694 resultados para Work Integrated Learning
If we are to understand how we can build machines capable of broad purpose learning and reasoning, we must first aim to build systems that can represent, acquire, and reason about the kinds of commonsense knowledge that we humans have about the world. This endeavor suggests steps such as identifying the kinds of knowledge people commonly have about the world, constructing suitable knowledge representations, and exploring the mechanisms that people use to make judgments about the everyday world. In this work, I contribute to these goals by proposing an architecture for a system that can learn commonsense knowledge about the properties and behavior of objects in the world. The architecture described here augments previous machine learning systems in four ways: (1) it relies on a seven dimensional notion of context, built from information recently given to the system, to learn and reason about objects' properties; (2) it has multiple methods that it can use to reason about objects, so that when one method fails, it can fall back on others; (3) it illustrates the usefulness of reasoning about objects by thinking about their similarity to other, better known objects, and by inferring properties of objects from the categories that they belong to; and (4) it represents an attempt to build an autonomous learner and reasoner, that sets its own goals for learning about the world and deduces new facts by reflecting on its acquired knowledge. This thesis describes this architecture, as well as a first implementation, that can learn from sentences such as ``A blue bird flew to the tree'' and ``The small bird flew to the cage'' that birds can fly. One of the main contributions of this work lies in suggesting a further set of salient ideas about how we can build broader purpose commonsense artificial learners and reasoners.
In previous work (Olshausen & Field 1996), an algorithm was described for learning linear sparse codes which, when trained on natural images, produces a set of basis functions that are spatially localized, oriented, and bandpass (i.e., wavelet-like). This note shows how the algorithm may be interpreted within a maximum-likelihood framework. Several useful insights emerge from this connection: it makes explicit the relation to statistical independence (i.e., factorial coding), it shows a formal relationship to the algorithm of Bell and Sejnowski (1995), and it suggests how to adapt parameters that were previously fixed.
Since the rise of the industrial revolution, there are few challenges that compare in scale and scope with the challenge of implementing lean principles in order to achieve high performance work systems. This report summarize key insights and learning by representatives from a cross section of organizations who are on this journey. Specifically, we report on findings from the first Lean Aircraft Initiative (LAI) Implementation Workshop, which was held on February 5-6, 1997.
Since the rise of the industrial revolution, there are few challenges that compare in scale and scope with the challenge of implementing lean principles in order to achieve high performance work systems. This report summarize key insights and learning by representatives from a cross section of organizations who are on this journey. Specifically, we report on findings from the first Lean Aircraft Initiative (LAI) Implementation Workshop, which was held on February 5-6, 1997. The report is not a cookbook or a how to manual. Rather, it is a summary of the first phase in a learning process. It is designed to codify lessons learning, facilitate diffusion among people not at the session, and set the stage for further learning about implementation.
La asignatura troncal Evaluacin Psicolgica de los estudios de Psicologa y del estudio de grado Desarrollo humano en la sociedad de la informacin de la Universidad de Girona consta de 12 crditos segn la Ley Orgnica de Universidades. Hasta el ao acadmico 2004-05 el trabajo no presencial del alumno consista en la realizacin de una evaluacin psicolgica que se entregaba por escrito a final de curso y de la cual el estudiante obtena una calificacin y revisin si se solicitaba. En el camino hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior, esta asignatura consta de 9 crditos que equivalen a un total de 255 horas de trabajo presencial y no presencial del estudiante. En los aos acadmicos 2005-06 y 2006-07 se ha creado una gua de trabajo para la gestin de la actividad no presencial con el objetivo de alcanzar aprendizajes a nivel de aplicacin y solucin de problemas/pensamiento crtico (Bloom, 1975) siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Catalua (2005). La gua incorpora: los objetivos de aprendizaje, los criterios de evaluacin, la descripcin de las actividades, el cronograma semanal de trabajos para todo el curso, la especificacin de las tutoras programadas para la revisin de los diversos pasos del proceso de evaluacin psicolgica y el uso del foro para el conocimiento, anlisis y crtica constructiva de las evaluaciones realizadas por los compaeros
Our work is focused on alleviating the workload for designers of adaptive courses on the complexity task of authoring adaptive learning designs adjusted to specific user characteristics and the user context. We propose an adaptation platform that consists in a set of intelligent agents where each agent carries out an independent adaptation task. The agents apply machine learning techniques to support the user modelling for the adaptation process
This paper proposes a high-level reinforcement learning (RL) control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. Although the dominant approach, when using RL, has been to apply value function based algorithms, the system here detailed is characterized by the use of direct policy search methods. Rather than approximating a value function, these methodologies approximate a policy using an independent function approximator with its own parameters, trying to maximize the future expected reward. The policy based algorithm presented in this paper is used for learning the internal state/action mapping of a behavior. In this preliminary work, we demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the underwater robot GARBI in a target reaching task
Learning contents adaptation has been a subject of interest in the research area of the adaptive hypermedia systems. Defining which variables and which standards can be considered to model adaptive content delivery processes is one of the main challenges in pedagogical design over e-learning environments. In this paper some specifications, architectures and technologies that can be used in contents adaptation processes considering characteristics of the context are described and a proposal to integrate some of these characteristics in the design of units of learning using adaptation conditions in a structure of IMS-Learning Design (IMS-LD) is presented. The key contribution of this work is the generation of instructional designs considering the context, which can be used in Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and diverse mobile devices
This work shows the use of adaptation techniques involved in an e-learning system that considers students' learning styles and students' knowledge states. The mentioned e-learning system is built on a multiagent framework designed to examine opportunities to improve the teaching and to motivate the students to learn what they want in a user-friendly and assisted environment
En el presente trabajo se analiza la existencia y argumenta la importancia de las ventajas que aporta el E-Learning al proceso de Internacionalizacin en la Universidad del Rosario, adems se indaga si dichas ventajas podran facilitar la diferenciacin estratgica de la misma. Inicia con una revisin terica sobre los conceptos de educacin virtual y aprendizaje, y su estado actual en Colombia, logrando la creacin de un marco terico. En una segunda etapa se identificarn las caractersticas que comparte la institucin educativa con una organizacin y que la hacen objeto de estudio en el campo estratgico, especficamente en cuanto a la diferenciacin. Posteriormente se describirn las etapas de implementacin del E-Learning en la Universidad, analizando los aspectos ms importantes de este proceso. Ms adelante se hace una aproximacin al concepto de internacionalizacin y la importancia que tiene en el mundo multicultural actual. Finalmente se relacionan las ventajas de la implementacin del E-Learning con las brindadas en el proceso de internacionalizacin y se argumenta si estas facilitan la diferenciacin estratgica del Rosario.
