668 resultados para Restrained Occupants.


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Objective: Alcohol contributes to about 30% of drowning fatalities associated with recreational aquatic activity and to 35% of drownings associated with boating. We consider regulatory and legislative strategies for preventing such deaths. Methods: We contacted water police in each Australian State and Territory to identify legislation creating alcohol-related offences for operators of recreational boats in their jurisdiction and to determine whether they conducted random breath testing (RBT). We also sought information from all 152 (81 urban and 71 rural) local government councils in NSW regarding restrictions on consumption of alcohol in public places within their shires. Results: Four Australian States (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia) have legislation prescribing maximum blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) for operators of recreational boats; all support this with RBT Western Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory define more general offences for operating vessels while under the influence, of alcohol. Prohibitions or restrictions on consumption of alcohol in public places exist in 78 of the 86 shires in NSW that responded: 69 councils had alcohol-free zones, 53 restricted consumption of alcohol in public parks and reserves, and 33 had prohibitions or restrictions in some aquatic environments. Conclusions/implications: Legislation restricting BACs for recreational boat operators should be adopted in all Australian States and Territories. Optimal legislation would require that all occupants of recreational boats are required to comply with prescribed BAC levels, including when vessels are at anchor. Extension of by-laws prohibiting or restricting the consumption of alcohol specifically in aquatic environments warrants consideration.


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A series of trials to increase understanding of the summer dormancy trait in Dactylis glomerata was conducted. Autumn-sown reproductive and younger, spring-sown plants of 2 drought-resistant cultivars, contrasting for summer dormancy, were established and then tested in summer 2002 under long drought, drought + midsummer storm, or full irrigation. The autumn-sown reproductive plants of cv. Kasbah were summer dormant under all moisture regimes and exhibited the characteristic traits including growth cessation, rapid herbage senescence, and dehydration of surviving organs (-6.7MPa). Cultivar Kasbah used 8% less soil water over the summer and also began to rehydrate its leaf bases from conserved soil water before the drought broke. The non-dormant cv. Medly grew for 10 days longer under drought and whenever moisture was applied; Medly also responded to the storm with a decline in dehydrin expression in leaf bases, whereas no decline occurred in Kasbah, presumably because it remained dormant and therefore much drier. The irrigated, younger, spring-sown swards of cv. Kasbah had restrained growth and produced only about 25% of the herbage of cv. Medly. Drought reduced activity and growth of young plants of both cultivars, but whereas Medly regrew in response to the storm, cv. Kasbah did not, indicating that dormancy, although only partially expressed after spring sowing, was reinforced by summer drought. A longer drought in 2003 caused a 22% loss of the basal cover in cv. Medly, whereas Kasbah fully maintained its sward and therefore produced a higher post-drought autumn yield. This work confirms summer dormancy as a powerful trait for improving persistence over long, dry summers.


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Transient prenatal vitamin D deficiency produces hyperlocomotion in the adult rat. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of acute restraint on the behaviour of DVD and control rats in the open field. Rats were conceived and born to developmentally vitamin D (DVD) deficient or replete (control) dams and, at 8 weeks of age, were monitored for 30 min in an open field using automated video tracking software. Half of the rats were restrained within a towel for 5 min immediately before the open field test. The remainder received minimal handling prior to the open field test. Repeating previous findings, DVD deficient animals had enhanced locomotion during the first 10 min of the open field test compared to control rats. By contrast, there were no differences in locomotor activity after acute restraint stress. The time rats spent in the corners and side of the open field was affected by prenatal diet. DVD rats spent less time in the corners and more time in the side than control rats across the whole 30 min test. This difference was not seen in rats with acute restraint stress. The time spent in the centre was not altered by prenatal diet or acute restraint. Thus, transient prenatal vitamin D deficiency induces a transient spontaneous hyperlocomotion in adulthood that is modulated by acute restraint stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Since 1994, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia have adopted new choice of law rules for cross-border torts that, in different ways, centre on the application of the law of the place where the tort occurred (the lex loci delicti). All three countries abandoned some species of the rule in Phillips v Eyre, which required some reference to the law of the forum (the lex fori) as well as the lex loci delicti. However, predictions were made that, where possible, courts in these countries would continue to show a strong inclination to apply the lex fori in cross-border tort cases - and would use a range of homing devices to do so. A comprehensive survey and analysis of the cases that have been decided under the Australian, British and Canadian lex loci delicti regimes suggests that courts in these countries do betray a homing instinct, but one that has actually been tightly restrained by appeal courts. Where application of the lex fori was formally allowed by use of a 'flexible exception' in Canada and the United Kingdom, this has been contained by courts of first appeal. Indeed, only the continuing characterization of the assessment of damages as a procedural question in Canada and the United Kingdom, seems to remain as a significant homing device for courts in these countries. © 2006 Oxford University Press.


