946 resultados para Specific heat of liquids
The objective of this study was to analyze the sugar cane vegetal residues collection, as well as determining its energetic potential, using a rake and cylindrical baler, both from NEW HOLLAND® under two different windrowing process (simple and double). The field tests were carried out in an area that belongs to COSTA PINTO MILL (COSAN® Group) in the city of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The geographic location of the area is: Latitude 22°4030'S, Longitude 47°3633'W and altitude of 605m. From the trash analysis, before the baling, the following average results were obtained: 69.93% of leaves; 2.27% of stalks fractions; 21.44% of tops and 6.36% of total strange matter. The estimated residues yield was 27.01 tons.ha -1 with a gross heat of 18.43 MJ.kg-1, low heat of 17.01 MJ.kg-1, useful heat of 13.32 MJ.kg-1, average moisture of 20.76% and an energetic potential of 494,875.09 MJ.ha-1. In the windrowing operations (simple and double) the averages of the 5 out of 13 analyzed variable presented differences between them in a 1% level of significance in the Tukey Test. The averages comparison of the results for bale's specific mass and the effective capacities (ton.h-1) e (ha.h-1) had been significant at a 5% level in the Tukey Test. The comparisons of the averages for the results had been significant to 1% level. The strange matter averages of the bales did not differed between them.
The reduction of guanine was studied by microelectrode voltammetry in the room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) N-hexyltriethylammonium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide [N6,2,2,2][N(Tf)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorosphosphate [C4mim][PF6], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [C4mpyrr][N(Tf)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [C4mim][N(Tf)2], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium dicyanamide [C4mpyrr][N(NC)2] and tris(P-hexyl)-tetradecylphosphonium trifluorotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate [P14,6,6,6][FAP] on a platinum microelectrode. In [N6,2,2,2][NTf2] and [P14,6,6,6][FAP], but not in the other ionic liquids studied, guanine reduction involves a one-electron, diffusion-controlled process at very negative potential to produce an unstable radical anion, which is thought to undergo a dimerization reaction, probably after proton abstraction from the cation of the ionic liquid. The rate of this subsequent reaction depends on the nature of the ionic liquid, and it is faster in the ionic liquid [P14,6,6,6][FAP], in which the formation of the resulting dimer can be voltammetrically monitored at less negative potentials than required for the reduction of the parent molecule. Adenine showed similar behaviour to guanine but the pyrimidines thymine and cytosine did not; thymine was not reduced at potentials less negative than required for solvent (RTIL) decomposition while only a poorly defined wave was seen for cytosine. The possibility for proton abstraction from the cation in [N6,2,2,2][NTf2] and [P14,6,6,6][FAP] is noted and this is thought to aid the electrochemical dimerization process. The resulting rapid reaction is thought to shift the reduction potentials for guanine and adenine to lower values than observed in RTILs where the scope for proton abstraction is not present. Such shifts are characteristic of so-called EC processes where reversible electron transfer is followed by a chemical reaction. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.
Traditional Monte Carlo simulations of QCD in the presence of a baryon chemical potential are plagued by the complex phase problem and new numerical approaches are necessary for studying the phase diagram of the theory. In this work we consider a ℤ3 Polyakov loop model for the deconfining phase transition in QCD and discuss how a flux representation of the model in terms of dimer and monomer variable solves the complex action problem. We present results of numerical simulations using a worm algorithm for the specific heat and two-point correlation function of Polyakov loops. Evidences of a first order deconfinement phase transition are discussed. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.
