923 resultados para alliance capability
Gesundheitliches Wohlergehen geht unmittelbar auf das aktive Zutun von Personen und Kollektiven zurück. Zugleich wird gesundheitsrelevantes Handeln nur unter der Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen physischen und sozialen Kontexte zu verstehen und zu beeinflussen sein. Dementsprechend wird hier eine Ausrichtung der modernen Gesundheitsforderung auf die gesundheitsrelevanten Ressourcen und Handlungsspielräume der Menschen vorgeschlagen. Hierfür sind theoretische Grundlagen erforderlich, die die Fragen der sozialen Ungleichheit mit den praktischen Zugängen des Empowerment und der Partizipation schlüssig verbinden. Die Autoren stellen dazu den Capability-Approach (CA) von Amartya Sen vor und ergänzsa diesen mit Erkenntnissen aus der Kapital-Interaktionstheorie von Pierre Bourdieu. Beide Ansätze beleuchten Grundfragen der sozialen Ungleichheit und können mit den Leitkonzepten der Ottawa-Charta fruchtbar verbunden werden. Sie liefern damit auch Anleitungen für neue Forschungsrichtungen zur Untersuchung der komplexen Wechselwirkungen von sozialen Kontexten und gesundheitsrelevantem Handeln.
Switzerland and Austria are committed to addressing sustainable mountain development in Europe through a joint effort. In June 2013, more than 140 researchers as well as representatives of the 2 countries' funding ministries participated in the “Mountain Days” event in Mittersill, Austria, thereby marking the official launch of the Swiss-Austrian Alliance. The resulting Mittersill Commitment Paper highlights 8 research areas and calls for international cooperation between mountain researchers, institutions, and governments.
Objectives: The purpose of this meta analysis was to examine the moderating impact of substance use disorder as inclusion/exclusion criterion as well as the percentage of racial/ethnic minorities on the strength of the alliance-outcome relationship in psychotherapy. It was hypothesized that the presence of a dsm axis i substance use disorders as a criterion and the presence of racial/ethnic minority as a psychosocial indicator are confounded client factors reducing the relationship between alliance and outcome. Methods: A random effects restricted maximum-likelihood estimator was used for omnibus and moderator models (k = 94). results: the presence of (a) substance use disorder and, (b) racial/ethnic minorities (overall and specific to african americans) partially moderated the alliance-outcome correlation. The percentage of substance use disorders and racial/ethnic minority status was highly correlated. Conclusions: Socio-cultural contextual variables should be considered along with dsm axis i diagnosis of substance use disorders in analyzing and interpreting mechanisms of change.
Family preservation is generally viewed in terms of a rather narrow practice definition. However, it's underlying philosophy offers a strong framework for building a positive, nonbiased helping alliance with lesbian clients in a therapeutic setting. The family preservation philosophy offers a unique heuristic for helping professionals to work with lesbians. Family preservation values teach that the therapist must start with the client's reality, recognize the particular needs of that client, and use the client's strengths in treatment. Also inherent in this perspective is respect and sensitivity to the lesbian client's "cultural context, experience, and history" (Family Preservation Institute, 1995). In other words, in the family preservation philosophy there is no assumption of heterosexuality in the therapeutic relationship; rather there is an assumption of unconditional positive regard. Further, clients are engaged in a dialogue and encouraged to name the challenges they encounter in their own words, from their own perspective. All of these principles will help empower lesbian clients. Lesbians may avoid traditional mental health services in times of need, preferring to depend on alternative services or friendship support networks. The choice not to seek help through mainstream agencies may be based on previous negative experience or on an assumption of the homophobic attitudes which are often inherent in such services. Traditional services are usually based on the medical model. Services based on the family preservation philosophy, however, have the capability of creating therapeutic relationships in which there is no assumption of heterosexuality, where the lesbian client is respected and viewed as a whole, healthy individual.
Currently, dramatic changes are happening in the IS development industry. The incumbent system developers (hubs) are embracing partnerships with less well established companies (spokes), acting in specific niches. This paper seeks to establish a better understanding of the motives for this strategy. Relying on existing work on strategic alliance formation, it is argued that partnering is particularly attractive, if these small companies possess certain capabilities that are difficult to obtain through other arrangements than partnering. Again drawing on the literature, three categories of capabilities are identified: the capability to innovate within their niche, the capability to provide a specific functionality that can be integrated with the incumbents’ systems, and the capability to address novel markets. These factors are analyzed through a case study. The case represents a market leader in the global IS development industry, which fosters a network of smaller partner firms. The study reveals that temporal dynamics between the identified factors are playing a dominant role in these networks. A cyclical partnership model is developed that attempts to explain the life cycle of a partnership within such a network.