973 resultados para The Harry M. Stevens Company
Global digitalization has affected also industrial sector. A trend called Industrial Internet has been present for some years and established relatively steady position in businesses. Industrial Internet is also referred with the terminology Industry 4.0 and in consumer businesses IoT (Internet of Things). Eventually, trend consists of many traditionally proven technologies and concepts, such as condition monitoring, remote services, predictive maintenance and Internet customer portals. All these technologies and information related to them are estimated to change the rules of business in industrial sector. This may result even a new industrial revolution. This research has its focus on Industrial Internet products, services and applications. The study analyses four case companies and their digital service offerings. According to this analysis the comparison of these services is done to find out if there is still space for companies to gain competitive advantage through differentiation with these state of the art solutions. One of the case companies, Case Company Ltd., is working as a primary case company and a subscriber of this particular research. The research and results are analyzed primarily from this company’s perspective and need. In empirical part, the research clarifies how Case Company Ltd. has allocated its development resources through last five years. These allocations in certain categories are then compared to other case companies’ current customer offering and conclusions are made how the approach of different companies differ from each other. Existing theoretical knowledge of Industrial Internet is about to find its shape. In this research we take a look how the case company analysis and findings correlate with the existing knowledge and literature of the topic.
Täm diplomityö on tehty case yritykselle nimeltä yritys X. Yritys X valmistaa alueelliseen lämmön- ja käyttöveden jakamiseen tarkoitettuja eristettyjä muoviputkia. Viime vuosina yrityksen kilpailijat ovat onnistuneet kehittämän omien vastaavien tuotteidensa ominaisuuksia, minkä seurauksena yritys X:n asema markkinoilla on heikentynyt. Vastauksena kiristyneeseen markkinatilanteeseen yritys X on kehittänyt kolme uutta potentiaalista tuotekonseptia, joista yhtä suunnitellaan kehitettäväksi nykyisen tuotteen rinnalle. Uusien tuotekonseptien keskinäinen vertailu on kuitenkin osoittautunut haasteelliseksi. Tämn työn päätavoitteena on hyödyntää analyyttista hierarkiaprosessia ja antaa sen perusteella suositus parhaan tuotekonseptin valinnasta. Työ sisältää kirjallisen osion, jossa käydään läpi tuotekehitystoimintaa yleisesti sekä esitellään analyyttisen hierarkiaprosessin hyödyntäminen yksityiskohtaisesti. Työn jälkimmäisessä osiossa paneudutaan tarkemmin käytännön ongelmaan ja esitellään kuinka analyyttista hierarkiaprosessia on hyödynnetty yritys X:n tapauksessa. Keskeisinä tuloksina työn lopussa esitellään analyyttisen hierarkiaprosessin avulla märitetyt päätöskriteerien painoarvot, vaihtoehtojen saamat kokonaispainoarvot sekä annetaan suositus uuden tuotekonseptin valinnasta.
Tässä diplomityössä tarkasteltiin asiakasohjautuvan hitsaustuotannon kehittämistä PK-konepajassa. Työn tarkoituksena oli kerätä taustatietoa asiakasohjautuvan hitsaustuotannon erityispiirteistä ja tarkastella hitsaustuotannon kehittämistä. Työssä tutustuttiin hitsausprosesseihin ja niiden kehitysversioihin sekä hitsausaineisiin. Tärkeänä osa-alueena olivat hitsin ja hitsaustuotannon laadun ja laadunhallinnan sekä hitsauksen mekanisoinnin ja automatisoinnin tarkastelu hitsauksen työsuojelua ja hitsausergonomiaa unohtamatta. Tämn jälkeen kartoitettiin yrityksen nykytilanne ja laadittiin kehittämistoimenpiteet sekä tarvittavat laskelmat ja kehitystyön implementointi. Sen jälkeen vertailtiin tehostettua toimintaa vanhaan toimintaan sekä tehtiin johtopäätökset toiminnan kehittämisestä.
