920 resultados para Research Method
Trabalho sobre as distinções e convergências entre a Comunicação Comunitária e a Mídia-educação. O método de pesquisa foi o qualitativo e a técnica a pesquisa bibliográfica. Um primeiro levantamento foi feito em todas as publicações de teses de doutorado e dissertações de mestrado publicadas no site da Capes1 - Coordenação para o Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior, do Ministério da Educação, entre os anos de 2000 a 2009. Pelo levantamento, observou-se o fomento nas pesquisas nos anos de 2008 e 2009, concentrando as análises nestes anos. Para filtrar o conteúdo foram usadas as palavras-chave: Comunicação Comunitária; Mídia-educação, Educomunicação e Comunicação e Educação. Constatou-se que a Comunicação Comunitária e a Mídia-educação trabalham com o intuito de alcançarem os mesmos objetivos, mesmo por vias e métodos distintos, tornando-se áreas convergentes.
O objetivo desta tese foi, primeiramente, identificar as tendências nos processos de Comunicação Institucional e nos modelos de gestão organizacional existentes nas Instituições Metodistas de Ensino Superior localizadas no Brasil, buscando averiguar similaridades e diferenças entre os processos de comunicação decorrentes da implantação da nova estrutura adotada para a gestão da Rede Metodista de Educação e da sua Central de Serviços Compartilhados. Em seguida, propôs-se um modelo de políticas e de diretrizes de comunicação, reunindo as principais atividades relacionadas aos processos de Comunicação Empresarial que foram identificados no decorrer da elaboração desta tese. Como metodologia, utilizou-se da pesquisa qualitativa, pelo fato de ser o método de investigação que melhor se adaptou ao problema proposto. Para definir o tipo de estudo, realizou-se, inicialmente, uma pesquisa exploratória por intermédio de entrevistas feitas com seis executivos da referida Rede, além de cinco gestores que respondem pelas áreas de comunicação e marketing, utilizando-se, para tanto, de questionários contendo perguntas estruturadas e não estruturadas. A partir dos resultados obtidos nas pesquisas, foram analisadas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos departamentos de Recursos Humanos, Tecnologia e Informação e Comunicação e Marketing, para identificar a contribuição de cada um deles na consolidação dos processos de Comunicação Institucional. Concluiu-se que o modelo de diretrizes e políticas de comunicação proposto neste trabalho poderá permitir que tanto a Rede Metodista de Educação como outras instituições de ensino superior balizem suas ações em procedimentos e critérios objetivos, considerados fundamentais para a gestão empresarial.
Esta tese trata do processo comunicacional docente para a mediação multimidiática do conhecimento. O objetivo é demonstrar que a capacitação de professores em EAD Educação a Distância promove o desenvolvimento de uma nova postura docente para o ensino superior que possibilita reflexões e melhorias da prática comunicacional do professor pela utilização das TIC Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Para alcançar este objetivo parte-se de referenciais teóricos das ciências da Comunicação e Educação, interconectados com outras tessituras do conhecimento. O método de pesquisa utilizado é o Estudo de Caso, que versou sobre a capacitação em EAD promovida pela UNOESC Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina entre os anos de 2002 e 2004. Destaca-se que o estudo nunca foi um tema isolado, afinal, está ancorado no hipertexto da mediação multimidiática do conhecimento. A originalidade do trabalho fundamentou-se no reconhecimento de que o processo comunicacional docente que utiliza estratégias de EAD no ensino superior, em um ambiente onde o conhecimento é mediado de forma multimidiática, é diferente daquele que acontece na aula presencial. Assim, durante a pesquisa foi possível demonstrar que é necessário formar o professor para assumir uma postura comunicacional diferenciada. Ao final, propõe-se um programa de capacitação continuada de docentes em EAD, sedimentado nos princípios da criticidade, criatividade e contextualização. O foco principal é o professor, aprendiz da mediação multimidiática e a capacitação continuada para a otimização do processo comunicacional docente no ensino superior presencial e a distância.
Estudo sobre o processo de comunicação associado ao caso Autovisão, episódio que se transformou, em 2003, em uma crise de imagem para a Volkswagen do Brasil. O objetivo desta pesquisa é mostrar como a montadora gerenciou a crise, com destaque especial à interação com a mídia. A investigação foi realizada a partir das matérias publicadas na Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Diário do Grande ABC e Valeparaibano, e nos jornais sindicais Tribuna Metalúrgica, do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do ABC, e Jornal do Metalúrgico, do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de Taubaté. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o estudo de caso único descritivo. Além da descrição dos principais momentos do episódio, buscou-se compreender porque a Autovisão repercutiu negativamente na mídia e junto aos seus públicos de interesse. Conclui-se que a Volkswagen não estava preparada para gerenciar esta crise de imagem, tendo cometido uma série de erros de comunicação que contribuíram para agravá-la.
