892 resultados para analytic
Teaching the measurement of blood pressure for both nursing and public health nursing students The purpose of this two-phase study was to develop the teaching of blood pressure measurement within the nursing degree programmes of the Universities of Applied Sciences. The first survey phase described what and how blood pressure measurement was taught within nursing degree programmes. The second intervention phase (2004-2005) evaluated first academic year nursing and public health nursing students’ knowledge and skills results for blood pressure measurement. Additionally, the effect on the Taitoviikko experimental group students’ blood pressure measurement knowledge and skills level. A further objective was to construct models for an instrument (RRmittTest) to evaluate nursing students measurement of blood pressure (2003-2009). The research data for the survey phase were collected from teachers (total sampling, N=107, response rate 77%) using a specially developed RRmittopetus-questionnaire. Quasi-experimental study data on the RRmittTest-instrument was collected from students (purposive sampling, experimental group, n=29, control group, n=44). The RRmittTest consisted of a test of knowledge (Tietotesti) and simulation-based test (TaitoSimkäsi and Taitovideo) of skills. Measurements were made immediately after the teaching and in clinical practice. Statistical methods were used to analyse the results and responses to open-ended questions were organised and classified. Due to the small amount of materials involved and the results of distribution tests of the variables, non-parametric analytic methods were mainly used. Experimental group and control group similar knowledge and skills teaching was based on the results of the national survey phase (RRmittopetus) questionnaire results. Experimental group teaching includes the supervised Taitoviikko teaching method. During Taitoviikko students studied blood pressure measurement at the municipal hospital in a real nursing environment, guided by a teacher and a clinical nursing professional. In order to evaluate both learning and teaching the processes and components of blood pressure measurement were clearly defined as follows: the reliability of measurement instruments, activities preceding blood pressure measurement, technical execution of the measurement, recording, lifestyle guidance and measurement at home (self-monitoring). According to the survey study, blood pressure measurement is most often taught at Universities of Applied Sciences, separately, as knowledge (teaching of theory, 2 hours) and skills (classroom practice, 4 hours). The teaching was implemented largely in a classroom and was based mainly on a textbook. In the intervention phase the students had good knowledge of blood pressure measurement. However, their blood pressure measurement skills were deficient and the control group students, in particular, were highly deficient. Following in clinical practice the experimental group and control group students’ blood pressure measurement recording knowledge improve and experimental groups declined lifestyle guidance. Skills did not improve within any of the components analysed. The control groups` skills on the whole, declined statistically.There was a significant decline amongst the experimental group although only in one component measured. The results describe the learning results for first academic year students and no parallel conclusions should be drawn when considering any learning results for graduating students. The results support the use and further development of the Taitoviiko teaching method. The RRmittTest developed for the study should be assessed and the results seen from a negative perspective. This evaluation tool needs to be developed and retested.
The objective of this thesis is to examine the factors that have an impact on the location decision of new manufacturing site and to create the relative order of importance of these factors by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The decision making process especially related to the location selection and the measurement of the location factors are also examined. In theoretical part the character of decision making process and the relevant methods are introduced. Based on the previous studies of other researchers, the location factors are examined and the main research method, analytic hierarchy process, is also introduced. The empirical part of the study mainly follows the phases of decision making process and is emphasized on the main stages of analytic hierarchy process; building the hierarchy, defining the priorities and analyzing the results. The hierarchy is constructed from seven main criteria which all have several sub criteria. The evaluation of the hierarchy is implemented at the group decision making –laboratory and there can be seen significant differences between the importance of criteria. The final stage in the study is to create the appropriate measurement scales to the chosen criteria.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjaukseen sovellettujen tietojärjestelmien nykytilaa ja pyrkiä tunnistamaan siinä vaikuttavia, kehittämistä vaativia kohteita. Nykytilan kartoituksen perusteella työssä oli määrä laatia vertailu liiketoiminnan ohjaamiseen soveltuvien vaihtoehtoisten järjestelmäratkaisuiden välillä. Perusteellisen selvitystyön ja vaihtoehtojen vertailun avulla pyrittiin tuottamaan päätöksentekoa helpottavaa materiaalia kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmäratkaisun valinnan tueksi. Keskeisimpinä menetelminä tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin asiakaskeskeistä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönottomenetelmää C-CEI:tä sekä analyyttistä hierarkiaprosessia AHP:tä. Tutkimuksen perusteella havaittiin, että onnistunut tietojärjestelmäratkaisun valinta edellyttää perusteellista liiketoiminnan nykytilan selvitystä. Yritysten on myös tärkeää tiedostaa, että tällaisiin monikriteerisiin ja hankaliin päätöksentekotilanteisiin on olemassa useita erilaisia päätöksenteon tukimenetelmiä, joiden avulla päätöksenteon ongelmaa kyetään selkeyttämään ja siten helpottamaan ratkaisun löytämistä.