The unique properties of ceramic foams enable their use in a variety of applications. This work investigated the effects of different parameters on the production of zirconia ceramic foam using the sol-gel process associated with liquid foam templates. Evaluation was made of the influence of the thermal treatment temperature on the porous and crystalline characteristics of foams manufactured using different amounts of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) surfactant. A maximum pore volume, with high porosity (94%) and a bimodal pore size distribution, was observed for the ceramic foam produced with 10% SDS. Macropores, with an average size of around 30 μm, were obtained irrespective of the SDS amount, while the average size of the supermesopores increased systematically as the SDS amount was increased up to 10%, after which it decreased. X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the sample treated at 500 °C was amorphous, while crystallization into a tetragonal metastable phase occurred at 600 °C due to the presence of sulfate groups in the zirconia structure. At 800 and 1000 °C the monoclinic phase was observed, which is thermodynamically stable at these temperatures. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Aquaporins have important roles in various physiological processes in plants, including growth, development and adaptation to stress. In this study, a gene encoding a root-specific tonoplast intrinsic aquaporin (TIP) from Eucalyptus grandis (named EgTIP2) was investigated. The root-specific expression of EgTIP2 was validated over a panel of five eucalyptus organ/tissues. In eucalyptus roots, EgTIP2 expression was significantly induced by osmotic stress imposed by PEG treatment. Histochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco lines (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) harboring an EgTIP2 promoter:GUS reporter cassette revealed major GUS staining in the vasculature and in root tips. Consistent with its osmotic-stress inducible expression in eucalyptus, EgTIP2 promoter activity was up-regulated by mannitol treatment, but was down-regulated by abscisic acid. Taken together, these results suggest that EgTIP2 might be involved in eucalyptus response to drought. Additional searches in the eucalyptus genome revealed the presence of four additional putative TIP coding genes, which could be individually assigned to the classical TIP1-5 groups. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The metallic carbides exhibit many novel prototypes of crystalline structure. Among these compounds Th2NiC2 was reported in 1991 as a new carbide which crystallizes in the U2IrC2 prototype structure. In this work we report a reinvestigation of the synthesis of this compound. We find that Th2NiC2 is a new superconductor. Our results suggest that this phase is stable only at high temperatures in the system Th-Ni-C. The substitution of Th by Sc stabilizes the phase and improves the superconducting properties. The highest superconducting critical temperature occurs at 11.2 K with nominal composition Th1.8Sc0.2NiC2. The electronic coefficient determined by specific heat measurements is close to zero. This unusual result can be explained by covalent bonding in the compound.
This was a cross-sectional study which analyzed the prevalence and the clinical and immunological spectrum of canine Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi infection in a cohort of 320 mongrel dogs living in an endemic area of American visceral leishmaniasis in the Amazonian Brazil by using, mainly, the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT-IgG) and the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), and the parasite research by the popliteal lymph node aspiration. The IFAT and DTH reactivity recognized three different immune response profiles: (1) IFAT((+))/DTH(-) (107 dogs), (2) IFAT((-))/DTH(+) (18 dogs), and (3) IFAT((+))/DTH(+) (13 dogs), providing an overall prevalence of infection of 43 % (138/320). Thus, the specific prevalence of IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) 33.4 % (107/320) was higher than those of IFAT ((-)) /DTH ((+)) 5.6 % (18/320) and IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((+)) 4.0 % (13/320). Moreover, the frequency of these profiles among 138 infected dogs showed that the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) rate of 77.5 % (107/138) was also higher than those of 13.0 % (18/138) of IFAT ((-)) /DTH ((+)) and 9.5 % (13/138) of IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((+)) rates. The frequency of asymptomatic dogs (76 %-105) was higher than those of symptomatic (16.6 %-23) and oligosymptomatic ones (7.4 %-10). A total of 16 (11.6 %) L. (L.) i. chagasi isolates were obtained from infected dogs, all from the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) profile: 41 % (9/22) from symptomatic, 33.3 % (3/9) from oligosymptomatic, and 5.2 % (4/76) from asymptomatic dogs. These findings strongly suggested that despite the higher frequency of asymptomatic dogs (76 %-105), the majority (72.4 %-76) was characterized by the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) profile with a doubtful immunogenetic resistance against infection.
