915 resultados para Secondary Data Analysis
The thesis aims to build a coherent view and understanding of stakeholder engagement’s contribution to corporate sustainability value creation. Theory suggests that corporate sustainability relies on sustainable relationships between the firm and its multiple stakeholders. This study is qualitative and evidence is derived from integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and case study analysis. The findings from the interviews analysis supplement the framework developed as the results of the literature review. The results obtained throughout the thesis research imply that stakeholder engagement helps develop more thorough understandings of issues and alternative perspectives, which in turn facilitates the decision-making processes improvement. The improvement is also achieved through ethical analysis, by weighing the impact of firm’s decisions on all relevant groups. Therefore, clear communication and exchange of information also improve the acceptance of sustainability initiatives amongst stakeholders both in terms of building trust and managing expectations. As practical implications, this thesis presents organizational practices that can be employed by companies to support effective engagement with stakeholders. The described practices could enhance processes such as partnership and co-creation resulting in greater sustainable development.
Studying testis is complex, because the tissue has a very heterogeneous cell composition and its structure changes dynamically during development. In reproductive field, the cell composition is traditionally studied by morphometric methods such as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. These techniques provide accurate quantitative information about cell composition, cell-cell association and localization of the cells of interest. However, the sample preparation, processing, staining and data analysis are laborious and may take several working days. Flow cytometry protocols coupled with DNA stains have played an important role in providing quantitative information of testicular cells populations ex vivo and in vitro studies. Nevertheless, the addition of specific cells markers such as intracellular antibodies would allow the more specific identification of cells of crucial interest during spermatogenesis. For this study, adult rat Sprague-Dawley rats were used for optimization of the flow cytometry protocol. Specific steps within the protocol were optimized to obtain a singlecell suspension representative of the cell composition of the starting material. Fixation and permeabilization procedure were optimized to be compatible with DNA stains and fluorescent intracellular antibodies. Optimization was achieved by quantitative analysis of specific parameters such as recovery of meiotic cells, amount of debris and comparison of the proportions of the various cell populations with already published data. As a result, a new and fast flow cytometry method coupled with DNA stain and intracellular antigen detection was developed. This new technique is suitable for analysis of population behavior and specific cells during postnatal testis development and spermatogenesis in rodents. This rapid protocol recapitulated the known vimentin and γH2AX protein expression patterns during rodent testis ontogenesis. Moreover, the assay was applicable for phenotype characterization of SCRbKO and E2F1KO mouse models.
While traditional entrepreneurship literature addresses the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities to a solo entrepreneur, scholars increasingly agree that new ventures are often founded and operated by entrepreneurial teams as collective efforts especially in hightechnology industries. Researchers also suggest that team ventures are more likely to survive and succeed than ventures founded by the individual entrepreneur although specific challenges might relate to multiple individuals being involved in joint entrepreneurial action. In addition to new ventures, entrepreneurial teams are seen central for organizing work in established organizations since the teams are able to create major product and service innovations that drive organizational success. Acknowledgement of the entrepreneurial teams in various organizational contexts has challenged the notion on the individual entrepreneur. However, considering that entrepreneurial teams represent a collective-level phenomenon that bases on interactions between organizational members, entrepreneurial teams may not have been studied as indepth as could be expected from the point of view of the team-level, rather than the individual or the individuals in the team. Many entrepreneurial team studies adopt the individualized view of entrepreneurship and examine the team members’ aggregate characteristics or the role of a lead entrepreneur. The previous understandings might not offer a comprehensive and indepth enough understanding of collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams and team venture performance that often relates to the team-level issues in particular. In addition, as the collective-level of entrepreneurial teams has been approached in various ways in the existing literatures, the phenomenon has been difficult to understand in research and practice. Hence, there is a need to understand entrepreneurial teams at the collective-level through a systematic and comprehensive perspective. This study takes part in the discussions on entrepreneurial teams. The overall objective of this study is to offer a description and understanding of collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams beyond individual(s). The research questions of the study are: 1) what collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams stands for, what constitutes the basic elements of it, and who are included in it, 2) why, how, and when collectiveness emerges or reinforces within entrepreneurial teams, and 