946 resultados para Yttria Stabilized Zirconia


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Tutkimuksessa keskitytään tutkimaan kuluttamista elämäntavan ja identiteetin muovaajana yhden yksilön elämän kautta. Kuluttamista tutkitaan statuskuluttamisen (conspicious consumption), tilallisuuden ja sukupuolihistorian käsitteistöä hyväksi käyttäen. Tutkimuksen lähteinä on käytetty liikekirjeitä ja tilikirjoja, yksityistä kirjeenvaihtoa, päiväkirjoja ja sanomalehtiä sekä aikalaismuistelmia. Naista lähdemateriaaleista on koottu sekä tilastollista aineistoa että kvalitatiivista, lähilukuun ja mikrohistorialliseen tutkimusotteeseen nojautuvaa tutkimusta. Tutkimus alkaa vuodesta 1799 ja päättyy 1830-luvulle, jolloin seuraava sukupolvi otti vastuun liiketoimista ja lähdeaineistossa tapahtui muutoksia kuluttamisen kirjaamisen suhteen. Tutkimuksen keskeiset käsitteet ovat statuskuluttaminen ja identiteetti. Näitä käsitteitä lähestytään Thorstein Veblenin, Norbert Eliaksen ja Pierre Bourdieun tutkimuksia apuna käyttäen. Tutkimus käsittelee erottautumisen ja jäljittelyn tematiikkaa merkittävimpänä kuluttamisen motivaattoreina. Lisaksi tutkimus nostaa esille hyvän maun ja muodinmukaisuuden kulutusvalintojen taustalla. Statuskuluttaminen kytkeytyy sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen. Kuluttamisen kohteet ovat esineitä ja asioita, joita pidetään esillä seurapiireissä. Kuluttaminen tapahtuu seuraelämän ehdoilla, sen mukavoittamiseksi, aseman osoittamiseksi seurapiireissä tai sosiaalisen paineen vuoksi. Tutkimus osoittaa kotitalouden merkityksen kuluttamisen paikkana ja kohteena. Tutkimus myös osoittaa naisten toimintakentän olleen kytköksissä kotitalouden asemaan yhteisössään sekä osoittaa, että sukupuolta pitää tarkastella suhteessa yksilön sosiaaliseen asemaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Marie Hackmanin kuluttaminen muuttui ikääntymisen myötä. Aseman osoittaminen oli merkittävämpää nuorena ja aseman ollessa vielä vakiintumattomampi.


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A novel, rapid and cost-effective trifluoperazine dihydrochloride (TFPH) decolorization assay is described for the screening of antioxidant activity. A chromogenic reaction between TFPH and potassium persulfate at low pH produces an orange-red radical cation with maximum absorption at 502 nm in its first-order derivative spectrum. TFPH was dissolved in distilled water to give a 100 mM solution. The TFPH radical cation solution was made by reacting 0.5 mL of the solution with K2S2O8 (final concentration: 0.1 mM) and diluting to 100 mL with 4 M H2SO4 solution. A linear inhibition of color production was observed with linearly increasing amounts of antioxidants, with correlation coefficients (R²) ranging from 0.999 to 0.983. The antioxidant capacity of standard solutions of an antioxidant was evaluated by comparing with the inhibition curve using Trolox as the standard. Comparison of antioxidant capacity determined with this newly developed TFPH assay and with the well-known 2,2'-azinobis-[3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid] (ABTS)-persulfate decolorization assay indicated the efficacy and sensitivity of the procedure. The proposed assay is less expensive (costs about US$4 per 100 assays) and requires only 20 min for preparation of radical cation solution in comparison with ABTS assay, in which almost 12-16 h are required for preparation of a stable ABTS radical cation solution. The present assay has the advantage over ABTS assay that it can be used to measure the antioxidant activity of the samples, which are naturally found at a pH as low as 1, because the radical cation itself has been stabilized at low pH.


