968 resultados para Rural farmers


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This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Dang Tong Village in Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. The study of the livelihoods of farmers and fishers is based on information provided by the villagers of Dang Tong, who shared their knowledge and raised real problems related to their livelihoods. [PDF contains 37 pages.]


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This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Koh Chbar Village in Kratie Province, Cambodia, to find out about the livelihoods of farmers and fishers. It is based on information provided by the villagers who shared their knowledge and raised real issues related to their livelihoods. [PDF contains 37 pages.]


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This is the report of a livelihoods study conducted in Koh Reusey Village, Prorlay Meas Commune, Kampong Leng District, Kampong Chhnang Province. The main objective of the study was to understand the villagers’ lives, their standards of living, the hardships they experience, external impacts on their lives, and current and future needs. The livelihoods team spent five days in the village from 27 June to 1 July 2002 and worked with 60 villagers. These included men, women, younger and older villagers. One hundred and thirty-five families in the village were represented. [PDF contains 21 pages]


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This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Trorbek Pork in Kandal Province, Cambodia. The livelihoods study is based on the current population census (1998) and key informant interviews: 10 to 70 villagers (50% women) representing the 140 families of Trorbek Pork Village, Kampong Kong Commune, Koh Thom District, Kandal Province. (PDF contains 40 pages)


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This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Saob Leu Village in Kratie Province, Cambodia. The study is based on information provided by the villagers, who shared their knowledge and spoke about the real problems they face with their livelihoods. [PDF contains 40 pages]


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What is special about Kaipara is that most recently, they have founded a federation of Self-Help Groups that work together to develop their own support network and to draw in the support of others. This is a sophisticated ‘home-grown’ support infrastructure that is the subject of this story. (Pdf contains 8 pages).


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What began as a general desire to share messages about processes, technologies, lives and opportunities – among farming and fishing communities and those who work with them – has evolved into a network that shares meanings and lessons learnt. Now instead of relying on core funding or catalytic support, the STREAM Initiative is self-funded through the services its network provides to academic, development and other organizations. (Pdf contains 8 pages).


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El aprovechamiento del medio rural para llevar acabo actividades turísticas no es algo nuevo en España. Sin embargo, no es hasta mediados de los 80 cuando el turismo rural empieza a tener un desarrollo mayor, apreciándose un crecimiento de la oferta, a medida que lo hacía la demanda. Este trabajo se circunscribe a este área y pretende determinar bajo qué circunstancias debe desarrollarse la gestión del marketing en este tipo turismo y establecer en qué medida sus peculiares características influyen en las actuaciones de las empresas en el ámbito rural.


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[EUS] Artikulo honetan euskal isurialde atlantiarreko bi munitzipioetan martxan jarritako garapen lokaleko proiektuak aztertzen dira. Esperientzia horiek beherapen industrialean dagoen eskualde batean landa garapenak izan dezakeen egokitasunari buruz pentsatzera bultzatzen dute.


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There is increasing awareness of aquaculture in Nigeria today for a number of reasons namely: water pollution, declining catch and the awareness of the attractiveness of aquaculture as an investment area and a pivotal point for national development. The development of aquaculture in Nigeria, requires the building up of institutions at the grassroot level and the formulation of policies and programmes for the small fishfarmer. This of course would be backed up by a sound technology generation, verification and packaging, dissemination and use programme


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DOI del libro: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/1399


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Una de las funciones encomendadas a los Espacios Naturales Protegidos es la promoción del desarrollo rural. Se ha tomado como caso de estudio el Parque Natural de Gorbeia para analizar la dinámica socioeconómica de su área de influencia y contrastarla con los objetivos planteados por su marco normativo. Con ello se ha puesto de manifiesto que, por una parte, el incremento poblacional y mayor dinamismo económico en su entorno probablemente responda a razones ajenas al potencial endógeno del Parque; y por otra, que la reestructuración agraria así como la búsqueda de objetivos diferentes al explícito de desarrollo rural podrían dificultar en un futuro próximo la gestión territorial y conservación medioambiental de este enclave.


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The main objective of this paper is to introduce bamboo floating cage and net enclosure fish culture technology aimed at producing fish from almost all available inland bodies of water in Nigeria. The experimental approach embarked upon at Kainji Lake Research Institute is discussed. Results obtained from these experiments would help in identifying the inherent problems of this culture system and in determining the urgently needed information that will serve as management and production guidelines for adapting the technology to local conditions of varying ecological characteristics in Nigeria. Ultimately, the project is aimed at increasing the productivity of fishermen/fish farmers and hastening the development of rural communities


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[ES] Con demasiada frecuencia, especialmente en los espacios periurbanos, el suelo agrario es ocupado por actividades urbanas. Las explotaciones se reducen progresivamente y el paisaje rural deja paso a una mezcolanza de usos, con una evidente pérdida de calidad. Este proceso rara vez es sometido a estudios de impacto ambiental y la intervención se reduce a una retribución económica al agricultor por el suelo que es ocupado. En este artículo proponemos una metodología que valore el impacto real que la actuación urbanística tiene tanto sobre la explotación como sobre el suelo agrario que se pierde obligando a compensar económica y territorialmente al agricultor.