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We developed a method to rapidly and safely live capture wild dugongs based on the “rodeo method” employed to catch marine turtles. This method entails close pursuit of a dugong by boat until it is fatigued. The dugong is then caught around the peduncle region by a catcher leaping off the boat, and the dugong is restrained at the water surface by several people while data are collected. Our sampling protocol involves a short restraint time, typically < 5 min. No ropes or nets were attached to the dugong to avoid the risk of entanglement and subsequent drowning. This method is suitable for shallow, open-water captures when weather and water conditions are fair, and may be adapted for deeper waters.


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Em face da complexidade no ambiente de trabalho que exige maior dedicação por parte de seus ocupantes e com uma crescente exigência por desempenho destes indivíduos, o presente estudo teve por objetivo estudar a interdependência de algumas variáveis do comportamento organizacional, testando um modelo conceitual composto do capital psicológico, percepções de suporte e bem-estar no trabalho. Os participantes foram 152 trabalhadores que atuavam na Região Norte (Estado do Tocantins) e Região Sudeste (Estado de São Paulo) em organizações públicas e privadas. Como instrumento para coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário de autopreenchimento composto de seis escalas que mediram as variáveis da pesquisa. A presente pesquisa se propôs a apresentar, interpretar e discutir as relações entre as variáveis, como também, testar as hipóteses referentes ao modelo conceitual proposto, por meio de uma pesquisa de natureza transversal com abordagem quantitativa, cujos dados coletados foram analisados por aplicação de técnicas estatísticas paramétricas (cálculos de estatísticas descritivas: médias, desvio padrão, teste t e correlações; cálculos de estatísticas multivariadas: análises de regressões lineares múltiplas hierárquicas e stepwise) por meio do software SPSS, versão 18.0. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os níveis das três dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho são impactados diretamente pelas percepções de suporte (social no trabalho e organizacional). Confirmou-se também, o capital psicológico como preditor direto das percepções de suporte (social no trabalho e organizacional). Por fim, este trabalho evidenciou que trabalhadores com um capital psicológico elevado tendem a perceber suporte, tanto social no trabalho como organizacional e, por conseguinte, trabalhadores que percebem suporte (social no trabalho e organizacional) tendem a manter vínculos com seu trabalho e com sua organização empregadora, os quais representam bem-estar no trabalho.


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Esta tese estuda o protestantismo brasileiro enquanto parte de um processo civilizatório figuracional de longo prazo nos termos propostos pelo sociólogo alemão Norbert Elias. Tal processo é produtor de hábitos cúlticos e extra-cúlticos exercidos pelos praticantes dessa expressão religiosa. Observou-se ao longo da pesquisa que, o protestantismo brasileiro inicial e de missão teve sua principal base missionária em Campinas, transformado posteriormente em um eixo missionário Campinas-Piracicaba. Atualmente o protestantismo está definitivamente inserido na sociedade e na paisagem urbana da cidade de Campinas. Neste estudo, encontrou-se em uma periferia urbana campineira nascida através de uma invasão de terras em 1997, autonomeada extra oficialmente pelos ocupantes de Parque Oziel, várias comunidades de origem protestante. Percorreu-se a trajetória de constituição dessa área de ocupação e a etnografia e análise dos costumes evangélicos atuais dos aderentes dessa fé no Parque Oziel.


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Os meios de comunicação que atuam em perspectiva regional alcançaram, inegavelmente, maior visibilidade no contexto da globalização. Em se tratando de emissoras regionais de televisão há, em grande parte dos casos, a afiliação a uma rede nacional. Este estudo é sobre uma emissora regional, a TV TEM Bauru, integrante do grupo TV TEM de afiliadas à Rede Globo de Televisão. O trabalho se fundamenta em conceitos de região, espaço, território e local, mídia local e televisão regional. Tem como objetivo compreender as configurações desta TV, no que se refere às suas origens, vínculos corporativos e as condições de ordem tecnológica, de sustentação comercial e de cobertura jornalística, especificamente, a produção e circulação da informação jornalística gerada e difundida nas cidades da região de cobertura do grupo TV TEM. Visa também caracterizar a relação entre o espaço total de programação ocupado pela cabeça-de-rede em nível nacional e aquele destinado a programas jornalísticos produzidos localmente e, dentro destes, o tempo destinado à veiculação de anúncios publicitários em escala regional. Opta-se pelo método de abordagem dialético, dada a complexidade e as contradições do fenômeno investigado. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso, mas que incorpora dados quantitativos, e se baseia em observação e estudo de conteúdo jornalístico da emissora bauruense, além de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A principal conclusão é que o espaço regional é limitado por constrangimentos de ordem comercial, por restrições impostas pela cabeça de rede e, ainda, por um projeto de regionalização que não contempla significativamente as nuanças regionais.(AU)


