618 resultados para Scenedesmus obliquus


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Planktonic foraminifera from Pliocene - Early Quaternary sediments of ODP Hole 111-677A were studied in detail. It was shown that the majority of detected zonal taxa are reliable biostratigraphic reference points. Between 30 and 210 m in the core zones of planktonic foraminifera from PL1b to Pt1 (according to the W.A. Berggren scale) were distinguished. Changes of planktonic foraminifera complexes from sediments of Hole 111-677A are closely associated with climate-controlled development of surface water masses of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during 4.6-0.65 million years ago. Sharp decrease in equatorial-tropical species about 3.4 million years ago correlated with cessation of surface water exchange between tropical regions of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans due to formation of the Central American isthmus. The paleotemperature method of M.S Barash was used for reconstructing surface temperatures. Maximum temperatures were reconstructed in late Early Pliocene (26.4°C) and in Late Pliocene (26.6°C) and minimum ones - in the beginning of Early Pliocene (18.4°C), in the middle of Late Pliocene (19.6°C). Cold events occurred: 4.6-4.3, 2.8-2.5, and 1.7-1.2 million years ago, and warm: 4.3, 4.18-3.4, 2.5-2.3, and 1 million years ago. In general, the middle of Early Pliocene, the middle of late Pliocene and early Pleistocene are characterized by cold-water conditions, and the end of Early and the end of Late Pliocene - by warm-water conditions.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopic data for 13 planktonic foraminifers from the Miocene of DSDP Site 289 strongly support the idea that the species have a preferred depth habitat and that their depth relationships remained largely unchanged during the Miocene. However, the relative depth rankings of Globorotalia (Menardella) menardii and Globorotalia (Menardella) limbata changed from deep to intermediate and from deep to shallow, respectively, during the late Miocene between ~9.9 and 7.5 Ma.


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The late Neogene was a time of cryosphere development in the northern hemisphere. The present study was carried out to estimate the sea surface temperature (SST) change during this period based on the quantitative planktonic foraminiferal data of 8 DSDP sites in the western Pacific. Target factor analysis has been applied to the conventional transfer function approach to overcome the no-analog conditions caused by evolutionary faunal changes. By applying this technique through a combination of time-slice and time-series studies, the SST history of the last 5.3 Ma has been reconstructed for the low latitude western Pacific. Although the present data set is close to the statistical limits of factor analysis, the clear presence of sensible variations in individual SST time-series suggests the feasibility and reliability of this method in paleoceanographic studies. The estimated SST curves display the general trend of the temperature fluctuations and reveal three major cool periods in the late Neogene, i.e. the early Pliocene (4.7 3.5 Ma), the late Pliocene (3.1-2.7 Ma), and the latest Pliocene to early Pleistocene (2.2-1.0 Ma). Cool events are reflected in the increase of seasonality and meridional SST gradient in the subtropical area. The latest Pliocene to early Pleistocene cooling is most important in the late Neogene climatic evolution. It differs from the previous cool events in its irreversible, steplike change in SST, which established the glacial climate characteristic of the late Pleistocene. The winter and summer SST decreased by 3.3-5.4°C and 1.0 2.1C in the subtropics, by 0.9°C and 0.6C in the equatorial region, and showed little or no cooling in the tropics. Moreover, this cooling event occurred as a gradual SST decrease during 2.2 1.0 Ma at the warmer subtropical sites, while that at cooler subtropical site was an abrupt SST drop at 2.2 Ma. In contrast, equatorial and tropical western Pacific experienced only minor SST change in the entire late Neogene. In general, subtropics was much more sensitive to climatic forcing than tropics and the cooling events were most extensive in the cooler subtropics. The early Pliocene cool periods can be correlated to the Antarctic ice volume fluctuation, and the latest Pliocene early Pleistocene cooling reflects the climatic evolution during the cryosphere development of the northern hemisphere.


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Una nueva cepa de Scenedesmus ha sido aislada en la estación experimental "Las Palmerillas-CAJAMAR", siendo identificada como "microorganismo no previamente registrado" por la Universidad de Gottinghem, y depositada en la Culture Collection of Alagae and Protozoa (CCAP) como Scenedesmus almeriensis. La nueva cepa puede ser utilizada para consumo animal y/o humano, y produce elevadas cantidades de carotenoides, especialmente luteína y betacaroteno. Scenedesmus almeriensis crece adecuadamente en un amplio rango de temperaturas de 10°C a 40°C, a un pH de 7.0 a 9.5, y es tolerante a elevadas concentraciones de cobre, de hasta 1 mg/L. La cepa microalgal, cultivada en un fotobiorreactor de 4000 L en el que el cultivo se impulsa mecánicamente, produce luteína en una cantidad de al menos 4 mg por gramo de materia seca. Esta cepa es muy adecuada para la producción de carotenoides de aplicación en el tratamiento de desordenes de la macular ocular.


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Os problemas relacionados com o consumo energético e as emissões de poluentes relativas ao setor dos transportes representam seguramente a maior preocupação ao nível Europeu no que respeita aos gases com efeito de estufa e à poluição atmosférica. Uma das formas de resolver/minimizar estes problemas é através da aposta em combustíveis alternativos. Em particular, os biocombustíveis poderão ser uma alternativa interessante aos combustíveis convencionais. As microalgas, como matéria-prima para produção de biodiesel, apresentam-se com excelentes perspetivas de futuro e com vantagens competitivas no campo das energias renováveis. É nesta perspetiva que se enquadra o presente trabalho, cujos objetivos consistiram na extração de biodiesel a partir de microalgas secas (Nannochloropsis gaditana e Scenedesmus sp.) e na otimização das respetivas técnicas de extração lipídica. Verificou-se que, em função dos métodos e condições utilizadas, a espécie Nannochloropsis gaditana apresenta um potencial de produção de biodiesel superior à espécie Scenedesmus sp. (eficiências de extração de 24,6 (wt.%) e 9,4 (wt.%) respetivamente). Um método de rotura celular conjugado com o processo de extração lipídica via solvente orgânico é essencial, pois conseguiu-se um acréscimo de 42% no rendimento de extração, sendo 10 minutos o tempo ideal de operação. Solventes como o metanol e sistema de solventes diclorometano/metanol mostraram ser mais eficazes quando se pretende extrair lípidos de microalgas, com valores de eficiência de remoção de 30,9 (wt.%) e 23,2 (wt.%) respetivamente. De forma a valorizar os resultados obtidos no processo de extração recorreu-se à sua conversão em biodiesel através da transesterificação catalítica ácida, onde se obteve uma eficiência de conversão de 17,8 (wt.%) para a espécie Nannochloropsis gaditana.