The endocannabinoid system has been implicated in several neurobiological processes, including neurodegeneration, neuroprotection and neuronal plasticity. The CB1 cannabinoid receptors are abundantly expressed in the basal ganglia, the circuitry that is mostly affected in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Some studies show variation of CB1 expression in basal ganglia in different animal models of PD, however the results are quite controversial, due to the differences in the procedures employed to induce the parkinsonism and the periods analyzed after the lesion. The present study evaluated the CB1 expression in four basal ganglia structures, namely striatum, external globus pallidus (EGP), internal globus pallidus (IGP) and substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) of rats 1, 5, 10, 20, and 60 days after unilateral intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine injections, that causes retrograde dopaminergic degeneration. We also investigated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), parvalbumin, calbindin and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) expression to verify the status of dopaminergic and GABAergic systems. We observed a structure-specific modulation of CB1 expression at different periods after lesions. In general, there were no changes in the striatum, decreased CB1 in IGP and SNpr and increased CB1 in EGP, but this increase was not sustained over time. No changes in GAD and parvalbumin expression were observed in basal ganglia, whereas TH levels were decreased and the calbindin increased in striatum in short periods after lesion. We believe that the structure-specific variation of CB1 in basal ganglia in the 6-hydroxydopamine PD model could be related to a compensatory process involving the GABAergic transmission, which is impaired due to the lack of dopamine. Our data, therefore, suggest that the changes of CB1 and calbindin expression may represent a plasticity process in this PD model
The direct killing of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) plays a fundamental role in protective immunity to viral, bacterial, protozoan and fungi infections, as well as to tumor cells. In vivo cytotoxic assays take into account the interaction of target and effector cells in the context of the proper microenvironment making the analysis biologically more relevant than in vitro cytotoxic assays. Thus, the development, improvement and validation of in vivo methods are necessary in view of the importance of the results they may provide. We describe and discuss in this manuscript a method to evaluate in vivo specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte killing. We used as model system mice immunized with human recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus 5 (HAd5) containing different transgenes as the trigger of a CTL-mediated immune response. To these mice, we adoptively transferred syngeneic cells labeled with different vital fluorescent dyes. Donor cells were pulsed (target) or not (control non-target) with distinct CD8 T-cell epitopes, mixed in a 1:1 ratio and injected i.v. into immunized or non-immunized recipient mice. After 18-24h, spleen cells are collected and analysed by flow cytometry. A deviation from the 1:1 ratio of control and target cell populations indicates antigen specific lysis of target cells
The development of safe, high energy and power electrochemical energy-conversion systems can be a response to the worldwide demand for a clean and low-fuel-consuming transport. This thesis work, starting from a basic studies on the ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes and carbon electrodes and concluding with tests on large-size IL-based supercapacitor prototypes demonstrated that the IL-based asymmetric configuration (AEDLCs) is a powerful strategy to develop safe, high-energy supercapacitors that might compete with lithium-ion batteries in power assist-hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The increase of specific energy in EDLCs was achieved following three routes: i) the use of hydrophobic ionic liquids (ILs) as electrolytes; ii) the design and preparation of carbon electrode materials of tailored morphology and surface chemistry to feature high capacitance response in IL and iii) the asymmetric double-layer carbon supercapacitor configuration (AEDLC) which consists of assembling the supercapacitor with different carbon loadings at the two electrodes in order to exploit the wide electrochemical stability window (ESW) of IL and to reach high maximum cell voltage (Vmax). Among the various ILs investigated the N-methoxyethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (PYR1(2O1)TFSI) was selected because of its hydrophobicity and high thermal stability up to 350 °C together with good conductivity and wide ESW, exploitable in a wide temperature range, below 0°C. For such exceptional properties PYR1(2O1)TFSI was used for the whole study to develop large size IL-based carbon supercapacitor prototype. This work also highlights that the use of ILs determines different chemical-physical properties at the interface electrode/electrolyte with respect to that formed by conventional electrolytes. Indeed, the absence of solvent in ILs makes the properties of the interface not mediated by the solvent and, thus, the dielectric constant and double-layer thickness strictly depend on the chemistry of the IL ions. The study of carbon electrode materials evidences several factors that have to be taken into account for designing performing carbon electrodes in IL. The heat-treatment in inert atmosphere of the activated carbon AC which gave ACT carbon featuring ca. 100 F/g in IL demonstrated the importance of surface chemistry in the capacitive response of the carbons in hydrophobic ILs. The tailored mesoporosity of the xerogel carbons is a key parameter to achieve high capacitance response. The CO2-treated xerogel carbon X3a featured a high specific capacitance of 120 F/g in PYR14TFSI, however, exhibiting high pore volume, an excess of IL is required to fill the pores with respect to that necessary for the charge-discharge process. Further advances were achieved with electrodes based on the disordered template carbon DTC7 with pore size distribution centred at 2.7 nm which featured a notably high specific capacitance of 140 F/g in PYR14TFSI and a moderate pore volume, V>1.5 nm of 0.70 cm3/g. This thesis work demonstrated that by means of the asymmetric configuration (AEDLC) it was possible to reach high cell voltage up to 3.9 V. Indeed, IL-based AEDLCs with the X3a or ACT carbon electrodes exhibited specific energy and power of ca. 30 Wh/kg and 10 kW/kg, respectively. The DTC7 carbon electrodes, featuring a capacitance response higher of 20%-40% than those of X3a and ACT, respectively, enabled the development of a PYR14TFSI-based AEDLC with specific energy and power of 47 Wh/kg and 13 kW/kg at 60°C with Vmax of 3.9 V. Given the availability of the ACT carbon (obtained from a commercial material), the PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLCs assembled with ACT carbon electrodes were selected within the EU ILHYPOS project for the development of large-size prototypes. This study demonstrated that PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLC can operate between -30°C and +60°C and its cycling stability was proved at 60°C up to 27,000 cycles with high Vmax up to 3.8 V. Such AEDLC was further investigated following USABC and DOE FreedomCAR reference protocols for HEV to evaluate its dynamic pulse-power and energy features. It was demonstrated that with Vmax of 3.7 V at T> 30 °C the challenging energy and power targets stated by DOE for power-assist HEVs, and at T> 0 °C the standards for the 12V-TSS and 42V-FSS and TPA 2s-pulse applications are satisfied, if the ratio wmodule/wSC = 2 is accomplished, which, however, is a very demanding condition. Finally, suggestions for further advances in IL-based AEDLC performance were found. Particularly, given that the main contribution to the ESR is the electrode charging resistance, which in turn is affected by the ionic resistance in the pores that is also modulated by pore length, the pore geometry is a key parameter in carbon design not only because it defines the carbon surface but also because it can differentially “amplify” the effect of IL conductivity on the electrode charging-discharging process and, thus, supercapacitor time constant.
