984 resultados para Unicellular organisms


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 18 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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Os produtos farmacêuticos são substâncias químicas muito utilizados em medicina, veterinária e ainda na agricultura. Nos anos 90, foi descoberta a presença de fármacos em meio aquático, verificando-se que a sua remoção nas Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) não era completa. Durante as duas últimas décadas foi identificada a presença de mais de oitenta compostos no meio ambiente e actualmente são considerados poluentes emergentes. Podem contaminar solos e águas, depois de serem usados e excretados (inalterados ou metabolizados) por humanos e animais, ou quando são indevidamente lançados directamente no meio ambiente. Os estudos ecotoxicológicos efectuados com estes poluentes têm sido direccionados, sobretudo, para as águas, existindo uma ausência de trabalhos sobre solos. O Ibuprofeno (IB) é um anti-inflamatório não esteróide, utilizado também como analgésico e antipirético, sendo um dos produtos farmacêuticos mais vendidos em todo o mundo, o que justifica a sua forte presença no meio ambiente. Por isso, e dada a ausência de trabalhos ecotoxicológicos de solos contaminados por fármacos, o IB foi o produto farmacêutico selecionado para a realização deste trabalho. A ecotoxicidade pode ser avaliada através de bioensaios. Estes têm a capacidade de avaliar a toxicidade de uma determinada substância de forma global, usando organismos vivos que funcionam como bio-indicadores. O presente trabalho tem como objectivos avaliar o impacte causado nos solos pelo IB, testar a toxicidade de dois processos de descontaminação para remover o referido fármaco dos solos assim como avaliar a toxicidade provocada por águas residuais, de três unidades hospitalares e de uma indústria farmacêutica. Esta avaliação foi efectuada através de ensaios de toxicidade aguda de germinação e de alongamento de raiz de sementes de alface, variedade bola de manteiga (Lactuca sativa), em solo arenoso. Os ensaios de ecotoxicidade aguda em solos contaminados por IB foram realizados para uma gama de concentrações entre 0,1 e 1000 μg/L. Verificou-se uma redução do número de sementes germinadas e do comprimento médio da planta no solo contaminado com 0,5 e 20 μg/L de IB. No solo contaminado com 1000 μg/L de IB observou-se uma redução da germinação, acompanhada por uma indução de crescimento da raiz da espécie Lactuca sativa. Os dois tratamentos de descontaminação de solos, reagente de Fenton e Nanopartículas de ferro zero valente, revelaram toxicidade, tendo-se obtido uma percentagem de germinação entre 32,2 ± 3,5 e 48,5 ± 6,2 e inibição do crescimento da raiz do organismo teste em cerca de 85,0 %. Em relação às águas residuais hospitalares verificou-se uma redução da percentagem de germinação entre 31,1 ± 5,0 e 72,3 ± 12,4 e uma inibição do crescimento da raiz situada entre 13,0 ± 6,4 e 20,2 ± 10,0 %. Para a água residual industrial ocorreu uma inibição da percentagem de germinação de 60,5 ± 13,1, contudo nas plantas germinadas observou-se uma indução do crescimento da raiz de 14,9 ± 7,7 %.


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Clinical and environmental samples from Portugal were screened for the presence of Aspergillus and the distributions of the species complexes were determined in order to understand how their distributions differ based on their source. Fifty-seven Aspergillus isolates from clinical samples were collected from 10 health institutions. Six species complexes were detected by internal transcribed spacer sequencing; Fumigati, Flavi, and Nigri were found most frequently (50.9%, 21.0%, and 15.8%, respectively). β-tubulin and calmodulin sequencing resulted in seven cryptic species (A. awamorii, A. brasiliensis, A. fructus, A. lentulus, A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, Emericella echinulata) being identified among the 57 isolates. Thirty-nine isolates of Aspergillus were recovered from beach sand and poultry farms, 31 from swine farms, and 80 from hospital environments, for a total 189 isolates. Eleven species complexes were found in these 189 isolates, and those belonging to the Versicolores species complex were found most frequently (23.8%). There was a significant association between the different environmental sources and distribution of the species complexes; the hospital environment had greater variability of species complexes than other environmental locations. A high prevalence of cryptic species within the Circumdati complex was detected in several environments; from the isolates analyzed, at least four cryptic species were identified, most of them growing at 37ºC. Because Aspergillus species complexes have different susceptibilities to antifungals, knowing the species-complex epidemiology for each setting, as well as the identification of cryptic species among the collected clinical isolates, is important. This may allow preventive and corrective measures to be taken, which may result in decreased exposure to those organisms and a better prognosis.


