979 resultados para Signal-transduction Pathway


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With the increasing importance that nanotechnologies have in everyday life, it is not difficult to realize that also a single molecule, if properly designed, can be a device able to perform useful functions: such a chemical species is called chemosensor, that is a molecule of abiotic origin that signals the presence of matter or energy. Signal transduction is the mechanism by which an interaction of a sensor with an analyte yields a measurable form of energy. When dealing with the design of a chemosensor, we need to take into account a “communication requirement” between its three component: the receptor unit, responsible for the selective analyte binding, the spacer, which controls the geometry of the system and modulates the electronic interaction between the receptor and the signalling unit, whose physico-chemical properties change upon complexation. A luminescent chemosensor communicates a variation of the physico-chemical properties of the receptor unit with a luminescence output signal. This thesis work consists in the characterization of new molecular and nanoparticle-based system which can be used as sensitive materials for the construction of new optical transduction devices able to provide information about the concentration of analytes in solution. In particular two direction were taken. The first is to continue in the development of new chemosensors, that is the first step for the construction of reliable and efficient devices, and in particular the work will be focused on chemosensors for metal ions for biomedical and environmental applications. The second is to study more efficient and complex organized systems, such as derivatized silica nanoparticles. These system can potentially have higher sensitivity than molecular systems, and present many advantages, like the possibility to be ratiometric, higher Stokes shifts and lower signal-to-noise ratio.


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Das Glioblastoma multiforme zählt zu den häufigsten glialen Neoplasien des Menschen und weist zudem unter den Gliomen die höchste Malignität auf. Glioblastompatienten haben trotz aggressiver therapeutischer Ansätze eine mittlere Überlebenszeit von weniger als einem Jahr. Die diffuse Invasion in das umliegende Hirngewebe ist einer der Hauptgründe für die Rezidivbildung und die infauste Prognose von Glioblastompatienten. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, dass die starke Invasion auch einer der Gründe für die beobachtete anti-angiogene Resistenz bei der Behandlung von Glioblastomen ist. Das bidirektionale EphB/Ephrin-B-System wurde bei der axonalen Wegfindung als Vermittler repulsiver Signale identifiziert und auch im Zusammenhang der Migration und Invasion von Zellen überprüft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher die Funktion der bidirektionalen Eph- und Ephrin-Signaltransduktion in Bezug auf die Glioblastominvasion und Progression untersucht werden. rn Genetische und epigenetische Untersuchungen der EphB/Ephrin-B-Familie in einer Kohorte von Gliompatienten unterschiedlicher Malignitätsgrade identifizierten Ephrin-B2 als mögliches Tumorsuppressorgen. In Übereinstimmung damit führte die Inaktivierung von Ephrin-B2 in einem murinen Gliommodell zu einer verstärkten Invasion und einem erhöhtem Tumorwachstum in vivo. Dies konnte in verschiedenen Invasion-Assays in vitro bestätigt werden. Weiterhin zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass Ephrin-B2 transkriptionell durch das hypoxische Mikromilieu HIF-1α-vermittelt reprimiert wird. Da HIF-1α als transkriptioneller Aktivator Ephrin-B2 nicht direkt reprimieren kann, wurden potentielle HIF-1α-regulierte Repressoren untersucht, die für die Ephrin-B2 Herunterregulation verantwortlich sein könnten. Dabei wurde anhand von Ephrin-B2-Promotoranalysen und ChIP-Assays ZEB2 als HIF-1α-induzierbarer Repressor von Ephrin-B2 identifiziert. Zur Bestätigung der Hypothese, dass ZEB2 ein wichtiger Regulator der Tumorinvasion ist, wurden humane ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen generiert und in vitro sowie in vivo untersucht. Im Hinblick auf mögliche therapeutische Anwendungen wurden die ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen zusätzlich im Zusammenhang anti-Angiogenese-induzierter Invasion analysiert. Der Verlust von ZEB2 führte dabei zu einer verringerten Glioblastominvasion und Progression in einem Maus-Xenograft Modell. Die Behandlung der Tumoren mit dem anti-VEGF-Antikörper Avastin resultierte in einer stark erhöhten Invasion, die durch die Inaktivierung von ZEB2 und der dadurch reaktivierten repulsiven Signale von Ephrin-B2 wieder aufgehoben werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Ephrin-B2 als Tumorsuppressor in Gliomen agiert und durch verschiedene Mechanismen wie der genetischen und epigenetischen Kontrolle, aber auch der HIF-1α-vermittelten, ZEB2-abhängigen Repression inaktiviert wird. Dies resultiert in einer Blockade repulsiver Signale, so dass Tumorzellen diffus in das Parenchym und zu den Blutgefäßen migrieren können. Der in dieser Arbeit neu identifizierte Signalweg stellt ein attraktives therapeutisches Ziel zur Inhibition der Tumorzellinvasion dar und ermöglicht darüber hinaus der Ausbildung von Resistenzen gegenüber anti-angiogener Behandlung entgegenzuwirken. rn