Aula de msica es una herramienta e-learning para el desarrollo del aprendizaje de la msica para nios con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 12 aos, edades correspondientes a las de los alumnos de la etapa de la Educacin Primaria. En esta herramienta destaca el uso de estndares y especificaciones como LOM, IMS, etc. que van a facilitar la tarea de reutilizar la documentacin incluida para compartir conocimiento. El proceso de elaboracin del contenido ha sido fundamental y en relacin con el entorno de trabajo debe mencionarse que se ha primado la construccin de una GUI que sirva para aprender y que motive a los alumnos a aprender msica de una forma diferente, en contraposicin a realizar una diseo esttico que fuera incapaz de adaptarse a las capacidades de cada tipo de usuario, para lo que se han tenido en cuenta criterios de usabilidad y accesibilidad (WAI).
Technology is changing how students learn and how we research. Perhaps you want to use technology to enhance communication or improve student support. You may want create a distance learning activity, a flexibly delivered module or indeed a whole course. You may simply want to find out where to find authoritative information, or to see what support exists for this type of work. The University is committed to delivering high quality learning and teaching, using technology where appropriate, in order to offer a distinctive Southampton educational experience. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), also known as elearning, is becoming increasingly important to students, teaching staff and the institution. This guide highlights some of the most important matters to consider. It is intended to help you to tackle the key issues that determine the success of TEL projects and to work on those projects in a considered way. Written with the input of colleagues from around the University, it prompts you to ask important questions and points you to sources of up-to-date knowledge and advice. Technology changes rapidly. This guide is about managing the work in a practical way. The University supports the use of a variety of TEL approaches for teaching and learning and colleagues are ready to offer their experience and advice. Each person has distinctive skills and specific experiences. No single person will have all the answers you are looking for. Be ready to investigate alternative approaches that suit you and your students needs in different ways. - Madeline Paterson, University of Southampton
Aunque el concepto de sabidura ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de reas como la filosofa, la religin y la psicologa, an enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definicin y evaluacin. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definicin del concepto de sabidura que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluacin del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realiz un anlisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron diversos textos sobre la historia, las definiciones y las metodologas para evaluar tanto la sabidura como las competencias; diferenciando la sabidura de otros constructos y analizando la diferencia entre las competencias generales y las gerenciales para posteriormente, definir la sabidura como una competencia gerencial. Como resultado de este anlisis se gener un prototipo de prueba denominado SAPIENS-O, a travs del cul se busca evaluar la sabidura como competencia gerencial. Como alcances del instrumento se pueden identificar la posibilidad de medir la sabidura como competencia en los gerentes, la posibilidad de dar un nuevo panorama a las dificultades tericas y empricas sobre la sabidura y la posibilidad de facilitar el estudio de la sabidura en ambientes reales, ms especficamente en ambientes organizacionales.
Este trabajo contribuye al anlisis de la incidencia del paradigma del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el proceso de toma de decisiones legislativas en Colombia, concentrndose en la discusin y definicin de la agenda legislativa sobre asuntos urbanos, durante el periodo 1991-2006.
Speaker: Patrick McSweeney Organiser: Time: 15/10/2014 11:00-11:45 Location: B32/3077 Abstract Having started at Southampton in 2005 I have seen quite a few changes to the way courses are taught and studied. I will reflect on some of the interesting changes I have observed and suggest their causes. As a practical example I will talk about codestrom, a peer feedback tool for learning programming. We have found that this teaching method has improved the student experience and reduced the work load for the module team. Together we will discuss how this and other recent developments can enable other teaching innovations which benefit staff as well as students. Hopefully the new class of PhD students will be able to contribute from the point of view of having recently been undergraduate students here and else where.