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Experimental data and few clinical non-randomized studies have shown that inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) associated or not with the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) could delay or even halt the progression of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). In this retrospective historical study, we investigated whether ACE inhibition (ACEI) associated or not with the use of MMF has the same effect in humans as in experimental studies and what factors are associated with a clinical response. A total of 160 transplant patients with biopsy-proven CAN were enrolled. Eighty-one of them were on ACE therapy (G1) and 80 on ACEI_free therapy (G2). Patients were further stratified for the use of MMF. G1 patients showed a marked decrease in proteinuria and stabilized serum creatinine with time. Five-year graft survival after CAN diagnosis was more frequent in G1 (86.9 vs 67.7%; P < 0.05). In patients on ACEI-free therapy, the use of MMF was associated with better graft survival. The use of ACEI therapy protected 79% of the patients against graft loss (OR = 0.079, 95%CI = 0.015-0.426; P = 0.003). ACEI and MMF or the use of MMF alone after CAN diagnosis conferred protection against graft loss. This finding is well correlated with experimental studies in which ACEI and MMF interrupt the progression of chronic allograft dysfunction and injury. The use of ACEI alone or in combination with MMF significantly reduced proteinuria and stabilized serum creatinine, consequently improving renal allograft survival.


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Bauksiittijäte on alumiinin jalostuksessa syntyvä sivutuote, jonka alkalisuus on riski lähiympäristön ekosysteemeille. Alkalisuuden aiheuttamaan riskiin etsittiin ratkaisua perehtymällä bauksiittijätteen käsittelyyn. Kandidaatintyössä esitettiin eri menetelmiä bauksiittijätteen neutraloimiseksi, stabiloimiseksi ja varastoimiseksi. Menetelmien periaatteet määritettiin kirjallisuudesta löytyvien tutkimusten pohjalta, joiden perusteella voitiin määrittää toimivimmat menetelmät bauksiittijätteen käsittelemiseksi. Käytännöllisimmiksi käsittelymenetelmiksi osoittautuivat meriveden ja/tai hiilidioksidin lisääminen bauksiittijätteeseen sen neutraloimiseksi. Bauksiittijätteen stabiloimiseksi siihen tulee lisätä kiinteää materiaalia, kuten kalkkia, kiintoainepitoisuuden nostamiseksi sekä kovettuvien yhdisteiden muodostumiseksi.


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The role of central banks throughout the global financial system has become even more important during and after the events of the financial crisis. In order to stabilize the market conditions and provide solid ground for future development, the central banks use discount rate as their primary monetary policy tool in many developed and emerging economies. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the relationship between central bank rates and corresponding interbank rates has developed before, during and after the crisis period of 2007-2009 in five developed countries and five emerging market countries. The results indicate that during the before-crisis period the interest rate markets reacted diversely but the joint recovery attempts of global economies seem to have stabilized the reactions during and especially after the crisis. The crisis also seems to have highlighted the characteristics of each country’s survival strategy as the role of other policy instruments arose.