3) why collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams matters and how it could be developed or supported. In order to answer the above questions, this study bases on three approaches, two set of empirical data, two analysis techniques, and conceptual study. The first data set consists of 12 qualitative semi-structured interviews with business school students who are seen as prospective entrepreneurs. The data is approached through a social constructionist perspective and analyzed through discourse analysis. The second data set bases on a qualitative multiplecase study approach that aims at theory elaboration. The main data consists of 14 individual and four group semi-structured thematic interviews with members of core entrepreneurial teams of four team startups in high-technology industries. The secondary data includes publicly available documents. This data set is approached through a critical realist perspective and analyzed through systematic thematic analysis. The study is completed through a conceptual study that aims at building a theoretical model of collective-level entrepreneurship drawing from existing literatures on organizational theory and social-psychology. The theoretical work applies a positivist perspective. This study consists of two parts. The first part includes an overview that introduces the research background, knowledge gaps and objectives, research strategy, and key concepts. It also outlines the existing knowledge of entrepreneurial team literature, presents and justifies the choices of paradigms and methods, summarizes the publications, and synthesizes the findings through answering the above mentioned research questions. The second part consists of five publications that address independent research questions but all enable to answer the research questions set for this study as a whole. The findings of this study suggest a map of relevant concepts and their relationships that help grasp collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams. The analyses conducted in the publications suggest that collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams stands for cognitive and affective structures in-between team members including elements of collective entity, collective idea of business, collective effort, collective attitudes and motivations, and collective feelings. Collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams also stands for specific joint entrepreneurial action components in which the structures are constructed. The action components reflect equality and democracy, and open and direct communication in particular. Collectiveness emerges because it is a powerful tool for overcoming individualized barriers to entrepreneurship and due to collectively oriented desire for, collective value orientation to, demand for, and encouragement to team entrepreneurship. Collectiveness emerges and reinforces in processes of joint creation and realization of entrepreneurial opportunities including joint analysis and planning of the opportunities and strategies, decision-making and realization of the opportunities, and evaluation, feedback, and sanctions of entrepreneurial action. Collectiveness matters because it is relevant for potential future entrepreneurs and because it affects the ways collective ventures are initiated and managed. Collectiveness also matters because it is a versatile, dynamic, and malleable phenomenon and the ideas of it can be applied across organizational contexts that require team work in discovering or creating and realizing new opportunities. This study further discusses how the findings add to the existing knowledge of entrepreneurial team literature and how the ideas can be applied in educational, managerial, and policy contexts.
This study focuses on understanding the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from an emerging market to a developed market. In particular, it examines the internationalisation process of a firm in the clothing and textile manufacturing industry in Ghana. Theoretically, the study is limited to the network internationalisation approach (e.g. Johanson & Mattsson, 1988; Johanson & Vahlne, 2009) and the industrial network approach (Håkansson & Snehota, 1995). Methodologically, a qualitative abductive case study approach is employed. The research process relies on a longitudinal method involving primary and secondary data and critical event analysis. Primary data has been collected from relevant informants at two different times in the internationalisation process. The research findings highlight the significance of both domestic and foreign business relationships in the internationalisation of an SME from an emerging African market to a developed country market. They show the greater importance of exogenous critical events than has been found in the research regarding firms in developed countries. Institutional actors were essential in the network and as sources of exogenous critical events. In addition, the successful SME should possess unique resources in the form of an entrepreneurial spirit, sufficient knowledge of internationalisation, and specific product knowledge. Theoretically, the present study contributes to business network research through providing an understanding of the process of developing network relationships and their impact in an African context. By focusing on SMEs, a contribution has been made in relation to the advancement of SME research. This research reveals empirical insight into SME internationalisation in a setting where an SME is internationalising to a developed country market from a newly emerging African market. Methodologically, the study provides an example of longitudinal research based on abductive methodology. The results provide implications for firms, managers, and policy-makers within the industry, especially on how to manage and use network relationships to promote SME internationalisation from newly emerging markets.