Esta tese trata do processo comunicacional docente para a mediação multimidiática do conhecimento. O objetivo é demonstrar que a capacitação de professores em EAD Educação a Distância promove o desenvolvimento de uma nova postura docente para o ensino superior que possibilita reflexões e melhorias da prática comunicacional do professor pela utilização das TIC Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Para alcançar este objetivo parte-se de referenciais teóricos das ciências da Comunicação e Educação, interconectados com outras tessituras do conhecimento. O método de pesquisa utilizado é o Estudo de Caso, que versou sobre a capacitação em EAD promovida pela UNOESC Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina entre os anos de 2002 e 2004. Destaca-se que o estudo nunca foi um tema isolado, afinal, está ancorado no hipertexto da mediação multimidiática do conhecimento. A originalidade do trabalho fundamentou-se no reconhecimento de que o processo comunicacional docente que utiliza estratégias de EAD no ensino superior, em um ambiente onde o conhecimento é mediado de forma multimidiática, é diferente daquele que acontece na aula presencial. Assim, durante a pesquisa foi possível demonstrar que é necessário formar o professor para assumir uma postura comunicacional diferenciada. Ao final, propõe-se um programa de capacitação continuada de docentes em EAD, sedimentado nos princípios da criticidade, criatividade e contextualização. O foco principal é o professor, aprendiz da mediação multimidiática e a capacitação continuada para a otimização do processo comunicacional docente no ensino superior presencial e a distância.
A história da fundação e desenvolvimento de uma instituição educacional, não pode ser desvinculada dos acontecimentos do país, sobretudo se ocorrida no último meio século, período ímpar na história, em que o ensino superior se expandiu de forma acelerada, sobretudo o privado. Este estudo do ensino superior brasileiro, contemplando a história da Universidade Guarulhos, tem como pano de fundo a história de vida de seu fundador e atual Chanceler Antonio Veronezi, como método de investigação qualitativa, construído por meio de entrevistas autobiográficas. Identificando nas narrativas momentos marcantes da história da educação brasileira, foram eles contextualizados no aspecto político, econômico e social. As transformações do processo de industrialização foram também pesquisadas procurando apresentar o desenvolvimento da própria cidade de Guarulhos, geradora da demanda por ensino superior desde a década de 1970 mantida até o momento. A trajetória educacional, a entrada no setor de educação, o desenvolvimento de habilidades de gestão e a transformação do professor do ensino médio em um dos mais importantes empresários e representante do setor, dotam de sentido as questões suscitadas, que poderão ser respondidas por pesquisadores da história, da pedagogia, da linguística ou da administração, entre as quais: a democratização do acesso, a qualidade do ensino superior, as representações sociais dos gestores e a mercantilização do setor.
Purpose – Previous reviews of Corporate Social Reporting (CSR) literature have tended to focus on developed economies. The aim of this study is to extend reviews of CSR literature to emerging economies. Design/methodology/approach – A desk-based research method, using a classification framework of three categories. Findings – Most CSR studies in emerging economies have concentrated on the Asia-Pacific and African regions and are descriptive in nature, used content analysis methods and measured the extent and volume of disclosures contained within the annual reports. Such studies provide indirect explanation of the reasons behind CSR adoption, but of late, a handful of studies have started to probe managerial motivations behind CSR directly through in-depth interviews finding that CSR agendas in emerging economies are largely driven by external forces, namely pressures from parent companies, international market and international agencies.
