979 resultados para Theme for verses I and II


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O SW do município de Presidente Figueiredo, localizado no Estado do Amazonas, Nordeste do Cráton Amazônico Central, Brasil, hospeda granitoides do tipo I de idade entre 1890 a 1898 Ma (Terra Preta Granito, Suíte Água Branca), hornblenda-sienogranitos do tipo A (Sienogranito Canoas da Suíte Mapuera), rochas vulcânicas ácidas à intermediárias (Grupo Iricoumé) e granitos rapakivi de idades entre 1883 a 1889 Ma (Granito São Gabriel da Suíte Mapuera), e rochas afins (quartzo-gabro-anortosito e diorito), além de quartzo-monzonito Castanhal, milonitos e hornfels. A fácies quartzo-diorito do granito Terra Preta foi formada por processos de mistura entre um dique quartzo-gabro sinplutônico e um granodiorito hornblenda. Glóbulos parcialmente assimilados de sienogranitos hornblenda Canoas e seus contatos com o granodiorito hornblenda Terra Preta sugerem que o sienogranito Canoas é um pouco mais jovem do que o Granito Terra Preta. Xenólitos do sienogranito Canoas no interior do Granito São Gabriel mostram que o granito é mais jovem do que o sienogranito Canoas. Novas evidências geológicas e petrográficas avançam na compreensão petrológica destas rochas e sugerem que, além de cristalização fracionada, assimilação e mistura de magma, desempenharam um papel importante, pelo menos em escala local, na evolução e variação composicionais dos plutons. Tal evidência é encontrada no Granito Terra Preta misturado com materiais quartzo-diorito, félsico associado ao sienogranito Canoas e nos enclaves microgranulares intermediários, que apresentam biotita e hornblenda primárias, além de dissolução plagioclásio, corrosão de feldspatos, mantos feldspatos alcalinos, segunda geração de apatita, e elevados teores xenocristais em enclaves intermediários formados a partir da fragmentação de intrusões máficas. Análises petrográficas mostram que um evento deformacional registrado na parte Ocidental da área de estudo (com deformação progressiva de E para W) é estimado entre o magmatismo pós-colisional de 1,90 Ga e as invasões do Granito São Gabriel e rochas afins máficas/intermediárias (intraplaca). No entanto, torna-se extremamente necessário obter idades absolutas para este evento metamórfico.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da polimerização gradual, mediante a utilização de aparelhos de Quartzo-Tungustênio-Halógena (QTH) e Arco de Plasma de Xenônio (PAC), no selamento marginal de restaurações classe V em resina composta com margens localizadas em dentina. Setenta e cinco incisivos bovinos receberam preparos de cavidades classe V, na raiz, com o intuito de situar as margens cavitárias em dentina. Os dentes foram divididos em cinco grupos de acordo com o método de fotoativação. As cavidades, depois de condicionadas, foram tratadas com o sistema adesivo Single Bond (3M Dental) e restauradas com a resina composta Z100 (3M Dental) pela técnica incremental. A fotoativação foi realizada para cada grupo como descrito a seguir: Grupo I: PAC pelo método de fotoativação constante: 1600mW/cm2 – 3s; Grupo II: PAC pelo método de fotoativação por passos (800mW/cm2 – 2s, subindo automaticamente para 1600mW/cm2 – 4s); Grupo III: QTH pelo método de fotoativação constante: 400 mW/cm2 – 40s; Grupo IV: QTH pelo método de fotoativação em rampa: 100 a 600 mW/cm2 – 15s, permanecendo a 600mW/cm2 por mais 25s; Grupo V: QTH pelo método de fotoativação por pulso: 200 mW/cm2 – 3s, tempo de espera de 3min.e a seguir 600mW/cm2 – 30s. Os dentes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 30 dias e então submetidos à ciclagem térmica, por 500 ciclos à 5 ºC e 55 ºC. Os ápices dos dentes foram selados com resina composta e os dentes foram cobertos com duas camadas de esmalte para unha, antes da sua imersão em fucsina básica a 0,5%. Os dentes foram seccionados e os cortes foram escaneados para avaliação da área infiltrada por corante por um programa de computador (Image Tools). Os cortes foram também visualizados com lupa para a determinação do grau de penetração do corante na interface dente-restauração por escores. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas entre os grupos quanto ao grau e à área de penetração de corante (p < 0,05). Os grupos I e II apresentaram valores significantemente mais altos de infiltração e penetração do corante que os grupos III, IV e V. Em conclusão, o uso da fonte de PAC, no modo constante e por passos, resultou em valores significantemente maiores de infiltração marginal quando comparados com a intensidade de luz média emitida pelos aparelhos de QTH. Os métodos de fotoativação por pulso, rampa e continuo com a fonte de QTH resultaram num grau similar de microinfiltração.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Annonaceae seeds are known by presenting dormancy mechanisms, whose reports ranging from coating impermeable to the physiological dormancy. By this way, the present study aimed to evaluate water uptake in Annona diversifolia Saff and Annona purpurea Moc & Sessé ex Dunal seeds. For this study, seeds were placed under immersion in distilled water, and used four replicates of 25 seeds of each species, which were weighed during the 480 hours that were immersed. To determine the place of purchase of water, Annona diversifolia seeds were sealed with paraffin at different locations. Based on the results, seeds from both species reached the phases I and II of water uptake, which indicates they are not hard; however, germination (Phase III) was not reached. Annona diversifolia seeds completed Phase I with, 50h and Annona purpurea with 70h from imbibitions begin, which shows that even slowly, water is acquire.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The primary stability of dental implants is fundamental for osseointegration. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the correlation between insertion torque (IT) and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) of implants placed in mandibles and maxillas of different bone densities. Eighty dental implants were placed in maxillas and mandibles, and IT and the implant stability quotient (ISQ) were measured at the time of implant insertion. Bone density was assessed subjectively by the Lekholm and Zarb index. The type I and II densities were grouped together (group A)as were the type III and IV densities (group B). The IT in group A was higher (Student t test, P = .0013) than in group B (46.27 +/- 18.51 Ncm, 33.62 +/- 14.74 Ncm, respectively). The implants placed in group A showed higher ISQ (Student t test, P = .0004) than those placed in group B (70.09 +/- 7.50, 63.66 +/- 8.00, respectively). A significant correlation between IT and the ISQ value was observed for group A (Pearson correlation test; r = 0.35; P = .0213) and for group B (r = 0.37; P = .0224). Within the limitations of this study, it was possible to conclude that there is a correlation between IT and RFA of implants placed in mandibles and maxillas of different bone densities.


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AbstractThis study evaluates the effectiveness of two fish passes at two hydropower dams (Canoas I and II) in the Upper Parana basin, which form part of a cascade of three reservoirs. Fish from 12 migratory species (3089 specimens) were captured during their ascending, reproductive migration and were tagged with hydrostatic tags. The recapture data (294 specimens over two consecutive years) showed that there is a strong tendency for the maintenance of ascending migration through reservoirs with fish passes but with differences in migratory activity within the same species. No eggs, larvae or juveniles of these species were found in samples collected over 5 years in the reservoirs above the fish passes. These data suggest that fish passes have contributed to the restoration of the migratory routes of adult fish but that in the absence of suitable spawning or nursery habitats for these species; they probably act as ecological traps and do not contribute to the recruitment of the species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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n this paper I pose some questions that I systematized after taking part in a colloquium proposed by the National Conference on Education (CONAE 2010) to discuss the theme “Environmental Education and Curriculum Contextualization”. Regarding public environmental education policies, I try to indicate some perspectives that are both coherent with what Brazilian educators and environmentalists have been proposing and considered necessary for the consolidation of an Articulated National Education System. I present a synthesis of the environmental education proposals systematized in the CONAE Reference Document, which was designed as a guide to state and local conferences. I make an effort to carry out a preliminary analysis of both the process and the content of the public environmental education proposals systematized in the Essential Documents (Volumes I and II), Thematic Plenary Meeting Documents, and Final Document. Furthermore, I try to present a short synthesis of the prevailing tendencies of educational policies in Brazil in the last decades, pointing out the meaning and need of social activism for the construction of public policies for education, in general, and for environmental education, specifically.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The current context is unique in relation to the teaching of evolution in Brazil and the population's perception of evolution. On the one hand, it is said often about Darwinism in various media, especially due to the relatively recent commemoration of the two hundred years of the birth of Charles Darwin and one hundred and fifty years of the launch of the book The Origin of Species. On the other hand, it is clear, in recent years, a timid movement, more worryingly, in favor of equitable approach of creationist and evolutionist theories in the classroom. This article is a part of a research whose goal is to raise the design that Brazilian respondents have about the Darwinian view (which disregards the divine influence in the evolution of the species). The instrument used for data collection is a questionnaire, type Likert scale, which consists of a series of statements in which respondents must express their degree of agreement or disagreement with each statement. In this study, we present the results of the statement. "The thought of Darwin, which does not consider God as a participant in the process of evolution, is...". Analysis correlated with data on religion and education of the respondents are also held. The results point to a tendency of respondents not to accept the Darwinian view that disregards God's interference in the evolutionary process. The data also show that respondents' choices are influenced by religion and education. The frequency of responses that tend to accept the Darwinian view (which disregards the divine participation in the evolution of the species) is higher among respondents with higher levels of education. Adherents to religions "evangelical" tend to deny this view more often than followers of other religions. Given the potential risks of inserting creationist approaches in school education, it is necessary a discussion of the possible impacts of this rejection of Darwin's thinking (which does not consider God as a participant in the evolutionary process), indicated here, in the teaching of evolution. This work was supported by FAPEMIG.