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Diante dos avanços biotecnológicos o cultivo de plantas geneticamente modificadas, como, por exemplo, o milho (Zea mays), aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Embora esta tecnologia apresente comprovados benefícios em relação ao aumento da produtividade e durabilidade do alimento, a população ainda receia em consumir produtos geneticamente modificados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar dois protocolos baseados na utilização de CTAB e avaliar qual o melhor para extração de DNA em alimentos processados derivados de milho, bem como identificar dois dos resíduos transgênicos mais comuns em gêneros alimentícios derivados de milho: Cry1ab e Cry1F. Para isto, 14 amostras derivadas de milho foram avaliadas utilizando dois diferentes protocolos de extração de DNA e a deteção dos eventos transgênicos conduzida pela técnica de PCR qualitativa. Entre as amostras analisadas, 57% resultaram positivas para deteção de ambos os eventos de milho transgênico avaliados.


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To counteract and prevent the deleterious effect of free radicals the living organisms have developed complex endogenous and exogenous antioxidant systems. Several analytical methodologies have been proposed in order to quantify antioxidants in food, beverages and biological fluids. This paper revises the electroanalytical approaches developed for the assessment of the total or individual antioxidant capacity. Four electrochemical sensing approaches have been identified, based on the direct electrochemical detection of antioxidant at bare or chemically modified electrodes, and using enzymatic and DNA-based biosensors.


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Pharmaceuticals are biologically active and persistent substances which have been recognized as a continuing threat to environmental stability. Chronic ecotoxicity data as well as information on the current distribution levels in different environmental compartments continue to be sparse and are focused on those therapeutic classes that are more frequently prescribed and consumed. Nevertheless, they indicate the negative impact that these chemical contaminants may have on living organisms, ecosystems and ultimately, public health. This article reviews the different contamination sources as well as fate and both acute and chronic effects on non-target organisms. An extensive review of existing data in the form of tables, encompassing many therapeutic classes is presented.


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Neste trabalho é abordado o estágio efectuado por um período de sete meses na E.A. (Engenheiros Associados) e um estudo de caso sobre as tecnologias aplicadas no isolamento térmico de paredes exteriores. Na primeira parte deste relatório é efectuada uma breve caracterização da empresa e da sua actividade no mercado. A Engenheiros e Associados tem a sua estrutura assente nos seguintes sectores: Técnico-Comercial, de Aprovisionamento e de Gestão Administrativa; da qual foi efectuada uma descrição do trabalho desenvolvido em cada um desses sectores, nomeadamente a permanência na obra e as visitas e diligências às obras. A segunda parte deste relatório, que é a parte fulcral do trabalho desenvolvido, assenta sobre o sistema de ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite System), ou seja, o sistema de reboco delgado armado sobre isolamento térmico. Foi utilizado o sistema Cappotto na Obra de Requalificação da Urbanização de Vila d’Este – 1ª Fase. Após uma breve apresentação e evolução da história do ETICS ao longo do tempo, é exposta a caracterização da obra onde vai ser aplicado o sistema, que recai sobre a tipologia dos edifícios. Refira-se que, neste relatório, os edifícios por serem de construção túnel se dividem em três tipos: tipo plana ou corrente, tipo ângulo e tipo topo. Na Analise de Patologias efectuada evidenciam-se as fissuras e a humidade presentes em quase toda a extensão dos referidos edifícios antes do tratamento, tornando-as assim as principais anomalias destes edifícios. Foram elemento de foco as anomalias existentes nos edifícios, como: Deterioração do fibrocimento; Insuficiência das caleiras; Deficiências das impermeabilizações; Ausência de rufos; Deficiência das ligações; Degradação do revestimento e pintura; Fissuração do reboco; Degradação dos forros exteriores; Deterioração das padieiras; Deterioração dos peitoris; Deterioração das juntas de dilatação; Infiltrações e condensações; Ruptura das canalizações; Deslocamentos; Deficiências de ventilação; Deficiências de estanqueidade; Inexistência de Sistema de combate a incêndios. Para estas patologias são apresentadas as propostas de solução de forma a eliminar as mesmas. Sendo o ETICS escolhido por ser o sistema que elimina a maior parte destas patologias, tendo em conta uma relação de qualidade/preço, é abordada de uma forma detalhada e extensiva da aplicação do sistema antes, durante e depois da obra em si. Assim como, é feita uma descrição pormenorizada do material utilizado para a implementação do sistema. A análise dos pontos críticos refere-se a zonas sensíveis onde há a necessidade de reforço do sistema com vista a eliminar o aparecimento posterior de patologias, como por exemplo as características de suporte. Após a aplicação do sistema podem aparecer algumas patologias das quais se destaca o facto dos produtos serem preparados em obra, o erro humano nas dosagens do fabricante e no acrescento de água sem necessidade e a par das condições climatéricas, são as causas mais comuns do aparecimento de anomalias no sistema de ETICS, provocando fissurações e infiltrações, que são descritas neste relatório. É também abordada a manutenção e reparação do sistema, onde a manutenção refere-se à lavagem e à remoção de microorganismos das paredes e posterior pintura. A reparação dos danos divide-se em dois tipos, áreas até 2 cm2 e áreas maiores que 2 cm2. Por fim, são apresentados alguns rendimentos, que foram possíveis obter ao longo do desenvolvimento do trabalho, dos materiais e da mão-de-obra, dando origem aos custos directos. Sendo também abordadas as vantagens e desvantagens do sistema desde o seu início até à sua conclusão.