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Background. Previous research has found links between being a victim of bullying and reporting more unhealthy eating behaviours and cognitions, particularly in girls. However, little is known about the factors that might mediate these relationships. Aim. The present study compared the relationships between bullying, emotional adjustment, restrained eating, and body dissatisfaction in adolescent boys and girls. Sample/method. Self-report data were collected from a sample of 11- to 14-year-olds (N= 376) on experiences of bullying, emotional symptoms, and unhealthy eating and shape-related attitudes and behaviours. Results. Bullying, emotional symptoms, restrained eating, and body dissatisfaction were all correlated. Emotional symptoms were found to significantly mediate the relationships between verbal bullying with body dissatisfaction in girls but not in boys. Conclusions. Findings suggest that the experience of being verbally bullied places adolescent girls at risk of developing emotional problems which can then lead to body dissatisfaction. Longitudinal research is necessary to disentangle these pathways in more detail to facilitate the development of informed interventions to support children who are being bullied.


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Data fluctuation in multiple measurements of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) greatly affects the accuracy of quantitative analysis. A new LIBS quantitative analysis method based on the Robust Least Squares Support Vector Machine (RLS-SVM) regression model is proposed. The usual way to enhance the analysis accuracy is to improve the quality and consistency of the emission signal, such as by averaging the spectral signals or spectrum standardization over a number of laser shots. The proposed method focuses more on how to enhance the robustness of the quantitative analysis regression model. The proposed RLS-SVM regression model originates from the Weighted Least Squares Support Vector Machine (WLS-SVM) but has an improved segmented weighting function and residual error calculation according to the statistical distribution of measured spectral data. Through the improved segmented weighting function, the information on the spectral data in the normal distribution will be retained in the regression model while the information on the outliers will be restrained or removed. Copper elemental concentration analysis experiments of 16 certified standard brass samples were carried out. The average value of relative standard deviation obtained from the RLS-SVM model was 3.06% and the root mean square error was 1.537%. The experimental results showed that the proposed method achieved better prediction accuracy and better modeling robustness compared with the quantitative analysis methods based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) and WLS-SVM. It was also demonstrated that the improved weighting function had better comprehensive performance in model robustness and convergence speed, compared with the four known weighting functions.


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In poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based optical fiber gratings (POFBGs), the temperature response is determined by thermal expansion and the thermo-optic effect of the fiber. Because thermal expansion introduces a positive change and the thermo-optic effect introduces a negative change in the Bragg wavelength of the POFBG, they cancel out each other to some extent, leading to reduced and varying temperature sensitivity. By pre-straining a POFBG, the contribution of thermal expansion can be removed, and, consequently, the temperature sensitivity of POFBG can be greatly enhanced. Theoretical analysis also indicates a reduced thermo-optic coefficient of POFBG due to restrained linear expansion that matches experimental results.


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Background: Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer seen worldwide and is the sixth most common cause of death from cancer. The UK alone has over 8,000 new cases of esophageal cancer every year. Epidemiological studies have shown that low-dose daily intake of aspirin can decrease the incidence of esophageal cancer. However, its use as an anti-cancer drug has been restrained because of its side effects exerted through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. In our study, we have investigated the effects of a number of novel aspirin analogs on esophageal cancer cell lines. Methods: The effects of aspirin and its analogs on the viability of esophageal cancer cell lines were tested using the MTT assay. ApoSense and flow cytometric analysis were performed to examine whether aspirin analog-mediated tumor cell death is due to apoptosis or necrosis. Colorimetric assays measuring peroxidase component of cyclooxygenases were employed to screen aspirin analogs for COX inhibition. Results: Our data suggests that the anti-proliferative property of certain aspirin analogs is greater than that of aspirin itself. Benzoylsalicylates and fumaroyl diaspirin were more effective than aspirin against the oe21 squamous cell carcinoma cells and oe33 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells. Flo-1 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells showed resistance to aspirin and most of the aspirin analogs other than the benzoylsalicylates. Both diaspirin and benzoylsalicylates inhibited metabolic activity in all these esophageal cells. However, apoptosis was induced in only a small proportion. We have also shown that these aspirin analogs do not appear to inhibit COX enzymes. Conclusion: We have synthesized and characterized a number of novel aspirin analogs that are more effective against esophageal cancer cell lines than aspirin. These compounds do not exert their anti-proliferative effect through induction of apoptosis. Moreover, these analogs inability to inhibit COX enzymes suggests that they may cause fewer or no side effects compared to aspirin.