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Suomen sisällissotaan osallistui vuonna 1918 naisia molemmin puolin rintamaa erilaisissa tehtävissä. Taisteluiden jälkeen yli 5500 punaista naista joutui valtiorikosoikeuteen syytettynä valtiopetoksellisesta toiminnasta. Ne noin 2000 naista, jotka palvelivat punakaartissa aseistettuina, ovat pitkään hallinneet sitä kuvaa, joka suomalaisilla on ollut punaisista naisista. Sen sijaan on tiedetty hyvin vähän niistä naisista, joiden valkoiset katsoivat edistäneen valtiopetosta muilla keinoilla. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millaisia olivat Porin seudulla ne kapinasta syytetyt naiset, jotka eivät olleet tarttuneet aseisiin ja mikä oli heidän myöhempi kohtalonsa. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa tutkitaan valtiorikosoikeuteen joutuneiden naisten taustaa, toimintaa sota-aikana ja tästä aiheutuneita välittömiä seuraamuksia. Millaisia henkilöitä päätyi valtiorikosoikeuden eteen tuomittavaksi? Millaisissa tehtävissä he olivat sota-aikana toimineet ja miksi? Mitkä seikat olivat oikeudessa raskauttavia, kun valtiorikostuomioita jaettiin? Työn jälkimmäisessä osassa tutkitaan, mitä punaisille naisille tapahtui sodan jälkeen ja miksi näin kävi. Sisällissodan jälkeistä maailmaa hahmotetaan etsimällä vastauksia seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Millainen oli se yhteiskunnassa vallinnut ajan henki, jonka vaikutuspiiriin naiset valtiorikosoikeudesta ja vankilasta palasivat? Miten yhteisö otti heidät vastaan? Miten heihin suhtauduttiin työmarkkinoilla? Miten käsiteltiin punaisia leskiä ja orpoja? Mitä punaisilta odotettiin kansalaisina ja miten heistä pyrittiin muokkaamaan yhteiskuntakelpoisia? Miten poliittisen elämän uudelleenvirittely onnistui ja kiinnostiko se enää näitä naisia? Miten suomalaisen yhteiskunnan muuttuessa myös sen suhtautuminen punaisiin muuttui? Millaisilla toimilla valtiovalta pyrki eri vaiheissa yhtenäistämään rikkirevennyttä kansaa ja miten se näkyi yksittäisten ihmisten elämässä? Ajan kuluessa asenteet muuttuivat ja naiset vanhenivat. Miten naiset kuvasivat kokemaansa myöhemmin omaisilleen? Kysymyksiä pohditaan paikallisesta, Porin seudun näkökulmasta, mutta niitä peilataan kuitenkin jatkuvasti valtakunnalliseen tilanteeseen. Kontekstualisoi- malla paikalliskokemukset laajempaan kokonaisuuteen on voitu paremmin selittää tapahtunutta, ja paikallistutkimuksen kautta on nähty myös koko maassa vallinneita yleisiä olosuhteita. Tutkimuksen kohteena on 267 Porista, Porin maalaiskunnasta ja Ulvilasta kotoisin olevaa naista, jotka joutuivat valtiorikosoikeuden tutkittaviksi. Keskeisimpänä lähdeaineistona ovat seurakuntien rippikirjat ja maistraattien henkikirjat sekä Kansallisarkiston, Kansan arkiston ja Työväen arkistojen sisällissotaa ja sen jälkeistä poliittista elämää valottavat kokoelmat. Tutkimuksen naisista enemmistö oli 18−37-vuotiaita työläisnaisia. Aiemmin rikoksista tuomittuja heidän joukossaan oli hyvin vähän. Suurin osa (n. 71 %) työskenteli punakaartin huollossa keittiö-, siivous- ja vaatetusosastoilla. Noin 21 % työskenteli sairaanhoidossa, ja loput kahdeksan prosenttia olivat punakaartin hallintoa avustavissa muissa tehtävissä. Naiset saivat pääosin lieviä, 2−3 vuoden ehdollisia tuomioita. Vain joka kymmenes nainen tuomittiin ehdottomaan rangaistukseen. Punakaartiin vasta pakomatkalla liittyneet ja kaartissa vähäisissä tehtävissä lyhytaikaisesti toimineet henkilöt vapautettiin syytteistä. Tutkimuksessani olen osoittanut, millaisia vaikeuksia paluu sodanjälkeiseen arkeen tuotti naisille. Varsinkin yksin lastensa kanssa jääneillä oli monenlaisia ongelmia. Sodan aikana levitetty propaganda oli osaltaan lisäämässä vaikeuksia. Toisaalta työtilanne parantui monen naisen osalta jo vuoden 1918 aikana, ja oman punaisen yhteisön tarjoama tuki helpotti arjesta selviytymistä. Elämä tasaantui, naiset perustivat perheitä ja osa palasi työelämään ja politiikkaan. Säilyneiden lähteiden valossa sisällissota näyttäisi radikalisoineen vain pienen osan naisista, kun taas enemmistö kannatti maltillisia sosialidemokraatteja tai jäi kokonaan pois politiikasta. Punaiseksi leimautuminen valtiorikosoikeudessa ei pakottanut naisia muuttamaan uudelle paikkakunnalle; Porin seudulla ja yleensä vielä omassa suvussakin oli riittävästi entisiä punaisia luomassa kollektiivista tukea. Myös valtiovalta pyrki rauhoittamaan poliittista tilannetta ja sopeuttamaan punaisia yhteiskuntaan monin uudistuksin. Naisten kannalta merkittävin myönnytys tapahtui jatkosodan aikana, kun punalesket lopulta oikeutettiin valtiollisen eläkkeen piiriin. Tämä tutkimus on ensimmäinen punaisista naisista laadittu eräänlainen kollektiivinen elämäkerta, jossa on tarkasteltu heidän sodanjälkeistä elämäänsä. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Porin seudulta valtiorikosoikeuteen joutuneet naiset olivat tavallisia työläisnaisia. Sota ja osallisuus siihen ei tätä asiaa muuttanut. Naiset sopeutuivat yhteiskuntaan nopeasti ja elivät pääosin tavallista työläisperheen arkea sodan jälkeenkin.