The thesis presents the study relative to the collaboration between suppliers and buyers in packaging industry with the impact of product features. The main purpose of this study is to examine the importance of product characteristics on collaboration to develop better packaging and to figure out how buyer-supplier collaboration in the supply chain perspectives is conducted and managed in packaging industry. The theoretical part reviewed some basic frameworks of collaboration including the scopes and levels of collaboration, risks as well as powers of collaboration, relationship and some key factors for successful collaboration. Followed by the overviews of packaging industry with the main issues related to product characteristics in packaging. By using the qualitative method, secondary data consisting of articles, reports, websites and primary data through interviewing some well-known packaging companies and case companies are collected in the thesis. The empirical result emphasized the importance of product features’ analysis in packaging industry since it plays a central role in the materials, design process, production and innovation with the role of collaboration. Collaboration in packaging is vital for packaging companies to survive and grow in the competitive environment. Finally, some key factors for effective collaboration were summarized based on the perspectives of packaging companies. It is highly recommend building a long-run collaboration with their customers due to undeniable benefits With increasingly importance of collaboration in packaging industry, further studies may be conducted.
Tutkimus sai innoituksensa, kun tutkija huomasi tarpeen liiketaloudelliselle, ajantasaiselle ja realistiselle tutkimukselle Pohjois-Korean markkinoista, joka kuvailisi markkinoiden olemassaolevia ja puuttuvia rakenteita sekä tutkisi mahdollisuuksia ylittää puuttuvat rakenteet. Institutionaalinen teoria valittiin sopivaksi viitekehykseksi kuvailla ja tutkia markkinarakennetta. Tutkimuskysymys muotoiltiin seuraavasti: “Miten ulkomaiset yritykset voivat reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin Pohjois-Koreassa?”. Tutkimuskysymys jaettiin kolmeen osakysymykseen: (1) Millainen on Pohjois-Korean markkinoiden institutionaalinen ympäristö? (2) Mitkä ovat merkittävimmät puuttuvat markkinarakenteet Pohjois-Koreassa? (3) Mitä mahdollisuuksia ulkomaisilla yrityksillä voisi olla reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin? Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena, koska tutkimuskysymys on deskriptiivinen. Aineisto kerättiin asiantuntijahaastattelun ja kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Primääriaineiston muodostavat 2 asiantuntijahaastattelua ja sekundääriaineiston muodostavat 95 artikkelia, jotka kerättiin 40 lähteestä. Aineisto analysoitiin kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Aineisto koodattiin, luokiteltiin ja esitettiin kokonaisuuksina luokittelurungon avulla, joka laadittiin tutkimusta varten muodostetun teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset voidaan tiivistää seuraavasti. (1) Pohjois-Korean markkinan instituutioihin vaikuttaa kaksoisrakenne, jossa muodollinen, sosialistinen rakenne ja epämuodollinen, markkinalähtöinen rakenne toimivat päällekkäin. (2) Puuttuvia rakenteita on sekä markkinan kontekstissa että markkinatasolla. Puutteet ovat osittain seurausta vanhojen rakenteiden korvaantumisesta uusilla, jotka eivät ole institutionalisoituneet. (3) Yritykset voivat käyttää samoja mahdollisuuuksia reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin Pohjois-Koreassa, joita kehittyvien markkinoiden yhteydessä on esitetty. Sen tulkittiin vähentävän käsitystä, jonka mukaan Pohjois-Korean markkina on liian erikoinen yritystoiminnalle. (4) Kasvava keskiluokka sekä yrittäjyyden ja naisten yhä merkittävämpi rooli liike-elämässä aiheuttavat alhaalta ylöspäin suuntautuvaa kehitystä markkinoilla. Nämä ovat merkkejä viimeaikaisesta kehityksestä, jotka eivät ole saaneet laajaa huomiota länsimaisessa mediassa. Se korostaa tarvetta liiketaloudelliselle, ajantasaiselle jatkotutkimukselle Pohjois-Korean markkinoista.
