788 resultados para Social representations theory
RESUMO: Este estudo tem como propósito compreender as ideologias, os valores, as representações sociais e os estereótipos difundidos pelos manuais escolares de Língua Portuguesa. Para atingirmos esta finalidade procedemos, inicialmente, à definição do corpus e, em seguida, à análise de conteúdo dos textos de sete manuais, do 7º ano de escolaridade, ainda em vigor. A análise dos mesmos foi realizada a partir de oito categorias que estabelecemos após uma leitura flutuante: família, religião, educação, amor, amizade, ética ambiental, poder e sonho. Os dados recolhidos foram trabalhados quantitativa e qualitativamente de acordo com a metodologia proposta por Lawrence Bardin (1997). Os manuais escolares estudados evidenciaram-se detentores de paradigmas ideológicos repressivos e homogéneos assim como reprodutores de valores tradicionalistas implícitos que visam a consubstanciação de uma mundividência ocidental que luta pela inalterabilidade das relações de género, dos valores morais, éticos e religiosos que prevalecem na sociedade e servem os desígnios da classe dominante. Confidentes de um poder simbólico que os caracteriza os manuais escolares visam a conservação das relações sociais e a sua unificação, ignorando a diversidade cultural, o multiculturalismo e as relações interculturais inerentes ao mundo social. ABSTRACT: This study aims to understand the ideologies, values, social representations and stereotypes disseminated by the Portuguese language textbooks. To achieve this purpose we began by defining the corpus and then we analyzed the content of seven 7th grade textbooks still in use. The analysis was done in eight categories established from an initial reading: family, religion, education, love, friendship, environmental ethics, power and dream. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively according to the methodology proposed by Lawrence Bardin (1997). The textbooks studied contained repressive and homogeneous ideological paradigms, as well as traditionalist implicit breeding values which pursue the implementation of a Western worldview that struggles to maintain both gender relations and moral, ethical and religious values that prevail in society and serve the ambitions of the ruling class. Confident of a symbolic power that characterize school textbooks, they aim to preserve social relationships and their unification, ignoring cultural diversity, multiculturalism and the intercultural relations that exist in the social world.
This paper introduces the concept of belonging and discusses it in the context of online social networking experience and community experience considering social capital and user’s activities as nuclear concepts to understand collective actions and social relationships mediated by social media. The paper presents an empirical approach based on the study of two local communities and analyses whether interactive social technologies promote greater social involvement and higher production of social capital and participation, that results in a greater sense of belonging within communities. The results indicate a positive relationship between the use of social media and the increase of social capital and sense of belonging. Our work discusses the role and influence of social media in communitarian practices and the relevance social capital theory has as an outcome of media technologies use that result in a greater sense of belonging to a community.
O objeto de estudo da Dissertação é o quotidiano e a dinâmica do Conselho Municipal de Educação de Canindé de São Francisco – CONMECSF, com a finalidade de desvendar como acontecem os processos sociais presentes na prática, configurando suas ações junto às administrações municipais e à sociedade organizada. A compreensão do objeto demandou algumas interlocuções teóricas com vários autores clássicos e contemporâneos, no sentido de esclarecer a natureza das mediações desenvolvidas nessa instância do sistema educacional, sem perder de vista suas relações com a categoria da totalidade. A pesquisa desenvolvida caracteriza-se como qualitativa pela sua própria especificidade, inspirando-se no estudo de caso e em seus procedimentos metodológicos. Por intermédio desta, são analisadas as produções e as práticas do Conselho Municipal de Educação de Canindé de São Francisco, via documentos e representações sociais de educadores locais quanto às políticas públicas educacionais nesse município, no período compreendido entre 2008 a 2010, de modo a configurar a gestão do sistema municipal de educação. Os achados da investigação apontam para a validade da forma de atuação do CMECSF, na perspectiva de um acompanhamento a ser aperfeiçoado da execução e efetividade das políticas públicas.
