987 resultados para Solar magnetic fields
Several ribbons of composition Fe73.5Cu1Nb 3Si16.5B6 and Fe73.5Cu1 Nb3Si13.5B9 were prepared by annealing the as-quenched samples between 525°C and 700°C; which induced nucleation of nanocrystallites of Fe bcc-type composition. Mean grain sizes were obtained from X-ray diffraction. Static magnetic properties were measured with both a Magnet Physik Hysteresis-Graph (up to 200 Oe) and a SHE SQUID magnetometer (up to 50 kOe). Soft magnetic parameters (coercive field and initial permeability) were very sensitive to grain size. The ZFC magnetization at low field showed a broad peak at a temperature TM, thus signalling a certain distribution of nanocrystalline sizes, and TM strongly decreased when the mean grain size decreased. Isothermal magnetization curves at low temperature showed the expected asymptotic behavior of a random magnet material at low and high fields.
Co-Ti-Sn-Ge substituted M-type bariumhexaferrite powders with mean grain sizes between about 10 nm and about 1 ¿m and a narrow size distribution were prepared reproducibly by means of a modified glass crystallization method. At annealing temperatures between 560 and 580°C of the amorphous flakes nanocrystalline particles grow. They behave superparamagnetically at room temperature and change into stable magnetic single domains at lower temperatures. The magnetic volume of the powders is considerably less than the geometric one. However, the effective anisotropy fields are larger by a Factor of two to three.
The magnetocaloric effect that originates from the martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Gashape-memory alloy is studied. We show that this effect is controlled by the magnetostructural coupling at boththe martensitic variant and magnetic domain length scales. A large entropy change induced by moderatemagnetic fields is obtained for alloys in which the magnetic moment of the two structural phases is not verydifferent. We also show that this entropy change is not associated with the entropy difference between themartensitic and the parent phase arising from the change in the crystallographic structure which has beenfound to be independent of the magnetic field within this range of fields.
Fréedericksz transition under twist deformation in a nematic layer is discussed when the magnetic field has a random component. A dynamical model which includes the thermal fluctuations of the system is presented. The randomness of the field produces a shift of the instability point. Beyond this instability point the time constant characteristic of the approach to the stationary stable state decreases because of the field fluctuations. The opposite happens for fields smaller than the critical one. The decay time of an unstable state, calculated as a mean first-passage time, is also decreased by the field fluctuations.
Thermal and field-induced martensite-austenite transition was studied in melt spun Ni50.3Mn35.3Sn14.4 ribbons. Its distinct highly ordered columnarlike microstructure normal to ribbon plane allows the direct observation of critical fields at which field-induced and highly hysteretic reverse transformation starts (H=17kOe at 240K), and easy magnetization direction for austenite and martensite phases with respect to the rolling direction. Single phase L21 bcc austenite with TC of 313K transforms into a 7M orthorhombic martensite with thermal hysteresis of 21K and transformation temperatures of MS=226K, Mf=218K, AS=237K, and Af=244K
PURPOSE: To improve the traditional Nyquist ghost correction approach in echo planar imaging (EPI) at high fields, via schemes based on the reversal of the EPI readout gradient polarity for every other volume throughout a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) acquisition train. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An EPI sequence in which the readout gradient was inverted every other volume was implemented on two ultrahigh-field systems. Phantom images and fMRI data were acquired to evaluate ghost intensities and the presence of false-positive blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal with and without ghost correction. Three different algorithms for ghost correction of alternating readout EPI were compared. RESULTS: Irrespective of the chosen processing approach, ghosting was significantly reduced (up to 70% lower intensity) in both rat brain images acquired on a 9.4T animal scanner and human brain images acquired at 7T, resulting in a reduction of sources of false-positive activation in fMRI data. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that at high B(0) fields, substantial gains in Nyquist ghost correction of echo planar time series are possible by alternating the readout gradient every other volume.
Inference of Markov random field images segmentation models is usually performed using iterative methods which adapt the well-known expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for independent mixture models. However, some of these adaptations are ad hoc and may turn out numerically unstable. In this paper, we review three EM-like variants for Markov random field segmentation and compare their convergence properties both at the theoretical and practical levels. We specifically advocate a numerical scheme involving asynchronous voxel updating, for which general convergence results can be established. Our experiments on brain tissue classification in magnetic resonance images provide evidence that this algorithm may achieve significantly faster convergence than its competitors while yielding at least as good segmentation results.
SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s[3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the asso ciated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line.
We present a sample of three large near-relativistic (>50 keV) electron events observed in 2001 by both the ACE and the Ulysses spacecraft, when Ulysses was at high-northern latitudes (>60°) and close to 2 AU. Despite the large latitudinal distance between the two spacecraft, electrons injected near the Sun reached both heliospheric locations. All three events were associated with large solar flares, strong decametric type II radio bursts and accompanied by wide (>212°) and fast (>1400 km s-1) coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We use advanced interplanetary transport simulations and make use of the directional intensities observed in situ by the spacecraft to infer the electron injection profile close to the Sun and the interplanetary transport conditions at both low and high latitudes. For the three selected events, we find similar interplanetary transport conditions at different heliolatitudes for a given event, with values of the mean free path ranging from 0.04 AU to 0.27 AU. We find differences in the injection profiles inferred for each spacecraft. We investigate the role that sector boundaries of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) have on determining the characteristics of the electron injection profiles. Extended injection profiles, associated with coronal shocks, are found if the magnetic footpoints of the spacecraft lay in the same magnetic sector as the associated flare, while intermittent sparse injection episodes appear when the spacecraft footpoints are in the opposite sector or a wrap in the HCS bounded the CME structure.