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Die antioxidative Aktivität des Enzyms Glutathionperoxidase-1 (GPx-1) schützt vor Atherosklerose und ihren Folgeerkrankungen. In einer Vorstudie konnten wir zeigen, dass der Mangel an GPx-1 die Atheroskleroseentwicklung in Apolipoprotein E defizienten (ApoE-/-) Mäusen beschleunigt und modifiziert. Allerdings sind die Verteilung der GPx-1 in atherosklerotischen Läsionen und die Mechanismen für den erhöhten Makrophagengehalt in der Läsion noch nicht geklärt. Deshalb haben wir (1) die in-situ Expression der GPx-Isoformen in atherosklerotischen Läsionen von GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Mäusen und (2) den Einfluss der GPx-1 Defizienz auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation der Peritonealmakrophagen in ApoE-/- Mäusen untersucht. Die GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Weibchen wurden für 6 und 12 Wochen auf einer atherogenen „Western-type“ Diät gehalten. Die in situ-Hybridisierung zeigte, dass die verschiedenen Isoformen der GPx (GPx-1, GPx-3, GPx-4) vorwiegend in Makrophagen, nicht jedoch in glatten Muskelzellen der atherosklerotischen Läsionen von ApoE-/- Mäusen exprimiert wurden. Für die in vitro Untersuchungen wurden 5 Monate alte, GPx-1 defiziente und Wildtyp-Mäuse, gehalten auf Normaldiät, verwendet. Die Öl-Rot-O Färbung zeigte, dass die GPx-1 Defizienz die OxLDL (oxidiertes LDL) - und E-LDL (enzymatisch modifiziertes LDL) - induzierte Schaumzellbildung förderte. Darüber hinaus war die OxLDL-induzierte Cholesterinakkumulation (zellulärer Cholesterinester/ Cholesterin-Gehalt) in GPx-1 defizienten Makrophagen verstärkt, sodass ein Mangel an GPx-1 die Aufnahme von OxLDL durch Monozyten und damit die Umwandlung in Schaumzellen beschleunigt. Hinsichtlich der Proliferation zeigte sich, dass MCSF (Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Facotr) ein stärkerer Stimulus als OxLDL ist. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 fördert die Proliferation zusätzlich. Daran ist die ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2) - Kaskade beteiligt, denn es wurde eine schnelle Phosphorylierung der ERK1/2-Kaskade durch MCSF und/oder OxLDL nachgewiesen. Entsprechend reduzieren ERK1/2-Inhibitoren die proliferative Aktivität der Makrophagen. Die Hemmung der p38-MAPK (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) führt zur vermehrten Proliferation und bei gleichzeitig verringerter Caspase-3/7 Aktivität der Makrophagen unabhängig von der Expression der GPx-1. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 hat auch keinen Einfluss auf die MCSF-vermittelte Aktivierung der p38-MAPK und JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase). Zusammenfassend läßt sich feststellen, dass die GPx-1-Defizienz einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation von Makrophagen hat, was zur Beschleunigung der Atherosklerose und zu vermehrter Zellularität der entstehenden atherosklerotischen Läsionen führt. Die Proliferation wird über den ERK1/2 Signal-transduktionsweg positiv und über den p38-MAPK Weg negativ reguliert, wobei die ERK1/2-Kaskade empfindlich gegenüber oxidativem Stress bei GPx-1-Defizienz ist.