The research topic of the work is: “Factors of innovation creation within functionally heterogeneous project teams”. The research question is “What are the factors of innovation creation within functionally heterogeneous project teams?” The subject of this research is to explore the teams of projects, aimed at creating innovations, and understand how innovation is generated through project team work within them in term of factors. In line with the purposes of this study, firstly, it was analyzed what factors of such teams’ work are affecting creating innovation positively and negatively on the base of chosen literature and a preliminary conceptional framework was formulated, and secondly, the research of the work of project teams in one of the divisions of ABB company has been done and other factors and interdependencies between them have been added to the conceptional framework. This final conceptional framework constitutes the essense of the work findings and can be used as a tool to analyze the innovation creation process in functionally heterogeneous project teams
The growth of the companies working in the Logistics area has raised the need for using several Logistics systems that can meet the increased requirements in business processes. Different companies may use one or more Logistics systems internally and may use different Logistics systems that other collaborated companies use. Furthermore, these Logistics systems are required to communicate with each other in order to process and manage the flow of the information. Integrating the Logistics systems is beneficial as it allows interaction between the whole systems and services instead of the need to replace them. In addition, it improves the efficiency, lowers the possible errors in the supply chain, reduces the costs and facilitates the access of suppliers and customers to the information. This in turn leads to better relationships with both suppliers and customers. Usually local integration of several Logistics systems is not very difficult, especially that mostly the companies buy their system from a single source. However, the case is different for integrating several logistics systems across the companies’ borders. In this case, there are many factors play major roles in limiting the integration, such as using different systems and different output. This thesis highlights these factors and challenges, demonstrates some solutions for the logistics inter-organizational integration from the perspective of information systems and presents some approaches for integrating these systems. There are many studies about the integration inside a company but fewer studies focused about the technical side and the information systems integration across company’s borders or what is called inter-organizational integration. This study is a literature review that aims at illustrating the challenges, the requirements and some approaches in inter-organizational logistics information systems integration of logistics systems across the companies’ borders.
Chapman Park Hotel, Wilshire Boulevard between Mariposa and Alexandria Avenue, Los Angeles, 1934. Formerly named the Alexandria Hotel, it was built in 1906 and enlarged in 1909. The Santa Ysabel Land Company, controlled by Charles C. Chapman and his son, Stanley Chapman, purchased the hotel in 1930. It housed the United States women for the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles.
Chapman Park Hotel, Wilshire Boulevard between Mariposa and Alexandria Avenue, Los Angeles, 1934. Formerly named the Alexandria Hotel, it was built in 1906 and enlarged in 1909. The Santa Ysabel Land Company, controlled by Charles C. Chapman and his son, Stanley Chapman, purchased the hotel in 1930. It housed the United States women for the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles.
Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)
Davis Community Center and Apartments opened September, 1974 at 625 North Grand Street, Orange, California, named in honor of Chapman College's fourth president, Dr. John L. Davis. The five two-story apartment buildings were designed by Harold Gimeno & Associates of Santa Ana and built by the J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. of Costa Mesa.
Davis Community Center and Apartments opened September, 1974 at 625 North Grand Street, Orange, California, named in honor of Chapman College's fourth president, Dr. John L. Davis. The five two-story apartment buildings were designed by Harold Gimeno & Associates of Santa Ana and built by the J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. of Costa Mesa.
Davis Community Center and Apartments opened September, 1974, at 625 North Grand Street, Orange, California, named in honor of Chapman College's fourth president, Dr. John L. Davis. The five two-story apartment buildings were designed by Harold Gimeno & Associates of Santa Ana and built by the J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. of Costa Mesa.
Davis Community Center and Apartments opened September, 1974 at 625 North Grand Street, Orange, California, named in honor of Chapman College's fourth president, Dr. John L. Davis. The five two-story apartment buildings were designed by Harold Gimeno & Associates of Santa Ana and built by the J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. of Costa Mesa.
Davis Community Center and Apartments opened September, 1974, at 625 North Grand Street, Orange, California, named in honor of Chapman College's fourth president, Dr. John L. Davis. The five two-story apartment buildings were designed by Harold Gimeno & Associates of Santa Ana and built by the J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. of Costa Mesa.
Davis Community Center and Apartments opened September, 1974, at 625 North Grand Street, Orange, California, named in honor of Chapman College's fourth president, Dr. John L. Davis. The five two-story apartment buildings were designed by Harold Gimeno & Associates of Santa Ana and built by the J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. of Costa Mesa.