The amount of installed wind power has been growing exponentially during the past ten years. As wind turbines have become a significant source of electrical energy, the interactions between the turbines and the electric power network need to be studied more thoroughly than before. Especially, the behavior of the turbines in fault situations is of prime importance; simply disconnecting all wind turbines from the network during a voltage drop is no longer acceptable, since this would contribute to a total network collapse. These requirements have been a contributor to the increased role of simulations in the study and design of the electric drive train of a wind turbine. When planning a wind power investment, the selection of the site and the turbine are crucial for the economic feasibility of the installation. Economic feasibility, on the other hand, is the factor that determines whether or not investment in wind power will continue, contributing to green electricity production and reduction of emissions. In the selection of the installation site and the turbine (siting and site matching), the properties of the electric drive train of the planned turbine have so far been generally not been taken into account. Additionally, although the loss minimization of some of the individual components of the drive train has been studied, the drive train as a whole has received less attention. Furthermore, as a wind turbine will typically operate at a power level lower than the nominal most of the time, efficiency analysis in the nominal operating point is not sufficient. This doctoral dissertation attempts to combine the two aforementioned areas of interest by studying the applicability of time domain simulations in the analysis of the economicfeasibility of a wind turbine. The utilization of a general-purpose time domain simulator, otherwise applied to the study of network interactions and control systems, in the economic analysis of the wind energy conversion system is studied. The main benefits of the simulation-based method over traditional methods based on analytic calculation of losses include the ability to reuse and recombine existing models, the ability to analyze interactions between the components and subsystems in the electric drive train (something which is impossible when considering different subsystems as independent blocks, as is commonly done in theanalytical calculation of efficiencies), the ability to analyze in a rather straightforward manner the effect of selections other than physical components, for example control algorithms, and the ability to verify assumptions of the effects of a particular design change on the efficiency of the whole system. Based on the work, it can be concluded that differences between two configurations can be seen in the economic performance with only minor modifications to the simulation models used in the network interaction and control method study. This eliminates the need ofdeveloping analytic expressions for losses and enables the study of the system as a whole instead of modeling it as series connection of independent blocks with no lossinterdependencies. Three example cases (site matching, component selection, control principle selection) are provided to illustrate the usage of the approach and analyze its performance.
Modular drivers cover the entire product life cycle and when the most important modular drivers are known, it is possible to focus on the most essential areas in modularization. Modular drivers are helpful while planning modularization, selecting modules to manufacture and evaluating the success of the modularization. When the modules are formed based on the modular drivers it is also possible to develop production processes according to the requirements of a certain module. The objective of the Master’s Thesis was to organize the modular drivers based on the weightings in order to make the modularization process easier. The phases to find the most important module drivers were formed based on the existing literature and background material from the company. During the Master’s Thesis project the weights of the modular drivers were determined according to the requirements of customers, product development and manufacturing. The requirements were established by a questionnaire and the weights for the requirements were selected in an interview using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The modular drivers were compared pairwise by the view point of the requirements of certain group. When the results of the three groups were integrated, the weights of the modular drivers were found and it was possible to select the most important drivers.