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Das aus wissenschaftlicher und ökonomischer Sicht wichtigste Pflanzenpathogen M. oryzae entwickelte im Laufe der Evolution konservierte aber auch einzigartige Mechanismen zur Signaltransduktion. Das Erforschen dieser Mechanismen und Prozesse ist essenziell für das Verständnis von Differenzierungsprozessen bei der Pathogen-Wirt-Interaktion.rnIm ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Signalweg zur Osmoregulation, der „High Osmolarity Glycerol“ (HOG)-Signalweg, erstmals anhand physiologischer Experimente in entsprechenden Mutantenstämmen in M. oryzae untersucht. Dabei konnten klare Unter-schiede zum HOG-Signalweg von S. cerevisiae aufgezeigt werden. rnDas in M. oryzae bisher noch nicht beschriebene Gen MoYPD1, welches das Phosphotransferprotein MoYpd1p kodiert, wurde erfolgreich inaktiviert. Diese Inaktivierung ist in S. cerevisiae und vielen anderen Pilzen letal und resultierte bei M. oryzae in einer apathoge¬nen Albinomutante, deren Konidiogenese gestört ist. Insbesondere die Funktion des Phosphotransferproteins MoYpd1p, sowohl im Phosphorelaysystem des HOG-Signal¬wegs als auch im Wirkmechanismus des Fungizids Fludioxonil, konnte eindeutig mittels Y2H- und Western Blot-Analysen nachgewiesen werden.rnEs wurden entscheidende Fortschritte für das Verständnis des Aufbaus und der Funktion des HOG-Signalwegs sowohl als physiologisches Regulationssystem für Umweltreize als auch als Fungizidtarget im Pflanzenschutz erzielt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Zweikompo-nenten-Hybrid-Histidinkinase (HIK) MoSln1p als Signalsensor für Salzstress und MoHik1p als Signalsensor für Zuckerstress fungiert. Die Beteiligung der Histidinkinasen MoHik5p und MoHik9p als Sensorproteine für Hypoxie im HOG-Signalweg ist durchaus denk¬bar und wurde durch erste Ergebnisse bekräftigt. rnSo konnte der HOG-Signalweg in mehreren Modellen dargestellt werden. Die Modelle der Signalerkennung und –transduktion von osmotischem Stress, von Hypoxie und der Wirkmecha¬nismus von Fludioxonil wurden erstmals in diesem Umfang für M. oryzae ausgearbei¬tet.rnDer zweite Teil dieser Arbeit repräsentiert die erste umfassende Untersuchung aller zehn HIK-codierender Gensequenzen, die im Genom von M. oryzae identifiziert werden konnten. Diese Signalproteine waren bisher noch nicht Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Studien. Die Untersuchung beginnt mit einer phylogenetischen Einordnung aller untersuchten Proteinsequen¬zen in die verschiedenen Gruppen von Histidinkinasen in Pilzen. Eine ausführli-che phänotypische Charakterisierung aller HIK-codierender Gene folgt und wurde anhand von Mutanten durchgeführt, in denen diese Gene einzeln inaktiviert wurden.rnDie Beteiligung von MoHik5p und MoHik9p als mögliche Sauerstoffsensoren im HOG-Signal-weg konnte dokumentiert werden und die anschließenden Western Blot-Analysen bestätig¬ten erstmals die Aktivierung des HOG-Signalwegs bei hypoxieähnlichen Zuständen.rnDes Weiteren wurden mit MoHik5p und MoHik8p zwei neue Pathogenitätsfaktoren in M. oryzae identifiziert. Die apathogenen Mutantenstämme ΔMohik5 und ΔMohik8 sind in der Konidiogenese gestört und nicht in der Lage Appressorien zu differenzieren. Der Einsatz dieser Proteine als Fungizidtarget im protektiven Pflanzenschutz in der Zukunft ist somit denk-bar.rn