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The impact of effluent wastewaters from four different hospitals: a university (1456 beds), a general (350 beds), a pediatric (110 beds) and a maternity hospital (96 beds), which are conveyed to the same wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), was evaluated in the receiving urban wastewaters. The occurrence of 78 pharmaceuticals belonging to several therapeutic classes was assessed in hospital effluents and WWTP wastewaters (influent and effluent) as well as the contribution of each hospital in WWTP influent in terms of pharmaceutical load. Results indicate that pharmaceuticals are widespread pollutants in both hospital and urban wastewaters. The contribution of hospitals to the input of pharmaceuticals in urban wastewaters widely varies, according to their dimension. The estimated total mass loadings were 306 g d− 1 for the university hospital, 155 g d− 1 for the general one, 14 g d− 1 for the pediatric hospital and 1.5 g d− 1 for the maternity hospital, showing that the biggest hospitals have a greater contribution to the total mass load of pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, analysis of individual contributions of each therapeutic group showed that NSAIDs, analgesics and antibiotics are among the groups with the highest inputs. Removal efficiency can go from over 90% for pharmaceuticals like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to not removal for β-blockers and salbutamol. Total mass load of pharmaceuticals into receiving surface waters was estimated between 5 and 14 g/d/1000 inhabitants. Finally, the environmental risk posed by pharmaceuticals detected in hospital and WWTP effluents was assessed by means of hazard quotients toward different trophic levels (algae, daphnids and fish). Several pharmaceuticals present in the different matrices were identified as potentially hazardous to aquatic organisms, showing that especial attention should be paid to antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, azithromycin and clarithromycin, since their hazard quotients in WWTP effluent revealed that they could pose an ecotoxicological risk to algae.