Esta dissertação de Mestrado tem por objetivo investigar as representações dos profes-sores sobre a aprendizagem de alunos com deficiência no cotidiano escolar de uma escola inclusiva; as concepções, expectativas, avanços e impasses que permeiam a atuação dos edu-cadores que desenvolvem seu trabalho numa escola pública inclusiva. A base teórica desta pesquisa esteve respaldada na teoria das Representações Sociais e em autores como, Durkheim (1987), Moscovici (1978), Mantoan (2005), Maroja (1998), Emygdio (2011), Sas-saki (1997), Nóvoa (1992), entre outros que ao longo de vários anos vem se preocupando em discutir as representações sociais bem como a temática da inclusão no contexto escolar. A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por oito professoras que trabalham na escola campo de pesquisa, no município de João Pessoa. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir dos instrumentos de pesquisa como, a observação, o diário de campo, o relato de experiência, a exposição e análise de um filme e a entrevista semi estruturada. As respostas obtidas mostraram que para realizar a educação inclusiva faz-se necessário refletir sobre o conceito, o preconceito, as crenças e concepções acerca da inclusão escolar. Constatamos o desejo de maiores condições de trabalho, no que tange a capacitação, mais recursos pedagógicos e a efetiva participação da família, no processo escolar. Observa-mos ainda, que é impossível trabalhar numa escola inclusiva cultivando o preconceito, a indi-vidualidade, a intolerância e a insensibilidade. Ficou evidente a necessidade de maiores discussões, estudos, ações, espaços adequados para o atendimento especializado e envolvimento de todos os atores da educação para que se efetive de forma satisfatória o processo de inclusão escolar.
Com a presente abordagem, pretende-se demonstrar que as universos urbanos que Eça de Queirós, Abel Botelho e outros escritores do séc. XIX se tornam um objeto teórico e poético de representação e um complexo texto humano, construído por sobreposições de imagens objetivas e subjetivas. Construídas pelo olhar objetivo do sujeito e pela sua imaginação e fantasia, estas representações têm também em vista a transformação da sociedade pela denúncia dos seus vícios, das suas patologias sociais, de forma a combater a “miséria portuguesa” de Oitocentos.
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Psychologiii
Background: Children with cleft lip are known to be at raised risk for socio-emotional difficulties, but the nature of these problems and their causes are incompletely understood; longitudinal studies are required that include comprehensive assessment of child functioning, and consideration of developmental mechanisms. Method: Children with cleft lip (with and without cleft palate) (N = 93) and controls (N = 77), previously studied through infancy, were followed up at 7 years, and their socio-emotional functioning assessed using teacher and maternal reports, observations of social interactions, and child social representations (doll play). Direct and moderating effects of infant attachment and current parenting were investigated, as was the role of child communication difficulties and attractiveness. Results: Children with clefts had raised rates of teacher-reported social problems, and anxious and withdrawn-depressed behaviour; direct observations and child representations also revealed difficulties in social relationships. Child communication problems largely accounted for these effects, especially in children with cleft palate as well as cleft lip. Insecure attachment contributed to risk in both index and control groups, and a poorer current parenting environment exacerbated the difficulties of those with clefts. Conclusions: Children with clefts are at raised risk for socio-emotional difficulties in the school years; clinical interventions should focus on communication problems and supporting parenting; specific interventions around the transition to school may be required. More generally, the findings reflect the importance of communication skills for children’s peer relations.
In the early 2000s the threat of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza captured the attention of the world's media. While China is often considered the epicentre of the panzootic, few studies have explored coverage of this variant of avian flu in China. To address this issue, the authors examined the portrayal of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza across four Chinese newspapers at the local and national level. A textual analysis was performed on 160 articles across an eight-year period from 2001–2008. The study approach drew from Critical Discourse Analysis and Social Representation Theory. The headline analysis showed the extent that risk of the disease was subverted by the depiction of a strong and efficient ‘China’ that was a global leader in the fight against the disease. Ideological referents were called upon to stress teamwork in confronting the crisis. The diachronic analysis illustrated how the relationship between commercial interests, science and public health risks played out within the Chinese media.
In this article, we make two important contributions to the literature on clusters. First, we provide a broader theory of cluster connectivity that has hitherto focused on organization-based pipelines and MNE subsidiaries, by including linkages in the form of personal relationships. Second, we use the lens of social network theory to derive a number of testable propositions. We propose that global linkages with decentralized network structures have the highest potential for local spillovers. In the emerging economy context, our theory implies that clusters linked to the global economy by decentralized pipelines have potential for in-depth catch-up, focused in industry and technology scope. In contrast, clusters linked through decentralized personal relationships have potential for in-breadth catch-up over a range of related industries and technologies. We illustrate our theoretical propositions by contrasting two emerging economy case studies: Bollywood, the Indian filmed entertainment cluster in Mumbai and the Indian software cluster in Bangalore.