This is a Master’s thesis research, which mainly aims at identifying the sustainability issues in sourcing process and to identify the core competencies in sourcing process through triple bottom line adaptation. The focus of this thesis is on apparel industry’s sourcing process. The purpose of this thesis is to examine global apparel industry’s reality in their sourcing process and how buyers-suppliers are cooperating with their sourcing process to incorporate sustainability. Other goal of this research paper is to provide recommendation for sustainable sourcing process for companies and how the stakeholders can be benefitted by sustainable sourcing. The literature review part of this paper has presented the research gaps from the earlier researches along with the key concepts, academic purposes and key definitions. Theoretical framework chapter has focused on global sourcing strategies and firm’s competencies and sustainable strategies. From the theoretical framework, author has presented essential theory which establishes the link between research questions and proposed hypotheses. Main results and findings have been presented in empirical findings and in data analysis chapter. This study is an exploratory research followed by deductive method and primary data has been used to evaluate the current situation of apparel industry; which will assist to build the recommendation model. Primary data has been collected through online questionnaires and secondary data has used to cover the literature and theoretical parts. Therefore, the potential outcome of this paper will display the importance of sustainable sourcing from academic point of view and also from the business perspective. As a final point, this paper has followed the research objectives and has generated some new directions for further studies.
The purpose of this study is to explore how scenarios can be exploited in strategic assessment of the external business environment. One of the key challenges for managers worldwide is to adapt their businesses to the ever-changing business environment. As the companies’ external business environment is constantly presenting new opportunities and threats, it is extremely important that companies continuously monitor the possible changes happening around it. As the speed of change rises, assessing the future has become more and more vital. The study was conducted as an exploratory research and the research strategy was influenced by scenario planning and case study strategy. The study examined the European pet food sector from the future point of view. Qualitative study was chosen as research approach and empirical data was collected primarily by seven expert interviews. The secondary data about the sector was applied as complementary empirical data. In the theoretical part of the research it was discovered that nowadays, traditional analysis frameworks are ill-suited for strategic assessment of the external business environment. This is why a self-created combination framework for analysis was employed both as study’s theoretical framework and analysis technique. Furthermore, the framework formed the base for interview questions. Both in theoretical and the empirical part of the study it was found that today, in strategic assessment of the external business environment, besides setting focus on the current situation, it is important to concentrate also on the future. The traditional analysis frameworks offer a good starting point for collecting relevant data but they do not encourage conducting a deeper analysis. By adding characteristics from scenario planning to these more traditional tools, a new analysis framework was created, which ensured the more comprehensive analysis. By understanding the interconnections between discovered phenomena and changes, and by recognizing uncertainties, the user is helped to reflect the environment more profoundly. The contributions of the study are both theoretical and managerial. A new analysis framework strives to answer to the current needs for strategic assessment of external business environment and the framework was tested in the context of European pet food sector. When it comes to managerial contributions, the importance lies in understanding the future. Managers must take future into account and understand that future includes various possibilities which all must be reflected
The research was sparked by an exchange in South Korea, as the author identified a gap in research that provides economic, up to date and realistic information about the North Korean market in English language. A need for a research was identified that would describe the market’s existing and missing market structures and explore possibilities to overcome the missing market structures. Institutional theory was chosen as a suitable framework to describe and explore the market. The research question was formulated as follows: “How can foreign companies overcome institutional voids in the North Korean market?”. To answer the research question, it was divided into three sub-questions as follows: (1) What is the institutional environment in North Korea like? (2) What are the major institutional voids in the North Korean market? (3) What possibilities do foreign companies have to overcome institutional voids? The research is qualitative by nature due to the descriptive and exploratory nature of the research question. Data collection consisted of expert interview and content analysis, resulting in primary data of two interviews and secondary data of 95 articles from 40 different sources. The data was analyzed with the systematical technique of content analysis. The data was coded, classified and presented as concepts with the help of a classification system that was build following the theoretical framework adapted for this study. The findings can be summarized as follows. (1) The market institutions are characterized by an overlapping dual system of formal, socialist structures and informal, market-oriented structures. (2) Institutional voids prevail on both the market’s contextual and on the market level. They are partly result of old institutions being replaced by new institutions that lack institutionalization. (3) Identified possibilities to overcome institutional voids correspond with possibilities drawn from previous research. This decreases the image of North Korea as an impossibly unique market to operate in. (4) Emerging middle class, rapidly growing entrepreneurial activities and women’s increasing role in business drive a down-to-up change in the market. This signals the recent development of the market, yet has been overlooked in the Western media. Thus there is a need for further economic, up to date research concerning North Korea.