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In development, tissue regeneration or certain diseases, angiogenic growth leads to the expansion of blood vessels and the lymphatic vasculature. This involves endothelial cell proliferation as well as angiogenic sprouting, in which a subset of cells, termed tip cells, acquires motile, invasive behaviour and extends filopodial protrusions. Although it is already appreciated that angiogenesis is triggered by tissue-derived signals, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family growth factors, the resulting signalling processes in endothelial cells are only partly understood. Here we show with genetic experiments in mouse and zebrafish that ephrin-B2, a transmembrane ligand for Eph receptor tyrosine kinases, promotes sprouting behaviour and motility in the angiogenic endothelium. We link this pro-angiogenic function to a crucial role of ephrin-B2 in the VEGF signalling pathway, which we have studied in detail for VEGFR3, the receptor for VEGF-C. In the absence of ephrin-B2, the internalization of VEGFR3 in cultured cells and mutant mice is defective, which compromises downstream signal transduction by the small GTPase Rac1, Akt and the mitogen-activated protein kinase Erk. Our results show that full VEGFR3 signalling is coupled to receptor internalization. Ephrin-B2 is a key regulator of this process and thereby controls angiogenic and lymphangiogenic growth.


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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are key molecules in the signal transduction pathways initiated by the binding of extracellular signals to their cell surface receptors. The PI3K family of enzymes comprises eight catalytic isoforms subdivided into three classes and control a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, growth, apoptosis, migration and metabolism. Deregulation of the PI3K pathway has been extensively investigated in connection to cancer, but is also involved in other commonly occurring diseases such as chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, allergy, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The fact that the PI3K pathway is deregulated in a large number of human diseases, and its importance for different cellular responses, makes it an attractive drug target. Pharmacological PI3K inhibitors have played a very important role in studying cellular responses involving these enzymes. Currently, a wide range of selective PI3K inhibitors have been tested in preclinical studies and some have entered clinical trials in oncology. However, due to the complexity of PI3K signaling pathways, developing an effective anti-cancer therapy may be difficult. The biggest challenge in curing cancer patients with various signaling pathway abnormalities is to target multiple components of different signal transduction pathways with mechanism-based combinatorial treatments. In this article we will give an overview of the complex role of PI3K isoforms in human diseases and discuss their potential as drug targets. In addition, we will describe the drugs currently used in clinical trials, as well as promising emerging candidates.


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Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Switzerland. The nihilism that dominated the treatment of these patients for decades has been replaced by a measure of enthusiasm, given recent therapeutic advances. New anticancer drugs such as irinotecan and oxaliplatin have changed the standard chemotherapy treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. However, the real hype has come from molecular targeted therapy. Identification of cellular processes characteristic of colon cancer has permitted therapeutic targeting with favorable therapeutic index. Inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor in the clinic has provided proof of principle that interruption of signal transduction cascades in patients has therapeutic potential. Angiogenesis, especially the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway, has been proven to be another highly successful molecular target. In this article, we will review molecular targets, which are under active clinical investigation in colon cancer.


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The snake venom C-type lectin alboaggregin A (or 50-kd alboaggregin) from Trimeresurus albolabris was previously shown to be a platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib agonist. However, investigations of the signal transduction induced in platelets showed patterns of tyrosine phosphorylation that were different from those of other GPIb agonists and suggested the presence of an additional receptor. In this study, the binding of biotinylated alboaggregin A to platelet lysates, as well as affinity chromatography evaluations of platelet lysates on an alboaggregin A-coated column, indicated that this other receptor is GPVI. Additional experiments with reagents that inhibit either GPIb or GPVI specifically supported this finding. These experiments also showed that both GPIb and GPVI have a role in the combined signaling and that the overall direction this takes can be influenced by inhibitors of one or the other receptor pathway.