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Ibuprofen is amongst the most worldwide consumed pharmaceuticals. The present work presents the first data in the occurrence of ibuprofen in Portuguese surface waters, focusing in the north area of the country, which is one of the most densely populated areas of Portugal. Analysis of ibuprofen is based on pre-concentration of the analyte with solid phase extraction and subsequent determination with liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection. A total of 42 water samples, including surface waters, landfill leachates,Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and hospital effluents, were analyzed in order to evaluate the occurrence of ibuprofen in the north of Portugal. In general, the highest concentrations were found in the river mouths and in the estuarine zone. The maximum concentrations found were 48,720 ngL−1 in the landfill leachate, 3,868 ngL−1 in hospital effluent, 616 ngL−1 in WWTP effluent, and 723 ngL−1 in surface waters (Lima river). Environmental risk assessment was evaluated and at the measured concentrations only landfill leachates reveal potential ecotoxicological risk for aquatic organisms. Owing to a high consumption rate of ibuprofen among Portuguese population, as prescribed and nonprescribed medicine, the importance of hospitals, WWTPs, and landfills as sources of entrance of pharmaceuticals in the environment was pointed out. Landfill leachates showed the highest contribution for ibuprofen mass loading into surface waters. On the basis of our findings, more studies are needed as an attempt to assess more vulnerable areas.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) whose migration from food packaging is recognized worldwide. However, the real overall food contamination and related consequences are yet largely unknown. Among humans, children’s exposure to BPA has been emphasized because of the immaturity of their biological systems. The main aim of this study was to assess the reproductive impact of BPA leached from commercially available plastic containers used or related to child nutrition, performing ecotoxicological tests using the biomonitoring species Daphnia magna. Acute and chronic tests, as well as single and multigenerational tests were done. Migration of BPA from several baby bottles and other plastic containers evaluated by GC-MS indicated that a broader range of foodstuff may be contaminated when packed in plastics. Ecotoxicological test results performed using defined concentrations of BPA were in agreement with literature, although a precocious maturity of daphnids was detected at 3.0 mg/L. Curiously, an increased reproductive output (neonates per female) was observed when daphnids were bred in the polycarbonate (PC) containers (145.1±4.3 % to 264.7±3.8 %), both in single as in multigenerational tests, in comparison with the negative control group (100.3±1.6 %). A strong correlated dose-dependent ecotoxicological effect was observed, providing evidence that BPA leached from plastic food packaging materials act as functional estrogen in vivo at very low concentrations. In contrast, neonate production by daphnids cultured in polypropylene and non-PC bottles was slightly but not significantly enhanced (92.5±2.0 % to 118.8±1.8 %). Multigenerational tests also revealed magnification of the adverse effects, not only on fecundity but also on mortality, which represents a worrying trend for organisms that are chronically exposed to xenoestrogens for many generations. Two plausible explanations for the observed results could be given: a non-monotonic dose–response relationship or a mixture toxicity effect.


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Mestrado em Auditoria


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In Portugal, Carixian is generally represented by alternative layers of marly limestones characterized by nodule and lumpy levels. These layers are particularly developped [show preferential development] on passage areas to a sedimentary basin, particularly along the slope of tilted blocks between the Meseta and Berlenga's horst. This facies is included in the range of the «nodular limestone» and of the «ammonitico-rosso». Limestones are radiolaria micrites with fragments of pelagic organisms (ammonoids, thin shelled gastropods). These layers can be affected by intensive bioturbation (Brenha) which is responsible for dismantlement, specially where the initial thickness does not exceed a few centimetres. This process can lead to the isolation of residual nodules (Brenha, São Pedro de Muel, Peniche) which can be mobilised by massive sliding (Peniche). The isolated elements, shell fragments or residual nodules, can also be incrustated, thus developing oncolitic cryptalgal structures. At Brenha the lump structure developed progressively into a sequence overlapping the normal sedimentary one (thick limestone beds alternating with bituminous shales). Cryptalgal structures correspond to rather unstable environment conditions on mobile margins. These structures are known in deep pelagic sediments corresponding to well defined events of the geodynamic evolution (end of the initial rifting). Cryptalgal accretions disappear towards the sedimentary basin, and the nodular levels are less important. In the articulation areas with the Tomar platform, small mounds and cupules (Alcabideque) developed within the alternating marly-limestone levels. They represent the so called «mud mounds» of metric dimensions. The upper part of these «mud mounds» is hardened, showing track remains and supporting some brachiopods and pectinids. Hence the lumpy facies of Portugal is included among the range of sedimentaty environments and can be used as «geodynamic tracer».