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The Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) was the technique chosen by the inorganic contamination laboratory (INCQ/ FIOCRUZ) to be validated and applied in routine analysis for arsenic detection and quantification. The selectivity, linearity, sensibility, detection, and quantification limits besides accuracy and precision parameters were studied and optimized under Stabilized Temperature Platform Furnace (STPF) conditions. The limit of detection obtained was 0.13 µg.L-1 and the limit of quantification was 1.04 µg.L-1, with an average precision, for total arsenic, less than 15% and an accuracy of 96%. To quantify the chemical species As(III) and As(V), an ion-exchange resin (Dowex 1X8, Cl- form) was used and the physical-chemical parameters were optimized resulting in a recuperation of 98% of As(III) and of 90% of As(V). The method was applied to groundwater, mineral water, and hemodialysis purified water samples. All results obtained were lower than the maximum limit values established by the legal Brazilian regulations, in effect, 50, 10, and 5 µg.L-1 para As total, As(III) e As(V), respectively. All results were statistically evaluated.


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Building Information Modeling – BIM is widely spreading in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industries. Manufacturers of building elements are also starting to provide more and more objects of their products. The ideal availability and distribution for these models is not yet stabilized. Usual goal of a manufacturer is to get their model into design as early as possible. Finding the ways to satisfy customer needs with a superior service would help to achieve this goal. This study aims to seek what case company’s customers want out of the model and what they think is the ideal way to obtain these models and what are the desired functionalities for this service. This master’s thesis uses a modified version of lead user method to gain understanding of what the needs are in a longer term. In this framework also benchmarking of current solutions and their common model functions is done. Empirical data is collected with survey and interviews. As a result this thesis provides understanding that what is the information customer uses when obtaining a model, what kind of model is expected to be achieved and how is should the process optimally function. Based on these results ideal service is pointed out.


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Proteins of the Ras family are central regulators of crucial cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Their importance is emphasized in cancer, in which the isoforms H-ras, N-ras and K-ras are misregulated by mutations in approximately 20 – 30 % of cases. Thus, they represent major cancer oncogenes and one of the most important targets for cancer drug development. Ras proteins are small GTPases, which cycle between the GTP-bound active and GDP-bound inactive state. Despite the tremendous research conducted in the last three decades, many fundamental properties of Ras proteins remain poorly understood. For instance, although new concepts have recently emerged, the understanding of Ras behavior in its native environment, the membrane, is still largely missing. On the membrane Ras organizes into nanoscale clusters, also called nanoclusters. They differ between isoforms, but also between activation states of Ras. It is considered that nanoclusters represent the basic Ras signaling units. Recently, it was demonstrated that on the membrane Ras adopts distinct conformations, the so-called orientations, which are dependent on the Ras activations state. The membrane-orientation of H-ras is stabilized by the helix α4 and the C-terminal hypervariable region (hvr). The novel switch III region was proposed to be involved in mediating the change between different H-ras orientations. When the regions involved in this mechanism are mutated, H-ras activity is changed by an unknown mechanism. This thesis has explained the connection between the change of Ras orientation on the membrane and Ras activity. We demonstrated that H-ras orientation mutants exhibit altered diffusion properties on the membrane, which reflect the changes in their nanoclustering. The altered nanoclustering consequently rules the activity of the mutants. Moreover, we demonstrated that specific cancer-related mutations, affecting the switch III region of different Ras isoforms, exhibit increased nanoclustering, which consequently leads to stronger Ras signaling and tumorigenicity. Thus, we have discovered nanoclustering increase as a novel mechanism of Ras activity modulation in cancer. The molecular architecture of complexes formed on the membrane upon Ras activation is another poorly understood property of Ras. The following work has provided novel details on the regulation of Ras nanoclustering by a known H-ras-GTP nanoclustering stabilizer galectin-1 (Gal-1). Our study demonstrated that Gal-1 is not able to bind Ras directly, as it was previously proposed. Instead, its effect on H-ras-GTP nanoclustering is indirect, through binding of the effector proteins. Collectively, our findings represent valuable novel insights in the behavior of Ras, which will help the future research to eventually develop new strategies to successfully target Ras in cancer.