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Signaling molecules of the Wnt gene family are involved in the regulation of dorso-ventral, segmental and tissue polarity in Xenopus and Drosophila embryos. Members of the frizzled gene family, such as Drosophila frizzled-2 and rat frizzled-1, have been shown encode Wnt binding activity and to engage intracellular signal transduction molecules known to be part of the Wnt signaling pathway. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of Fritz, a mouse (mfiz) and human (hfiz) gene which codes for a secreted protein that is structurally related to the extracellular portion of the frizzled genes from Drosophila and vertebrates. The Fritz protein antagonizes Wnt function when both proteins are ectopically expressed in Xenopus embryos. In early gastrulation, mouse fiz mRNA is expressed in all three germ layers. Later in embryogenesis fiz mRNA is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems, nephrogenic mesenchyme and several other tissues, all of which are sites where Wnt proteins have been implicated in tissue patterning. We propose a model in which Fritz can interfere with the activity of Wnt proteins via their cognate frizzled receptors and thereby modulate the biological responses to Wnt activity in a multitude of tissue sites.


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Psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) is used as a very effective treatment modality for various diseases, including psoriasis and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. PUVA-induced immune suppression and/or apoptosis are thought to be responsible for the therapeutic action. However, the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA acts are not well understood. We have previously identified platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent phospholipid mediator, as a crucial substance triggering ultraviolet B radiation-induced immune suppression. In this study, we used PAF receptor knockout mice, a selective PAF receptor antagonist, a COX-2 inhibitor (presumably blocking downstream effects of PAF), and PAF-like molecules to test the role of PAF receptor binding in PUVA treatment. We found that activation of the PAF pathway is crucial for PUVA-induced immune suppression (as measured by suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity to Candida albicans) and that it plays a role in skin inflammation and apoptosis. Downstream of PAF, interleukin-10 was involved in PUVA-induced immune suppression but not inflammation. Better understanding of PUVA's mechanisms may offer the opportunity to dissect the therapeutic from the detrimental (ie, carcinogenic) effects and/or to develop new drugs (eg, using the PAF pathway) that act like PUVA but have fewer side effects.


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Diseases are believed to arise from dysregulation of biological systems (pathways) perturbed by environmental triggers. Biological systems as a whole are not just the sum of their components, rather ever-changing, complex and dynamic systems over time in response to internal and external perturbation. In the past, biologists have mainly focused on studying either functions of isolated genes or steady-states of small biological pathways. However, it is systems dynamics that play an essential role in giving rise to cellular function/dysfunction which cause diseases, such as growth, differentiation, division and apoptosis. Biological phenomena of the entire organism are not only determined by steady-state characteristics of the biological systems, but also by intrinsic dynamic properties of biological systems, including stability, transient-response, and controllability, which determine how the systems maintain their functions and performance under a broad range of random internal and external perturbations. As a proof of principle, we examine signal transduction pathways and genetic regulatory pathways as biological systems. We employ widely used state-space equations in systems science to model biological systems, and use expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms and Kalman filter to estimate the parameters in the models. We apply the developed state-space models to human fibroblasts obtained from the autoimmune fibrosing disease, scleroderma, and then perform dynamic analysis of partial TGF-beta pathway in both normal and scleroderma fibroblasts stimulated by silica. We find that TGF-beta pathway under perturbation of silica shows significant differences in dynamic properties between normal and scleroderma fibroblasts. Our findings may open a new avenue in exploring the functions of cells and mechanism operative in disease development.


