961 resultados para WORLD WAR I, 1914-1918
From the Introduction. For almost a hundred years (since World War I and the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire) stability – or rather, the permanent threat to stability – has been a key challenge for the Middle East. One of the central elements of this threat has been the so-called Kurdish problem, that is, the issues that continually arise between the states of the region and the Kurdish minority living in the area, as well as the tensions among the individual states caused by a range of issues related to local Kurds. The country most affected by the Kurdish problem is Turkey.
Includes index.
"The material in this book is based almost entirely on the testimony taken before various committees of Congress since the world war. I have used the leading investigations ... during the administrations of President Harding, President Coolidge and President Hoover ..."--Prefatory note.
On verso of duplicate image: 1. Floyd Bates; 2. Ed Housel; 3. Len Sauer; 4. Paul Caulkins; 5. Don Galbraith; 6. Carl Schlecht; 7. shrman Bates; 8. Dwight Bates; 9. Bill Housel; 10. Art Jahnke; 11. Berle Walker; 12. Pearl Mast 13. Young?; 14. Henry Hatch; 15; Bab Burrett; 16. Joseph Vandervest, director; 17. Russell Rice; 18. Bill Bowling; 19. Roy Vandeveer; 20. Art Stellwagon; 21. Ray Hutzel; 22. Angus Babcock; 23. Honey Campbell. Missing from picture - Ralph Lutz, Nicholas Falone and Leonard Falone. Played in Ann Arbor during World War I. Source: Berle Walker
George Goetz's family lived above the meat market at 118 West Liberty Street in 1910. After World War I it was called the Liberty Meat Market. (Source: Old Ann Arbor Town by Hazel Proctor.)
Student Army Training Corps - World War I - Photograph LA XXXII - The Usual Manner of Conducting a Class in Visual Signaling
Student Army Training Corps - World War I - Photograph LA XXXII - The Usual Manner of Conducting a Class in Visual Signaling
Student Army Training Corps - World War I - Photograph LA XXXII - The Usual Manner of Conducting a Class in Visual Signaling
Suspended during World War I.
The integration between the London and New York Stock Exchanges is analyzed during the era when they were still developing as asset markets. The domestic securities on both exchanges showed little sustained integration, even when controlling for the different characteristics of stocks, implying that the pricing of securities in the US and UK were still being driven by local factors. However, there was considerable integration between New York and those listings on London which operated internationally. These results place a limit on the view that pre-World War I was the first era of globalization in terms of capital markets, and suggest that the listing of foreign securities may be one of the primary mechanisms driving asset market integration.
Os militares portugueses enviados para as trincheiras da Grande Guerra, pedaços vivos do Portugal rural do princípio do século XX, eram na sua maioria homens analfabetos ou com escassa instrução. A actuação militar em território estrangeiro e inserida num contexto que obrigava à comunicação com tropas de outros países, propiciava o estabelecimento de pontes comunicativas que passavam invariavelmente pela transposição linguística. Todavia, a forma improvisada, inventiva e/ou criativa como os portugueses se expressavam ante soldados e civis franceses, ainda que errónea e por vezes confusa à luz da gramática oficial, não constituiu por si só um obstáculo ao entendimento e à compreensão.
The subject of the thesis is Parade's End (1924–1928) by Ford Madox Ford. The thesis focuses on the portrayal of female identities and femininity in the context of societal changes in the beginning of 1900s and also uses two of Ford's essays about gender and women's rights as background. The construction of female identities is discussed via different themes. The themes are marriage, divorce and infidelity; motherhood, modernity and emergence of new gender identities in post-World War I environment, and polyamory as a solution for adulterous practices and empty, unhappy marriages. Parade's End portrays superficially modern female identities, but ends up enforcing women's role as mother and traditional femininity. However, the novel suggests that the strict gender boundaries are starting to fracture after WWI. This is depicted by portraying the men representing new masculinity as feminised and emphasising androgyny and boyishness when discussing representations of new femininity.