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Keratins (K) are cytoskeletal proteins mainly expressed in the epithelium and constitute the largest subgroup of intermediate filaments (IFs). Simple epithelial keratins (SEKs) K7-K8 and K18-K20 are the major IF elements in the colon. SEK mutations are known to cause around 30 human diseases, mainly affecting liver and skin. However, so far no strong associations between K8 mutations and the development of human colitis have been found. The keratin contribution to colonic health comes from the K8 knock-out (K8-/-) mouse model, which develops an early chronic inflammation and hyperproliferation in the colon. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how keratins contribute to intestinal health and disease mainly by the experimental analysis using the K8-/- mouse colon and cell culture models. The work described here is divided into three studies. The first study revealed involvement of keratins in Notch1 signaling, which is the master regulator of cell fate in the colon. Immunoprecipitation and immunostaining, both in vitro and in vivo showed that K8 binds and co-localizes with Notch1. Interestingly, overexpression of keratins enhanced Notch1 levels and stabilized Notch intracellular domain (NICD), leading to higher activity of Notch signaling. The dramatic decrease in Notch activity in the K8-/- colon resulted in a differentiation shift towards goblet and enteroendocrine cells. The second study focused on the involvement of keratins in colitis-associated cancer (CAC). Although, the K8-/- inflamed colon did not develop colorectal cancer (CRC) spontaneously, it was dramatically more susceptible to induced CRC in two CRC models: azoxymethane (AOM) and multiple intestinal neoplasia (ApcMin/+). To understand how the loss of K8 contributes to CAC, the epithelial inflammasome signaling pathway was analyzed. The released component of active inflammasome, cleaved caspase-1 and its downstream protein, interleukin (IL)-18, were significantly increased in K8-/- and K8-/-ApcMin/+ colons. The inflammasome pathway has recently been suggested to control the levels of IL-22 binding protein (IL-22BP), which is a negative regulator of IL-22 activity. Interestingly, the activated inflammasome correlated with an upregulation of IL-22 and a complete loss of IL-22BP in the K8-null colons. The activation of IL-22 was confirmed by increased levels of downstream signaling, which is phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (P-STAT3), a transcription factor promoting proliferation and tissue regeneration in the colon. The objective of the third study, was to examine the role of keratins in colon energy metabolism. A proteomic analysis identified mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2 (HMGCS2) as the major ownregulated protein in the K8-/- colonocytes. HMGCS2 is the rate-limiting enzyme in ketogenesis, where energy from bacterially produced short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), mainly butyrate, is converted into ketone bodies in colonic epithelium. Lower levels and activity of HMGCS2 in the K8-/- colon resulted in a blunted ketogenesis. The studies upstream from HMGCS2, identified decreased levels of the SCFA-transporter monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1), which led to increased SCFA content in the stool suggesting impaired butyrate transport through the colonic epithelium. Taken together, the results of the herein thesis indicate that keratins are essential regulators of colon homeostasis, in particular epithelial differentiation, tumorigenesis and energy metabolism.


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Tässä kanditaatintyössä selvitettiin kuinka erilaiset sideaineseokset soveltuvat raskas-metallien sitomiseen 28 vuorokautta stabiloiduissa näytteistä. Työssä oletettiin teollisten jätefraktioiden käytön tehostavan eräiden metallien, kuten kupari ja sinkki, immobilisointia lievästi pilaantuneista maa-aineksista. Kokeellisessa osassa stabiloitiin Kokkolan satamasta ruopattua sedimenttiä, jonka sinkkipitoisuudet olivat ylittäneet saastuneen sedimentin ohjearvon (≥400 mg/kg). Sedimenttiin lisättiin eri sideaineseoksia ja näytteiden annettiin stabiloitua 28 vuorokautta, minkä jälkeen niistä testattiin liukenevat raskasmetallit muokatulla ravistelutestillä. Eri sideaineseoksilla saatuja tuloksia verrattiin pelkän yleissementin käyttöön. Lisäksi erillisistä näytteistä otettiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikros-koopilla (SEM) kuvia havainnollistamaan stabiloitumista. Näissä näytteissä käytettiin samoja sideaineita kuin tehdyissä kokeissa. Liukoisuustestien tuloksista voidaan huomata näytteissä ongelmalliseksi raskasmetalliksi identifioidun sinkin sitoutuvan parhaiten sementin ja kipsin sekoituksella. Myös tuhkaa sisältävät sideainesekoitukset pienensivät sinkin liukoisuutta verrattuna pelkkään yleis-sementtiin. Jatkotutkimuksissa voitaisiin testata erilaisia sideainesekoituksia betonira-kentamisessa, joilla saadaan ainakin 25 MPa lujuusarvo, pilaantunutta sedimenttiä tai maa-ainesta käyttäen.