Purpose – To investigate the role of simulation in the introduction of technology in a continuous operations process. Design/methodology/approach – A case-based research method was chosen with the aim to provide an exemplar of practice and test the proposition that the use of simulation can improve the implementation and running of conveyor systems in continuous process facilities. Findings – The research determines the optimum rate of re-introduction of inventory to a conveyor system generated during a breakdown event. Research limitations/implications – More case studies are required demonstrating the operational and strategic benefits that can be gained by using simulation to assess technology in organisations. Practical implications – A practical outcome of the study was the implementation of a policy for the manual re-introduction of inventory on a conveyor line after a breakdown event had occurred. Originality/value – The paper presents a novel example of the use of simulation to estimate the re-introduction rate of inventory after a breakdown event on a conveyor line. The paper highlights how by addressing this operational issue, ahead of implementation, the likelihood of the success of the strategic decision to acquire the technology can be improved.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize e-business adoption and to generate understanding of the range of factors affecting the adoption process. The paper also aims at exploring the perceived impact of e-business adoption on logistics-related processes. Design/methodology/approach: Case study research, by conducting in-depth interviews in eight companies. Findings: E-business adoption is not exclusively a matter of resources. Increased e-business adoption and impact are caused by increased operational compatibility, as well as increased levels of collaboration. In terms of e-business impact this mainly refers to cycle time reductions and quality improvements, rather than direct cost reductions as reported by other authors. Research limitations/implications: The intrinsic weakness of the research method and the way concepts are operationalized limits the ability to generalize findings. Practical implications: Managers should emphasize developing their relationships with theirsuppliers/customers, in an effort to do common e-business investments, and should aim to increase their partners' commitment to the use of these applications. Originality/value: This paper provides empirical evidence from a sector where limited research efforts have taken place. Explanations can be helpful to other researchers involved in the understanding of the adoption of e-business and its impact. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The IRDS standard is an international standard produced by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). In this work the process for producing standards in formal standards organisations, for example the ISO, and in more informal bodies, for example the Object Management Group (OMG), is examined. This thesis examines previous models and classifications of standards. The previous models and classifications are then combined to produce a new classification. The IRDS standard is then placed in a class in the new model as a reference anticipatory standard. Anticipatory standards are standards which are developed ahead of the technology in order to attempt to guide the market. The diffusion of the IRDS is traced over a period of eleven years. The economic conditions which affect the diffusion of standards are examined, particularly the economic conditions which prevail in compatibility markets such as the IT and ICT markets. Additionally the consequences of the introduction of gateway or converter devices into a market where a standard has not yet been established is examined. The IRDS standard did not have an installed base and this hindered its diffusion. The thesis concludes that the IRDS standard was overtaken by new developments such as object oriented technologies and middleware. This was partly because of the slow development process of developing standards in traditional organisations which operate on a consensus basis and partly because the IRDS standard did not have an installed base. Also the rise and proliferation of middleware products resulted in exchange mechanisms becoming dominant rather than repository solutions. The research method used in this work is a longitudinal study of the development and diffusion of the ISO/EEC IRDS standard. The research is regarded as a single case study and follows the interpretative epistemological point of view.
In the center of today's continued and rapid technological change and ever competitive environment of the next millennium, manufacturers must realize that unless they are ready to consider and evaluate new technologies brought onto them, they may fail to adequately respond to the challenges that lie ahead of them. This research was designed to determine the consistency of the perceptions of technical and non-technical administrators, in manufacturing environment, towards technological change and group technology as an advanced manufacturing system. This research has included a review of literature with references to technological change, justification and implementation processes, and various manufacturing systems including group technology and its benefits. This research has used the research method of empirical analysis (quantitative) and case studies (qualitative) to research perceptions of technical and non-technical administrators towards technological change and group technology. Sixty-four (64) technical and fifty-one (51) nontechnical administrators from fifty (50) manufacturing organizations in the United States of America responded to the mail survey questionnaire used in this research. Responses were analyzed using the Repeated Measures ANOVA procedure to compare mean responses of each group. Two correlation analyses, Cronback Coefficient Alpha and Pearson Correlation Coefficient, were also performed to determine the reliability of the questionnaire as well as the degree of correlation of perceptions between these two groups. This research, through the empirical analysis, has found that perceptions of the technical and non-technical administrators towards group technology were not consistent. In other words, they did not perceive the benefits of group technology in the same manner to the overall organizational performance. This finding was significant since it provided the first clear and comprehensive view of the technical and non-technical administrators' perception towards group technology and technological change, in Food Equipment Manufacturer Industry, in United States of America. In addition, a number of cases were analyzed and the results have supported those of the quantitative analysis. Therefore, this research not only has provided basic data, which was unavailable prior to this investigation, but it also provided a basis for future studies.