This work aimed at the synthesis and characterization of particles of modified silica containing the organic filter dibenzoylmethane (DBM) by the hydrolytic sol-gel method, with modifications to the Stöber route. The structures of the resulting Xerogels were characterized by diffuse reflectance UV-VIS spectroscopy in the solid state, infrared absorption spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and 29Si Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (29Si NRM). The results showed favorable formation of hybrid organic-inorganic nanoparticles with efficient absorption/reflectance of radiation in the UV / VIS range, which enables their potential use as sunscreen.
In this thesis mainly long quasi-periodic solar oscillations in various solar atmospheric structures are discussed, based on data obtained at several wavelengths, focussing, however, mainly on radio frequencies. Sunspot (Articles II and III) and quiet Sun area (QSA) (Article I) oscillations are investigated along with quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) in a flaring event with wide-range radio spectra (Article IV). Various oscillation periods are detected; 3–15, 35–70 and 90 minutes (QSA), 10-60 and 80-130 minutes (in sunspots at various radio frequencies), 3-5, 10-23, 220-240, 340 and 470 minutes (in sunspots at photosphere) and 8-12 and 15-17 seconds (in a solar flare at radio frequencies). Some of the oscillation periods are detected for the first time, while some of them have been confirmed earlier by other research groups. Solar oscillations can provide more information on the nature of various solar structures. This thesis presents the physical mechanisms of some solar structure oscillations. Two different theoretical approaches are chosen; magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and the shallow sunspot model. These two theories can explain a wide range of solar oscillations from a few seconds up to some hours. Various wave modes in loop structures cause solar oscillations (<45 minutes) both in sunspots and quiet Sun areas. Periods lasting more than 45 minutes in the sunspots (and a fraction of the shorter periods) are related to sunspot oscillations as a whole. Sometimes similar oscillation periods are detected both in sunspot area variations and respectively in magnetic field strength changes. This result supports a concept that these oscillations are related to sunspot oscillations as a whole. In addition, a theory behind QPPs at radio frequencies in solar flares is presented. The thesis also covers solar instrumentation and data sources. Additionally, the data processing methods are presented. As the majority of the investigations in this thesis focus on radio frequencies, also the most typical radio emission mechanisms are presented. The main structures of the Sun, which are related to solar oscillations, are also presented. Two separate projects are included in this thesis. Solar cyclicity is studied using the extensively large solar radio map archieve from Metsähovi Radio Observatory (MRO) at 37 GHz, between 1978 and 2011 (Article V) covering two full solar cycles. Also, some new solar instrumentation (Article VI) was developed during this thesis.
The Bi2Sr2CaCu20g single crystal with a superconducting transition temperature equal to 90 ± 2 K was prepared. The irreversibility line of the single crystal for a mgnetic field direction along the c-axis and T* in the ab-plane was determined. The reduced temperature (l - T ) is proportional to H 1.1 for fields below 004 T and proportional to HO.09 for fields above 0.4 T. The zero temperature upper critical field Hc2(0) and coherence length ~ (0) were determined from the magnetization meaurements to be H-lC2=35.9T , H//C2=31.2T, ~c(0)=35.0 A, and ~ab(0)=32.5A,and from the magnetoresistance measurements to be H-lc2 = 134.6T , H//C2=55.5T '~c(0)=38.1 A, and ~ab(0)=2404 A for both directions of the applied magnetic field. The results obtained for Hc2(0) and ~(O) are not reliable due to the rounding that the single crystal exhibits in the magnetization and magnetoresistance curves. The magnetization relaxation of the single crystal was investigated, and was found to be logarithmic in time, and the relaxation rate increases with temperature up to 50 -60 K, then decreases at higher temperatures.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Bio-compatible magnetic fluids having high saturation magnetization find immense applications in various biomedical fields. Aqueous ferrofluids of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with narrow size distribution, high shelf life and good stability is realized by controlled chemical co-precipitation process. The crystal structure is verified by X-ray diffraction technique. Particle sizes are evaluated by employing Transmission electron microscopy. Room temperature and low-temperature magnetic measurements were carried out with Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. The fluid exhibits good magnetic response even at very high dilution (6.28 mg/cc). This is an advantage for biomedical applications, since only a small amount of iron is to be metabolised by body organs. Magnetic field induced transmission measurements carried out at photon energy of diode laser (670 nm) exhibited excellent linear dichroism. Based on the structural and magnetic measurements, the power loss for the magnetic nanoparticles under study is evaluated over a range of radiofrequencies.
This thesis Entitled Studies on transport and magnetic properties of nano particle doped mgb2 superconductor for technological applications.The thesis ahead focuses on the establishment of enhanced superconducting properties in bulk MgB2 via nano particle doping and its conversion into mono/multifilamentary wires. Further, an attempt has also been made to develop prototypes of MgB2 coil and conduction cooled current lead for technological applications. The thesis is configured into 6 chapters. The opening chapter gives an idea on the phenomenon of superconductivity, the various types of superconductors and its applications in different fields. The second chapter is an introduction on MgB2 superconductor and its relevance which includes crystal and electronic structure, superconducting mechanism, basic superconducting properties along with its present international status. The third chapter provides details on the preparation and characterization techniques followed through out the study on MgB2. Fourth chapter discusses the effect of processing temperature and chemical doping using nano sized dopants on the superconducting properties of MgB2• Fifth chapter deals with the optimization of processing parameters and novel preparation techniques for wire fabrication. Sixth chapter furnishes the preparation of multifilamentary wires with various filament configurations, their electromechanical properties and it also incorporates the development of an MgB2 coil and a general purpose conduction cooled current lead.