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Tannins, typically segregated into two major groups, the hydrolyzable tannins (HTs) and the proanthocyanidins (PAs), are plant polyphenolic secondary metabolites found throughout the plant kingdom. On one hand, tannins may cause harmful nutritional effects on herbivores, for example insects, and hence they work as plants’ defense against plant-eating animals. On the other hand, they may affect positively some herbivores, such as mammals, for example by their antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or anticarcinogenic activities. This thesis focuses on understanding the bioactivity of plant tannins, their anthelmintic properties and the tools used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of this endless source of structural diversity. The first part of the experimental work focused on the development of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography−tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) based methods for the rapid fingerprint analysis of bioactive polyphenols, especially tannins. In the second part of the experimental work the in vitro activity of isolated and purified HTs and their hydrolysis product, gallic acid, was tested against egg hatching and larval motility of two larval developmental stages, L1 and L2, of a common ruminant gastrointestinal parasite, Haemonchus contortus. The results indicated clear relationships between the HT structure and the anthelmintic activity. The activity of the studied compounds depended on many structural features, including size, functional groups present in the structure, and the structural rigidness. To further understand tannin bioactivity on a molecular level, the interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA), and seven HTs and epigallocatechin gallate was examined. The objective was to define the effect of pH on the formation on tannin–protein complexes and to evaluate the stability of the formed complexes by gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF-MS. The results indicated that more basic pH values had a stabilizing effect on the tannin–protein complexes and that the tannin oxidative activity was directly linked with their tendency to form covalently stabilized complexes with BSA at increased pH.


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A number of synthetically useful ring systems can be prepared via the intramolecular insertion of a metal-stabilized carbenoid into a heteroaromatic systems. The chemical outcome of these reactions are dependent not only on the nature of the heteroatom but also on the length of the aliphatic tether linking the carbenoid moiety with the aromatic fragment. Our work with furanyl and thienyl systems containing a single methylene tether have allowed for some rather atypical chemistry. For example, treatment of l-diazo-3-(2-thienyl)-2-propanone (6) with catalytic rhodium (II) acetate yields 5,6- dihydro-4^-cyclopenta[Z>]thiophen-5-one (3) while, the isomeric l-diazo-3-(3-thienyl)-2- propanone(15) gives a spiro-disulphide (20). Novel chemistry was also exhibited in the analogous furanyl systems. While treatment of l-diazo-3-(3-furanyl)-2-propanone (52) with Rh2(OAc)4 resulted in the expected 2-(4-Oxo-2-cyclopentenyliden)acetaldehyde (54), isomeric l-diazo-3-(2- furanyl)-2-propanone (8) undergoes vinylogous Wolff rearrangement to give a mixture of 6a-methyl-2,3,3a,6a-tetrahydrofuro[2,i-^>]furan-2-one (44) and 2-(2-methyl-3-furyl)acetic acid (43). Rhodium acetate catalyzed decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzofuranyl)-2- propanone (84) and l-diazo-3-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-propanone (69)also allows for vinylogous Wolff rearrangement, a chemistry unseen in benzofuranyl systems with longer tethers. A number of interesting products were isolated from the trapping of intermediate ketenes. Decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzothienyl)-2-propanone (100) resulted in the formation of 2,3-dihydro-l//-benzo[^]cyclopenta[^thiophen-2-one (102). However, in addition to (102), a dimer was also generated from the decomposition of l-diazo-3-(2- benzothienyl)-2-propanone (109). The insight into the mechanistic underpinnings of the above reactions are provided by molecular modeling at a PM3 level.