The thesis aims to understand how CSR and stakeholder engagement can contribute to the development of industrial symbiosis. Theory suggests that corporate social responsibility and stakeholder engagement theories have many similar aspects that correlate with the development of industrial symbiosis. This study is qualitative and empirical suggestions are derived from integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and case study analysis. The empirical findings from the interviews support the framework that is created from the findings of the literature review. The results discovered throughout the thesis research suggest that CSR functions as a theoretical background for industrial symbiosis and stakeholder engagement helps develop more thorough understandings of it from the management viewpoint. Empirical findings and literature review also suggest that in the developing of industrial symbiosis the key aspect are the social characteristics such as a robust management structure, trust between partners and long-term commitment to the common goals that support the development of these symbioses. Also, communication and transparency supports the development of industrial symbiosis. For managerial contribution, this thesis presents organizational practices that can help managers to understand how they can engage in effective engagement with stakeholders in the development of industrial symbiosis.
This study discusses the importance of learning through the process of exporting, and more specifically how such a process can enhance the product innovativeness of a company. The purpose of this study is to investigate the appropriate sources of learning and to suggest an interactive framework for how new knowledge from exporting markets can materialize itself into product innovation. The theoretical background of the study was constructed from academic literature, which is related to concepts of learning by exporting, along with sources for learning in the market and new product development. The empirical research in the form of a qualitative case study was based on four semi-structured interviews and secondary data from the case company official site. The interview data was collected between March and April 2015 from case company employees who directly work in the department of exporting and product development. The method of thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret the collected data. What was conclusively discovered, was that the knowledge from an exporting market can be an incentive for product innovation, especially an incremental one. Foreign customers and competitors as important sources for new knowledge contribute to the innovative process. Foreign market competitors’ influence on product improvements was high only when the competitor was a market leader or held a colossal market share, while the customers’ influence is always high. Therefore, involving a foreign customer in the development of a new product is vital to a company that is interested in benefiting from what is learned through exporting. The interactive framework, which is based on the theoretical background and findings of the study, suggests that exporting companies can raise their product innovativeness by utilizing newly gained knowledge from exporting markets. Except for input, in the form of sources of learning, and product innovation as an output, the framework contains a process of knowledge transfer, the absorptive capacity of a firm and a new product development process. In addition, the framework and the findings enhance the understanding of the disputed relationship between an exporting experience and product innovation. However, future research is needed in order to fully understand all the elements of the framework, such as the absorptive capacity of a firm as well as more case companies to be processed in order to increase the generalization of the framework
In this thesis the process of building a software for transport accessibility analysis is described. The goal was to create a software which is easy to distribute and simple to use for the user without particular background in the field of the geographical data analysis. It was shown that existing tools do not suit for this particular task due to complex interface or significant rendering time. The goal was accomplished by applying modern approaches in the process of building web applications such as maps based on vector tiles, FLUX architecture design pattern and module bundling. It was discovered that vector tiles have considerable advantages over image-based tiles such as faster rendering and real-time styling.