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OBJETIVO : Analizar la opinión que los usuarios tienen sobre alimentos genéticamente modificados y su información en el etiquetado. MÉTODOS : Realizada revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los alimentos transgénicos y el etiquetado a partir de la consulta de las bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline (vía PubMed), EMBASE, ISI-Web of Knowledge, Cochrane Library Plus, FSTA, LILACS, CINAHL y AGRICOLA. Los descriptores seleccionados fueron: «organisms, genetically modified » y «food labeling». La búsqueda se realizó desde la primera fecha disponible hasta junio de 2012, seleccionando los artículos pertinentes escritos en inglés, portugués y castellano. RESULTADOS : Se seleccionaron 40 artículos. En todos ellos, se debía haber realizado una intervención poblacional enfocada al conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados y su necesidad, o no, de incluir información en el etiquetado. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado, y apunta que está dispuesto a pagar algo más por él, pero, en definitiva compra el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías. En 18 artículos la población se mostraba favorable a su etiquetado obligatorio y seis al etiquetado voluntario; siete trabajos demostraban el poco conocimiento de la población sobre los transgénicos y, en tres, la población subestimó la cantidad que consumía. En todo caso, se observó la influencia del precio del producto genéticamente modificado. CONCLUSIONES : La etiqueta debe ser homogénea y aclarar el grado de tolerancia en humanos de alimentos genéticamente modificados en comparación con los no modificados. Asimismo, debe dejar claro su composición, o no, de alimento genéticamente modificado y la forma de producción de estos artículos de consumo. La etiqueta también debe ir acompañada de un sello de certificación de una agencia del estado y datos para contacto. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado pero señaló que acaba comprando el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías.


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This Thesis describes the application of automatic learning methods for a) the classification of organic and metabolic reactions, and b) the mapping of Potential Energy Surfaces(PES). The classification of reactions was approached with two distinct methodologies: a representation of chemical reactions based on NMR data, and a representation of chemical reactions from the reaction equation based on the physico-chemical and topological features of chemical bonds. NMR-based classification of photochemical and enzymatic reactions. Photochemical and metabolic reactions were classified by Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (Kohonen SOMs) and Random Forests (RFs) taking as input the difference between the 1H NMR spectra of the products and the reactants. The development of such a representation can be applied in automatic analysis of changes in the 1H NMR spectrum of a mixture and their interpretation in terms of the chemical reactions taking place. Examples of possible applications are the monitoring of reaction processes, evaluation of the stability of chemicals, or even the interpretation of metabonomic data. A Kohonen SOM trained with a data set of metabolic reactions catalysed by transferases was able to correctly classify 75% of an independent test set in terms of the EC number subclass. Random Forests improved the correct predictions to 79%. With photochemical reactions classified into 7 groups, an independent test set was classified with 86-93% accuracy. The data set of photochemical reactions was also used to simulate mixtures with two reactions occurring simultaneously. Kohonen SOMs and Feed-Forward Neural Networks (FFNNs) were trained to classify the reactions occurring in a mixture based on the 1H NMR spectra of the products and reactants. Kohonen SOMs allowed the correct assignment of 53-63% of the mixtures (in a test set). Counter-Propagation Neural Networks (CPNNs) gave origin to similar results. The use of supervised learning techniques allowed an improvement in the results. They were improved to 77% of correct assignments when an ensemble of ten FFNNs were used and to 80% when Random Forests were used. This study was performed with NMR data simulated from the molecular structure by the SPINUS program. In the design of one test set, simulated data was combined with experimental data. The results support the proposal of linking databases of chemical reactions to experimental or simulated NMR data for automatic classification of reactions and mixtures of reactions. Genome-scale classification of enzymatic reactions from their reaction equation. The MOLMAP descriptor relies on a Kohonen SOM that defines types of bonds on the basis of their physico-chemical and topological properties. The MOLMAP descriptor of a molecule represents the types of bonds available in that molecule. The MOLMAP descriptor of a reaction is defined as the difference between the MOLMAPs of the products and the reactants, and numerically encodes the pattern of bonds that are broken, changed, and made during a chemical reaction. The automatic perception of chemical similarities between metabolic reactions is required for a variety of applications ranging from the computer validation of classification systems, genome-scale reconstruction (or comparison) of metabolic pathways, to the classification of enzymatic mechanisms. Catalytic functions of proteins are generally described by the EC numbers that are simultaneously employed as identifiers of reactions, enzymes, and enzyme genes, thus linking metabolic and genomic information. Different methods should be available to automatically compare metabolic reactions and for the automatic assignment of EC numbers to reactions still not officially classified. In this study, the genome-scale data set of enzymatic reactions available