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:ofiedian lethal temperatures ( LT50' s ) were determined for rainbow trout, Salmo gairdnerii, acclimated for a minimum of 21 days at 5 c onstant temperatures between 4 and 20 0 C. and 2 diel temperature fluctuations ( sinewave curves of amplitudes ± 4 and ± 7 0 C. about a mean temperature of 12 0 C. ) . Twenty-four-, 48-, and 96-hour LT50 estimates were c alculated f ollowing standard flow-through aquatic bioassay techniques and probi t transformation of mortality data. The phenomenon of delayed thermal mortality was also investigated. Shifts in upper incipient lethal temperature occurred as a result of previous thermal conditioning. It was shown that increases in constant acclimation temperature result in proportional l inear increases in thermal tolerances. The increase i n estimated 96-hour LT50's was approximately 0.13 0 c. X 1 0 C:1 between 8 and 20 0 C. The effect of acclimation to both cyclic temperature regimes was an increase in LT50 to values between the mean and maximum constant equivalent daily temperatures of the cycles. Twenty-four-, 48-, and 96-hour LT50 estimates of both cycles corresponded approximately to the LT50 values of the 16 0 C. c onstant temperature equivalent . This increase i n thermal tolerance was further demonstrated by the delayed thermal mortality experiments . Cycle amplitudes appeared to i nfluence thermal resistance through alterations in initi al mortality since mortality patterns characteristic of base temperature acclimations re-appeared after approximately 68 hours exposure to test temperatures for the 12 + 4 0 C. group, whereas mortality patterns stabilized and remained constant for a period greater than 192 hours with the larger therma l cycle ( 12 + 7 0 C. ). NO s ignificant corre lations between s pecimen weight and time-to-death was apparent. Data are discussed in relation to the establishment of thermal criteria for important commercial and sport fishes , such as the salmonids , as is the question whether previously reported values on lethal temperature s may have been under estimated.


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The general solution behaviour and" the major fragmentation pathways of the anticanceractive PtIV coordination complexes, trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtCIOH{N(pFC6F4) CH2h(pY)2] (1), trans, cis, cis-[Pt(OH)2{N(p-FC6F4)CH2h(Py)2] (2), trans, cis, cis-[Pt(OH)2{N(p-HC6F4)CH2h(Py)2] (3), trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtCIOH{N(pHC6F4) CH2h(Py)2] (4), and trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtOH(OCH3){N(p-HC6F4)CH2h(PY)2] (5) (Py = pyridine) have been deduced by positive-ion tandem-in-time ESI-MS. Overall, the acquired full-scan, positive-ion ESI-MS spectra of 2, 3, and 5 were characterized by the presence of relatively low-intensity [M+Nar and [M+Kt mass spectral peaks, whereas those of 1 and 4 were dominated by extremely intense [M+Hr peaks. Complexes 2 and 3 were also noted to form [2M+Ht and [2M+Nat dilneric cations. The source of Na + and K+ ions is believed to be the sample, the solvent systems used or the transport line carrying the sample solutions into the ES ion source. Further, the fragmentation pathway of all complexes studied was found to be almost identical with concurrent loss of py and H20 molecules, loss of a {N(p-YC6F4)CH2} (Y = F, H) group and/or concomitant release of the latter group and a py ligand being the most conunon. The photochemical degradation behaviour of 1 and 2 was also investigated using either fluorescent or ultraviolet light and some products of that degradation were positively identified. Altogether, light irradiation of solutions of both complexes resulted in cation cationisation, reductive-elimination, ligand-release, ligand-exchange and ligand-addition reactions. Finally, positive- and negative-ion ESI-MSn spectra of 5' -GMP, guanosine, inosine and products of their reactions with 1, 2,3, and 4 were also recorded. On the whole, full-scan ESI-MS spectra of the pure nucleobases revealed the presence of cationic and anionic species that are highly reflective of both their solution ionic composition and their propensity t9 form polymeric clusters. Analyses of mass spectra acquired from their reaction solutions with the aforementioned platinum complexes indicated very slow kinetics. However, all complexes investigated formed, to various degrees, Pt-nucleobase adducts with guanosine and inosine, but not with 5'-GMP. The products included species having coordination numbers of III, IV, V, and VI, among which the first-time· observed, coordinatively saturated, jive-coordinate PtlI-nucleobase complexes were of most interest. The latter complexes are presumably stabilized by 7tback- donation involving the filled d orbitals of the PtII centre and the empty pz· orbital of MeCN. All products, whose peaks appeared inlull-scan ESI-MS spectra, are believed to represent solution species rather than artifacts of gas-phase processes. Finally, negativeion ESI-MSn spectra recorded in reaction solutions of 1 and 4 with guanosine and of the latter complex with inosine revealed the negative-ion-ESI-MS first-time observed, noncovalent, nucleoside-chloride adducts, with the source of chloride anion being complexes 1 and 4 theillselves. In contrast, no such adducts were observed to form with Na25'-GMP or its protonated fonn. Few suggestions are offered for the possible cause(s) behind the absence of such adduct ions.