Oncolytic virotherapy exploits the ability of viruses to infect and kill cells. It is suitable as treatment for tumors that are not accessible by surgery and/or respond poorly to the current therapeutic approach. HSV is a promising oncolytic agent. It has a large genome size able to accommodate large transgenes and some attenuated oncolytic HSVs (oHSV) are already in clinical trials phase I and II. The aim of this thesis was the generation of HSV-1 retargeted to tumor-specific receptors and detargeted from HSV natural receptors, HVEM and Nectin-1. The retargeting was achieved by inserting a specific single chain antibody (scFv) for the tumor receptor selected inside the HSV glycoprotein gD. In this research three tumor receptors were considered: epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpressed in 25-30% of breast and ovarian cancers and gliomas, prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expressed in prostate carcinomas and in neovascolature of solid tumors; and epidermal growth factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII). In vivo studies on HER2 retargeted viruses R-LM113 and R-LM249 have demonstrated their high safety profile. For R-LM249 the antitumor efficacy has been highlighted by target-specific inhibition of the growth of human tumors in models of HER2-positive breast and ovarian cancer in nude mice. In a murine model of HER2-positive glioma in nude mice, R-LM113 was able to significantly increase the survival time of treated mice compared to control. Up to now, PSMA and EGFRvIII viruses (R-LM593 and R-LM613) are only characterized in vitro, confirming the specific retargeting to selected targets. This strategy has proved to be generally applicable to a broad spectrum of receptors for which a single chain antibody is available.
A simple dependency between contact angle θ and velocity or surface tension has been predicted for the wetting and dewetting behavior of simple liquids. According to the hydrodynamic theory, this dependency was described by Cox and Voinov as θ ∼ Ca^(1/3) (Ca: Capillary number). For more complex liquids like surfactant solutions, this prediction is not directly given.rnHere I present a rotating drum setup for studying wetting/dewetting processes of surfactant solutions on the basis of velocity-dependent contact angle measurements. With this new setup I showed that surfactant solutions do not follow the predicted Cox-Voinov relation, but showed a stronger contact angle dependency on surface tension. All surfactants independent of their charge showed this difference from the prediction so that electrostatic interactions as a reason could be excluded. Instead, I propose the formation of a surface tension gradient close to the three-phase contact line as the main reason for the strong contact angle decrease with increasing surfactant concentration. Surface tension gradients are not only formed locally close to the three-phase contact line, but also globally along the air-liquid interface due to the continuous creation/destruction of the interface by the drum moving out of/into the liquid. By systematically hindering the equilibration routes of the global gradient along the interface and/or through the bulk, I was able to show that the setup geometry is also important for the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions. Further, surface properties like roughness or chemical homogeneity of the wetted/dewetted substrate influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of the liquid, i. e. the three-phase contact line is differently pinned on rough/smooth or homogeneous/inhomogeneous surfaces. Altogether I showed that the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions did not depend on the surfactant type (anionic, cationic, or non-ionic) but on the surfactant concentration and strength, the setup geometry, and the surface properties.rnSurfactants do not only influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of liquids, but also the impact behavior of drops on free-standing films or solutions. In a further part of this work, I dealt with the stability of the air cushion between drop and film/solution. To allow coalescence between drop and substrate, the air cushion has to vanish. In the presence of surfactants, the vanishing of the air is slowed down due to a change in the boundary condition from slip to no-slip, i. e. coalescence is suppressed or slowed down in the presence of surfactant.