), and all of them presented with total occlusion of the infarct-related artery. Coronary stents were implanted in 30% of the patients. Procedural success was lower in > or = 80 year old patients (p=.022), and the death rate was higher in > or = 70 years olds (p=.019). Reinfarction and coronary bypass surgery were uncommon events. A trend occurred toward a higher combined incidence of major in-hospital events according to increased age (p=.064). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients ( > or = 70 years) presented with adverse clinical and angiographic profiles and patients > or = 80 years of age obtained reduced TIMI 3 flow success rates after primary PTCA, and those > or = 70 years had a higher death rate.


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Observational studies have attributed a protective effect to alcohol consumption on the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Alcohol intake in the amount of one to two drinks per day results in an estimated 20-40% reduction in cardiovascular events. An additional protective effect, according to major cohort studies, has been attributed to wine, probably due to antioxidant effects and platelet antiaggregation agents. On the other hand, the influence of different patterns of alcohol consumption and environmental factors may explain a great part of the additional effect of wine. Protection may be mediated by modulation of other risk factors, because alcohol increases HDL-C, produces a biphasic response on blood pressure, and modulates the endothelial function, while it neither increases body weight nor impairs glucose-insulin homeostasis. Alcohol may also have a direct effect on atherogenesis. Despite these favorable effects, the current evidence is not enough to justify prescribing alcohol to prevent cardiovascular disease.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of diet and medication, either isolated or associated, on serum levels of uric acid in patients with hyperuricemia. METHODS: We studied patients from the Hypertension Unit of the University of Goias who had hyperuricemia (men > or = 8.5mg/dL and women > or = 7.5mg/dL). We divided the patients into three groups: G1 (low purine diet), G2 (low purine diet + medication), and G3 (medication only). Patients received allopurinol, 150mg/day titrated up to 300mg/dL when necessary. Patients were evaluated with regards to their lifestyles (diet, smoking, physical, activity, alcohol consumption), uric acid, blood pressure, use of medication, body mass index, cholesterol, and triglyceride. Follow-up took place in weeks 0 (M1), 6 (M2), 12 (M3) during the intervention and in week 36(M4) after the study was completed. RESULTS: Fifty-five patients participated in the study, 31 women, mean age 54.4±10.6 years, body mass index 28.6±3.9kg/m². A similar reduction (p<0.001) in uric acid levels occurred in the three intervention groups. In week 36 (M4), after 24 weeks without intervention, a tendency toward elevation of uricemia was noted in G2 and G3, and a continuous drop in uricemia was noted in G1. No significant modifications were observed in the other variables analyzed. CONCLUSION: Considering the cost x benefit relationship, a diet low in purine should be the 1st therapeutic option for controlling hyperuricemia in patients with similar characteristic to the ones presented in this study.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)


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OBJECTIVE - This analysis was undertaken to determine the composite incidence of cumulative adverse events (death, reinfarction, disabling stroke, and target vessel revascularization) at the end of the first year after acute myocardial infarction, in diabetic patients who underwent coronary stenting or primary coronary balloon angioplasty. METHODS - From the STENT PAMI trial, we analyzed the 6-month angiographic and 1-year clinical outcomes of 135 diabetic (112, noninsulin dependent) patients who underwent the randomization process of the trial and compared them with 758 nondiabetic patients. RESULTS - Coronary stenting did not significantly reduce the primary composite clinical end point when compared with PTCA (20 vs. 30%, p=0.2). A significant benefit from stenting was observed in patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes, with a trend toward a lesser need for new revascularization procedures (10 vs. 21%, p<.001), with a significant reduction in the primary composite clinical end point at 1 year (12 vs. 28%, p=. 04). At 6 months, the restenosis rate were significantly reduced only in nondiabetic patients (18 vs. 33%, p<. 001). Diabetic patients had the same restenosis rate (38%) either with stenting or balloon PTCA. CONCLUSIONS - Coronary Stenting in diabetics noninsulin dependent offered a significant reduction in the composite incidence of major clinical adverse events compared with balloon PTCA.