No pós-guerra iniciou-se um processo de internalização política dos direitos fundamentais das mulheres com base na Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem, (10 de dezembro de 1948), onde são enaltecidos direitos e valores como a Liberdade e a Igualdade. A adoção da Declaração por parte de países democráticos, como o caso de Portugal, conduziu ao exercício de cidadania plena, independentemente do género, da raça e da religião. Assim, a não discriminação tornou-se um princípio a aplicar nas esferas familiares, públicas e laborais. Tal significa, por exemplo, partilha de tarefas domésticas entre homens e mulheres, participação na vida comunitária e iguais oportunidades laborais. Mas foram superadas as discriminações? Que se passa a nível laboral? A presente dissertação resulta de uma investigação sobre a situação laboral das mulheres em serviços onde constitucionalmente usufruem dos mesmos direitos que os seus colegas homens. Incide sobre os serviços públicos, privados e empresas de Ponte de Sor e tem por referencial o III Plano Nacional para a Igualdade de Cidadania e Género (2007/2010), cuja principal linha orientadora é "o aprofundamento de atividade política e de realidade social (gendermainstreaming)" (2007, p.l5). Com a realização deste estudo concretizámos um trabalho constituído por 3 capítulos, onde se constata que “No Caminho da Cidadania..." é um processo lento. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se abordar a origem histórica do conceito de cidadania e no capítulo segundo tratou se da relação da mulher com o trabalho e o poder. O terceiro capítulo, e último, dá conta dos resultados de questionários realizados em Ponte de Sor, nos serviços públicos e privados, e empresas. A conclusão revela a perplexidade causada pela quase indiferença em relação às questões de género nos Serviços questionados em Ponte de Sor. SUMMARY: After World War I began a process of political antinationalization of the women fundamental rights based on the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, (1Oth December 1948), where rights and values like liberty and equality are exalted. The adoption of the Declaration by the democratically countries, like Portugal, leaded to the execution of full citizenship, independently of gender, race and religion. Therefore, nondiscrimination became a principle to apply in the family, public and labor spheres. This means, for example, share of domestic tasks between men and women, participation in the communal life, and equal opportunities of labor. But were the discriminations surpassed? What is going on the labor level This dissertation results from an inquiry about the labor situation of women in service where constitutionally make uses of the same rights as their colleague’s men. It reflects on the public, private and companies of Ponte de Sor which has for yardstick the III National Plan for Equality of Citizenship and Gender (2007/2010), whose mainline adviser is "the political activity and the social reality deepening (gender mainstreaming)" (2007, p.15). Through this study we fixed a work constituted by three chapters, where it established that "On the Path of Citizenship ..." is a slow process. ln the first chapter tried to broach the historical origin of the concept of citizenship and in the second paragraph was approached the relation of women with labor and power. The third, and last, chapter tries to show the results of questionnaires carried out in Ponte de Sor, in the public, private services and companies. The conclusion reveals the perplexity caused by the barely indifference regarding the questions of genre in the Services questioned in Ponte de Sor.
Au Québec, la mémoire de la Grande Guerre renvoie automatiquement à une vision douloureuse de l’événement. Créée et alimentée par des souvenirs à forte charge émotive tels la crise de la conscription, les émeutes de Pâques et l’inhospitalité de l’Armée canadienne envers les combattants canadiens-français, cette mémoire est non seulement négative, mais également victimisante. Dans leur récit du conflit, les Québécois ont pris pour vérité une version qui les dépeint comme boucs émissaires des Canadiens anglais. Acceptée et intégrée autant dans l’historiographie que dans la croyance collective, cette thèse du Canadien français opprimé n’a jamais été questionnée. Ce mémoire entend donc revisiter cette version en la confrontant aux sources laissées par les contemporains. En utilisant la presse anglophone et les témoignages de combattants, il lève le voile sur le regard anglo-saxon envers les Canadiens français et dans une plus large mesure, sur les relations interethniques pendant la guerre. Il témoigne de la réalité du front intérieur comme de celle du champ de bataille pour ainsi proposer une réinterprétation de cette victimisation si profondément ancrée dans le souvenir québécois.
In this issue...Faculty, Mineral Club, Copper Bowl, Football, Jean Redpath, Faculty Women's Club, Library, World War I, Band, East Junior High, Mountaineering Club