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Return guarantee constitutes a key ingredient of classical life insurance premium calculation. In the current low interest rate environment insurers face increasingly strong financial incentives to reduce guaranteed returns embedded in life insurance contracts. However, return guarantee lowering efforts are restrained by associated demand effects, since a higher guaranteed return makes the net price of the insurance cover lower. This tradeoff between possibly higher future insurance obligations and the possibility of a larger demand for life insurance products can theoretically also be considered when determining optimal guaranteed returns. In this paper, optimality of return guarantee levels is analyzed from a solvency point of view. Availability and some other properties of optimal solutions for guaranteed returns are explored and compared in a simple model for two measures of solvency risk (company-level and contract-level VaR). The paper concludes that a solvency risk minimizing optimal guaranteed return may theoretically exist, although its practical availability can be impeded by economic and regulatory constraints.


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E=MC³ Energy Equals Management's Continued Cost Concern, is an essay written by Fritz G. Hagenmeyer, Associate Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University. In the writing, Hagenmeyer initially tenders: “Energy problems in the hospitality industry can be contained or reduced, yielding elevated profits as a result of applied, quality management principles. The concepts, processes and procedures presented in this article are intended to aid present and future managers to become more effective with a sharpened focus on profitability.” This article is an overview of energy efficiency and the management of such. In an expanding energy consumption market with its escalating costs, energy management has become an ever increasing concern and component of responsible hospitality management, Hagenmeyer will have you know. “In endeavoring to "manage" on a day-to-day basis a functioning hospitality building's energy system, the person in charge must take on the role of Justice with her scales, attempting to balance the often varying comfort needs of guests and occupants with the invariable rising costs of energy utilized to generate and maintain such comfort conditions, since comfort is seen as an integral part of the "service," "product," or "price/value” perception of patrons,” says Hagenmeyer. In contrast to what was thought in the mid point of this century - that energy would be abundant and cheap - the reality has set-in that this is not the case; not by a long shot. The author wants you to be aware that energy costs in buildings are a force to be reckoned with; a major expense to be sure. “Since 1973, "energy-conscious design" has begun to become part of the repertoire of architects, design engineers, and construction companies,” Hagenmeyer states. “For instance, whereas office buildings of the early 1970s might have used 400,000 British Thermal Units (BTUs) per square foot year, new buildings are going up that use 55,000 to 65,000 BTUs per square foot year,” Hagenmeyer, like an incandescent bulb, illuminates you. Hagenmeyer references Robert E. Aulbach’s article - Energy Management – when informing you that the hospitality manager should not become complacent in addressing the energy cost issue, but should and must maintain a diligent focus on the problem. Hagenmeyer also makes reference to the Middle East War and to OPEC, and their influence on energy prices. In closing, Hagenmeyer suggests an - Energy Management Action Plan – which he outlines for you.


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Disasters are complex events characterized by damage to key infrastructure and population displacements into disaster shelters. Assessing the living environment in shelters during disasters is a crucial health security concern. Until now, jurisdictional knowledge and preparedness on those assessment methods, or deficiencies found in shelters is limited. A cross-sectional survey (STUSA survey) ascertained knowledge and preparedness for those assessments in all 50 states, DC, and 5 US territories. Descriptive analysis of overall knowledge and preparedness was performed. Fisher’s exact statistics analyzed differences between two groups: jurisdiction type and population size. Two logistic regression models analyzed earthquakes and hurricane risks as predictors of knowledge and preparedness. A convenience sample of state shelter assessments records (n=116) was analyzed to describe environmental health deficiencies found during selected events. Overall, 55 (98%) of jurisdictions responded (states and territories) and appeared to be knowledgeable of these assessments (states 92%, territories 100%, p = 1.000), and engaged in disaster planning with shelter partners (states 96%, territories 83%, p = 0.564). Few had shelter assessment procedures (states 53%, territories 50%, p = 1.000); or training in disaster shelter assessments (states 41%, 60% territories, p = 0.638). Knowledge or preparedness was not predicted by disaster risks, population size, and jurisdiction type in neither model. Knowledge: hurricane (Adjusted OR 0.69, 95% C.I. 0.06-7.88); earthquake (OR 0.82, 95% C.I. 0.17-4.06); and both risks (OR 1.44, 95% C.I. 0.24-8.63); preparedness model: hurricane (OR 1.91, 95% C.I. 0.06-20.69); earthquake (OR 0.47, 95% C.I. 0.7-3.17); and both risks (OR 0.50, 95% C.I. 0.06-3.94). Environmental health deficiencies documented in shelter assessments occurred mostly in: sanitation (30%); facility (17%); food (15%); and sleeping areas (12%); and during ice storms and tornadoes. More research is needed in the area of environmental health assessments of disaster shelters, particularly, in those areas that may provide better insight into the living environment of all shelter occupants and potential effects in disaster morbidity and mortality. Also, to evaluate the effectiveness and usefulness of these assessments methods and the data available on environmental health deficiencies in risk management to protect those at greater risk in shelter facilities during disasters.