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Depressed and non-depressed mothers and their 3-month-old infants were videotaped during breastfeeding and bottlefeeding interactions. The videotapes were subsequently coded for a number of feeding interaction behaviors as well as being rated on the Interaction Rating Scales. No differences were noted between the depressed and non-depressed mothers. Several breastfeeding versus bottlefeeding group effects were observed. The breastfeeding mothers showed less burping and less intrusive behavior during the nipple-in periods as well as during the nipple-out periods. In addition, the breastfeeding mothers and their infants received better ratings on the Interaction Rating Scales. These data suggest that the depressed mothers and their infants not unlike the non-depressed mothers and their infants were benefited by breastfeeding.


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The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationships between prenatal serotonin levels and other biochemical values during pregnancy as well as their relationships to neonatal biochemical and behavioral variables. To address that question, the pregnant women were divided into the top and bottom tertiles based on their serotonin levels at 20 weeks gestational age.


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Los efectos teratológicos de la exposición etílica durante el desarrollo embrionario y fetal han sido reconocidos y sistematizados a nivel diagnóstico desde 1973. Entre los principales efectos derivados de exposición etílica prenatal se cuentan: retraso en el crecimiento pre y postnatal, malformaciones faciales, anormalidades en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso central, deficiencias atencionales e hiperactividad. El consumo de alcohol durante la gestación es considerado como la primera causa prevenible de retraso mental en el mundo occidental. El período de lactancia representa otra fuente potencial de exposición etílica. (...) El objetivo general de este equipo de investigación se centra en el análisis de las consecuencias de una experiencia temprana con etanol sobre la posterior reactividad prenatal e infantil hacia la droga y/o sobre posteriores patrones de detección, discriminación e ingesta de alcohol. (...) (...) Este proyecto se subdivide en tres líneas de investigación. La primera de ellas contempla el análisis de capacidades de aprendizaje asociativo en el feto de rata a término. Específicamente se indagará sobre la asociabilidad entre las claves quimiosensoriales alojadas en el líquido amniótico y el estado de intoxicación aguda fetal generado por la administración intragástrica de dosis moderadas de alcohol a nivel materno. La retención de este proceso asociativo y/o de memorias relativas a atributos orosensoriales del fármaco y de eventuales estímulos condicionales se realizará postnatalmente mediante esquemas de habituación y deshabituación comportamental frente a dichas claves. Una segunda línea de estudios contempla el análisis de cambios en la reactividad infantil frente al etanol en función de la exposición crónica al psicotrópico cuando el mismo se encuentra presente en el contenido lácteo materno. El estudio ahonda en el establecimiento de memorias específicas respecto al fármaco y la posible modulación de las mismas a través de la disrupción de la conducta materna por el estado de intoxicación etílico. Finalmente el proyecto estipula la continuidad de investigaciones en referencia a la acción disruptiva del etanol sobre el aprendizaje asociativo infantil. El estudio sugerido se centra sobre la posibilidad de reactivar memorias afectadas por el estado tóxico del infante en el momento de evocación de las mismas. Se pretende generar un cuerpo de información conducente a establecer si el estado tóxico altera el proceso evocativo por aristas hedónicas específicas de dicho estado que compitan con el aprendizaje original.


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El proyecto se genera a partir de estudios previos realizados en este laboratorio en relación con la interacción alcohol-ontogenia temprana. El plan ha sido concebido a fin de aportar información acerca de: a) procesamiento fetal de claves orosensoriales de estímulos biológicos prenatales (líquido amniótico) y de similar estímulo contaminado con etanol. Incluye esta línea el análisis de capacidades reforzantes del psicotrópico en función de la experiencia intrauterina con el agente tóxico; b) efectos de la intoxicación aguda con alcohol sobre aprendizajes asociativos durante el transcurso ontogenético. Esta línea encuentra su origen en estudios previos que sugieren efectos diferenciales en el desarrollo del organismo. Cuatro trabajos básicos han sido programados con la finalidad de especificar posibles mecanismos que subyacen a déficits en la consolidación y/o evocación de información adquirida bajo el estado tóxico en infantes y periadolescentes; c) modulación de la reactividad y apetencia etílica a través de procesos de lactancia con el contaminante etílico. Estudios de éste y otros laboratorios sugieren la discriminación del alcohol por parte del infante cuando la droga contamina la leche materna. Estudios dosis-respuesta han sido diseñados para la determinación de distribución del fármaco en el nutriente infantil, percepción del lactante y efectos sobre patrones de reconocimiento y aceptación posterior del alcohol. Las tres líneas de trabajo se articulan sobre la necesidad de comprender efectos y mecanismos originados por el temprano contacto con el alcohol.