This doctoral thesis responds to the need for greater understanding of small businesses and their inherent unique problem-types. Integral to the investigation is the theme that for governments to effectively influence small business, a sound understanding of the factors they are seeking to influence is essential. Moreover, the study, in its recognition of the many shortcomings in management research and, in particular that the research methods and approaches adopted often fail to give adequate understanding of issues under study, attempts to develop an innovative and creative research approach. The aim thus being to produce, not only advances in small business management knowledge from the standpoints of government policy makers and `lq recipient small business, but also insights into future potential research method for the continued development of that knowledge. The origins of the methodology lay in the non-acceptance of traditional philosophical positions in epistemology and ontology, with a philosophical standpoint of internal realism underpinning the research. Internal realism presents the basis for the potential co-existence of qualitative and quantitative research strategy and underlines the crucial contributory role of research method in provision of ultimate factual status of the assertions of research findings. The concept of epistemological bootstrapping is thus used to develop a `lq partial research framework to foothold case study research, thereby avoiding limitations of objectivism and brute inductivism. The major insights and issues highlighted by the `lq bootstrap, guide the researcher around the participant case studies. A novel attempt at contextualist (linked multi-level and processual) analysis was attempted in the major in-depth case study, with two further cases playing a support role and contributing to a balanced emphasis of empirical research within the context of time constraints inherent within part-time research.
Purpose – This paper reports the study of key success factors (KSFs) in the project management of the implementation of strategic manufacturing initiatives (SMIs). Design/methodology/approach – In order to gather the experience and knowledge of many industries, from different geographic locations, in a broad range of types and sizes of SMIs, a questionnaire-based survey of practitioners worldwide was selected as the most appropriate research method among those available. Findings – The identification of those tasks and activities that must be done well in order to succeed in the implementation of a SMI in practice. Practical implications – Practitioners focusing their attention on the KSFs identified are more likely to succeed. Once these factors have been identified, the value of benchmarking project management methodologies then comes from drawing attention to those tasks that are key to the success of the implementation of SMIs. Originality/value – The paper presents new thinking by bringing project management into the operations strategy implementation literature as an important mediating factor for success. In this context the factors that are required for successful implementation are identified.
Thus far, achieving net biodiversity gains through major urban developments has been neither common nor straightforward - despite the presence of incentives, regulatory contexts, and ubiquitous practical guidance tools. A diverse set of obstructions, occurring within different spatial, temporal and actor hierarchies, are experienced by practitioners and render the realisation of maximised biodiversity, a rarity. This research aims to illuminate why this is so, and what needs to be changed to rectify the situation. To determine meaningful findings and conclusions, capable of assisting applied contexts and accommodating a diverse range of influences, a ‘systems approach’ was adopted. This approach led to the use of a multi-strategy research methodology, to identify the key obstructions and solutions to protecting and enhancing biodiversity - incorporating the following methods: action research, a questionnaire to local government ecologists, interviews and personal communications with leading players, and literature reviews. Nevertheless, ‘case studies’ are the predominant research method, the focus being a ‘nested’ case study looking at strategic issues of the largest regeneration area in Europe ‘the Thames Gateway’, and the largest individual mixeduse mega-development in the UK (at the time of planning consent) ‘Eastern Quarry 2’ - set within the Gateway. A further key case study, focussing on the Central Riverside development in Sheffield, identifies the merits of competition and partnership. The nested cases, theories and findings show that the strategic scale - generally relating to governance and prioritisation - impacts heavily upon individual development sites. It also enables the identification of various processes, mechanisms and issues at play on the individual development sites, which primarily relate to project management, planning processes, skills and transdisciplinary working, innovative urban biodiversity design capabilities, incentives, organisational cultures, and socio-ecological resilience. From these findings a way forward is mapped, spanning aspects from strategic governance to detailed project management.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the “last mile” delivery link between a hub and spoke distribution system and its customers. The proportion of retail, as opposed to non-retail (trade) customers using this type of distribution system has been growing in the UK. The paper shows the applicability of simulation to demonstrate changes in overall delivery policy to these customers. Design/methodology/approach – A case-based research method was chosen with the aim to provide an exemplar of practice and test the proposition that simulation can be used as a tool to investigate changes in delivery policy. Findings – The results indicate the potential improvement in delivery performance, specifically in meeting timed delivery performance, that could be made by having separate retail and non-retail delivery runs from the spoke terminal to the customer. Research limitations/implications – The simulation study does not attempt to generate a vehicle routing schedule but demonstrates the effects of a change on delivery performance when comparing delivery policies. Practical implications – Scheduling and spreadsheet software are widely used and provide useful assistance in the design of delivery runs and the allocation of staff to those delivery runs. This paper demonstrates to managers the usefulness of investigating the efficacy of current design rules and presents simulation as a suitable tool for this analysis. Originality/value – A simulation model is used in a novel application to test a change in delivery policy in response to a changing delivery profile of increased retail deliveries.