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Restoration of the tumor-suppression function by gene transfer of the melanoma differentiation-associated gene 7 (MDA7)/interleukin 24 (IL-24) successfully induces apoptosis in melanoma tumors in vivo. To address the molecular mechanisms involved, we previously revealed that MDA7/IL-24 treatment of melanoma cells down-regulates interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-1 expression and concomitantly up-regulates IRF-2 expression, which competes with the activity of IRF-1 and reverses the induction of IRF-1-regulated inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Interferons (IFNs) influence melanoma cell survival by modulating apoptosis. A class I IFN (IFN-alpha) has been approved for the treatment of advanced melanoma with some limited success. A class II IFN (IFN-gamma), on the other hand, supports melanoma cell survival, possibly through constitutive activation of iNOS expression. We therefore conducted this study to explore the molecular pathways of MDA7/IL-24 regulation of apoptosis via the intracellular induction of IFNs in melanoma. We hypothesized that the restoration of the MDA7/IL-24 axis leads to upregulation of class I IFNs and induction of the apoptotic cascade. We found that MDA7/IL-24 induces the secretion of endogenous IFN-beta, another class I IFN, leading to the arrest of melanoma cell growth and apoptosis. We also identified a series of apoptotic markers that play a role in this pathway, including the regulation of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and Fas-FasL. In summary, we described a novel pathway of MDA7/IL-24 regulation of apoptosis in melanoma tumors via endogenous IFN-beta induction followed by IRF regulation and TRAIL/FasL system activation.


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Mucus secretion is an important protective mechanism for the luminal lining of open tubular organs, but mucin overproduction in the respiratory tract can exacerbate the inflammatory process and cause airway obstruction. Production of MUC5AC, a predominant gel-forming mucin secreted by airway epithelia, can be induced by various inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins. The two major prostaglandins involved in inflammation are PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha). PGE(2)-induced mucin production has been well studied, but the effect of PGF(2alpha) on mucin production remains poorly understood. To elucidate the effect and underlying mechanism of PGF(2alpha) on MUC5AC production, we investigated the signal transduction of PGF(2alpha) associated with this effect using normal human tracheobronchial epithelial cells. Our results demonstrated that PGF(2alpha) induces MUC5AC overproduction via a signaling cascade involving protein kinase C, ERK, p90 ribosomal S6 protein kinase, and CREB. The regulation of PGF(2alpha)-induced MUC5AC expression by CREB was further confirmed by cAMP response element-dependent MUC5AC promoter activity and by interaction between CREB and MUC5AC promoter. The abrogation of all downstream signaling activities via suppression of each signaling molecule along the pathway indicates that a single pathway from PGF(2alpha) receptor to CREB is responsible for inducing MUC5AC overproduction. As CREB also mediates mucin overproduction induced by PGE(2) and other inflammatory mediators, our findings have important clinical implications for the management of airway mucus hypersecretion.


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IkappaB kinase beta (IKKbeta) is involved in tumor development and progression through activation of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB pathway. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates IKKbeta degradation remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a Cullin 3 (CUL3)-based ubiquitin ligase, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), is responsible for IKKbeta ubiquitination. Depletion of KEAP1 led to the accumulation and stabilization of IKKbeta and to upregulation of NF-kappaB-derived tumor angiogenic factors. A systematic analysis of the CUL3, KEAP1, and RBX1 genomic loci revealed a high percentage of genome loss and missense mutations in human cancers that failed to facilitate IKKbeta degradation. Our results suggest that the dysregulation of KEAP1-mediated IKKbeta ubiquitination may contribute to tumorigenesis.


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Calcineurin is a widely expressed and highly conserved Ser/Thr phosphatase. Calcineurin is inhibited by the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine A (CsA) or tacrolimus (FK506). The critical role of CsA/FK506 as an immunosuppressant following transplantation surgery provides a strong incentive to understand the phosphatase calcineurin. Here we uncover a novel regulatory pathway for cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling by the phosphatase calcineurin which is also evolutionarily conserved in Caenorhabditis elegans. We found that calcineurin binds directly to and inhibits the proteosomal degradation of cAMP-hydrolyzing phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D). We show that ubiquitin conjugation and proteosomal degradation of PDE4D are controlled by a cullin 1-containing E(3) ubiquitin ligase complex upon dual phosphorylation by casein kinase 1 (CK1) and glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK3beta) in a phosphodegron motif. Our findings identify a novel signaling process governing G-protein-coupled cAMP signal transduction-opposing actions of the phosphatase calcineurin and the CK1/GSK3beta protein kinases on the phosphodegron-dependent degradation of PDE4D. This novel signaling system also provides unique functional insights into the complications elicited by CsA in transplant patients.