in the KEGG database was encoded by the MOLMAP descriptors, and was submitted to Kohonen SOMs to compare the resulting map with the official EC number classification, to explore the possibility of predicting EC numbers from the reaction equation, and to assess the internal consistency of the EC classification at the class level. A general agreement with the EC classification was observed, i.e. a relationship between the similarity of MOLMAPs and the similarity of EC numbers. At the same time, MOLMAPs were able to discriminate between EC sub-subclasses. EC numbers could be assigned at the class, subclass, and sub-subclass levels with accuracies up to 92%, 80%, and 70% for independent test sets. The correspondence between chemical similarity of metabolic reactions and their MOLMAP descriptors was applied to the identification of a number of reactions mapped into the same neuron but belonging to different EC classes, which demonstrated the ability of the MOLMAP/SOM approach to verify the internal consistency of classifications in databases of metabolic reactions. RFs were also used to assign the four levels of the EC hierarchy from the reaction equation. EC numbers were correctly assigned in 95%, 90%, 85% and 86% of the cases (for independent test sets) at the class, subclass, sub-subclass and full EC number level,respectively. Experiments for the classification of reactions from the main reactants and products were performed with RFs - EC numbers were assigned at the class, subclass and sub-subclass level with accuracies of 78%, 74% and 63%, respectively. In the course of the experiments with metabolic reactions we suggested that the MOLMAP / SOM concept could be extended to the representation of other levels of metabolic information such as metabolic pathways. Following the MOLMAP idea, the pattern of neurons activated by the reactions of a metabolic pathway is a representation of the reactions involved in that pathway - a descriptor of the metabolic pathway. This reasoning enabled the comparison of different pathways, the automatic classification of pathways, and a classification of organisms based on their biochemical machinery. The three levels of classification (from bonds to metabolic pathways) allowed to map and perceive chemical similarities between metabolic pathways even for pathways of different types of metabolism and pathways that do not share similarities in terms of EC numbers. Mapping of PES by neural networks (NNs). In a first series of experiments, ensembles of Feed-Forward NNs (EnsFFNNs) and Associative Neural Networks (ASNNs) were trained to reproduce PES represented by the Lennard-Jones (LJ) analytical potential function. The accuracy of the method was assessed by comparing the results of molecular dynamics simulations (thermal, structural, and dynamic properties) obtained from the NNs-PES and from the LJ function. The results indicated that for LJ-type potentials, NNs can be trained to generate accurate PES to be used in molecular simulations. EnsFFNNs and ASNNs gave better results than single FFNNs. A remarkable ability of the NNs models to interpolate between distant curves and accurately reproduce potentials to be used in molecular simulations is shown. The purpose of the first study was to systematically analyse the accuracy of different NNs. Our main motivation, however, is reflected in the next study: the mapping of multidimensional PES by NNs to simulate, by Molecular Dynamics or Monte Carlo, the adsorption and self-assembly of solvated organic molecules on noble-metal electrodes. Indeed, for such complex and heterogeneous systems the development of suitable analytical functions that fit quantum mechanical interaction energies is a non-trivial or even impossible task. The data consisted of energy values, from Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, at different distances, for several molecular orientations and three electrode adsorption sites. The results indicate that NNs require a data set large enough to cover well the diversity of possible interaction sites, distances, and orientations. NNs trained with such data sets can perform equally well or even better than analytical functions. Therefore, they can be used in molecular simulations, particularly for the ethanol/Au (111) interface which is the case studied in the present Thesis. Once properly trained, the networks are able to produce, as output, any required number of energy points for accurate interpolations.


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Recent studies suggest that sand can serve as a vehicle for exposure of humans to pathogens at beach sites, resulting in increased health risks. Sampling for microorganisms in sand should therefore be considered for inclusion in regulatory programmes aimed at protecting recreational beach users from infectious disease. Here, we review the literature on pathogen levels in beach sand, and their potential for affecting human health. In an effort to provide specific recommendations for sand sampling programmes, we outline published guidelines for beach monitoring programmes, which are currently focused exclusively on measuring microbial levels in water. We also provide background on spatial distribution and temporal characteristics of microbes in sand, as these factors influence sampling programmes. First steps toward establishing a sand sampling programme include identifying appropriate beach sites and use of initial sanitary assessments to refine site selection. A tiered approach is recommended for monitoring. This approach would include the analysis of samples from many sites for faecal indicator organisms and other conventional analytes, while testing for specific pathogens and unconventional indicators is reserved for high-risk sites. Given the diversity of microbes found in sand, studies are urgently needed to identify the most significant aetiological agent of disease and to relate microbial measurements in sand to human health risk.