This study deals with immigrants’ political participation in Sweden and the Netherlands. Scholars have recognized low level of political participation of immigrants in Sweden compared to the Netherlands. The main goal of this study is to analyze the institutional influence, mainly from political parties over immigrants’ motivation for active electoral participation. The modified actor-context model uses here as the main theoretical framework. In addition, social capital theory employs to analyze immigrants’ voluntary organizational membership. This study confirms that, Swedish immigrants have the lower participation rate in the political sphere, at lest to a certain extent, than its counterparts the Dutch immigrants. This study also confirms the argument that contextual factors can influence actor’s motivations in integration-oriented action, and similarly it validates the necessity of enlargement of the actor-context model.
The significance of inhibition: a contribution to the agency-structure debate A central problem in social theory today is how to integrate agency and structure. The vital question is how to explain social reality by proceeding from both the notion of people doing things which affect the social relationships in which they are embedded (agency) and the idea of the social context moulding social activity (structure). Sociologists as Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens and Jürgen Habermas call attention to social practices as the ”missing link” between agency and structure. In accentuating social practices, the aim is to explain how people in their daily encounters actively contribute to the production and reproduction of social structures. This article puts forth the posthumous contribution of George Herbert Mead to the agency-structure debate. I argue that his social pragmatist theory gives us a compound and thorough– but not fully recognized – explanation of the dynamics and the course of events in structurally framed encounters. By especially emphasizing the importance Mead ascribes to the inhibited social act, I examine how his theory deepens the understanding of social practices as a bridge between agency and structure.
I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att undersöka hur man på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd arbetar förebyggande för att motverka att det långvariga biståndstagandet går i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. För att ta reda på detta har vi intervjuat socialsekreterare med erfarenhet och kompetens inom området. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats utifrån den sociala inlärningsteorin som ett försök till att förstå hur det sociala arvet kan föras vidare mellan generationer. Som ett komplement till teorin används även barnperspektivet i analysen då barnen har stor del i studien. Denna studie visar och bekräftar att långvarigt ekonomiskt biståndstagande kan komma att gå i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. Studien visar även på vilket sätt förebyggande arbete för dessa familjer sker på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd.
The following study was conducted at an upper secondary school in Sweden and attempts to explore the question of what influences male pupils’ reading habits. Many quantitative international studies, including PISA, PIRLS and IEA Reading Literacy, have sought to answer this question, but only partially succeeded due to the limitations of their methods. Therefore, this study seeks to explore this question in more depth using qualitative methods, including interviews and classroom observations, but also minor tests. Two facts which the previously mentioned international studies have found is that boys and particularly immigrant boys tend to have worse reading results than their counterparts. It is therefore the aim of this study to study four male students in upper secondary school; of which two are native Swedes and the other two are unaccompanied refugee children; one from Afghanistan and the other from Morocco. The findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, necessity was found to be the single most important factor for the reading habits of these four pupils; especially the two refugees. Both refugees learnt to read under harsh circumstances in madrassas in their respective home countries. Moreover, the Moroccan pupil learnt to speak and read Spanish fluently during his seven years as a homeless child. Furthermore, in the absence of necessity, interest was found to be decisive in determining the pupils’ reading habits. In addition to this, the study theorizes that an interest in reading generally arises before the ability to read and not vice versa. However, teachers can in fact affect their pupils’ reading habits even in upper secondary school.
Estudos já feitos nos Estados Unidos mostram que propaganda é mais efetiva, geralmente, quando a raça do modelo é a mesma do que a raça do consumidor. Este estudo mostrou que os consumidores brasileiros não fizeram questão de raça do modelo. Embora, a mais aceito era o modelo mulato. Também nenhuma raça dd consumidor mostrou reação negativo contra dos modelos mulatos ou negros. O Teoria de Identidade Social fornece uma explicação possível. No EUA, a raça é uma característica fixa. No Brasil, a fronteira entre as raças é permeável. Por causa desta flexibilidade, consumidores brasileiros usam estratégias de mobilidade social, e escolham o grupo de referencia preferido dentro de todos as raças, não só de raça deles mesmo.