The Arctic environment is changing constantly. There are several factors that constitute to the rate and immensity of the development. The region differs from the surrounding markets that most of the countries in the region have been used to. Therefore the purpose of the study was to understand how the political environment affects Finnish companies’ strategies and business operations. The issues analyzed were the political environment in the region, the business environment and economic development, and the opportunities and threats that the Finnish companies have in Arctic. The main theories were found from strategic management and market analysis tools. The different theories and definitions were gone through in order to understand the context of the study. This is a qualitative study that uses content analysis as its main method of analyzing the data. Therefore the data analyzed was gathered from already existing material and it was analyzed until the saturation point was found. This was done in order to minimize the risks related to using secondary data. The data collected was then categorized into themes accordingly. First the general political environment in the Arctic was studied, especially the Arctic Council and its work as the main political entity. From there the focus shifted to the business environment and the general opportunities and threats that are found from Arctic economic development. China offered another point of view to this as it represented a non-Arctic state with a keen interest on the region. Lastly the two previous objectives were combined and looked through from a Finnish perspective. Finnish companies have a great starting point to Arctic business and the operational business environment gives them the framework with which they have to operate in. As a conclusion it can be said that there are three main factors leading the Arctic economic development; the climate change, the development of technology, and the political environment. These set the framework with which the companies operating in the region must comply with. The industry that is likely to lead the development is the marine industry. Furthermore it became evident that the Finnish companies operating in the Arctic face many opportunities as well as threats which can be utilized, taken advantage of or controlled through effective strategic management. The key characteristics needed in the region are openness and understanding of the challenging environment and the ability to face and manage the arising challenges.
Operational excellence of individual tramp shipping companies is important in today’s market, where competition is intense, freight revenues are modest and capital costs high due to global financial crisis, and tighter regulatory framework is generating additional costs and challenges to the industry. This thesis concentrates on tramp shipping, where a tramp operator in a form of an individual case company, specialized in short-sea shipping activities in the Baltic Sea region, is searching ways to map their current fleet operations and better understand potential ways to improve the overall routing and scheduling decisions. The research problem is related to tramp fleet planning where several cargoes are carried on board at the same time, which are here systematically referred to as part cargoes. The purpose is to determine the pivotal dimensions and characteristics of these part cargo operations in tramp shipping, and offer both the individual case company and wider research community better understanding of potential risks and benefits related to utilization of part cargo operations. A mixed method research approach is utilized in this research, as the objectives are related to complex, real-life business practices in the field of supply chain management and more specifically, maritime logistics. A quantitative analysis of different voyage scenarios is executed, including alternative voyage legs with varying cost structure and customer involvement. An on-line-based questionnaire designed and prepared by case company’s decision group again provides desired data of predominant attitudes and views of most important industrial customers regarding the part cargo-related operations and potential future utilization of this business model. The results gained from these quantitative methods are complied with qualitative data collection tools, along with suitable secondary data sources. Based on results and logical analysis of different data sources, a framework for characterizing the different aspects of part cargo operations is developed, utilizing both existing research and empirical investigation of the phenomenon. As conclusions, part cargoes have the ability to be part of viable fleet operations, and even increase flexibility among the fleet to a certain extent. Naturally, several hinderers for this development is recognized as well, such as potential issues with information gathering and sharing, inefficient port activities, and increased transit times.
Educators continually look for strategies to enhance and improve the reading practices of their students. This is an especially challenging task for secondary level teachers as high school students often lack intrinsic motivation to read for pleasure (Bucher & Manning, 2004; Horton, 2005; Wooicott, Research Pty. Ltd. 2001). The purpose of this study was to detennine the effects of the Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) program on writing, on reading, and on grades, from the perspective of eight Grade 9 students. Of particular interest were the students' perceptions of the effect that participation in the program had on their grades, their writing, their motivation to reading, and their concept of themselves as readers. The eight participants were tracked over the course of a semester. Using qualitative research techniques, data were collected from four sources: two student surveys, researcher's daily field observations, students' weekly reading logs, and three open-ended one-on-one interviews. In order to gain an understanding of the impact of the D.E.A.R program, the data were corroborated, and analyzed with NVivo: N7 (2006). From the data analysis, five themes emerged as a function of the Grade 9 students' experiences in the D.E.A.R. program: Reading Preferences, Time Spent Reading, Making Associations with Reading for Pleasure, Perceptions of Self-as-Reader, and Evaluations of the D.E.A.R Program. In the interest of supporting students' positive reading habits and for the future implementation, these five themes are presented as a series of findings together with recommendations for practice.