This is a study about language and learning aspects in the interaction between pupils and teachers in classrooms, where the majority of the pupils are bilingual. The aim of the dissertation is to develop the understanding of interactional learning possibilities and constraints in relation to a bilingual context. Language related learning is used as an overall conception which covers learning related to classroom discourse, language and subject. The empirical study has been made in a Swedish speaking school in a strongly Finnish dominated environment in the south of Finland. In the material, mainly consisting of video recorded lessons in forms one to three, the interaction between the pupils and the teachers is analysed. Building on a social constructionist perspective, where learning is regarded as a social phenomenon, situated and visible in changing participation, sequences where pupils or teachers make the language relevant are emphasised. The sequences are analysed in line with the conversation analytic (CA) approach. A fundamental result is an understanding of a monolingual classroom discourse, jointly constructed by teachers and pupils and visible in the pupils' interactionally problematized code-switching. This means that the pupils are not victims of a top-driven language policy; they are active co-constructors of the monolingual discourse. Through different repair initiations the pupils are doing interactional work in positioning themselves correctly in the monolingual discourse, which they simultaneously maintain. This work has a price in relation to time, knowledge and exactness. The pupils' problematized code-switching is often directly and shortly repaired by the teachers. This kind of repair promotes the pupils' participation and is not, as opposed to the results of research in everyday talk, dispreferred in pupil-teacher talk. When the pupils use the possibility to, in a comparatively easy way, participate and thus express their knowledge through codeswitching, and simultaneously talk a monolingual discourse into being, the teacher can, through direct repair, show an understanding in regard to the content, facilitate language learning and simultaneously confirm the pupils as competent speakers and bilingual individuals. Furthermore, significant results show that the monolingual norm has a function of a contrasting background which gives the pupils and the teachers a possibility to use language alternation as a functional and meaningful activity. The pupils use codeswitching as a way of protesting or expressing non-participation in the classroom talk. By making the pupils' bilingualism relevant, the teachers express understanding and empathy and encourage the pupils' participation in the classroom talk. Bilingualism is a nonpreferred, but functioning, resource in the interaction between pupils and teachers.
Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan mallintamista ja mittaamista osana liiketoimintaproses-sien parantamista, sekä näiden asioiden kuvaamista soveltuvalla työkalulla. Ensin esitetään teoreettinen viitekehys siihen, kuinka prosesseja voidaan mitata ja mal-lintaa. Sitten raportoidaan käytännössä suoritettu kehitystyö, jolle on määritetty lähtö- ja tavoitetila. Työn onnistumista mitataan johtajahaastatteluin ja saatuja tuloksia verrataan teoriaan. Tutkimuksessa yhdistettiin analyyttinen mallinrakennus, tieteellinen ongelman-ratkaisutoiminta sekä konsultointi tarkoituksena saada aikaan kohde organisaati-olle sopiva konstruktio esitettyyn ongelmaan. Johtajahaastattelut analysoitiin ja suoritettiin kvalitatiivinen tarveanalyysi. Haastatteluja täydennettiin muulla kerä-tyllä aineistolla ja analyysin tarkkuutta pyritään kasvattamaan eri lähdeaineistojen ristivertailuilla. Yrityksissä on niin liiketoiminnalle elintärkeitä ydinprosesseja kuin niitä tukevia tukiprosessejakin. Niiden toiminta perustuu ennalta suunniteltuihin ja uudelleen-käytettäviin menetelmiin. Prosessit tulee sopeuttaa yrityksen arkkitehtuuriin ja niitä on jatkuvasti kehitettävä. Kehittäminen voidaan toteuttaa suurilla kertamuu-toksilla, jatkuvalla laadun parantamisella tai niiden yhdistelmänä. Mallintamisella ja mittaamisella on tärkeä tehtävä liiketoimintaprosessien kehit-tämisessä. Niiden avulla voidaan helpottaa erityisesti prosessien suunnittelua luomalla konkreettisia malleja ja mittareita prosesseista. Toteutuksessa käytettiin prototyyppilähestymistapaa ja työn onnistumista arvioivat yhtiön johtajat. Tutki-muksen tuloksia ovat eri tason prosessimallit, joiden luomisessa käytettiin eri mallintamistekniikoita, sekä mittaristot mittaamaan yrityksen tuottavuutta ja te-hokkuutta.
In this article I intend to show that certain aspects of A.N. Whitehead's philosophy of organism and especially his epochal theory of time, as mainly exposed in his well-known work Process and Reality, can serve in clarify the underlying assumptions that shape nonstandard mathematical theories as such and also as metatheories of quantum mechanics. Concerning the latter issue, I point to an already significant research on nonstandard versions of quantum mechanics; two of these approaches are chosen to be critically presented in relation to the scope of this work. The main point of the paper is that, insofar as we can refer a nonstandard mathematical entity to a kind of axiomatical formalization essentially 'codifying' an underlying mental process indescribable as such by analytic means, we can possibly apply certain principles of Whitehead's metaphysical scheme focused on the key notion of process which is generally conceived as the becoming of actual entities. This is done in the sense of a unifying approach to provide an interpretation of nonstandard mathematical theories as such and also, in their metatheoretical status, as a formalization of the empirical-experimental context of quantum mechanics.
O Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça (PECF) está localizado entre os municípios de Alegre e Ibitirama, no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, possuindo área aproximada de 162,50 hectares. Levando-se em consideração a importância ambiental do PECF para o Estado do Espírito Santo, a necessidade de proteção dos ecossistemas da Mata Atlântica e suas formações associadas, bem como o aprimoramento das técnicas de gestão, este trabalho teve por objetivo propor subsídios aos gestores, através da geração de um mapa de adequabilidade com áreas prioritárias ao uso público, utilizando análise multicritério e lógica fuzzy. Os materiais utilizados foram: Ortofoto do ES, mapa de curvas de nível obtido do Geobases e para coleta de dados em campo utilizou-se GPS diferencial. Os fatores relevantes para avaliação dos aspectos relacionados ao ecoturismo que foram utilizados para produzir os mapas de adequabilidade, seguindo uma ordem de prioridade estabelecida pelo método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) foram: fator cachoeira, uso dos solos, massa de água (contendo os rios), trilhas, locais de acessos, estruturas e declividade. Após a combinação dos fatores, foi gerado o mapa de adequabilidade para uso público, com superfície de adequabilidade mostrando a aptidão e representando o zoneamento da área do PECF para o objetivo proposto. A partir do zoneamento da Unidade de Conservação foi possível mostrar as áreas com diferentes graus de aptidão ao ecoturismo de acordo com suas distâncias da cachoeira, trilhas, e da área de Mata Atlântica.
This study focuses on work commitment creation on rhetorical level, that is to say, the rhetorical and linguistic means that are used to construct or elicit worker commitment. The commitment of the worker is one of the most important objectives of all business communication. There is a strong demand for commitment, identification, or adherence to work in various walks of life, although the actual circumstances are often somewhat insecure and shortsighted. The analysis demonstrates that the actual object of commitment may vary from work itself or work organization to one’s career or professional development. The ideal pattern for commitment appears as comprehensive: it contains affective and rational as well as ideological dimensions. This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis, or rhetorical analysis with discourse-analytic influences. Primarily it is a rhetorical analysis in which discourses are observed mainly as tools of a rhetorician. The study also draws on various findings of sociology of work and organizational studies. Research material consists of magazines from three and web pages from six different companies. This study explores repeated discourses in commitment rhetoric, mainly through pointing core concepts and recurrent patterns of argumentation. In this analysis section, a semantic and concept-analytic approach is also employed. Companies talk about ideas, values, feelings and attitudes thus constructing a united and unanimous group and an ideal model of commitment. Probably the most important domain of commitment rhetoric is the construction of group and community. Collective identity is constructed through shared meanings, values and goals, and these rhetorical group constructs that can be used and modified in various ways. Every now and then business communication also focuses on the individual, employing different speakers, positions and discourses associated to them. Constructing and using these positions also paints the picture of an ideal worker and ideal work orientation. For example, the so called entrepreneurship model is frequently used here. Commitment talk and the rhetorical situation it constructs are full of tensions and contradictions; the presence of seemingly contradictory values, goals or identities is constant. This study demonstrates tensions like self-fulfilment and individuality versus conformity, and constant change and development versus dependable establishment, and analyses how they are used, processed and dealt with. An important dimension in commitment rhetoric is the way companies define themselves in respect of current social issues, and how they define themselves as responsible social actors, and how they, in this sense, seek to appear as attractive workplaces. This point of view gives rise to problematic questions as companies process the tensions between, for example, rhetoric and action, ethical ideals and business conditions and so on. For its part, the commitment talk also defines the meaning of waged work in human life. Changing society, changing working life, and changing business environments set new claims and standards for workers and contents of work. In this point of view this research contributes to the study of working life and takes part in current public discussion concerning the meaning, role and future of waged work.
This research aimed to compare two female broiler breeder ages during the incubation period regarding management using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP). This method is characterized by the possibility of analyzing a multicriteria problem and assists a decision making. This study was carried out on a commercial hatchery located in São Paulo, Brazil. Two ages of broiler breeder (42 and 56 weeks) were compared relative to production rate. Production index data were the same in both ages and were submitted to multicriteria decision analysis using the AHP method. The results indicate that broiler breeders of 42 weeks presented better performance than those of 56 week-old. The setter phase (incubation) is more critical than the hatcher. The AHP method was efficient for this analysis and can serve as a methodological basis for future studies to improve the hatchability of broilers eggs.
The adoption of a proper traceability system is being incorporated into meat production practices as a method of gaining consumer confidence. The various partners operating in the chain of meat production can be considered a social network, and they have the common goal of generating a communication process that can ensure each characteristic of the product, including safety. This study aimed to select the most appropriate meat traceability system “from farm to fork” that could be applied to Brazilian beef and pork production for international trade. The research was done in three steps. The first used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the best on-farm livestock traceability. In the second step, the actors in the meat production chain were identified to build a framework and defined each role in the network. In the third step, the selection of the traceability system was done. Results indicated that with an electronic traceability system, it is possible to acquire better connections between the links in the chain and to provide the means for managing uncertainties by creating structures that facilitate information flow more efficiently.
With information technology (IT) playing an increasing important role in driving the business, the value of IT investment is often challenged because not all of those investment decisions are made in a reasonable way or aligned with business strategies. IT investment portfolio management (PfM) is an effective way to prioritize and select the right IT projects to invest in, by taking all the project proposals into consideration as a whole, based on their business value, risks, costs, and interrelationships. There are different decision models to prioritise projects, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most commonly-used methods and is discussed in this master thesis. At the same time, there are IT projects on different levels for a multinational company, from global to local. For instance, many of them are probably proposed by joint ventures on local level. In the oil & gas industry, joint ventures are often formed especially in the area of the upstream (exploration & production). How to involve those projects into the IT investment PfM approach of the parent company is a challenge, because the parent company cannot make the decisions on its own. It needs to prioritize all projects in an adequate way, communicate with JVs and influence them. Also, different control levels on JVs need to be considered. This paper hence attempts to introduce a tailored approach of IT investment PfM for a multinational oil & gas company to address the issues around JVs.
Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana Logproof-tutkimushanketta, joka keskittyy häiriöttömyyden hallintaan logistisissa monitoimijaverkostoissa. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää logistiikkaintensiivisten yritysten tarpeita kuljetusten häiriöiden analysoinnin ja hallinnan kehittämiseksi ja siten ennakoivan riskienhallinnan edistämiseksi. Asiakastarvetietoa on kerätty hyödyntäen puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja ja tietoa on analysoitu käyttäen hyväksi sisällönanalyysiä sekä tulkintataulukkoa. Kiinnostus kuljetusten häiriöitä ja niiden analysointia kohtaan on kasvamassa ja yrityksissä tiedostetaan hallintajärjestelmien ja analysoinnin tarve tulevaisuudessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja asiakastarpeiden kartoituksen avulla työssä on selvitetty yritysten nykytilaa kuljetusten häiriöiden hallinnan ja analysoinnin osalta ja tarkasteltu mahdollisia tulevaisuuden kehityssuuntia analysoimalla asiakkaiden näkyviä ja piileviä tarpeita. Työssä on edellisten lisäksi tarkasteltu, kuinka havaitut asiakastarpeet ovat sovitettavissa yhteen case-yrityksen, Oy Lars Krogius Ab:n, ARS (Analytic Rou-ting Solution) -palvelun ominaispiirteiden kanssa. Työ tarjoaa tarvetietoa palvelun tulevaisuuden kehitykselle.
This thesis examines customer value creation in a service ecosystem context. The objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive view of value creation processes in a service ecosystem context and an understanding on the roles of the stakeholders involved in these processes, focusing on the information technology industry. The novelty of the two central concepts of this thesis, systemic customer value and service ecosystem, as well as the gap in the literature of empirical research on value creation in an ecosystem-level, opened an interesting research topic. The empirical study is conducted as a single case analysis, utilizing Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and also Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The findings suggest that customer value is created by a complex combination of interactions among different actors of the ecosystem. Thus, value is not created by a single offering directed to the customer, but by an integration of services from different parts of the ecosystem as well as the active participation of customer in this process.